I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 54: Award Ceremony (3)

Chapter 54: Award Ceremony (3)

Award Ceremony (3)

A woman in her mid-20s emerged from the office, the very same secretary I often encountered in the game. It had been a while since I had seen her in person.

"Recipients, please come inside," she announced.

One by one, the five students entered the principal's office. Stepping in, my attention was immediately drawn to the elegant carpet, the leather sofas arranged in rows, and the wooden table positioned between them. Above, a grand chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting its glow throughout the room, complemented by sunlight streaming in through the windows.

Overwhelmed by the luxurious ambiance, it took me a moment to notice the figure seated at the front. The principal had been in his chair from the beginning, occasionally locking eyes with the students entering the room.

Finally, he broke the silence, applauding enthusiastically and exclaiming, "Well, well, all the talents of Victoria Academy have gathered here! Haha!"

Applause echoed in response. The principal, engrossed in clapping his hands energetically, paused when the secretary gently nudged him. He then addressed us, "Oh, my apologies. I got carried away by the atmosphere. I called you all here today to see the faces of the award recipients. Since I'm personally presenting the awards."

Handing each of us a sheet of paper, the secretary distributed awards and stage details. Lucy and I received two sheets each, outlining the awards we were to receive and a rough plan of the stage proceedings.

"The award ceremony is set for 10 a.m. Rehearsals are likely underway, so head to the auditorium for a brief practice. Oh, you two can stay here for now," the principal winked at me and Lucy, and the secretary exited the room.

"You three, follow me."

Alice, Moon Soorin, and the second-year male students followed the secretary's lead, leaving Lucy and me alone.

"H-Hoyeon, what's happening? Why are we the only ones left?"

"Don't worry, just remain calm."

Is she still in the dark? At this point, she should have understood that we were receiving separate awards for defeating Felix. She's not slow on the uptake. Maybe she's using a defense mechanism to avoid thinking about anything related to Felix. She's probably trying to suppress those thoughts. If that's the case, I truly feel sorry for her.

Once the sounds of the students' footsteps faded, the principal began speaking, "As you might have already guessed, we're awarding you for your efforts in identifying and eliminating the demon, Felix."

Lucy's face paled suddenly.

"Y-Yes? Wait" Just as she was about to speak, I held her hand firmly, shaking my head at her. I meant for her to stay quiet for now. She seemed to want to say something, her lips trembling, but she eventually closed her mouth.

"Um, of course, it's understandable if you're nervous. Unlike the exceptional students, you'll be receiving awards alongside the hunters."

Oddly enough, the provided schedule didn't list any exceptional students, which indicated that we'd be receiving separate awards. Unfortunately, these reassuring words only increased our apprehension. Lucy's trembling became more pronounced.

However, something didn't feel right. The award was too significant. While it's true that killing the hidden demon within the academy was a noteworthy event deserving recognition, it seemed unlikely that Victoria Academy would want to magnify it this much. Given how they covered up my accident and their self-interested tendencies, it didn't align. But since I couldn't inquire about the reason for the significant award, I decided to keep my silence.

"So, I've been pondering over what reward to offer you. We've pretty much settled on something, though there has been some opposition."

In addition to the printed itinerary for checking the schedule, we also received a document for a secret pledge. I couldn't help but wonder about the significant reward they were providing that warranted a secret pledge.

Perhaps my expression gave away my nervousness because the principal responded with a reassuring smile. "Both of you, don't let nerves get the best of you. Carry yourselves like the heroes you are. Once this award ceremony is over, any animosity towards you will dissipate."

"Yes Thank you."

With those words from the principal, we listened and exited the office, heading to the rehearsal.

"I, I can't accept this." As we distanced ourselves from the principal's office, Lucy suddenly grabbed my arm and spoke.


"I didn't do anything. I foolishly got caught by the demon, and the moment you came to rescue me, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was in the infirmary. But why am I receiving an award? I can't accept it."

Her eyes were trembling. Her refusal seemed more intense than I expected. But it was too late now to say, "Actually, I defeated the demon all by myself," and cancelling the award ceremony was out of the question.

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 93]

[Lust: 40]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 35]

Current Status: I can't accept this after causing such a big fuss.

