I Shall Cuck Everyone

Chapter 235 Repelling Energies

Witnessing the unfolding events, Zamira's countenance contorts into an expression of stupefaction. My effortless annihilation of her attack leaves her bewildered. I must admit, her assault possessed considerable potency, and had I not been proficient in channeling my Ki, I would have sustained grave injuries or even faced the dire prospect of death. What on earth was she attempting? Was she truly aiming to terminate my existence?

Abruptly, Zamira hurtles toward me, clutching her sword firmly in a reverse grip.

Observing her impending maneuver, I swiftly retrieve a sword from my inventory.

"I am no novice in the art of swordsmanship either," I remark, grasping my white Katana blade in a manner mirroring her own. The Katana, a weapon of regal caliber, finds its place in my possession.


A resounding echo reverberates as our swords forcefully collide, causing both of us to momentarily lose balance and stagger backward. The skill she endeavors to employ is one that Alphonso has imparted to me and Roth.

Moreover, the moment I lay my hands upon this blade, a deluge of memories detailing diverse sword techniques and skills inundates my mind.

"No conceivable way! You possess knowledge of that particular sword technique?" Zamira murmurs incredulously, dashing forward once more.

"Alphonso has enlightened me," I retort swiftly, parrying her attack with a casual flick of my hand, all the while stifling a yawn. The longer the sword remains in my grasp, the more my recollections resurface. This constitutes merely a fraction of my power as a Protoss. I can only fathom the magnitude of my pinnacle—how monstrously formidable it would be.

"How... H-How can you?" Zamira stammers as our swords continue their intricate exchange. Frustration etches itself across her visage, and I discern numerous openings in her attacks. At present, I can identify approximately ten vulnerabilities. Yes, I can discern multiple chinks in the assault of one of the most formidable vampires of this era.

Currently, our duel revolves solely around pure strength, bereft of any energy infusion. Zamira's mounting vexation becomes palpable, and I, too, find the endeavor arduous. Nonetheless, thanks to my absolute blood control, I have fortified my physique, even though it shall undoubtedly exact a toll on me later.

Suddenly, Zamira intensifies her assault, infusing her sword with her vampiric aura. In response, I unleash my own vampire aura. The ambient air gradually grows warmer, enraptured by the auras we both exude.

In an instant, I initiate an ancient, vampiric sword footwork technique, once possessed exclusively by Sanguine, one of the hundred original and mightiest vampires. My body becomes an indiscernible blur as my movements accelerate to an extraordinary pace.

Perceiving the situation, Zamira, too, adopts the identical technique, swiftly catching up. Admirable... Alphonso's assessment of her was accurate.

Recognizing the substantial depletion of my vampire aura imposed by this technique, I opt to discontinue it, promptly delivering a swift kick to her abdomen, causing her to stagger and consequently abandoning her own technique.

With momentum in my favor, Zamira clutches her stomach, her countenance contorting into a peculiar expression. Gradually, I sense a surge of energy emanating from her. A yellow energy dances fervently around her form, growing in size and potency. The heat radiating from this energy surpasses that of a raging furnace, compelling me to leap backward.

She has resolved to unleash her full might, it seems. This is the juncture at which I must approach the situation with utmost seriousness.

"Screw it... I no longer care if you are my sister's son. You have pushed me beyond my threshold, and now I must reveal my other side. Perhaps you are the catalyst that will propel me past my limits, muahahaha!" Zamira erupts into a hearty laughter, as the yellow aura engulfs her, resembling a colossal inferno.

Utilizing the power of God's eyes, I discern a dark aura, akin to tendrils, emanating from her being.

Such malevolence... I suppose it is time. I must conclude this encounter swiftly, vanquishing her in a manner that will be remembered for ages.

Without hesitation, I unleash the full extent of my Ki and vampire aura simultaneously.


An explosive eruption engulfs Zamira, as her energy reacts to the overwhelming surge of my Ki. It becomes evident that my reserves of Ki far surpass her pool of yellow energy, resulting in a repelling force between the two energies.


Within an expansive chamber adorned with holographic screens lining its walls, a group of vampires gazes upon a disconcerting phenomenon. The readings display an unprecedented surge of two distinct energies within the vampire planet.

"What is this...?" murmurs one of the vampires present in the room.

"These energy fluctuations are reminiscent of an occurrence I have witnessed only once before. However, these energies do not appear to be of vampiric origin. They are something else," states another vampire, his fingers dancing across the keyboard before him. The room buzzes with intense discussion.

These vampires are members of the special security department tasked with monitoring abnormal energy readings and radiation levels, such as those emanating from high-level beasts. The office reverberates with alarms and beeping sounds as the readings continue to escalate.

"I have just informed the other departments, and they have identified Princess Zamira as the source of this energy. However, the most astounding revelation is the presence of two other peculiar energies. The first one corresponds to an energy signature resembling that of a demon-ranked beast."

"The second energy emanates from a vampire and appears to be the strongest, continually surging in magnitude. The other departments are still attempting to ascertain the identity of this vampire," reports Lask, a vampire renowned for his exceptional swiftness and computer expertise.

His words elicit shock among the gathered workers, their trembling bodies mirroring the trepidation filling the room.

"We must apprise the vampire leaders! Undoubtedly, they too have sensed this energy disturbance. If this individual poses a threat at the highest level, the vampires are in grave peril," proposes one of the vampires, his hands rubbing together anxiously.

"There is no cause for fear. The vampires possess countless individuals whose strength surpasses your wildest imagination. Take, for instance, the mightiest Knight, Alphonso, and numerous others hidden within the shadows. I know precisely the individual capable of putting an end to this conflict, one that threatens to ravage our planet and claim countless lives," declares Lask, a confident smile adorning his face.

"Are you suggesting we contact Alphonso?" inquires one of the workers.

"No, Alphonso will not intervene unless the king awakens. He can be quite stubborn. I will reach out to Zero," replies Lask with a smile, eliciting widened eyes and stunned expressions from his colleagues. Zero, a legendary assassin renowned for his monstrous feats, mysteriously vanished without a trace, leaving behind a legacy of awe and reverence.

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