I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Dokyuns eyes glared at the back of Eun-ahs head as she wandered the kitchen.

Something feels off

Ever since I had woken up this morning, that woman had been too calm.

Its suspicious.

Dokyun narrowed his eyes, expecting the woman to snuggle up to his body and make disgusting sounds, based on the pattern he had observed so far. However, to his surprise, when he opened his eyes, the woman was moving quietly and did not let out an ominous laugh or explore his body.

Ah, my body Im feeling tired

Dokyuns entire body was tensed as he wasnt used to sleeping while tied up. As a result, his muscles had been screaming in pain every time he woke up over the past few days.

On top of that

Did I sweat too much while sleeping?

Dokyuns whole body was sore, especially his arm and the nape of his neck. Even when standing still, he felt sticky and uncomfortable. His expression scrunched up in disgust as the stickiness clung to his body, worsening his already bad mood.

Is it really this hot in early December now?

It was already the beginning of December. The heat should have disappeared long ago, but the air in the house was so hot that Dokyun couldnt help but feel uncomfortable.

Although turning on the heating during winter was the right thing to do, Dokyun still found it unpleasant due to his low mood.

Why does that woman look fine in this hot atmosphere?

With irritated eyes, he glanced at the back of her head again. He stared at the back of her head, trying to find what had he missed, but he couldnt discover anything new. All he could find was that the woman didnt feel the heat much.

If we had slept together, she would have felt at least a little uncomfortable.

Her hair was fluffy, silky, and had a lustrous shine. Unlike Dokyun, who was experiencing discomfort, she looked quite content. Her face appeared refreshing and bright.

Dokyun suppressed his boiling irritation as he observed Eun-ah. Meanwhile, Eun-ah had already finished preparing the meal and was moving the dishes onto the table.

I-Im done!

Ah, thank you.

Now that it was the third day, Dokyun had become somewhat accustomed to hiding his expression, and even when he was thinking about other thoughts, he found his body reacting naturally when she glanced at him. He looked at the table while maintaining his smiling face.

Its kimchi stew.

There was also an egg fry a classic combination on the table. The spicy aroma wafting from the dish filled his nostrils, making him feel like his hunger was taking over. Dokyun looked up at Eun-ah, who sat opposite him.

Ill eat well. Eun-ah, hurry up and eat.

Hehe Yes!

Soon after, Dokyun picked up the spoon and started eating. The first spoonful of the hot stew was delightful as it slid down his throat. The spicy taste warmed Dokyuns stomach, somewhat easing his irritation.

Dokyun savored the taste of the stew as he raised his head in response to a fixed gaze. He looked toward where he felt the gaze was coming from and noticed that Eun-ah was looking at him with a tense expression. Given her previous behavior, it seemed like she was seeking his reaction.

Dokyun put a smile on his lips and spoke in a soft tone to Eun-ah, who was looking at him.

Its really delicious. The broth is rich and its exactly the taste I like.

Hehe T-Thats a relief

The taste of the stew was surprisingly good, something Dokyun couldnt have imagined coming from the woman who had brought the food. As Dokyun looked at Eun-ah with a smile, he felt it was the right time to ask her the question he had been curious about all this time.

But did you learn how to cook separately? It doesnt seem like something you could learn on your own.

It wasnt a question about his escape. It was just a curiosity about her. Her cooking skills showed a much higher quality than the dishes served at ordinary restaurants, and he didnt feel like it was something that could be reached by self-study.

Eun-ah hesitated for a moment at his question, then nodded her head with her lips pursed.


The answer given was affirmative. Dokyun sensed that he was right and continued to ask questions.

Indeed, your skills are exceptional. Did you learn it at a cooking school or somewhere else?

Th-Thats enough!


P-Please, just focus on your meal!

At that moment, Eun-ah, who appeared uncomfortable with a slightly annoyed expression and trembling pupils, interrupted what Dokyun was saying and made it clear that she no longer had the will to continue the conversation.

Only then did Dokyun realize that he might be asking dangerous questions and he quickly lowered his head with an embarrassed expression.

Oh, Im sorry. Did I ask a sensitive question?

No, no! Its just that the food is getting cold

Eun-ah shook her head. Denying his words, she resumed her meal. Dokyun looked at her and recalled their previous conversation.

She doesnt want to talk about it. But

It wasnt a trigger.

A topic she wants to avoid.

The feeling of not wanting to recall it was strong. A faint fear lingered on Dokyuns face as he grunted.

What is that woman afraid of?

It was a little surprising. Dokyun hadnt even thought that such a thing could exist in that woman. While he was still in shock, he suddenly realized how much he must have been afraid.

Dokyun swallowed the roaring laughter.

Well, its natural for humans to be afraid of something, even if theyre crazy.

No matter how lunatic a person might be, it was natural to have some fear. It was just that the way she acted here made Dokyun feel like she was an impossible monster to overcome.

Can I use this?

Even as Dokyun moved his hands to continue eating, his thoughts continued.

A way to control that woman A joker that could turn the power dynamic around a little bit

Judging by her actions, the person who educated her- The one who taught her manners, cleanliness, and cooking Things this woman was morbidly obsessed with -Might be a clue.

The most probable people were.

Her Parents

According to what had been revealed so far, the ones who gave birth to that woman and built this house, whether they were alive or dead, were unknown. If they raised that woman in that way

Is that why she is like that?

It would have been understandable if Dokyun had thought the woman was simply crazy and moved on from the problem.

Its embarrassing.

It was not a physical discomfort but an emotional discomfort that was budding in a corner of his heart. There was a cause and effect for everything. The process creates the result. Dokyun was not a believer in all-powerful and great destiny, but rather in causality.

It wasnt certain. However, it was a slight suspicion that such a possibility might exist.

