I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 57: Dungeon Practice (1)

Chapter 57: Dungeon Practice (1)

Dungeon Practice (1)

The first class on Thursday is the awaited dungeon practice.

Victoria Academy's motto has always been training that simulates real combat situations. If you only stick to safe training, you won't be able to replicate the same moves when faced with actual combat. That's why a substantial amount of our training takes place in real locations instead of virtual ones. And today's focus is dungeon practice.

After the initial taste of practice last time, it's safe to say to call this proper dungeon practice. This time as well, we're dealing with a cave-type dungeon. The level of difficulty is going to be a step up from the last one. The passageways are narrower, winding, and the paths are trickier. More monsters will show up, and they'll be tougher to tackle individually.

Every team was in the midst of strategizing and trying to boost morale. Except for our team.




"Damn it."

A familiar silence.

Lee Byunghoon, a guy from the same team. I couldn't say I was thrilled to see him, even after all this time. Meanwhile, Nam Daeun was discreetly glancing at her smartwatch, and Lumi's gaze was fixed on me. We exchanged looks and silently communicate.

"What should we do now?"

"Let's just wait. It doesn't seem like we'll come up with a strategy anytime soon."


After a moment of strategizing with Lumi through our eyes, I closed my eyes and got into a meditative state. We're all waiting at the designated meeting point. Given the real incident that's expected to unfold today, I needed to be on high alert.

Suddenly, Nam Daeun quietly rose from her seat and slipped out of the waiting area.

"I'll be back in a sec, going to the restroom."


Using the restroom as an excuse, I inconspicuously trailed behind Nam Daeun. She headed towards the secluded spot where she had spoken on the phone before.

She's talking to her younger sister again, huh? Her sisterly love is truly extraordinary.

Last time, I lucked out by catching a snippet of their conversation. But unlike that occasion, this time they hadn't started talking yet. According to the theory of consciousness, she hadn't initiated the conversation with her consciousness just yet. If I got any closer now, I might get caught.

Deciding against taking any further risks, I retreated to my original spot.


In a secluded corner of the academy, a girl was engrossed in a video call.

[Sis! What's the plan for today?!]

"We're heading into the dungeon. They say this one's more dangerous than the last."

[Whoa! You gonna be okay, sis?]

"Of course! You know your sis is tough!" Nam Daeun flashed a smile and struck a pose to highlight her muscles.

[Yay! Even Uncle Mingyu said you're the strongest at the academy! You're truly incredible!]


Hearing that name filled Nam Daeun with a sense of desolation.

Mingyu, the guild representative of Buyers Guild, who had cared for her and her younger sister since their childhood. Nam Daeun had experienced days of pure joy, surrounded by kind guild members and enjoying an engaging school life. And her frail but determined sister, who did her best to live on despite her health issues.

Her sister's medical expenses far exceeded what a student could bear. Still, Nam Daeun felt immense gratitude towards Mingyu and the guild members who shouldered the financial burden willingly. While she had always planned to repay their kindness, she never imagined that the moment she entered high school, she would be handed a slave contract.

Since her youth, the costs of raising herself and her sister, along with the medical bills, had amassed to around 2 billion won. Over two decades, with interest accumulating unbeknownst to Nam Daeun, the total repayment had ballooned to 50 billion won. Naturally, she protested the unjust contract, but by then, it was too late.

Her sister was currently hospitalized in the guild-affiliated hospital overseen by Mingyu. What he might do to her sister was an unknown. Taking her sister and fleeing wasn't a feasible option, and involving the police could endanger her sister even further.

From the beginning, these scoundrels had targeted Nam Daeun's body. The mastermind behind all of this was none other than Mingyu, a person she had trusted.

The shock was even greater because he had always taken care of her and her sister. Amidst the misfortune, the fact that Nam Daeun's abilities were in demand was a strange stroke of luck. An aptitude test had unveiled her innate talent. Those identified with special abilities upon entering high school were obligated to receive specialized training.

Although the Buyers Guild might have temporarily deferred the contract, they sent Nam Daeun to the training camp with the belief that her talents surpassed their initial expectations. Her prowess exceeded what they had anticipated, as she rapidly ascended to the top of her training camp class. This achievement drew the attention of Victoria Academy, leading to a recommendation for admission.

