I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 65:

Chapter 65:

Chapter 65

How did the investigation go?

The violent crimes unit was different from the regular police departments. 

They all wore plain clothes, and their faces looked like gangsters rather than cops. 

They had a saying that the difference between a cop and a gangster was just a piece of paper.

They were all fierce and intimidating, and anyone who didnt know them would mistake them for thugs. But none of them could lift their heads easily under the scolding of the unit chief (actor Lee Jung-hyuk).

We havent found any traces of the suspect yet


When the youngest detective spoke up, the chiefs (actor Lee Jung-hyuk) face turned red and his eyebrows furrowed. 

He looked like he was about to throw something, and one of the older detectives couldnt help but voice his dissatisfaction.

Chief, come on, we need some clues to track him down. This is not like finding a needle in a haystack in Seoul, this is happening all over the country. Were dying here.

Hey, you bastard, are you really saying that now? How many cases have there been in the past two weeks (movie time)? How many? Four, four cases. What have you guys done while that crazy bastard killed four people?

No, chief. Were not just slacking off. Dong-ju (youngest detective), show him your socks. Theyre all worn out, worn out. We havent been home for more than two weeks, and Im starting to forget what my kid looks like. My wife only brought me underwear once or twice, and I feel sorry for my mother-in-law. Frankly, I want to quit this job twelve times a day. But were detectives, right? Were the peoples stick, right? So we put up with it. We want to catch that guy as much as you do.

What? Stick? Youre talking nonsense. You want to quit? Then quit, you bastard!

In the end, the detectives had to stop the chief from hitting him. The other cops passed by the corridor and glanced at them. There was no point in fighting anymore. It was like spitting on their own faces. The chief turned around and yelled at the unit members.

Hey, you bastards, get out there and find me some clues!

The detectives left the unit with unhappy expressions. The chief (actor Lee Jung-hyuk) sighed and entered his office, where he was greeted by a strong smell of bean paste.

Can you even swallow that black bean noodles?

The violent crimes unit chief (actor Lee Jung-hyuk) scolds the detective who is eating black bean noodles. 

He is a respected veteran in the unit, with skills that match his rank. But he often uses violence to catch criminals, and he was suspended once because of that.

Why did you call me here on my vacation, and make me eat outside?

Dont you like vacations? Dont you know I saved you from being demoted to a police station by taking the suspension for you?

Whats the difference?

At that moment, the detective, Seo Do-gwang (actor Seo Jong-in), looks up with a grim expression. His face is full of wounds (makeup), and his chin has a stubble that looks like he hasnt shaved for days.

How many cases in the last two weeks?

Four cases, heres the case report.

Two in Seoul, one in Gangwon-do, look at this. He even went to Chungcheongbuk-do? But how can you be sure that its the same perpetrator? The crimes are happening all over the country. Did the victims have any connection?

Look at the next page, the modus operandi.

One died of drug overdose, the others were strangled, choked, and the one who died in the Naruter in Chungcheongbuk-do drowned, but

Seo Do-gwang (actor Seo Jong-in) flips the page and exclaims.

All of them had their hearts pierced by something sharp, and theres a cross drawn on their chests. Wow, look at this guy. Hes a complete lunatic.

He stabbed their hearts after killing them, and drew a cross on their chests. Theres no connection between the victims, they didnt even know each other. Their occupations, ages, residences are all different.

If they didnt know each other, how can it be the same killer? There should be some clues left, right?

Nothing, he planned it so carefully. Theres no trace of fingerprints, blood, hair, nothing. Were still looking for the weapon, but we havent found anything yet.

With this kind of serial killing, the reporters must have smelled something

The chief points to the ceiling with a wry smile.

The higher-ups are blocking them. Do-gwang, Im going crazy too. Of all places, the first and second crimes happened in our jurisdiction, and now were searching all over the country. The reporters are also waiting for a scoop.

Im getting ready, but we only have a week left to stop them from above. After that, its out of our hands and theyll do whatever they want."

Wow, boss. You look like youre in a tight spot. I can see why you aged so much while I was away. Ill take this.

