I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 49: The Protagonist Conceals His Strength?

Chapter 49: The Protagonist Conceals His Strength?

The Protagonist Conceals His Strength?


"Liliana I'm sorry. Don't cry."

Honestly, I'd prefer if she ranted and cursed me out, but seeing her like this was unbearable. So, I brought out the chicken I had and offered it to her.

"Want some of this?"

"Go away! I'm not eating anything you give me!"

It's not getting through. Seeing her cry so much made me feel like absolute garbage.

But hold on, she's crying after doing something suspicious. Isn't that what people do when they're guilty? Did I mess up from the very beginning?

"Why on earth did you summon me and turn me into this mess! I was perfectly fine before all this! None of this would've happened if it weren't for you! And why did you look at me like that?!" Liliana yelled between sobs.

"You keep calling me a pervert too."

"Because you are, you perverted bastard! Why did you make me like this, you perverted scumbag!"

Oh for crying out loud, what am I supposed to do with this? I was about to say, "You were the one who spent three days straight masturbating, so who's the real pervert?" But I refrained, thinking it might be too much to handle.

Fine, let's just move past this situation for now.

"Yeah! That's it!"


I reacted like I had just cracked some major code, like a scientist making a groundbreaking discovery. Liliana paused her tears for a moment and looked at me, puzzled.

"Maybe you're getting all turned on 'cause I, your contractor, am a perv. That's gotta be it!"


With that, I started spewing nonsense to console Liliana. She seemed intrigued and momentarily halted her crying.

"I mean, come on, it kinda adds up. Why else would a sweet thing like you suddenly start acting all wild? It's totally my influence."

"R-right! That's it! It's all your fault! You perverted scumbag!"

"Yeah. I'm sorry"

"You damned pervert! You offspring of an incubus!"

Liliana thought about it for a sec, and she looked like she thought she had some convincing points.

"Right, it's all my fault. Just calm down and eat the chicken."

"Fine. And now that your perversion is on the rise, don't come near me."

"Sure. Do whatever you want."

Finally, Liliana's face brightened with relief, and she began tearing into the chicken. It's fortunate that she's just a simple succubus.

But why did Liliana suddenly end up like this? It's beyond my imagination how an innocent virgin who wasn't interested in sex suddenly ended up pleasuring herself for three days straight.

"Haaa, I understand the cause now, but my current situation is quite serious."

"What's so serious about it?"

Liliana started talking seriously as she tore into the chicken.

"It's because of you that my libido keeps rising! Clearly, it's your fault, so you should take responsibility!"

"How am I supposed to take responsibility? Want me to be your personal pleasure dildo or something?"

Finally, seeing Liliana trying to be helpful to me rather than just earning money warmed my heart.

When you summon a succubus, this is how it should be!

"You damn pervert!"

Whack! Whack!

"Why are you hitting me?! You're the one asking for help!"

"Quit the bullshit! You gotta find a solution. How could you even say that?!"

Well, what else is there to do if not relieve sexual desire through sex? Seriously.

"Alright, I'll try to find a solution."

I said it to at least calm her down, even if it's just a fancy way of saying I'll figure it out.

"Is there any kind of folk remedy among humans for relieving sexual desire?"

"I wouldn't exactly call it a folk remedy, but usually people engage in physical exercise or immerse themselves in work to distract themselves."

"Hmm right. Maybe I've been so consumed by lust that I can't stop masturbating."

Watching Liliana muttered something incredibly embarrassing under her breath, I let out a sigh.

Is it really not because you're just a pervert?

"Okay. Starting tomorrow, stop masturbating and focus on exercising and streaming to try to forget about your sexual desire. Go for it, Liliana!"

"Alright! I'll do it!"

For some reason, I had a feeling that this encouragement might not go far. I could only hope it won't explode to an unbearable extent


Ugh. What a crappy morning. Today's Monday. Back to the grind at the academy. I should've taken it easy over the weekend, but I was so busy running around that my body's dragging.

"You doing alright? You don't look so great."

"I'm good. Just a little worn out from the weekend hustle."

"Skipping Friday's class got me really curious. How's the whole situation with the demon? And did you patch things up with Lucy?"

It looked like Kim Yeonghan was out of the loop. But honestly, I didn't really want his number. Judging from the fact that he didn't bring up the topic, it seemed we're on the same page.

As we chatted, we walked towards the first-year classrooms. I naturally headed over to my usual spot, while he went to join the other group of friends. He's one of those people who keeps their studies and social life in separate lanes. In the corner of the classroom, there's Do Jinhyuk and his gang, always huddled together, laughing and fooling around. No matter how you looked at it, they were the classic class clowns.

Tsk tsk.


I greeted Lucy nonchalantly from behind as I took my seat.


"Good morning, Hoyeon."

Both of them turned around, acknowledging my greeting. Lucy had a cardigan thrown over her uniform, attempting to play down her figure. She had a pretty generous bust, and if she didn't cover up the center, it could come across as a bit suggestive. But it seemed like she wasn't aware of that.

