Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 250 Mary's Salvation

​ Don't be too happy.

Don't be too sad.

Don't feel too much cause it will hurt you.

Control your emotions. Keep a proper distance from things that might emotionally provoke you and you shall be fine.

These are the words that Mary lived by for many years now ever since her curse awakened.

She was one of the unlucky people who were cursed by the Invaders. She didn't ask for it, nobody did. She didn't do anything to warrant such a fate yet she couldn't do anything to get rid of it either so she just learned how to live with it.

Some people might say that her curse isn't all that bad. But they weren't the ones on her shoes.

Her emotional sensitivity was cursed to be doubled compared to other people. Meaning that the normal happiness from other people is too much happiness for her. Sadness to them would cause an emotional breakdown for her.

And whenever she feels too many emotions, she would be hurt. The pain ranges from a sting to downright paralysis depending on how much she allowed her emotions to go over her normal capacity.

It is tiring to live like this. Constantly uptight and on guard of her emotions. She had to keep telling herself to be detached. To not be too close to people, to not feel for them to preserve her own sanity.

She has to be reserved every single time because even something as simple as showing enthusiasm could hurt her.

But of course, since she's like this, detached and distant, it prevented her from forming deeper bonds with people. She couldn't even enjoy normal companionship since she has to be constantly aware if she's being too attached to someone.

This is also why she couldn't let herself fall in love as well. Because if she did, she might as well commit suicide since her curse wouldn't let her live.

However, despite the odds, Mary learned how to live like this.

Well, she didn't have much choice, to begin with. Plus, she was determined to get rid of this curse so this was her only option.

She had been trying to search for ways to effectively get rid of her curse but so far, she had no luck.

Initially, she had hoped that the Mystic Academy could help her with that. Unfortunately, the Academy...the entirety of City M was destroyed before she could even start.

Hell, they haven't even finished their first year in the Academy and it was already destroyed.

She had lost so much from that disaster. Her parents, teachers, classmates...she even thought that she lost Ashton as well. This was one of the events where her curse really made her suffer.

But, despite all that suffering, she lived. And she had Blake and Alice to thank for that. It was only because of them that she clung to life.

She tried to search for ways to get rid of the curse again but she had no luck.

The Mystic Academy was her best shot but it was destroyed. After learning that, she was at a loss. Eventually, she resolved to just live this way for the rest of her life.

It is saddening yes, but that's her only option. Well, dying was also a choice but she didn't consider it. So living in a detached manner it is.

At least, that was the plan right until Ashton's return.

Everything changed the moment he returned.

She watched all of it happen. She witnessed the miracles he performed at every move. She saw how everything around her turned prosperous because of him.

More importantly, she felt hope.

Hope that Ashton brought along with his return.

He taught them how to fight. He defended them. He fixed the mess that was left behind by the invaders and carved paradise from it.

All of this, got Mary hoping again.

She thought that maybe, under his leadership, they would be able to destroy the invaders. And if they achieved that. She'd be freed from their curse once and for all.

This was her reason for training so hard. The reason why she continued searching for ways to improve herself. It's all because of that glimmer of hope. That's all she needs.

So...imagine her surprise when she received a notice from Jerry this morning, saying that Ashton wants to meet with all of the cursed individuals because he 'might' have found a way to get rid of their curse.

Mary felt her limbs seizing up due to how surprised she felt. Her heart pounded in her chest and she could tell that her curse was going to town torturing her but she could not care less.

All she could think about was the notice.

Oh, how she wanted to just run over there and demand answers from Ashton. She wanted to ask him if what he said was real. But she had to calm down first.

Her curse paralyzed her due to her losing a grip on herself. She needed to regulate her emotions first so that she could move again.

Well, that process took longer than she expected. She couldn't help it. She's feeling way too excited, enthusiastic, and hopeful. She's feeling too much and struggling to contain everything, that's why it took her so long to regain her movement.

Eventually, she managed to contain everything. She had calmed down enough to function again.

Soon, she made her way out of her home and flew into the venue where the notice told her to go.

Upon arriving there, she saw that she wasn't the first one to arrive. In fact, there was a dense crowd already by the time she arrived.

It seems that she's not the only one who's excited about this.

Ashton wasn't there yet but Aria was, and so is Jerry.

"You're here. Calm down first, okay? You need to be in your peak condition once we start." Aria told her when she arrived next to her.

"...did he really find a way?" Mary asked, her voice quivering as she spoke.

"He did but, it's not for certain if it will work for everybody, or at all to be completely honest," Aria replied. "But he also didn't want to wait until he achieved a method that will get rid of the curses for certain. He said that you all waited long enough already."

Believe it or not, Mary wasn't disappointed with this answer. She was completely fine with this uncertainty. If anything, it helped to lower her expectations, which in turn made it easier for her to calm down.

Aria then left her shortly after saying that they were just waiting for a few more people.

Mary found a corner for herself which she used to meditate. Aria was correct, she needed to be in her peak condition when this all begins, so she might as well use every single moment she has.

It didn't take long before all of the cursed individuals arrived.

Everyone was itching in anticipation and couldn't wait to start. Thankfully, Ashton had no plans of making them wait any longer.

He appeared on the podium like a ghost, startling some people but also signifying the start of this event.

"Welcome, all of you." He said. "You are here because of the notice we sent to you."

The crowd went silent the moment he started speaking.

"The Curse Expunging Initiative. This has been one of the priorities I personally paid attention to for years now."

"I have researched many things in the hopes of them leading me to the solution for the one thing that the foul invaders did to us. And that is to get rid of their Generational Curse that had made many people suffer."

"Today, I'll perform a ritual. But before I do, let me premise this entire event by saying that this method hasn't been tested yet."

"I could not guarantee that this ritual will solve everything in one go. But I can confidently say that none of you will be in danger once the ritual starts and after you all went through it."

"The reason behind my impatience is the fact that you all have waited enough. You all have suffered enough. If this ritual could alleviate that even just a little bit, then I would consider it a success."

"Don't worry, if this fails, then I promise that I will not stop searching for a way to get rid of your curses while I'm still alive."

"Then without further ado. Let us begin."

A wide magical circle appeared beneath them, releasing a divine brilliance. Next, they all felt like they were soaking in a comfortably hot spring, bringing forth an immense feeling of relaxation and satisfaction.

When they opened their eyes, they saw that they were still at the venue.

Everyone was silent until someone audibly sobbed.

"I-it's gone! Oh my god! It's gone! The curse is gone!!"

That was the spark that returned them to reality.

Mary saw all of this happen and felt overwhelmed. Her heart pounded in her chest due to sheer anticipation and nervousness...but there was no pain.

Her limbs didn't seize up nor she felt a prickling sensation on her chest.

She was fine.

And that's all she needed to confirm that the ritual indeed worked.

For the first time in a long, long while...

Mary wailed in happiness.

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