I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 16: Declaration 7

Chapter 16: Declaration 7

Good, I was able to set myself as a good leader in their view. Telling Chi to not push herself and be comfortable with us will make her got attached to this organization. Thought Naomi.

Now that you are done eating the cake, lets get into the main part. I asked Anna and Dan-Bi to gather today was to tell you about my next plan. The atmosphere tensed after Naomi said that.

Rekka, Chi, and Hyun-Woo put on a serious face. Anna gulped because she sensed the tense atmosphere.

I found an information. Naomi began as she placed her elbow on the table and use her hand to support her chin. Esper Organization planned something unpleasant. They made a new program where they had gathered geniuses from all over the world in Avos Island.

Rekka and Hyun-Woo frowned after hearing that. They could guess what Esper Association would do to these geniuses after they gathered them.

They wanted to conduct a huge scale experiment? Asked Rekka.

Correct, I assumed they will experiment about how to increase an Esper Power level on that island.

Naomi obviously didnt know anything. She only made another bullshit after she know about the program yesterday.

WHAT!! Shouted Hyun-Woo. Increasing an Esper Power level?!! Princess, if thats true then aren't we in the dangerous situation?

He bites the bait!! As expected of Hyun-Woo.

Yes Naomi nod and leaned back on the chair. Thats why I propose this plan. First of all, we need to attack Avos Island tomorrow. As you know, Avos Island was located near Tokyo, more specifically its located in Tokyo Bay. Avos Island was an artificial island made by Esper Association to commemorate their founder.

Yes, at least we know about that Princess. But, whyd we need to attack Avos Island? Asked Rekka.

Our attack on Avos Island had 2 goals. First, it was to tell the Esper Association that we can attack Avos Island anytime we want. Naomi raised her index finger and continued. Second, we will plan a spy in the midst of the commotion. Fortunately, we had someone that fit the job right now. Naomi raised another finger and looked at Chi. How about it Chi, interested in the work?

Chi shrugged her shoulder in defeat and said. You know that I will be interested to join you from the start huh? Well then, Princess. I will take the job.

Naomi is happy when she heard that she will take the job. She was expecting Chi to refuse, but on the contrary to her expectation, Chi had accepted the job. Not only that, she called her Princess. Doesnt that mean Chi had joined her organization?

How long must I spy in the Avos Island Princess? Chi leaned back on her chair and asked Naomi.

2 years. Said Naomi. Chi had a surprised expression when she heard that and asked Naomi again.

Im sorry Princess, it seems I didnt hear it correctly. Did you say 2 years Princess?

Yes, 2 years. After 1 year 6 months, I will join their program too. Thats why I expected you to spy them for 2 years. Explained Naomi.

Chis holding her head with her right hand and looked at the ceiling after she heard Naomis confirmation. She had expected 1 month or 2 months of spy work, but for Naomi to tell her that she had to spy on Avos Island for 2 years is unexpected.

Your job was not only spying on them, I hope you can recruit someone to join our organization. If its just 6 of us, there is no way we could reach our goal.

I see, so not only spying but recruiting too. If thats my job then its understandable to take 2 years to complete it. I will do it Princess. Chi smiled and she looked directly to Naomi. At first, she doesnt understand her Princess's goal of assigning her to Avos Island for 2 years. But after hearing Naomis explanation about recruit, she realized that her real job actually was making a spy network for the organization.

All of you please get a tattoo of enchantment from Anna tomorrow. For tomorrow's attack, the participants are me, Rekka, and Chi. Hyun-Woo, and Dan-Bi. I trust the 2 of you to defend the base in case Esper Association found it. Any question? Naomi gave the swift order to each person about what they need to do for tomorrow.

None for me. Said Rekka.

Leave the base to me and my sister Princess!! I will defend it with my life!! Hyun-Woo put his hand on his chest and Dan-Bi nodded to his word.

I will do my best to put an enchantment on them Princess!! Anna replied energetically.

No question from me either. Said Chi.

Then this meeting is over. We will attack Avos Island at 07:00 P.M. tomorrow.

YES!! Princess!!

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