On the other hand, Lumi stuck with her usual uniform. Although, truth be told, the uniform itself was quite alluring. To me, it almost felt like cosplay, so I always enjoyed admiring it. And ever since we became secret friends over the weekend, just locking eyes with Lumi would send a little tingle of excitement down there.

I wonder if it's the same for her

As our eyes met and I offered a smile, she returned the same warm smile.

"What's going on? Why are you two staring at each other like that?"

Lucy leaned her face forward, her gaze fixed on mine.

Why's she behaving like this?

She seemed to be giving me the look of someone shooting lasers from their eyes. Unsure of how to react, I simply smiled at her. In response, Lucy grinned contentedly at my smiling face and then shifted her gaze forward again.


Wait, was she expecting me to look and smile back? What's with her sudden change?

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 92]

[Lust: 40]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 25]

Current Status: Hehehe. Handsome indeed.

I did manage to raise Lucy's affection, but now I'm a bit unsure about what to do next. Starting a relationship right now isn't an option. I'll need to find another way Is there a way to increase lust? Since her affection is already high, focusing on that aspect seems like the easiest approach.

"The professor seems to be running late, huh?"

"Isn't today a one-on-one match? It's finally time to get even for what happened last time!"

Lucy's pumped up. She's clenching her fist, clearly into it.

"Want to spar with me?"

"Yeah! Since I lost last time, I can win this time!"

It doesn't really matter who you spar with. Not every duel affects your grades. So, if Lucy's up for it, why not? Right? She seems to have a thing for the bad boy' type. Maybe I should play a little hard to get.

"Hmm, let me think about it."

"Ugh, seriously?"

"I'll just watch you two"

Although it's a class, participating in a duel is optional. You can decline if you don't want to do it. Of course, if you're a serious hunter aiming to give it your all in a safe environment, there's no reason to decline. But Lumi, being a support type anyway, isn't a fan of participating in these types of duels.

"Hey, everyone! Gather at the training ground by 10 AM!"

A bespectacled guy relayed the message by the door. With not much time left until 10 AM, the students were heading towards the training ground.

"Let's head there early and wait."



The three of us stood up and followed behind the group.


At the training ground, our homeroom professor Kim Jinhyeok was waiting.

"Now that everyone's here, I'll relay the message. Today's class will be conducted autonomously. Pair up in twos to evaluate each other's skills. If you want to have a serious duel, you can go up to the training area. That's all."

After the professor's words, the students paired up and started their duels. There were many students heading up to the training area. Opportunities to use their abilities safely and fully weren't all that common. It was the perfect time to measure their abilities.

"Hey, you up for it?"

"Uh, not sure"

"Why the hesitation? You don't even have a friend to spar with!"


Oh well, who cares about making friends when you're knee-deep in heroine escapades, right? Time to cut the chase and join in on the sparring.

"Fine, fine. I'll join"

"Hey, Hoyeon."


Turns out it wasn't Lucy's voice. Clearly, it belonged to a guy. I twisted around as the voice addressed me. There stood a wimpy guy.

"Wanna give it a go?"

What's this guy's deal? Oh yeah, now it clicks. This is Do Jinhyuk's sidekick. During the dungeon practice last time, he hit me on the shoulder, started trouble, and even tried to draw his sword. He lucked out with Nam Daeun clearing the dungeon early, otherwise, we might've crossed paths. It's a shame I didn't get to brand his face with some magical flair.

"Hey, I'm sparring with Hoyeon. Step back."

At that moment, Lucy handed out orders to the guy.

Well, if Lucy's calling the shots, there's not much I can do. Lucy takes precedence over this weakling any day.

"Heard her? Catch you later."

"Oh, come on. Isn't it a tad embarrassing for two con artists to strut around together?"


He's aiming that snark at me, but seriously, why should I give a hoot about rumors? Is this what it feels like to be a full-blown protagonist?

"Are you kidding me? You guys were all high and mighty, boasting about bagging a demon. Obviously, Professor Im Sol sorted out the demon, and you lot probably just had front-row seats to the show."


I was so flabbergasted I couldn't even whip up a retort.

"Where did these rumors spawn from?"

My voice unexpectedly faded into a whisper. The wimp next to me looked a bit startled, but then, recovering his bravado, he carried on with his tirade.

"Everyone in the loop is in on it. They're dubbing it Creating Celebrities at Victoria Academy'."

"Oh, give me a break."

I was so irrationally angry, it felt like I was on the verge of exploding. All eyes were on me, and it was clear that everyone was captivated by this conversation. The way they were staring, it was obvious that there was a major rumor going around.

Damn it. My head is throbbing.

Judging by Lucy and Lumi's impassive expressions, it was pretty clear that the twins were fully aware of the rumors circulating. But what puzzled me was their silence. I mean, especially Lucyshe's not the type to just let something like this slide.