Fortunately or unfortunately, her reluctance to accept the award stemmed from feeling sorry for me. If she simply wanted to avoid anything related to Felix, I might have had to consider foregoing the award ceremony for the sake of her mental state. But thankfully, it wasn't the worst-case scenario. At least there was still a way forward.


"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but this is just too much"

"Lucy, listen. Do it for my sake."


"If I claim to have defeated the demon all by myself, the attention towards me will become overwhelming. I might even face threats from those who envy me."

Actually, I had already given up on seeking attention or anything of that sort when dealing with heroines. Honestly, I wasn't even sure if receiving more attention led to more threats.


"Thank you. For taking my feelings into consideration."

"No problem. Receiving an award is beneficial for me too. It's nice to add it to my rsum later!"

She eventually gave in to my persuasion. It seemed that realizing the award could help me in some way eased her mind a bit.


"Next, we have a memorial to honor the hunters who sacrificed themselves during the gate suppression." As a somber hum buzzed in the background, the crowd got into their moment of silence.

"I'm so nervous."

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal."

Lucy and I waited backstage for our turn to receive the award.

"Not a big deal?! Our turn is right after this one! Ugh"

"Well, yes."

After the commendation for the hunters who contributed to the gate suppression concluded, it would be our turn.

But why haven't those people shown up yet? It's almost our turn.

"Ahyeong, wait a moment. We're just going to have a meal with colleagues. Why so snappy?"

"I'm sorry. I've been really busy lately."

"Ahyeong, hold on!"

Voices from the waiting area caught my attention. A familiar name and voice. And soon enough, in walks a lady with jet-black hair and a fair complexion.

"Oh my, really? Hoyeon?"

"Ahyeong, hello."

"Oh, right! They mentioned that they were calling the students who eliminated the demon for the award ceremony today! How did I forget that?!"

This darn academy seems to have withheld information from both Lucy and me. They're really making a mess of things.

"Ahyeong! Huh?" A man who entered belatedly seemed displeased when he saw me and her talking and approached with an annoyed expression. After scanning me from head to toe, his expression changed slightly, and he smiled. "Oh~ The stars who defeated the demon no, you're just a student?"


How can someone be such an asshole even on their first meeting? I don't like how he's looking me down just because he knows I'm just a student.

"I'm Kang Yechan, who will be receiving the award along with Ahyeong. I'm an A-rank hunter and work for the association."

"Yes. Nice to meet you. Ahyeong, you didn't mention that you were receiving an award today."

I heard Kang Yechan's words with one ear and let them slide out the other.

"Well, I was told to keep it a secret. People outside shouldn't know that I'm receiving the award."

"Haven't all the association members arrived? With just you two here, it would be obvious."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Seeing her mutter something like "It looks that way," I can't help but chuckle. Surprisingly, she's quite innocent. Except for her fondness for rape.

"Haha, are you and Ahyeong acquainted? Where did you meet?"

"Please get ready for the next participants!"

"Oh, I should go. See you later!"

"Yes. Good luck!"

Baek Ayoung and Kang Yechan followed the guide to the stage.

I didn't see them during the rehearsal earlier. I wonder if they'll do well.

"Lucy, let's get ready too. Our turn is coming up."

"Yeah. But how do you know the saint?"

Lucy seemed to be investigating my relationships through this award ceremony, making me a bit apprehensive.

"We met while volunteering over the weekend. I'll tell you about it later."

"Volunteering? You really lead an active life"

"Just a hobby, just a hobby."

Everything I did seemed to revolve around impressing girls, yet Lucy regarded me as someone extraordinary.

This is a favorable misconception, so I should let it be.

"Next group of students! Please come up!"

"Let's go."

"Ugh, yeah!"

Will Lucy be alright?


She appeared excessively tense, so I gently gave her shoulder a reassuring pat. "Relax. It'll be over soon."

"Uh yeah."

"Next, we have an award ceremony for the students who eliminated the demon."

We ascended the stage slowly. First, bright lights greeted us, followed by the sight of an enormous crowd. I couldn't fathom why we had to receive the award in front of such a massive audience. Faces that occasionally came into view through the crowd included academy students, association executives, and even high-ranking guild members.

We proceeded cautiously and stood before the principal.

