I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 335: Soleil's Wife is a Beautiful Vampire

Chapter 335: Soleil's Wife is a Beautiful Vampire

[Soleil POV]

The day has finally come.  I was sitting in a room in big siss shrine, wearing a fancy dress mom made for me.  It was a black dress with sparkling silver and white jewels embroidered into it making it look like the starry sky.  I was sitting in front of a mirror while waiting for the time Im supposed to meet Velvet at the alter.  My mind was racing between nervousness and absolute joy.  It was then that mom came into the room.

Are you ready, my beautiful Soleil? (Ana)

Her eyes were red indicating that she was crying.  I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.  I could feel her trembling and could tell she was barely holding on.

You know that Im not leaving you.  Well see each other all the time. (Soleil)

Thats not the point, Soleil.  Im just so happy for you that I cant help it.  And Im handling it well, you should see your father, just push a little more and hell shatter. (Ana)

Hehe. (Soleil)

We stood there hugging for another minute before mom moved.  She wiped her eyes one more time and smiled at me.

Lets not keep your lovely wife waiting. (Ana)

I nodded and we left the room.  Walking down the hallway to the main part of the shrine felt like the longest, yet shortest walk of my life.  When we got closer, I heard some music that I wasnt expecting.

Luna. (Ana)

Ah. (Soleil)

Just before the doors to the main hall, mom slipped away so she could get to her seat.  I waited a few minutes when I heard the music reach a lull and the doors started to open on their own.  Once they were fully open, I started to slowly walk in.  I first looked at the people who were here.  On the side that Velvets family was sat her mother and father.  Behind them were several other vampires that I didnt know, though Mordred was also there along with her wife and daughter.

On the side of the room where my family was were obviously mom and dad, then big siss family.  Skadi, Ophidia, Mio, and Fenrir sat behind them.  Finally, big sis and Tamamo were there.  Tamamo was smiling at me while big sis looked similar to mom, her eyes were red yet she was smiling at me.  I inwardly chuckled at that before I turned my attention to the alter.

Standing there in a long, blood-red dress was Velvet.  She had a calm smile on her face as she watched me slowly approach her.  I did my best to burn her image into my mind while also trying to calm my racing heart.  When I finally made it next to Velvet, we put our hands together as we faced each other.  The music that was coming from several illusion versions of big sis stopped completely.  Velvet was the first to speak.

Soleil, Apostle of Stars, love of my life, I take you as my wife for all eternity.  I swear to love you above all else and to only ever share my blood with you. (Velvet)

Velvet Belmont, Apostle of Fluff, love of my life, I take you as my wife for all eternity.  I swear to love you above all else.  My blood is yours, and I share it with you freely. (Soleil)

Our Goddess that watches over us, please bless our matrimony.

I heard a near inaudible snap and the two of us glowed briefly.  I glanced over to see big sis smile at us.  Velvet and I then moved closer and brought our lips together.  This kiss felt different than all the other ones that Ive ever had with Velvet.  It wasnt one filled with lustful heat or quick affirmation.  It was one full of passionate love and mutual affection.  It made all my focus be on this one moment that I wished would last forever.

Soleil, while I do wish we could just stay like this, we need to do one more thing. (Velvet)

The biting thing? (Soleil)

Yes.  I know you are used to me doing this to you, I want you to know that you dont need to hold back, just go for it.  You arent being turned into a vampire by doing this, but we both need to do this if the other vampires are to recognize our marriage. (Velvet)

I know, weve been over this a few times.  I just bite your neck and take a little bit of blood, then let go. (Soleil)

Then lets get it over with. (Velvet)

We separated our lips and moved down to each of our necks.  Velvet went first and, like usual, she pierced my neck with her teeth.  I, still a little hesitantly, did the same.  The warm, slightly coppery yet sweet taste of Velvets blood entered my mouth and then we both moved away.  Velvet was staring at me now with happiness in her eyes.  Before either of us knew it, we were back to kissing.  I heard clapping coming from everyone in the room before the music started playing again.  Once Velvet and I regained proper control of ourselves and broke the kiss, we looked out just to see an empty room, minus the illusions.

Velvet. (Soleil)

Hmm? (Velvet)

Im so happy right now.  I dont know how to describe it any more than that, but it doesnt do just how happy I am justice. (Soleil)

I feel the same way. (Velvet)

We pulled each other into a hug.  We stayed like that for several minutes.  When we let go, I looked at Velvets neck.

Should we go and get big sis to heal your neck now?  I dont want your blood to mess up your dress. (Soleil)

You know thats the reason why my dress is red, right?  A normal vampire wedding gets way bloodier than this. (Velvet)

Mhm. (Soleil)

What are you thinking? (Velvet)

Just that I dont think Im going to take up the habit of drinking your blood.  No offence, but its not for me. (Soleil)

Hahahahaha.  I didnt expect you to.  Now, lets go and thank everyone for coming and before the other vampires go absolutely insane with the presence of five goddesses. (Velvet)

I smiled at her and kissed her one more time.

Lets go, my beautiful vampire wife. (Soleil)

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