I Shall Cuck Everyone

Chapter 278 Avril Cross

I have to admit, Avril must be quite talented since I wasn't able to notice when she swapped with her clones. Their seamless transition leaves me momentarily awestruck, but I quickly regain my composure. After nodding my head to her words, Avril steps forward, presenting a gadget with the number 30 boldly displayed on it. The device emits a faint hum, drawing my attention to the digital countdown.

"Is that not the timer?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued by the ominous display.

"This," she says, her voice laced with urgency, "is the timer. It's counting down the number of lives left. I think each participant has one,"

"A fearsome swordsman has been wreaking havoc, leaving a trail of death in his wake. He's responsible for the demise of my teammates, and now he's coming for us."

As if to emphasize her point, the number on the gadget changes to 25, and I watch with a mix of fascination and awe as it steadily decreases. The reality of our limited time sinks in, urging me to act swiftly.

Determined to gather any information that might help us, I turn my attention back to Avril. "Tell me more about this swordsman. Do you have any idea who he is?"

Avril's brow furrows and a frown creases her face. "I wish I could provide more answers, but the swordsman remains mysterious. All I know is that he wields a flying sword. It moves with deadly precision, striking down anyone who crosses his path."

A slight chill runs down my spine at the thought of such a formidable opponent. But at the same time, I am getting excited because I am finally going against a swordsman. We must find a way to outmaneuver him if I want to survive. But well, my concern Is for Zamira and Roth. Glancing at the gadget once again, I notice the number has dropped to 20.

Avril's voice suddenly breaks through my racing thoughts. "We need to strategize, quickly. The swordsman is relentless, and his thirst for blood seems insatiable. We must stay one step ahead of him if we have any hope of survival."

I nod in agreement, my mind racing to come up with a plan. Every second counts now. As I ponder our next move, a surge of determination washes over me.

With a newfound resolve, I turn to Avril. "We need to gather intelligence, find any weaknesses or patterns in the swordsman's movements. We can't afford any mistakes."

Avril's eyes gleam with determination, mirroring my own. "Agreed. We'll do whatever it takes to stop this swordsman. Lives may be ticking away, but we won't let fear paralyze us."

As the number on the gadget ticks down to 15, a sense of urgency engulfs us. Time is running out, and the swordsman draws closer with each passing moment.

"Hey guys, I will help you out," Roth suddenly says, his voice filled with determination as he rises to his feet.

"Buddy, you're just recovering," I interject, raising a hand in a dismissive gesture.

"Nah, I've already replenished my vampire aura and my Ki. I'm almost at my peak now," Roth responds, a confident smile playing at the corners of his lips. Yet, amidst his bravado, a subtle tension lingers in the air. I notice Avril trying to avoid Roth's gaze, and in turn, Roth's eyes dart away from her, a flicker of unease crossing his face.

"Roth! What kind of man are you?" Avril's voice cuts through the silence, her words laced with a mix of frustration and hurt. She taps Roth's shoulder, her touch firm yet tinged with a hint of desperation. "You don't even care about your wife. You don't call me, text me, or do anything. Heck, you came around and didn't even check on me."

Roth's gaze softens as Avril's words hit him, the weight of his actions seemingly dawning upon him. His smile fades, replaced by a somber expression. "Avril, I... I'm sorry," he begins, his voice filled with regret. "I never meant to neglect you or make you feel unimportant. The truth is, I was consumed by my own battles, my own struggles. I thought distancing myself would keep you safe."

Avril's eyes glisten with unshed tears, but she remains steadfast, her voice resolute. "Roth, you don't get to decide what keeps me safe. We're in this together, remember? As partners, we face these dangers side by side. I need you, not just as a fighter, but as someone who cares about me."

Roth's shoulders sag, the weight of his past decisions pressing upon him. "You're right, Avril. I've been selfish. I've let my fear drive a wedge between us, and for that, I am truly sorry. But I promise you, from this moment on, I'll be there for you. I won't let anything come between us."

Avril's face softens, her eyes searching Roth's for sincerity. Slowly, a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "Okay, Roth. I believe you. But actions speak louder than words. Show me, show us, that you mean it."

Determined to prove his commitment, Roth takes Avril's face in his, his grip firm, and slowly plants a kiss on her lips before parting their lips.

"I...I forgive you," Avril mutters, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and forgiveness. She averts her gaze, the weight of their exchange lingering in the air.

Hearing their words and witnessing their actions, a surprised expression spreads across my face. Who would have ever thought that my muscle-head friend had a fiancé? Tch.

"So, Roth is your fiancé, huh?" I inquire, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Hehe, no," Avril responds, a bright smile illuminating her features. "Roth is my husband."


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