I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 107: Southbound (2)

Chapter 107: Southbound (2)

After daybreak the next day, Huo Feng was again awakened by the dull voice.

He held the cage of the fat bird, yawned, and sat up. He saw the little Gu eagle with a horn on his forehead standing on the deck at the stern of the ship. His sharp claws pressed against a fish trying to struggle, and from time to time he lowered his head and pecked at it.

The blood water with a slightly fishy smell flowed on the deck at the stern of the ship, and Huo Feng was somewhat helpless.

"You don't sleep in the morning, and you get up so early to eat fish?"

The little Gu eagle turned his head and looked at him. He shouted twice, which was a greeting. Then he lowered his head and continued to peck at the fish on the deck.

As a ferocious beast, the Gu Eagle has the characteristics that most monsters in the world have - its cry is like a baby crying.

Perhaps in ancient times, these strange animals once lured the ignorant ancestors of the human race to approach them and then prey on them.

But now, the cry of this kind of baby in the wild is already a horrible evil.

Because people all know that the cries of babies coming from the wild are usually ferocious and terrifying beasts, and they should flee quickly.

However, the little Gu Eagle follows the Wolf God, and Huo Feng is not worried about its carnivorous nature.

Moreover, this little guy was too small. Even Hui Feng, who had lost all his cultivation base, could beat him up. There was basically no threat.

Squatting at the stern of the boat, Huo Feng began to wash in front of the little Gu eagle.

While the little Gu Eagle gave him a look of disgust. Seeing that Huo Feng didn't pay attention to himself, he grabbed the half-eaten fish and flew to the bank, away from this disgusting guy.

However, it was not quiet for long. After washing, Huo Feng left the boat and went ashore. He came to the area where the little Gu eagle was, squatted behind the stone and began to poop.

An indescribable stench came, and the little Gu eagle, who was pecking at the fish, was stunned and almost spit out.

It angrily shouted at the stone not far away, and then flew away, leaving the half-eaten fish on the ground.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the little Gu eagle, Huo Feng behind the stone gave a happy laugh.

Soon after, the first ray of sunshine in the morning pierced the sky and sprinkled on this small river bend. Huo Feng, who had already packed everything, returned to the boat, cleaned up the blood and water on the deck, fished out the bamboo basket that had sunk into the river bottom, and the boat set out again.

While the little Gu Eagle squatted on the top of the cabin, staring at Huo Feng with a sad look.

However, Huo Feng didn't pay any attention, still smiling and not taking any notice. He even threw some crumbs to amuse the little Gu eagle.

When Lu Heng opened his eyes and urged the little Gu eagle to cultivate, the little guy flew to Lu Heng angrily and complained.

The little Gu Eagle stood in front of the white wolf at the bow of the boat, flapping his wings angrily and screaming incessantly.

Lu Heng sighed and didn't speak. Xiao Ai came over, grabbed the little Gu eagle by the neck and took him aside, saying, "Cultivate quickly!"

Xiao Ai said coldly, "Don't be lazy!"

The little Gu Eagle suddenly shrunk his neck and nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. Xiao Ai then released him.

Therefore, the boat continued to go south. Under the supervision of Xiao Ai, the little Gu eagle obediently shrank in the cabin to cultivate and learn to control spirit Qi.

Lu Heng was lying on the deck of the bow, feeling the blow of the cool wind in the morning, and watching the green mountains on both sides of the river rapidly moving backward, calm and tranquil. Even if someone saw this scene from afar, they would not think that the White Wolf lying on the bow of the ship was strange.

What could attract the attention of the passing ships was the school of fish that had been following the boat.

As they set sail, the group of fish continued to swim and crowd, and continued to follow the stern, without any intention of leaving.

In this way, the boat went down the river. Although it was constantly overtaken by those big ships with windy sails, it also kept approaching Lu Heng's destination, Fushan city.

Lu Heng and Xiao Ai have little need for food, while the little Gu eagle can catch fish in the river. But for Huo Feng, things are a little more troublesome.

However, on the third day after leaving Youji city, they arrived at another big city: Hele city.

Huo Feng went to the city to buy some vegetables, fruits, cereals, and oils, which let Lu Heng taste the hot food of mankind again.

Huo Feng claimed that he has traveled all over the world for many years and knows a little about cooking. In fact, his cooking level is as proficient as his skill for sailing.

Even Xiao Ai had to admit that the food cooked by Huo Feng was better than hers. She had no choice but to hand over the mission of making dinner for the Wolf God to Huo Feng.

Later, even the little Gu eagle, who only ate live fish, liked the dishes made by Huo Feng. Every night, Huo Feng would serve a small bowl for the little Gu eagle to taste.

As they went farther and farther south, Lianshan Jing didn't catch up with them.

However, the Pangjiang river was quiet as usual, and there was no disturbance. It seems that the dialogue between the Pangjiang Water God and Lianshan Jing should be harmonious… Right?

Lu Heng lay on the bow of the ship, his eyes slightly narrowed, enjoying the tranquility and leisure of the world.

Occasionally, he would concentrate on studying the method of hiding his spirit Qi, but it was a pity that he never obtained results.

In this leisurely calm, the boat passed through the mountains and plains, passed through six big cities, and finally arrived at the destination of Lu Heng's trip on the 17th day after leaving Youji city.

Fushan city.

After reaching Fushan City, the terrain on both sides of the Pangjiang River gradually fluctuated. The green hills on the bank of the river had also become steep.

Lu Heng was somewhat surprised by such a steep mountain range in the south, a land of hills and plains.

Huo Feng explained, "This is the Falling Dragon Mountain Range, which is the largest and widest mountain range in the southern plain. The mountains are undulating and steep, and the terrain is so bad that ordinary people can hardly climb over."

"It is said that in ancient times, a real dragon fell here and died. After the death of the dragon, its body became a huge mountain on the plain. Therefore, it is called the Falling Dragon Mountain Range."

Huo Feng pointed to the front and said, "The water of the Pangjiang river went all the way south. When we reached the Falling Dragon Mountain Range, we were stopped by the undulating mountains. So the river formed a huge bay here, and then changed its course eastward and finally merged into the East Sea."

"The Fushan city is located at this huge river bend, which is a vast plain at the outermost edge of the Falling Dragon Mountain Range."

"The road to the south is also built from this Fushan City, which directly passes through the mountains. Therefore, this Fushan city is also a traffic artery connecting the north and south of the Falling Dragon Mountain Range. There are many businessmen traveling through it."

Huo Feng said with a smile, "The Wolf God, the Wu family you are looking for has a small reputation here. It is a small clan with good business."

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