Her beauty and skills propelled her to fame. When circumstances took an unexpected twist, the Buyers Guild altered their approach, resorting to taking Nam Daeun's younger sister as basically a hostage.

The Buyers Guild laid down two conditions. The first demanded that Nam Daeun, the guild's promising star, graduate while securing the top position in all practical exams, thereby elevating the guild's prestige. The second stipulated that after graduation, she would be bound by a lifelong contract with the Buyers Guild. These terms formed the basis for repaying her debt.

Despite her talent, she lacked connections and feared involving others, lest it jeopardize her sister's safety. She had no recourse but to yield to their demands.

Her way of rebelling was to act as disgracefully as possible, tarnishing her own image and that of the guild.


"Yeah, that's what Mr. Mingyu said. That's right. Don't worry. You know your sister is incredibly strong."

[Yes, yes! Love you, sis! When can we meet next? Uncle Mingyu said you're too busy with your academy classes to come.]

"I'll come in a month. I'm sorry. I have a lot of classes"

This was also a ruse to reduce contact with her sister. But she couldn't reveal it. She didn't want her sister's innocent face to be shadowed by sadness.

"I really have to go now. I'll call you again."

[Aww, okay. Call me again tomorrow. I'm so bored since there's nothing to do here.]

"Yeah I'll definitely call."

There was a set time each day for her to talk to her sister. Nam Daeun clenched her teeth and ended the hologram call.

"Haaa" Bam! Nam Daeun's fist collided with the corridor wall. "I'll save you. I promise. I'll definitely save you"

Although Nam Daeun softly repeated her promise to save her sister, there was no one there to hear her.


When I got back to the spot, the professor was already standing in the center of the waiting area. "Alright, everyone, gather around."

I hurriedly returned to our team.

"Unlike the previous training, today the entire team will enter the dungeon at once. The main objective is to escape, but we'll also award additional points to the team that defeats the most monsters or discovers the most treasures."

Solo actions were strictly discouraged, but with the professor's mention of additional points, more teams would engage in solo actions, and the number of students affected by fear increased.

"Today's dungeon contains some rather powerful monsters as well. There's no room for even a split second of carelessness. However, as this is a training exercise, healing teams will be there to back you up. While it won't pose a threat to your lives, receiving excessive treatment will result in point deductions."

As the professor continued speaking, Nam Daeun returned to our group.

"Alright, let's get ready to enter. Entry will proceed in reverse order, starting from team 20."

Since we were team 13, we needed to start preparing.

"Okay, everyone, let's get ready."

I expected everyone to start getting up and preparing, but except for me, everyone was already done getting ready. To be honest, there wasn't much for us to do in terms of preparation. Oh well.

"Next! Team 13, go in!"


As the honorary team leader, I led the group from the front. As we entered through the portal, I could see the teams that had already gone in. Since this dungeon required everyone to start at the same time, they were all waiting in the entrance area.

"Hoyeon, are we going to stick with Nam Daeun again this time?"

"Well, I'm not quite sure, Lumi."

Still, I neededed to ensure that Lumi stuck as close to Nam Daeun as possible. That way, even in the chaotic dungeon, she'd be safe. Nam Daeun isn't inherently a bad person, so if Lumi was isolated with her in the dungeon, she wouldn't just abandon her.

"For now, you should stay as close to Nam Daeun as possible. This time, it's more important to capture a lot of treasures and defeat many monsters before making an escape, rather than aiming for a quick getaway. So, Nam Daeun won't rush ahead like she did last time."

"Got it! I understand!"

Seeing Lumi responded with a bright smile, I felt a slight twinge of guilt. Sorry Lumi, but there's nothing else I can do. After all, I have to woo a few girls down the line. Hmm Is it even worth feeling guilty about something like this now?

I approached the healing team that was already waiting inside the dungeon. "Hello, is Ahyeong here?"

"Oh, how adorable. I'm sorry, but meeting Ahyeong isn't something that can happen just because you want it to. Come back next time."

I asked the healer who seemed the friendliest and received a brief response about Baek Ahyeong.

"Wait, I know him."

"Oh, senior. Really?"

