I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 100: The Fire God's Willpower

PS: I'm very busy recently. My translation speed will be back to normal after a few days.

Chapter 100: The Fire God's Willpower

On the Pangjiang River, the water was surging.

The sound of two girls falling into the river was clear and harsh, even if they were far apart.

Looking at the blood water rippling in the river, Huo Feng behind Lu Heng shuddered violently, as if he had stirred up a certain shadow in his heart.

He looked at the blood water rippling in the river with sympathy and pity, and seemed to feel the pain of the two girls.


Too miserable…

They used their magic eyes to see the Wolf God… It's too miserable!

Although Huo Feng could see that they have a high cultivation base, so even if they looked directly at the Wolf God, their Tao heart wouldn't break.

But even if they can hold on, they are probably dying. Moreover, the souls were so badly injured that it would be almost impossible to recover without eight or ten years of recuperation.

At the thought of this, Huo Feng shivered again, and his fear deepened.

Lu Heng on the bow could feel more.

In the river, two girls directly vomited blood and fled after falling into the river. Although they looked miserable, they wouldn't die directly.

At least it's much better than the situation of Huo Feng.

Moreover, the two little girls were lovely, but their bodies were actually two black and ferocious fat catfish. No wonder they were so fierce.

Hey… Is this revenge?

Lu Heng stood at the bow of the boat with the comatose Gu eagle. He was helpless. Who could he explain to?

This is really just a misunderstanding, but it turned out like this… It's really unlucky.

Needless to say, Lu Heng knew that the two little girls who fled had gone to seek help.

What their magic eyes saw must have scared them to death. The next person to appear is probably the water god in the river.

Lu Heng just doesn't know if the Pangjiang Water God is really as fierce and terrifying as the red-haired woman said…

Lu Heng looked at the cabin and said, "Girl, why are you silent?"

Since Gu eagle was caught by Lu Heng, the red-haired woman's mood has become more gloomy. Now she is hiding directly in the cabin, and didn't come out at all.

When Lu Heng asked, the red-haired woman curled her lips and said, "I don't want to meet the Gu eagle. Wolf God, you can take care of her at will. No one will care if you kill her anyway."

"The biggest backer of the Gu eagle has passed away a hundred years ago. Now, there is no one for them to rely on and there is no need to worry about anything."

When the red-haired woman said this, she was full of malicious intent.

"Why should I kill her? Even though the river god once did evil and eat people, she has indeed maintained the peace of the Pangjiang River for three hundred years. I think she can be reasonable even if she is fierce."

Lu Heng said this and took a look at Xiao Ai. The Heavenly Thunder Sword on Xiao Ai's back was silent under the moonlight. There was no evil spirit Qi and it seemed to be just an ordinary iron.

However, it is definitely not necessary to use the Heavenly Thunder Sword. The river god has protected the land for three hundred years, and Lu Heng cannot kill her.

However, if she is really unreasonable and wants to kill him, he can only invite her to visit the underworld for the time being. When she calms down, Lu Heng will talk again. There must be room for maneuver.

Having made up his mind, Lu Heng looked at the Gu eagle in his hand.

This little Gu eagle was still in a coma.

Although the Fire Snake Saliva is a miraculous medicine, it also has some poison. After eating the saliva, affected by the poison, the Gu eagle was stunned by a ray of thunder emitted by Lu Heng. It won't wake up in a short time.

Lu Heng curiously sensed the inside of the Gu eagle, but found that the situation was somewhat different than he predicted.

"The Gu eagle… Is tens of years old?" Lu Heng said in surprise, "Judging from the bone age, I'm afraid he's over 60 years old. Why is it still so young?"

Lu Heng looked at Xiao Ai and asked, "Xiao Ai, is the growth cycle of Gu eagles very slow?"

Xiao Ai shook her head and said, "It's not slow. It's similar to ordinary animals. If it was really a 60 year old Gu eagle, it would have been a ferocious monster with a length of tens of thousands of feet…"

Therefore, Lu Heng felt deeply and found that he was not wrong. The bone age of this Gu eagle is really more than 60 years, but its shape has always maintained the appearance of its childhood.

However, Lu Heng found out the reason after deeply sensing that there were two opposing forces entangled in the Gu eagle's body.

One of them is a kind of evil Qi, which is extremely fierce.

On the other hand, the other Qi is magnificent, warm and peaceful.

Two diametrically opposed forces were entangled in the body of the little Gu eagle, constantly destroying the body of the Gu eagle, but constantly repairing the damaged part.

This situation is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Ai.

It's just that there is a heavenly thunder in Xiao Ai's body. The heavenly thunder gathers two distinct forces, and instead forms a good positive cycle, which makes Xiao Ai's cultivation far beyond ordinary people.

But the Gu eagle is much more miserable.

The two different forces are fighting each other, and the evil Qi is far better than the wolf demon's two hundred years of evil Qi. The purity of its wish power is also far better than the incense accumulated by Lu Heng.

These two powerful and pure forces fight each other, and neither of them will obey the other. As a result, the body of the Gu eagle was always in a state of destruction and reorganization, and it couldn't grow up.

This may be the reason why the Gu eagle can't grow up in his 60s.

Moreover, if demons and monsters don't cultivate, their intelligence cannot be increased. The two kinds of Qi in the Gu eagle's body were so chaotic that there was no room for the Gu eagle to cultivate. It has a life span of more than 60 years. but its wisdom is no more than a human child.

Lu Heng looked at the red-haired woman beside him and said, "Are you really not coming to have a look? There are two different forces fighting in the body of this Gu eagle. I think its father is also a divine cultivator… And his cultivation is extremely high."

Lu Heng's words moved the red-haired woman.

She immediately stepped out of the cabin and came to Lu Heng. Under Lu Heng's oversight, she put her hand on the feather of the Gu eagle and contemplated for several seconds

The red-haired woman's expression was even worse.

"The Fire God's will power?" The red-haired woman cried out in disbelief, staring at the Gu eagle in front of her.

At that moment, Lu Heng seemed to see a trace of killing intent in her eyes

Without hesitation, Lu Heng took away the Gu eagle and protected it behind him. He smiled and said to the woman in front of him, "Why are you so surprised? What is the fire god's will? Why are you so shocked?"

The red-haired woman was gloomy and silent.

On the other hand, Huo Feng explained, "Wolf God, only the emperor of the Fire Pass Country can have the fire god's will power. If there is really fire god's will power in the Gu eagle's body, I think it's obvious about who is its father…"

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