I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 51: Not an Area

Chapter 51: Not an Area

[Luna POV]

While Tamamo is off doing what she needs to, I was heading to see Blake to tell him about some things.  I was almost there, and I could hear the sound of a hammer hitting metal.  When I got there, I walked past the main building and went straight to the forge.  There I saw Soleil pumping the bellows while Blake took out the thing he was making, hammering on it, and quenching it.

Did I come at a bad time?

Eh, oh, hey Luna, no we just hit a stopping point.  Soleil can you go get us some water?

No need, I have some here. I said as I pulled out two canteens of water and handed them over to the two.


Thank you, big sis.

Howve you been the last two days?

Good, especially last night.

What happened last night?

Big sis had a date with the Goddess.

Heh.  Good for you.  Do anything special?

Gave her a ring and took her first kiss.

Good on you, then.  Whats it like kissing a Goddess?


I should have expected that answer.

Did you need something, big sis?

I came to tell Blake some things.

Whats up?

Expect someone to bring you a request from someone from the Belmont clan as well as a visit from an old dragonkin man sometime in the future.

Belmont huh, vampire hunters?

No actually, theyre a clan of vampires here and their preferred weapon is whip-swords.

Thats hilarious.  What about the dragonkin guy?

His name is Reve, I met him in the capital.  He made these throwing knives and dagger.  I pulled out the things Old Man Reve made for me and showed them to Blake.

This is some good stuff.  The knives especially, what kind of enchantment do they have?

They return to me after a bit when thrown.  I think its a mix of space and time magic.

Im a bit jealous, I wish I had those magics.

Space is hard to work with sometimes and the initial feeling of teleporting is horrible.  As for time magic, I wouldnt know.

Big sis, before you resume your journey, will you help me get used to teleporting?

When youre not busy, it took me about two days of nonstop use to get used to it.

Speaking of space magic, does it have an inventory spell?

It does, but its inferior to the skill that the both of us have.

I figured as much, but it can still have a use.


Have you tried copying Gate of Babylon yet?

I havent.  I dont have enough weapons to try, though I will one day.

When that day comes, show it to me, yeah?

Of course.

Whats a Gate of Babylon?

Think of it like an attack spell for space magic that requires physical ammunition.

But space magic doesnt have any attack spells, right?

For now.

Itll probably take a lot of mana though.

I really dont have to worry about that.  I have tons of mana and with a maxed out mana regeneration skill and the effects of titles, I regenerate faster than I spend most of the time.

You really are broken, arent you?

So what if I am?  Youre the same way when it comes to blacksmithing, arent you?


Why is it that I always have trouble following a conversation when it comes to the two of you?

"Because thats just how it is."

And now the two of you are talking in sync.



On a different topic, how was your day yesterday, Soleil?

It was good.  That Velvet person is nicer than I gave her credit for, though she did get distracted by a lot of things.  At one point she got distracted watching people set up festival decorations that she ran into a wall.  It was quite funny.

Do you think the two of you will get along with each other when you eventually join us?

Most likely.

I let out a sigh of relief knowing that.

Im glad your clinginess has improved.

Yeah, Ive been thinking back on that, and it was really bad, wasnt it?

"It was."

There you two go, talking at the same time again.

By the way, Luna, whats up with the necklace?  I can tell its enchanted, but what does it do?

I enchanted it with illusion magic, it makes me look like this.

So normal?

Instead of answering, I took off the necklace and my second tail appeared.

Ooooohhhhhh, nice.  Two down, seven to go.


I could see Soleil holding herself back, so I put my necklace back on and my second tail disappeared.

Sorry about that, Soleil, I know youre doing your best holding back.

Its fine, big sis, its only natural you would want to show off.

Now that I think of it, Soleil, do you have the depth status?

Depth?  Whats that?

A new thing in peoples status.  Will you check to see if you can see it, or if you cant then its something only I can see.

Give me a second.

Soleil was checking her status when she asked something, clearly confused.

When did my status change from numbers to letters and what does Depth: 10% mean?

When did statuses turn to letters?

Did the two of you get a headache earlier?

Yeah, it was excruciating.  Did it happen then?

Yep, there was an announcement and everything.

Huh, I didnt hear anything, my head hurt too much.

I feel the same.

I guess I was the only one here who heard it then.

Did you not get a headache?

No, I did.  It just didnt hurt as bad as growing another tail, so it didnt bother me as much.

Did growing a tail hurt?

So much I cant begin to describe it.  As for your other question from earlier, Soleil, depth how far youve been submerged into the Abyss.  Being at 10% means you should be about ankle deep.

You sound really edgy right now, Luna.

I know, but its the truth.  This also means Soleil is one step closer to the true meaning of fluff than most.

And now you sound kind of scary.  Were you always like this even back then?

No, its due to me being the Abyss Fluff.  Tamamo helped me decide to embrace this part of my personality so when it comes to that, I can get a little weird.

As long as you dont drive my daughter insane, youre fine.

You wont escape either, Blake.  Im making sure that everyone I consider family will be resistant enough to stay sane one day.  Just make sure youre clean when it comes to your turn, soot doesnt come out of tail hair easily.

Shes right, dad, Im going to need to wash my tail like seven times to get it back to normal.

Ugh, I guess I have no choice but to accept.  By the way, how long are you going to stay here?

Well be leaving after the festival is over.

So, two weeks.  Then can you help me in making fireworks?

I would if I knew how to make them.  Though if you just want the effect, I can make some illusions from fireworks I remember seeing.

Can you do that?

As long as its not a large physical illusion that I have to constantly keep up, yeah.  If you want something really complicated and useful, Id need Tamamo here to provide the mana.

Didnt you say that you had a lot and regenerated faster than you could spend it.?

Theres a difference between a lot with speedy regeneration and infinite, Blake.

Guess your right, Ill take what I can get then, and have you help me with what you can do.

Just tell me the time and place.

Middle of the village at the very end of the festival.

Ill be there then.  Im going to head out now, you can bring those canteens back with you the next time you come to the shrine, Soleil.

OK, see you again, big sis.

See ya, Luna.

Author's Note:

First, sorry for the pun title.  Second, here is the promised chapter.  Thanks for reading.

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