Detective Seo Do-gwang (played by Seo Jong-in) picks up a case file and stands up from his seat. His team leader (played by Lee Jung-hyuk) asks him anxiously.

Do-gwang, can you catch him in a week? If you dont, youll miss your promotion and Ill have to strip if the case gets worse.

Boss, whats my nickname?

Crazy bastard, what kind of question is that?

If I wrap up this case properly, Ill act like I never got suspended.

As long as you solve it, Ill do anything for you. Of course, Ill take care of that myself.

See? You should have called me right away when the case broke.

Seo Do-gwang (played by Seo Jong-in) gives a grim smile and raises his hand.

To catch a mad dog, theres no one better than me.


The movie shooting is also past the halfway point. 

Some reporters are still debating over Young-guks choice of his next work. But unlike that, the atmosphere on the set is getting more tense by the day. 

The whole crew knows it. 

The movie theyre making will be a hit when its released.

After his solo shoot, an unexpected person visits Young-guks waiting room.


Its actor Seo Jong-in. 

Theyre both starring in the same movie, but their roles and shooting locations are different. 

They finally met after the scripts halfway point. 

Seo Jong-in boasts a rough beard like his character, detective Seo Do-gwang, and gives Young-guk a friendly shoulder hug.

Young-guk, youre doing a solo shoot, huh? You must be acting well, like Hyung-seop told me.

Senior, Im tired.

Hey, youre too adorable. Its great to finish it in one go. I get a migraine every time the director asks for a retake. This scene is where we match our timing, right? Lets do it without any mistakes.

Actor Seo Jong-in doesnt let go of Young-guks shoulder and says. Young-guk is quite tall, but Seo Jong-in is also impressive. He looks even more muscular because he trained for his detective role.

Todays shooting is over, lets go to that bar and have a drink of soju.

Senior, Im underage.

No one will think youre underage if you go with me. I used to drink soju by the crate when I was your age.

What, you cant even drink soju.

Young-guk had a connection with actor Seo Jong-in in his past life. 

He doesnt know it, but the theater troupe () he was in was where I worked as a theater actor. 

Thats why he came to me for advice when I decided to jump into the movie scene.

He loves soju so much that he falls asleep after three shots. 

Thanks to that, I had to carry him on my back and take a taxi several times.

Hey, how did you know I cant drink soju well?

You were there when the president of Daejeong Distribution treated us to a dinner. I saw you then. You passed out after three shots of soju. Thats why I couldnt greet you properly then.

Wow, youre really observant, like an actor.

Then Seo Jong-in sees the cross sculpture on Young-guks waiting room desk and asks.

Young-guk, wasnt that a prop?

Its something Ive been making as a hobby lately. I made all the ones that were used on the set.

Wow, you had a hobby like that?

Its not a hobby, I had no interest in it before, but when I read the script, the protagonist has woodworking as a hobby. Thats why I practiced. The one on the desk is not finished yet.

Can you show me how you carve it?

Young-guk sighed as he showed Seo Jong-in the half-carved crucifix. 

He held a wood carving knife in his hand and carefully chiseled away at the wooden figure. 

Seo Jong-in, who still looked incredulous, exclaimed in admiration and then asked curiously.

Hey, Young-guk, are you left-handed? I saw you using chopsticks with your right hand when we had lunch.

Im right-handed.

Then why are you using your left hand now?

Young-guk casually explained as he continued to carve with his left hand.

Kim Moo-jin, the main character of the novel, is left-handed.


The actor Seo Jong-in swallowed his admiration and looked at the young actor. 

He then gave Young-guk a different expression. He was more impressive than he thought. 

These days, young rookie actors were all stiff as if they had casts on their necks after gaining popularity, but Jang Young-guk, the rookie actor, not only lifted the mood of the filming site, but also had excellent acting skills.

Look at his attitude towards acting, that was not something he could do with ordinary dedication. 

Soon, as if to wake him up from his thoughts, the assistant director Kim Seok-chuls shout came from beyond the waiting room.

Standby is ready!


Scene number 75, the detective and the priest!