"These students, by eliminating the hidden demon within the academy, have become models of society through their sense of responsibility and justice I hereby commend them. Student Lee Hoyeon."

"Thank you."

I received the commendation from the principal as politely and formally as possible, affixing it to my left arm.


"T-Thank you very much."



Laughter echoed from somewhere in the audience. Lucy's face turned as red as her ears as she received the commendation.

Can a crowd truly evoke such nervousness?

"This concludes the award ceremony." With the principal's declaration and the applause, the award ceremony concluded. Though it lasted just a minute for me, I wondered how tedious it must have been for the academy students sitting there. I expressed my sympathy.

Clap clap! The joyful applause from the students resonated throughout the auditorium. The thunderous applause gradually subsided, and the principal resumed speaking. "As the head of Victoria Academy, I'm compelled to acknowledge the efforts of these two students."

All of a sudden? It's not over yet?

"As an institution dedicated to fostering student well-being, I take full responsibility for this incident and the burden it has placed on our students."

The principal's unexpected shift in tone caught both Lucy and me off guard, as well as the seated audience.

"But before addressing that further, I would like to offer compensation to these two students." The principal paused briefly before continuing, "I will open the academy's treasure vault and donate one treasure to each of the two students."

A ripple of excitement swept through the audience. The academy's treasure vault. Frankly, I encountered it only in the game's narrative and didn't actually visit it. I heard that it was filled with artifacts and valuable items collected over the ages but rumors remained mere rumors.

"As the head of Victoria Academy, we consistently stand by our students in pursuit of truth. The heroes who vanquished the demon have unjustly endured false accusations. Let me clarify here: Victoria Academy does not engage in the creation of celebrities. That's all."

So, that's why the principal had mentioned that all those baseless rumors would vanish after the award ceremony. When the principal himself asserted it, most of those rumors were likely to dissipate. Nonetheless, those stubborn skeptics who refused to believe even after witnessing the truth were the ones who would brand me a fraud even as they watched me slay a demon.

Following the conclusion of the principal's speech, Lucy and I exited the stage, led back to the principal's office.

"Great job. Lucy, you seemed quite tense."

"I'm sorry."

"Haha, it's alright. It's alright. I was the same at your age."

The atmosphere in the principal's office grew more relaxed after the award ceremony. Unable to suppress my curiosity about the question that had nagged me, I asked, "Principal, may I ask you a question?"

"Hmm? Of course. Feel free to ask anything."

"Why go to such lengths to reward us? Doesn't the academy have anything to gain from this?"

The question I'd kept within me. The principal, upon hearing it, arched an eyebrow and sighed. "Why use threats like that when you won't even tell your student yourself?"


"is what I told Professor Im Sol. She's been looking out for you quite a bit. I've never seen her like that before." The principal appeared visibly fatigued as he spoke.

"Ah" Finally, I unraveled the mystery behind this elaborate ceremony and the grand award.


"Here we are, the academy's treasure vault." The principal stood beside a bookshelf in his office and sketched a magic circle. With a deep rumble, the bookshelf swung open, revealing a concealed space. "Due to its location, we had no choice but to establish a confidentiality agreement. I hope you understand."

Honestly, I could never have anticipated that such a place was hidden here.

"Ah, then let's begin with you, Hoyeon."

I entered the storage room with a measured pace. Inside, a variety of artifacts were on display.

[A Sword of a Thousand Years]

[Frozen Waters]

[Flames of War]

"I don't require weapons"

Though things rarely went according to plan, my objective was to fight in a secure environment. I delved deeper into the vault, moving past the weapon displays. Within, an array of artifacts and spellbooks awaited.

"Oh this is surely it. The treasure lies concealed here."

It was an unspoken rule of treasure vaults. They were often filled with forgotten items, and nobody paid them any mind. It was even better if they asked for more since this place wasn't genuinely about treasures.

"Oh, Professor, where's my reward?" Im Sol had extended her kindness to me, yet here I am, feeling guilty for seeking out my desires. "I should strive to gather valuable information without relying on physical rewards next time," I resolved to myself.

As I sifted through the artifacts like a scavenger, I spotted a spellbook rolling in a corner.

"Found it. The concealed gem."

The hidden gem I had been in search of finally unveiled itself.

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