I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter Vol 2 1169: thorns

Feeling that they had regained a lot of vitality again, Liangyi and Mi twitched their mouths slightly, and smiled at Kurokawa and Mi who were in a daze.


He didn't stop time.

He doesn't have such ability yet, and he is saying that if time is stopped, it will not be just one person, but the whole world together...

Before, he only temporarily made Kurokawa Kazumi's body unable to move...

His cells have covered Kurokawa Kazumi's whole body, except for her brain, other places, hands and feet.

Skin, eyes, ears, mouth... everything has his cells in it, accounting for about one-third of it. It's easy to control it so that it can't move for a while.

However, she is still too difficult to deal with now, so let him absorb part of his life force and bring it back.


That double can move.

Also, what he controls is the body of Kurokawa Kazumi with a physical body.

It's not the stand-in that doesn't actually have a body.

It's only natural that the current situation would happen...so, her strength must be weakened.

"Looks like the time is up..." Liangyi and Mi looked at Kurokawa Kazumi and said, "It seems that now, just by stopping your own time, I can probably stop the time for five seconds...haha..."


"This guy... really is the BOSS, right?" This time it was Fujimaru Tachika's turn to say such words.

"Senior... before you said you would cheer for Mr. Liangyi..."


"Okay, you two." Liang Ri frowned and said, "Look well!"



"However." Liangyi and Mi continued: "Is the five seconds I stopped just now really the limit? Or... can I actually stop more time?" Liangyi and Mi said and stretched out their hands: "So...would you like to give it a try? Use yourself—"

It turned out to be... stop time—?

Kurokawa Kazumi gritted his teeth in disbelief, but he always felt that something was wrong. Did the one just now really stop time?

"Then, here comes the second attack!"


Shunbu + Feilian feet + ringing turn.

This step was used again.

Ryogi and Ya appeared behind Kurokawa Kazumi, and stretched out their hand again, but this time—

The rose girl suddenly appeared between the two of them to block Liangyi and Mi's attack, and at the same time launched an attack on him, but it was Liangyi and Mi's substitute D4C who attacked him!

"Oh, is the reaction fast?"

'No, it's not that I'm fast, but you are slow...' Kurokawa Kazumi didn't say this.

This Roman Colosseum built by El-Melloi II has his enchantment attached to it, so... although the strength is recovering due to the absorption of life force, it seems that the speed of recovery is not weakened by this enchantment.

But... now is not the time to talk about these things, we can't make Liangyi and Mi aware of the effect of this arena!

He probably didn't realize that he was getting weaker, but just thought that 'Kurokawa Kazumi is really strong'.

But... Even so, his substitute ability is still too strong.

And it seems to be able to stop other people's time. When he rushed over just now, he found that he still couldn't move, but the 'stand-in' could!

That is to say...

Can he only stop his own time but not the time of his substitute?

Or, are there other mysteries?


next moment.

Kurokawa Kazumi stared at the research, and the substitute and Ryogi Kazumi instantly surrounded her, appearing in front of and behind her at the same time.


"How did you hide this time!"

Can't move!

Can't move again—

The substitute ignores it, mainly blocking the body, and cannot let his body touch himself!



D4C stretched out his hand to support Rose Girl's hand, holding both of her hands, but Liangyi and Mi disappeared.

Kurokawa Kazumi was shocked, and found that Liangyi and Mi appeared underground at some point!

A hand just reached out from below and grabbed her ankle, robbing her of life force.


The rose girl can't move her hands, so she uses her feet.

A foot stepped on Liangyi and Mi's hand, even with a foot, as long as it touches it, it can take away his vitality!


Disappeared, the hand disappeared.

No, to be more specific, it was integrated into it.

Ryiki and Mi's hands merged into the inside of her feet, taking her life force from within—

"Damn it—!"

A strong will drives the body. The double's foot swung and cut off his own foot.

With only one foot left, Kurokawa Kazumi quickly backed away and opened the distance, watching Ryogi and Mi who came out of the ground and gritted their teeth...

Although the wound is recovering rapidly, it is impossible for the life force that was taken away to come back.

"Ahh... What a scary way of attacking..." Kurokawa Kazumi said looking at the growing foot, but he had no shoes, so he simply threw away the shoe on the other foot, which made it easier Balance it out.

Slightly jumping and moving, Kurokawa Kazumi frowned and said: "Brother, it's not good to lie, you can't stop the time of my body at all, can you?"

"Ah... what is that instead of stopping time?"

"...It feels like something incongruous has been mixed into my body..." Kurokawa Kazumi looked at Ryogi Kazuya and said, "What kind of hands and feet did you move?"

"Who knows...whether it is..."

"It must be." Kurokawa Kazumi sighed and said, "Really, don't just put weird things in people's bodies...it's weird, okay? And...I don't There’s no way around it.”

Rose Lady's third ability.


A large number of thorns protruded from Kurokawa Kazumi's feet.

If it was the beginning, ordinary humans would probably only be able to awaken a few thorns if they used this ability, or at most form a whip.

But Kurokawa is different from Mei.

A strong vitality breeds a powerful substitute, and the same ability can appear in different brilliance under different vitality.

A large number of thorns appeared around, quickly covering the surroundings of the arena.

Feeling something bad, Liangyi and Mi's footsteps rose slightly, floating in mid-air—


Similarly, Kurokawa Kazumi smiled and said, "If you were still standing there just now, you would be eaten as 'fertilizer'."

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