Detective Seo Do-gwang (played by Seo Jong-in) entered the parish after the mass. He faced none other than the young priest Matthew (Young-guk). 

The parish office was full of old and worn-out furniture. 

There were bibles and rosaries, and an old teacup that symbolized purity. 

Among them, the thing that caught Seo Do-gwangs eye the most was the cross.

Do you drink coffee at the church these days?

Why, is there a law that says I cant?

No, Im not religious, but I thought the church would serve green tea or black tea or something like that. But I like this, it suits my taste. By the way, I came to see the bishop, but hes not here today?

The young priest smiled faintly.

Hes a busy man, so he has a lot of things to do after the mass. But, brother, what brought you here? The bishop told me you were a detective.

Oh, nothing much.

Detective Seo Do-gwang took out a photo from his leather jacket.

Park Chul, do you know this guy? Hes thirty-nine years old, looks like this in the photo. Hes a druggie who dropped out of school several times. I heard he was a faithful believer of this parish.

I know him. It doesnt matter what his past was, its not a problem. Theres nothing more equal for a believer than prayer.

Hmm, his faith must have been weak. He couldnt help himself and got hooked on drugs again. You know, druggies always say they feel like flying when they get high, but this guy really went up there this time. There were so many syringes in his house.

Detective Seo Do-gwang (played by Seo Jong-in) observed the young priests (Young-guk) expression. 

He looked pitiful and compassionate in the photo. 

The young priest sighed as if he regretted it.

Its my fault. I should have paid more attention to Park Chul. I hope he finds peace under the Lords care.

Care? Hes lucky if he didnt end up in hell.

Detective Seo Do-gwang added that and took out three more photos from his leather jacket. But the young priest looked at the photos and asked calmly.

Brother, who are these people?

Oh, they werent believers here. Hmm. By the way, did any of the believers have a grudge against Park Chul, or did Park Chul do anything to make them hate him? Druggies do all kinds of things when theyre high. They run around naked, or jump off the roof of a building, thinking theyre omnipotent.

Never. Park Chul was always quiet and hated to bother others. He was a person who repented his past and wanted to live a new life in front of the Lord.

Hey, does repenting erase the red line? Trash is trash forever. Anyway, the bishop is not here, so Ill get up. But, Father, what is that?

Seo Do-gwang looked at the cross statue standing in a corner of the bookshelf. The young priest answered nonchalantly to his gaze.

Woodworking is my hobby. I make one of those whenever I have some time to calm my mind.

Wow, you could sell those with your skills. Theyre amazing.

Do you want one, brother?

The young priest handed him a cross statue. 

The face and body of the Lord on the cross were intricately carved. 

It was not the work of a novice who had tried it for a day or two. Seo Do-gwang, a detective, took it gratefully. 

The young priest asked him.

Brother, I want to ask you something. Do you really think that once a person is evil, they are evil forever?

Are you talking about the trash being trash forever? Of course. Ive been a detective for years. Do you know how many criminals Ive met? They all say the same thing when theyre dragged to the interrogation room. Oh, Im so unlucky. Thats what they say. If they really regretted it, they would say so. I miss the old days. I could beat them up without worrying. Nowadays, its all about human rights and stuff. Im sorry, Ive digressed.

No, thank you for coming today. Im sorry to hear about the death of Brother Park Chul.

Detective Seo Do-gwang (played by Seo Jong-in) looked back before leaving his office.

But do you really think that repentance is possible with faith alone? Thats what religion always says. Have faith.

The young priest answered with a faint smile. Detective Seo Do-gwang scratched his head and left the office. The young priest (England) added, looking at his empty seat.

Of course not.



It was a rare day off. I was sitting on the floor, planning to read the script all day, when I got a phone call and had to go to Daehak-ro. 

It was because of actor Seo Jong-ins contact. He called me out of the blue and told me to come to Daehak-ro. 

My plan was ruined, but I didnt feel bad. It had been a while since I came to Daehak-ro.

Wow, you really disguised yourself. Our England.

Youre the one who called me to Daehak-ro, senior.

I wore a hat and glasses, expecting people to crowd around me. 