Luckily, Baek Ahyeong, who was talking to someone else, heard my voice and came over.

"Hey there, Ahyeong."

"Yeah, nice to see you. I always find it intriguing how there's a difference in the way I perceive you from the orphanage to here."

"You're quite the pro at work, too, Ahyeong."

"Thanks, hehe."

"By the way, are you assigned to a specific route?" After my compliment, I posed the question I had in mind.

"Hmm? I'm in charge of the main route. Since there might be more than one team entering there."

"Ah, got it. Thanks for your hard work!"

"Yeah, you too. Do your best in training!"

I waved to Baek Ahyeong and returned to my spot.

"At this moment, all teams have entered! From now on, explore with your own team! If there happens to be any friction among team members, no matter the reason, immediate disqualification will follow. So make sure that doesn't occur!"

It looks like all teams have entered now Finally, it's beginning. The dungeon rampage will kick off around 30 minutes after training starts.

The dungeon layout remained the same cave type as in the previous practice. Thankfully, since I had already demonstrated my navigation skills last time, I expected them to heed my instructions.

"Hey, let's head to that narrow spot over there. That's usually where the treasure is hidden."

"Should we decide on a direction from here?"

Other teams were discussing which path to take.

"Hey, everyone. This test isn't about being the first out by rushing. We need to collect as many treasures and defeat as many monsters as possible. Let's head for the widest passage for now."

Without hesitation, I led our team toward the widest passage. The reason was obviously because that was the route assigned to Baek Ahyeong.

Vision Enhancement.' I activated Vision Enhancement to prevent suspicion and led the way as we began our exploration. Not long after, we encountered monsterselves' adversaries with big, humanoid bodies: orcs.

Two orcs sauntered closer. Our group was used to Nam Daeun's hunting skills by now. While the three of us stared at Nam Daeun, she didn't brandish her sword, hinting at a different plan. Slowly, the two orcs crept closer, stopping just three meters away from me.

"Nam Daeun? Hey, what's going on?"

"Ho, Hoyeon. Could you take care of them, please?"

"Huh? Oh, sure. I can eliminate them, right?"

Lumi triggered my hunting instincts. A bit of drool slipped from under their protruding fangs. Quickly, I activated a magic circle, setting the filthy orc's body ablaze.

Fwoosh! That's when the orc started producing genuine cries!

"Whether it's a home appliance or an orc, a solid hit can wake you up."


"It's nothing."

The burning orc wriggled, seeking assistance from the orc behind it. It then made bizarre noises as it charged, and I hurled a fireball into its open mouth. The two flaming orcs, shrieking, put up a last fight as they rushed towards me. But with a brilliant flash and a roar, they turned to ashes as flames surged from the ground.

"Still, I've learned something good. Orcs need a good hit to make them cry."

"Yeah, that's right, Hoyeon!"

Rumblethud, thud, thud

"What? What's happening here?!"

All of a sudden, the ground in the dungeon started shaking, and Lee Byunghoon, who had been quietly observing, shouted in surprise.

It's here. The sign of a dungeon rampage. Within a minute of the ground shaking, the dungeon would go into chaos. Due to the rapidly increasing mana, people would be forcibly transitioned one by one, scattering. If two people were physically connected at that moment, they could move together.

"Lumi! Grab onto Nam Daeun's left arm and wait quietly! I'll go report to the hunters and come back!"

"Yes, yes! I'll wait!"

"Hey, hey! I'm coming too!" Lee Byunghoon shouted, clearly startled.

Whatever Thankfully, Nam Daeun didn't resist Lumi grabbing her left arm. Confirming that, I dashed toward Baek Ahyeong, who was watching us from behind.

"Ahyeong! Something's wrong with the dungeon!"

"Yeah, I know. This might be a precursor to a dungeon rampage. We should retreat for now, make a plan, and then re-enter"

The dungeon shook violently, and the density of mana in the air began to rise. There was no time to hesitate. I wanted to hold hands without it being awkward, but time was running out. So, I quickly took Baek Ahyeong's hand.

"Ho, Hoyeon?!" Baek Ahyeong seemed surprised and tried to pull her hand away, but fortunately, I felt the sensation of my body transporting at just the right moment. And then, my vision went dark.

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