I Shall Cuck Everyone

Chapter 264 Chatting With Old Man Duke [Part 2]

"I have a question for you, Your Majesty," I suddenly say, my expression turning serious.

Old man Duke's eyes widen slightly, sensing the shift in the atmosphere. He braces himself for the impending conversation, realizing that this is no longer a casual exchange between a grandfather and his grandson.

"Why did you do what you did?" I continue, my voice tinged with a mix of anger and accusation. "Did you think I wouldn't find out? You used Misty and me as bargaining chips with the humans. Not only that, but you also conspired with the witches and manipulated Zella, separating us. You made her lie to me, claiming she cheated on me after getting pregnant."

As the words leave my mouth, my eyes glow with a fiery red hue, my menacing aura filling the room. Old man Duke feels a lump form in his throat, as beads of sweat trickles down his face. He realizes that he's no longer facing his grandson, but the Protoss—an entity fueled by anger and betrayal.

His voice comes out in a strained whisper. "My boy, I can explain everything. There are reasons behind my actions."

I watch him closely, my anger simmering beneath the surface. His words hold weight, and I'm willing to hear him out, but my trust in him has been shaken to its core ever since I found out.

"Explain then," I reply, my voice low and guarded.

Old man Duke takes a deep breath, composing himself as best he can under the weight of my piercing gaze.

"Jake, my intentions were misguided, and I apologize for the pain I caused you and Zella. It was never my intention to separate you or manipulate your relationship. My actions were driven by fear and a desire to protect our vampire kingdom."

"It all started when the witches approached me," Old man Duke begins, his voice carrying a tinge of regret. "They claimed to have had a revelation, stating that you are the reincarnation of the Protoss. At the time, we were under immense pressure from the humans and Dhampirs. The witches proposed a plan—they wanted you to impregnate the daughter of their clan leader before you fully manifested your true form. They believed it would bring about a significant advantage for our kingdom and theirs. Under the weight of those pressures, I agreed to their plan, as it seemed like a way to ensure our survival. I thought that you would eventually meet your child, and I wanted to spare you the burden of a relationship until you had fully manifested. Looking back, I realize now that it was a mistake."

I take a deep breath, absorbing his words. The revelation leaves me conflicted, understanding the reasons behind his actions but still grappling with the consequences.

"So, you did all of this out of fear of the humans and Dhampirs?" I ask, my eyes fixed on Old man Duke, searching for answers.

He meets my gaze, his face lined with regret. "Yes, my boy. The humans and Dhampirs posed a significant threat, and I believed that by following the witches' plan, we could gain an advantage. As for not allowing your father to deal with the humans, it wasn't a matter of his strength. We were concerned about the potential consequences for the entire vampire population. The humans had powerful allies, and the Dhampirs were formidable opponents. In our efforts to stop your father from taking matters into his own hands, an unexpected being emerged—a god known as the blood ruler." Old man Duke utters.

The room trembles with the intensity of my laughter, the ferocity of my aura burning brightly. The revelation of the Blood Ruler, the one responsible for the betrayal, ignites a fiery anger within me.

"Blood Ruler? Who is he? That betrayal?" I chuckle, my voice resonating with power. "Grandfather, now that I have returned, I no longer recognize the authority of that so-called Blood Ruler. He may have ascended to godhood, but it changes nothing. I am the absolute ruler of blood, and that betrayal is nothing more than a mere insect that I can crush beneath my heel. I yearn for the day when I can confront him face-to-face."

As the intensity of my aura subsides, my demeanor returns to normal, a smile playing upon my lips.

"Grandpa, I must admit, I had planned to exact vengeance upon you if you failed to provide a reasonable explanation," I say, my smile genuine. "However, after hearing your words and understanding the weight of your decisions, I wholeheartedly forgive you. You acted out of fear and desperation, forsaking the feelings of others, including mine. But I can see the remorse in your eyes, and I believe in the opportunity for redemption."

Old man Duke's shoulders sag with relief, his voice filled with regret. "Thank you for your forgiveness, my boy. I am well aware of my shortcomings, and my cowardice in the face of difficult choices. I allowed the weight of the kingdom to cloud my judgment, and I deeply regret the pain and suffering it has caused."

A serious expression replaces my smile as I address him. "Grandpa, I appreciate your honesty and remorse. But now, I need to know where my child is. I have been kept in the dark for far too long."

"Jake, I've just awakened from my slumber, but I can assure you that your child is safe," Old man Duke says, a smile blooming on his face. "I will send a message to the clan leader of the witches to ensure their well-being. I can't contain my excitement to meet my great-grandchild."I think you should take a look at

A mischievous chuckle escapes my lips as I respond, "Your Majesty, you should prepare yourself for more grandchildren. Most of my wives are currently pregnant, including Misty and Aurora."

Old man Duke's expression sours at my words, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "So, you married that girl... The young girl Sid married before his untimely death. It's good to see you honoring his memory by marrying her," he says, his voice tinged with a mix of sadness and resignation.

"I apologize if my words brought up painful memories," I offer sincerely.

"No, it's fine," Old man Duke replies, his tone filled with a touch of melancholy. "It's high time I let go of the past. Dwelling on thoughts of the deceased won't bring them back. What matters now is the future. I eagerly await the arrival of my great-grandchildren, fufu," he mutters, a slight blush appearing on his face. The sight surprises me, as the Old man Duke I knew rarely showed such emotions.

A warm smile spreads across my face as I observe him. It's heartwarming to witness this side of my grandfather, to see him embrace the joy that family brings.

"Jake, because of the question you asked earlier, I forgot to tell you something. Since you want me to give Zamira this demon-tier beast sword, don't you think it's best to give her yourself? Moreover, you also need a sword for the tournament, to show the people your capabilities as the next king and leave a mouth-watering impression," Old man Duke suggests.

Old man Duke's proposal lingers in the air, and I find myself contemplating his suggestion. It makes sense for me to personally give Zamira the sword and wield a sword during the tournament, as it would not only showcase my swordsmanship skills but also leave a strong impression on our people. As the future king, I must demonstrate my capabilities and instill confidence in those who look up to me.

"You have a valid point, your Majesty," I respond, my voice filled with thoughtful consideration. "I will present Zamira with the sword that you bestowed upon me and collect Zamira's sword. By doing so, I can show our people that I am not only capable of wielding a sword but also committed to their protection. However, there is something else that has been weighing on my mind."

Old man Duke's eyes widen in surprise, anticipation etched across his face. He leans forward, eager to hear the thoughts that occupy my mind.

"What is it, Jake?" he asks, his voice brimming with curiosity.

I take a deep breath, my gaze fixated on my palms as if searching for the right words to convey the significance of my revelation. The memory of my manifestation when I fought against Zamira resurfaces, as I recall the ethereal form of my manifestation.

"There was a moment during my manifestation when I wanted to prove myself to my familiar," I begin, my voice steady but tinged with wonder. "And in that ethereal form, I saw a magnificent sword adorning my waist. The aura surrounding that sword was unparalleled, exuding a raw and potent energy. Since that encounter, I have felt an undeniable connection to it, as if it is destined to be mine. I yearn to find that sword and claim it as my own." I mutter, recalling the presence of the sword.

Hearing my words, Old man Duke's eyes widens in shock.

"T-that's the Excalibur, you remember it?" Old man Duke mumbles, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.


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