Actor Seo Jong-in took me to the theater where the play was being performed. He explained as he led me through the empty seats to the stage.

Its not good to read the script every day on your day off. You need to clear your head sometimes. This is the theater where I learned and performed the play Hyeseong (Comet). Tonight, my juniors are going to perform here, so I called you to watch it with me.

I felt nostalgic. Wasnt this the place where I first learned to act in my previous life? The worn-out chairs, the tension of the lights shining on the stage. It felt like I had gone back to my past life. Actor Seo Jong-in asked me curiously, seeing my expression.

England, have you ever been on a theater stage?


Really? Your face looks like youve just found your hometown. Its amazing.

He had a good eye for an actor.

You know, its rare for an outsider whos not a member of the theater to get on the stage. But I guess you have a lot of fans among the juniors who are performing today.

My fans?

Why do you look so surprised? Youre the nations first love. Dont be like that and sign something for the juniors you like after the show. It would be nice if you took a picture with them too. Theyll probably rush out of the dressing room if they know youre here with me.

It was unexpected. Not all of them, but some theater actors hated movie (commercial) actors. They did the same acting, but their paths were completely different. Thats because they had different values.

By the way, senior, whats the play thats going on the stage today?

Its called Morning in the Western Sky. I dont know if you know it. Its a traditional play that our theater has been performing for a long time.


How could I not know? I also made my debut on the first stage play with Morning of the Western Sky. 

The script had been written decades ago, but it was still used like a cash cow by the company. 

Thats how popular the play Morning of the Western Sky was among the fans of the Comet Theatre. 

It was then.

Myung-seok, why are you running around like that?

Oh! Senior! When did you get here?

One of the staff members of the theatre, who was running around behind the stage, saw the actor Seo Jong-in and bowed his head in greeting. But he didnt seem to recognize my face. 

That was understandable, since I was still wearing a hat and glasses. I must have looked like Seo Jong-ins manager.

I just wanted to get some sunshine on the stage before you guys start the play, but why are you sweating so much and running around. Is something wrong?

Well, its not anything else, but Jin-soo, who was supposed to perform today, suddenly had his appendix burst. So Im trying to find a replacement right now.

What role was Jin-soo playing?

He was playing Do Jeong-soo. Hes a supporting role, but thats the problem. Theres no second for the supporting role, and we cant just put some inexperienced juniors on the stage either.

It was a problem that sometimes happened when preparing for a stage play. There were cases where the actors couldnt perform due to unavoidable circumstances. But the problem didnt end there.

We had to refund all the tickets that we had sold in advance, and we also lost the money that we had spent to decorate the stage. 

And as the staff said, if the lead actor had his appendix burst, we could have used the second that we had prepared in advance, but if the supporting actor had his appendix burst, we hesitated to cancel the stage play because of the regret.

Is there anyone among the other actors who knows the lines for Do Jeong-soos role?

Well, the senior actors all know them, but you know what. All the senior actors left this time. Its hard to even contact them for help. Last time, when the seniors were leaving, we had a farewell party with drinks, but it turned into a big fight. They said they had to give up their dreams because they had no money.

Ugh, it was like adding insult to injury. Thats why the actor Seo Jong-ins expression became serious. Besides, Do Jeong-soos role was a minor supporting role. He didnt show his face on the stage much, so he was almost like an extra, but he was a role that required acting skills, so it was awkward to use an unskilled actor, as the staff said. And Seo Jong-in couldnt do it himself, because the role and the age didnt match.

I was a member of the Comet Theatre in my past life.

Thats why I knew all the lines of Morning of the Western Sky, which was the representative work of the Comet. It was no exaggeration to say that. I finally asked Seo Jong-in hesitantly.

Senior Seo, Im talking about the play Morning of the Western Sky. Its a script that Ive enjoyed watching since before.

You? How did you? Its hard to find in the market.

You know, Im staying at Mr. Baek Jang-hoons house. His grandfathers library has almost all the scripts you can think of. So.

I took off my hat and glasses and explained.

Ill do Do Jeong-soos role.

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