I think Ill have to watch this part a bit more.

It was quite impulsive of her to act that way, so there were things that could be clues that appeared in each of her actions.

As they said, victory was certain for those who were well-prepared. By observing that woman, he might be able to find a clue to escape this house.

Dokyun who was thinking about how to use what he learned from this conversation while continuously eating- Heard Eun-ahs voice from the other side, who had been eating quietly.

Ah, ah, thats right!

Dokyun raised his head and noticed that Eun-ah was looking at him intently. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something she had forgotten and her eyes widened. She muttered to herself for a moment before finally speaking up.

I-Im going out today


I have work outside

Outside. Work. Going out

It took some time for him to understand what she meant, as her words were unexpected. But soon Dokyun fully understood the meaning.

Its an opportunity!

She was going out, leaving him alone in the house. This meant he had a chance to roam around the house without being watched by her.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Dokyuns heart was beating fast. The corners of his mouth twitched and tried to rise without his knowledge.

He grabbed the corner of his mouth that was trying to rise up and pulled it down, then made a sad expression to answer her words.

Ah, are you leaving?

Dokyun tried to smooth out his expression, like a stray dog abandoned by its owner. He hoped that by showing this disappointed expression, he could alleviate her suspicion of him.

Hu, huing

Her voice quivered. When Eun-ah saw his sad expression, her face crumbled and tears began to fall. Then, with a sobbing voice, she said:

I dont want to, I dont want to leave

Go I dont want to go

I want to stay together

It was an incredible emotional roller coaster. Dokyun expected her to react that way to some extent but actually seeing it made him feel overwhelmingly incomprehensible.

Even in the midst of feeling such emotions, his mouth moved diligently and agreed with her words.

Im fine youre coming back, right?

Yeah sniff

Im good at waiting. Dont worry and go.


She was on the verge of tears again. Dokyuns expression softened as he urged her to quickly finish the meal and send the woman away to end this uncomfortable situation.

And then

Chae Be sure to take the key before she leaves.

He had to steal the key from that womans pocket and find a way to escape while she was away.

I dont want to break up with Eun-ahbut its work. Ill wait here.


Eun-ah, who heard the continuous words, stopped crying and said with her cheeks blushing.

P-please wait for me Ill bring you a gift

Ill look forward to it.

A gift It was an uneasy feeling. It would be good if it was a gift for him, not that woman herself, but it didnt seem like it, so he had to mentally prepare himself.

After finishing his meal, Dokyun proceeded to wash himself as he did the day before. His body remained tense, and he was wondering if the same thing would happen again. However, to his relief, the woman behaved within his expectations and didnt do anything surprising.

Of course, she kept glancing at him in the shower and rolling her eyes to peek at his lower body, but she didnt touch him during that time.

Although it was extremely worrying, Dokyun breathed a sigh of relief and passed the immediate danger with the thought that it was fortunate.

Soon, he saw her getting ready to go out.

She was wearing the same dress she had on at home, a cardigan on top, a hat pulled down over her face, and a mask covering her face. She looked like a perfect agoraphobic patient. Meanwhile, a thought passed through Dokyuns mind.

Is she today no panties too?

The corners of his eyes narrowed slightly in doubt.

Hopefully not

Might be.

Then, Ill go

Even though she spoke with her face completely covered, she looked like someone one would want to avoid. Nonetheless

I need to steal the key

Dokyun was tied to the sofa in the living room. The key was in her cardigan pocket. Thinking of that, he got up from the sofa and raised his arms towards her.

Would you like a hug before you go?


Eun-ah looked at him, but he raised his arm to make space for her to enter, indicating that he wanted a hug.

Finally realizing what his gesture meant, Eun-ah ran towards him and hugged him tightly, despite his handcuffs.


When Eun-ah nestled into his arms, Dokyun lowered his arms and embraced her. Despite holding her tightly, her thin body left plenty of room in his embrace. Her small frame barely reached his shoulders, and the indentation in her cardigan revealed the delicate curve of her collarbone.

Eun-ah, who was held in Dokyuns arms, let out a half-penny laugh.


Come back safely.

The sight of her putting her nose into his chest and breathing heavily gave Dokyun goosebumps, but he needed more contact for his immediate purpose, so he put his head on her head and hugged her tighter.

As if she was satisfied with the arms that completely wrapped around her, Eun-ah rubbed her face against his chest, not even noticing that her hat was coming off.


A slight creaking sound was heard. Dokyun moved his hand gently toward her pocket and carefully caught the thing on his finger.


As Dokyun looked at her reddened cheeks and slightly unfocused eyes, he felt a pang of anxiety that he might have crossed a line. However, the key clenched in his hand gave him a sense of security and dispelled any such thoughts.

I-Im really going to go now!

Yes. Be careful.

After picking up the hat that had fallen on the floor, Eun-ah turned around and went out to the front door.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

8 times The sound of dialing a number rang eight times.


The door was open.

Eight digits.

The password was 8 digits. Dokyun didnt even know the number because he couldnt see the front door from where he was, but even this was a satisfactory harvest.


The door closed. The room was quiet. The only sound that filled the space was his own breathing. Only then did he realize that he was truly alone.

Dokyun opened his hand. Two keys gleamed in his outstretched hand. His mouth kept twitching upwards. Now, after three days, he had regained his freedom.

The joy that filled his stomach burst out of his mouth in one word.

Fuck Yes!!.


We got complaints about censorship. And we fully understand its quite annoying to read when a lot of words are being censored in a single chapter. Initially, we had no idea such a thing would happen and picked it up only because it is an amazing book. And when we got emails from violating policies from google, we kept censoring words because it was impossible to continue the translation without the ad revenue Ive asked Yandere Lover to make the patreons status public; Here you can see what Im talking /YandereLover232

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