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 92]

[Lust: 40]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 25]

Current Status: Keep calm. Don't mess up again.

Wait you were there too Oh? Come to think of it, Lucy didn't witness me taking care of Felix. She was probably caught up in her estrus spell and lying around at that time.

Given that she doesn't even remember having sex with me, I doubt she recalls anything after Felix kidnapped her.

She probably wants to trust her friend, me, and stay quiet. But Lucy might still be uncertain about what's true.

"Hoyeon, let's just ignore it."

"Yeah, right. Let's ignore it."

Lucy and Lumi were clearly trying to brush it off. It seemed like they were being considerate.

I could tell they had their doubts about whether I actually took care of Felix or not. I mean, come on, claiming that a student took down a two-horned demon is quite a stretch. You'd need to be at least an active rank B hunter to have a shot in a somewhat balanced fight. It's a whole different level from what a student could handle. Plus, Professor Im Sol, the sole witness, didn't seem all that interested in getting involved.

Even if the academy gave credit for dealing with the demon to someone else, she wouldn't lose any sleep over it. That's just the kind of person she is. And that's probably why this sort of rumor started circulating.

But damn it, the fact remains that I did take him down

"Just looking at you, who resembles a parasite, and those twins with their disproportionate assets, I'm guessing it's a self-scripted drama to give you some exposure."

"Enough. Let's just go, Hoyeon."

Lucy's character had taken a significant hit. She was even more subdued than before, almost like her personality had shifted entirely towards being passive. It was like she had become a total pushover. Maybe I played a part in this by exposing her to the Felix incident.

She didn't openly display it, but I wondered if she had developed some form of trauma from it. Observing her tolerating this sort of harassment without much resistance, it appeared that she had lost her inclination to stand up against trouble. But this situation couldn't continue. I knew I had to step in when the need arose.

The guy was glaring at me, but Lucy grabbed my arm.

"Hoyeon! Let's just go!"

Why's she so anxious? Even if we duked it out, I doubt I'd be the one biting the dust.

[Lee Hoyeon]

Strength: 40

Stamina: 44

Agility: 39

Endurance: 38

Magic Power: 48

Unique Ability: Battle Sense

Skill: Vision Enhancement

??? : ???

I've managed to drag my stats up to the average student level through relentless training and quest rewards.

On top of that, I've snagged the perks of Battle Sense, Mana Sensitivity, the hefty unique skill Vision Enhancement, Cotton Guard, and Acceleration. And oh yeah, I also took down Felix recently

What? Hold up, am I the sole bearer of this information?

Come to think of it, it's not like anyone else would be clued in on my power-up, right? Even if I were to mention that time I showed off, it would go back to my monster-slaying spree during practical training. Back then, I did manage to take down a Level 7 monster, but hitting Level 7 would put me on par with your average Class A student. And as if that's not enough, I've climbed up from Level 5. To others, it probably seems like I barely crawled my way to average after starting from rock bottom. Then there was that Lucy showdown. I did manage to defeat her, but honestly, I was more into dodging spells than showcasing any grandeur.

Sure, I've participated in battles a bit during dungeon practice, but mostly tailing after Nam Daeun's shadow. But seriously, what kind of feeble career path have I paved?

I've definitely put in the hours, but all I've really done is fool around with girls, and I was a subpar student at the academy! And to top it off, my magical mastery that's shooting through the roof, only Professor Im Sol knows about it.

Then out of the blue, news circulates that some nobody student snagged a two-horned demon. Oh, and this student happens to be good-looking? What's more, the star witness is Professor Im Sol herself.

Now, had it been any other professor, they might have gone all out with interviews and testimonials to give the tale some legs. But given how much of a hassle Professor Im Sol was back then, the likelihood is high that she would've swatted those interviews away like flies. Hence, the credibility of the witness takes a dive.

If I'd heard this, I'd have raised an eyebrow too

And my train of thought naturally chugged along.


Now, onto the students here Do they all see me as a pushover? Were Lucy and Lumi pushing me to back down because they figured I couldn't hold my own?


The twins' expressions were shaking with unease.

No, really? Guys, do you not realize I'm strong?!

Fine, whatever. They might have their reasons. Maybe this guy packs more punch than he looks. But then again, if Lucy and Lumi are feeling this shaky, chances are, he's no lightweight. But this situation could work in my favor.

Rambling on to the students about how I supposedly triumphed over a demon isn't going to tug at their heartstrings, no matter how many times I drone on about it. In contrast, going face-to-face with this guy and giving him a thorough beating. Now that's the kind of thing that would leave a mark. Wouldn't that be a nice reality check? Really feeling it.

Hmm? this guy's a lot stronger than he appears. I shouldn't just waltz in recklessly.

People tend to sweat more about goblins messing with their own backyard than some demon lord threatening a far-off continent.

Conclusion? If I lay the smackdown on this kid, everything will be squared away.

"Hey, you. Head up to the training grounds."

Giving him a quick look, I made my way to the training area.

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