I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Chapter 132

The day after safely chasing away the people from the royal capital. I went out to the market for shopping after the morning shift ended. And on the way, I took a short detour and passed through the street where the villa of Viscount Reifel and Earl Masrius was located.

There is almost no chance that Marielle will come out and meet face to face. That girl doesnt water the garden trees nor sweeps the front of the gate by herself. No particular meaning, its just freaky.

That? That is.

When I turned at the corner of a street and saw the mansion, I found myself dumbfounded at the gate


There are two dogs sitting on both sides of the gate like guard dogs.

And similarly, two hawks perched on the left and right gate pillars, there are also two pigeons resting and snuggling to each other.

Yeah, crows dont look good and actually give a bad impression Thats not the problem here!!!

[Oh, is this your first time to pass here? Its the residence of the aristocrat, Lady Reifel, who received the grace of the goddess. Therefore, the dogs and birds who are messengers of the goddess protect this place.]Old Man

As I was staring at the gate, an old man passing by told me so.


I only promised to help you just that one time and in case of injury or illness

And youre not using crows, but birds that should not be related to the incident

I can understand the first half of what the old man taught me. Its only natural because I made it so flashy in front of a large number of residents.

But for the second half! Whats that about?

[Thats why everyone calls the Lady Reifel as, [The Bitch Viscount]]Old Man

(TN: As in [Female Dog Viscont])


Thats a ridiculous derogatory term

I thought for a moment.

If you think about it, in the language here, the words for human gender and animal gender were the same

Yes, its the same as in English.

Therefore, , abbreviated as , is a girl, so add to it to make it .

My brain translator recognized it as because it is in front of .

So why isnt it ?!!

Well, shes more like , so it doesnt change much

[Gramps, we were already told to stop calling her like that.]Young Man

A young man whos passing by seemed to have heard our conversation said so and interrupted the conversation.

Hmmm, yeah, thats right. As expected, there will be no more

[Everyone calls her [Bird Noble] now.]Young Man

(TN: or [Noble Bird] that works too.)

Somehow I want to eat yakitori and drink beer

Then, after the old man and the young man left, I approached the gate

{Ne~e, why are you there?}Kaoru

I asked lightly. To the dog.

{Oh, My Goddess! Thank you for introducing me to a good job the other day!

Currently, we were hired by Marielle-sama, which is a different matter from that time. Many of our friends are indebted to her, and we take turns to guard this place against intruders by lying down on the premises.

And, although there arent many days like those, there are also few members fighting behind the scene}Dog

{Are you some kind of a shadow clan!!!}Kaoru

(TN: [] not sure how to translate [Anbu] )

The mystery has been solved. It was solved

{What about the crows?}Kaoru

{Yes, crows have a problem with their appearance, so they work behind the scenes as well. As you can see, there are newly hired creatures whod look pleasing to humans.}Dog

{Yea, yeah, thats right. Im glad you guys got a good job. Well then }Kaoru

{Yes, if you have any questions or inquiries, please call us at any time. We are always here to help!}Dog

Marielle, she was better than I expected

And pretty black at the same time.

Well, for Marielle, the dark part is the perpetrator who killed her parents and brother for money. And as for her uncle Aragon, even though he was a family member, hes part of a criminal organization that was in trouble because of Count Masrius, whom she has great gratitude for, has burned her uncles hands. Theres no reason for Marielle to have to endure or refrain from having power.

Even if the power came from God or the devil

The Kings POV.

[So, did you say that there was no result?]King


The King looks obviously moody.

When the messenger who went to the girls place finally returned, the result was . Itll be inevitable that the King will be in a bad mood.

[I went to the Viscounts house. And if I give your Majestys name to a little girl and show a slightly overbearing attitude, I can easily gather secrets or make a convenient contract with us. As I was thinking that, her close relative, the Count, was present]Messenger

[So, did you not hear about the goddess, her messengers, or anything else, and he refused to let her come to the royal capital to pay her homage, or to come under his patronage?]King

[Yeah. Every time I told the story to the Viscount, her relative, the Count said, . , .

Also, about taking her under the patronage of His Majesty, he said,

It seems to be important to force the aristocratic family head, who has already joined one of the aristocratic factions, into his Majestys faction, ignoring the intentions of himself and his relatives]Messenger

[And the story about the goddess, , so I didnt speak at all But, is there something that threatened the servants or holding the money? Did you hear it? What did that person say?]King

[Well, no one spoke of anything I even suggested the danger of life for herself and her family in a roundabout way. But]Messenger

[How was it?]King

[She said . And she had an eerie smile on her face.

Thats right, that face was saying, . It was such a face that I could only think of it saying that]Messenger


If you think about it, no one can betray the one who has received the favor of the goddess.Moreover, that [Celestine] is the goddess who gives that love. Celestine, a rough goddess who is a good god but doesnt care much about the lives of each human being. Thinking about what the consequences would be if you betrayed a human whos liked by the goddess

Moreover, a 14-year-old aristocratic girl who is intelligent, kind to the commoners, and weak.

I dont think anyone will deceive her.

Apparently, their prediction ended up in failure.

It was very well understood by the King.

A young, unmarried aristocratic girl who has been favored by the goddess.There can be no one who does not understand her value. So, the relatives and factions cant let her go easily.

Before a faction leader moves, he should make a deal directly with her and invite her to the royal capital to pay a courtesy visit. And if possible, capture her as well.

Although the authority is limited compared to the other countries, I am the [King] for the time being. If it were a low-ranking aristocrat, even a minor girl, it would not have been impossible to make a convenient contract in the name of his majesty the King. And once they made a formal deal, no matter how close they were or the head of the faction, they couldnt say anything about it.After all, it is a formal agreement between the aristocratic head and the King.

However, it seems that the behavior of the messenger, who was supposed to be in secret contact, was grasped by her close relative, the Count. And for that, everything was in blisters.

There was no longer any chance of a successful escape.

In the first place, the Viscount herself has already been given wisdom and will not easily accept such invitations or promises.

In this case, as a good King, I have no choice but to treat the Viscount favorably. And, if I can skillfully discuss one of my sons with her..

However, it has been decided that all aristocrats who have sons around her age will also make a plan, such as . If the Viscount came to the royal capital, then

The King had a big headache after thinking of such things.

[Well, the head of a faction may come a little closer with the Viscount, but the other factions will work together to keep it in check. I have to expect it]King

End of POV.

Apparently, for Marielle, her days of suffering were about to begin.

If Kaoru heard it, the days of suffering would seem enviable

No, Kaoru also said it is most likely that a man will come for a potion or ask about her position as instead of herself. If so, Marielle might be also screaming for help and not a .

And the time that Marielle would have to go to the royal capital, was not really that far

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