Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 303 Joining The Squad

As he approached the grand building that housed the guild, Ashton's excitement turned to confusion as he saw someone being violently thrown out of the door. The figure rolled across the ground, coming to a stop at Ashton's feet.

Ashton looked down at the person, who was groaning in pain and clutching their side. It was a young man, with dark hair and a scruffy beard. He wore tattered clothes and had a wild look in his eyes.

"Are you alright?" Ashton asked, offering his hand to help the man up.

The man grunted and pushed Ashton's hand away, struggling to his feet on his own.

"I'm fine," he said, his voice hoarse. "Just a little disagreement with the guildmaster."

Ashton frowned, looking back at the door of the Adventurer's Guild. He wondered what kind of place it was if they were so quick to kick people out.

"Is the guildmaster always that harsh?" Ashton asked, turning back to the man.

The man laughed bitterly. "You have no idea. But if you're looking to join the Adventurer's Guild, you'll have to deal with him sooner or later."

Ashton hummed in understanding, this doesn't really phase him but it's good to know. He pushed the thought aside, and regarded the man with a casual reply:

"Thanks for the warning," Ashton said to the man, who was now hobbling away. "I'll keep it in mind."

Ashton stepped into the Adventurer's Guild and was immediately struck by the bustling atmosphere. The guild hall was filled with people from all walks of life, gathered together to seek adventure and fortune. As he looked around, he noticed a sign on one of the walls that caught his eye: "Demon Slaying Squad".

Ashton's heart skipped a beat. He then thought to himself: 'There's no way that it's this easy. Weren't they supposed to be a secret?'

Ashton wondered. He had no idea where to start, but the thought of approaching such a renowned group of warriors was something that he could work with.

He decided to seek out the guildmaster and ask for guidance. Making his way through the crowd, he finally spotted a man sitting at a desk at the far end of the room, surrounded by paperwork and various other guild-related materials.

Ashton approached the man tentatively, the man looked intimidating alright, but he was just wary that his approach might offend the man. The guildmaster looked up from his work and regarded Ashton with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you want?" he asked gruffly.

Ashton took a deep breath and spoke as confidently as he could. "I'm here to join the Adventurer's Guild, sir. And, if possible, the Demon Slaying Squad."

The guildmaster raised an eyebrow. Ashton then supplied:

"I have a recommendation letter from Elder Lirien. I was told it could help me join the Demon Slaying Squad."

The guildmaster raised an eyebrow and took the letter from Ashton. He scanned it quickly before looking back up at Ashton.

"Elder Lirien, eh? That's not a name we hear around here very often," the guildmaster said with a hint of skepticism.

Ashton nodded. "Yes, sir. She supervised the recent Coming of Age Ceremony at the Arvandor Village that I participated in, and she recommended me for the Demon Slaying Squad."

"A freshly turned Adult, huh?" The guildmaster looked at Ashton for a moment longer before nodding slowly. "Very well. I'll take you to the trial grounds, where we'll see if you have what it takes to join the squad."

Ashton's heaved a sigh of relief as the guildmaster led him through the guild and out into the city streets. They walked for a while until they came to a large open space, surrounded by tall walls. This was the trial grounds.

Ashton looked around in curiosity as he took in the surroundings. The grounds were filled with various obstacles, targets, and training dummies, all of which were designed to test the abilities of aspiring adventurers.

The guildmaster led Ashton to a spot in the center of the grounds and turned to face him. "Alright, let's get started," he said, his voice serious.

Ashton nodded, ready to prove himself. The guild master explained that he would be tested on his combat skills, his survival skills, and his problem-solving abilities.

The first test was combat. A group of skilled adventurers stepped forward to test Ashton's fighting prowess. They were armed with various weapons and fought with incredible speed and precision. Ashton's heart pounded as he engaged them in battle, but he held his own, using his quick reflexes and strategic thinking to hold off the attackers.

He displayed enough skill to pass and not become suspicious.

Next, Ashton was tested on his survival skills. He was dropped into the forest with nothing but his wits and his equipment, and he was tasked with surviving for three days. He had to find food, water, and shelter while avoiding dangerous beasts and other hazards.

This was easy since Ashton was resourceful, using his knowledge of the forest and his survival training to make it through the three days. He managed to find a source of fresh water, build a sturdy shelter, and even catch a few fish to sustain himself. Of course, he didn't dare to use the System since he was under surveillance.

Finally, Ashton was tested on his problem-solving abilities. He was given a series of puzzles and challenges to complete, each one more difficult than the last. He had to use his intelligence and creativity to solve each one and prove that he was capable of handling the most complex tasks.

Again, this was so easy that it nearly bored him. He didn't hide his expressions much this time, he wanted to be perceived as an intelligent candidate so he made it look easy.

Ashton worked his way through each challenge, using his quick thinking and his keen problem-solving skills to come up with innovative solutions. By the end of the test, he was mentally and physically exhausted, at least on the surface he was.

Ashton waited as the guildmaster and the other adventurers conferred, discussing his performance.

"Alright, Brat! Not bad. You pass. Here's your Guild Badge, don't lose it. You will be joining the Prepatory Squad starting tomorrow."

"Prepatory Squad?" Ashton repeated with a quizzical expression.

The Guildmaster then proceeded to explain to him that the Demon Slaying Squad had a more intricate system that was being followed since there are a lot of people who wants to join.

According to his explanations, the Ranking System looks something like this:

Preparatory Team: This is the starting point for all aspiring members of the Demon Slaying Squad. Members of the preparatory team undergo rigorous training and testing to prove their skills and dedication. Those who pass the final test are eligible to advance to the next rank.

Junior Member: Junior Members are the newest members of the Demon Slaying Squad. They have proven their worth as members of the preparatory team and are now full-fledged members of the squad. Junior Members are still considered to be in a training phase, however, and are expected to continue honing their skills and gaining experience.

Senior Member: Senior Members have demonstrated a high level of skill and dedication to the Demon Slaying Squad. They are trusted to take on more challenging missions and to mentor Junior Members. Senior Members are also involved in training and evaluating new recruits.

Elite Member: Elite Members are the most skilled and experienced members of the Demon Slaying Squad. They are often tasked with leading missions and are trusted to make critical decisions in the field. Elite Members are highly respected within the squad and are seen as role models for Junior and Senior Members.

Captain: Captains are the leaders of the Demon Slaying Squad. They are responsible for overseeing missions, coordinating with other guilds and organizations, and making strategic decisions for the squad. Captains are highly respected and have earned their position through years of dedicated service and exceptional leadership skills.

Guildmaster: The Guildmaster is the ultimate authority within the Demon Slaying Squad. They are responsible for setting the direction and vision for the squad, managing its resources, and making critical decisions that affect the entire organization. The Guildmaster is selected from among the most experienced and respected members of the squad and is seen as a leader and mentor to all members.

Each rank within the Demon Slaying Squad is highly respected and carries significant responsibilities. Members are expected to continually improve their skills and contribute to the success of the squad as a whole. Advancement within the ranks is based on a combination of skill, experience, and dedication to the organization's goals.

After receiving an explanation, Ashton finally understood the inner workings of the Demon Slaying Squad. Additionally, he also asked the Guildmaster about the purpose of masking the squad with the Adventurer's Guild.

What he said was:

"It's a direct order from the Imperial Family. I reckon that they didn't like the idea of causing unrest to the masses so they could only resort to this method."

"If I'm being honest, I don't like it. But what can I do? The Imperial Family runs Sylvenvale. Although I have a decent level of authority, it's nothing compared to theirs."

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