I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 97: Legend of the River God

Chapter 97: Legend of the River God

Although the God Slaying Heavenly Thunder is strong and the Heavenly Thunder Sword is sharp, it's attack can only be used a couple of times.

After a few hit, it would be turned into an ordinary magic weapon.

Moreover, the incubation period of the God Slaying Heavenly Thunder is too long.

In contrast, the Requiem Seal, a magic weapon that can be used regularly, makes Lu Heng feel more secure.

Walking along the river with Xiao Ai, looking at the waves and the boats on the river bank, Lu Heng didn't have to wait long

"Lord Wolf God, the ship is coming." Huo Feng voice sounded from behind him.

Lu Heng and Xiao Ai stopped to look back and saw a small boat approaching the shore.

Huo Feng was standing at the bow of the boat, waving to them on the shore.

Soon, the boat drew near the river.

But because there is no dock on the river the boat can't come closer. However, Lu Heng and Xiao Ai didn't need the small boat to dock to get on board. They walked directly onto the water and stepped on the surging river to get on the boat.

However, after Lu Heng and Xiao Ai boarded the ship, they found that the Bo horse was missing from the cabin.

The Bo horse, who is always inseparable from Huo Feng, is nowhere to be seen and the luggage originally carried on the Bo horse was stacked in the cabin.

Lu Heng asked curiously, "Brother Huo, where is your horse?"

Huo Feng sighed and said, "That guy hated to take the boat so he left, he went south along the wilderness and he will meet me in Fushan city."

Lu Heng was amused and said, "Your horse is really good at self-management."

Huo Feng smiled bitterly and thought that the Wolf God was making fun of him.

Standing at the bow, Lu Heng glanced at the boat in front of him.

The small hull is about 30 feet long, and it look like the two sides of the middle hull are built with wooden boards, which can be used to shield from the wind and rain. In addition, there are tables, chairs, windows and curtains in the cabin.

Lu Heng nodded and was satisfied.

"Yes, the boat is light and convenient. It's really good. But the boatman…"

Lu Heng looked helplessly towards the stern of the boat and said to the "Boatman" wearing a bamboo hat, "Girl, aren't you tired of playing?"

Lu Heng's words startled Huo Feng.

Xiao Ai even stopped in front of Lu Heng without saying a word and looked coldly at the direction of the stern.

In the eyes of the crowd, the boatman who was standing at the stern of the boat rowing shrugged her shoulders.

She took off her bamboo hat and showed her long red hair, smiling at Lu Heng and others.

"I didn't expect to meet you again here just a few days apart… Hahaha… The timing 'fate' is really wonderful."

The red-haired woman wore a bright smile, a coir raincoat, and a bamboo hat. If she didn't have such a good temperament, she would really look like a fisherman who lives on the river.

Lu Heng felt a little helpless.

"You have profound cultivation and noble status. Why bother to be a boatman here to tease us? If you have something important, you can say it straight. Why do you have to do this?"

Lu Heng was really defeated by this woman.

The childishness of this woman far exceeded his expectation.

When he was in Hanyu mountain, all the masters he met were traditional masters such as Gong Shu Jie, Li Po and Li Ju, who were unsmiling, mature, prudent, and straightforward.

He had never seen such a scene now.

Is this woman a three-year-old? Do you have to compete?

Not only did she chase us all the way from Baishi City, but now she even plays the boatman!

Lu Heng had no choice but to have a headache, but the redhead woman was smiling.

She said with a smile, "My guest, what you said is wrong. It's a way for me to make a living on this water. It's just a coincidence to meet you again."

"Besides, Brother Huo came to hire me on his own initiative. Why do you say that I'm pestering you?"

"I haven't married yet, please don't make any more jokes. If I can't get married in the future, will you be responsible?"

The red haired woman laughed briskly, but Lu Heng smiled bitterly.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault. Since I have hired you, I'll trouble you to continue to steer," Lu Heng said helplessly.

After that, he ignored the childish red haired woman and sat down in the bow of the boat.

Seeing Lu Heng's attitude, Huo Feng and Xiao Ai also temporarily put down their guard and didn't speak much. However, both of them stayed close to Lu Heng and dared not stay too far away.

In this way, the boat went down the river, and the two people and a wolf sat in the bow of the boat, while the red haired woman stood at the stern of the boat and steered the boat, singing from time to time. That song is a song of the sea. She sounds like an ordinary fisherman's girl.

Huo Feng whispered, "Lord Wolf God, why don't we just leave?"

Lu Heng opened his eyes and looked at him. He sighed, "No matter whether it's a blessing or a curse, we can't avoid it. Take it easy. It's OK."

If something really happens, he can just "Invite" this red haired woman to visit the nether world. It has no impact on Lu Heng.

Now holding the Heavenly Thunder Sword and holding the Requiem Seal, Lu Heng has enough confidence to deal with this red haired woman.

And the other party is so entangled, he also wants to see how naive this woman can be.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng gradually relaxed.

Looking at the torrential Pangjiang river and the ships that come and go on the river bank, Lu Heng said with a smile, "The traffic on the Pangjiang river can be regarded as prosperous."

"It's just that most of the people on the boat are ordinary people. Are there not so many demons in the wilderness of the south? Otherwise, how dare they travel like this?"

Lu Heng was full of surprise, while Huo Feng explained.

"The Wolf God, there is a river god named Gu Zhou in the Pangjiang river. It is said that Gu Zhou is noble and benevolent. Since she gained the Tao three hundred years ago, she has made an agreement with the previous Fire Pass Country emperor to voluntarily take care of the people on both sides of the Pangjiang river."

"She restrained the demons in the river, drove away the demons on both sides, and built the Pangjiang river into a water hub connecting many large cities in the South of the Fire Pass Country."

"On the Pangjiang River, there is no need to be afraid of demons and cannibals. Although there are strange animals in the wilderness on the shore, the boats are hardly attacked."

"So even ordinary people dare to travel on the Pangjiang river?"

Huo Feng explained with a smile, "It is also for the protection of the Goddess of the river that there are river temples on both sides of the Pangjiang River, and the incense is very prosperous."

Huo Feng's explanation surprised Lu Heng.

"How can there be such a great river god in the torrent of water? It is indeed admirable that she has worked so hard to protect the peace of this area."

Hui Feng's admiration came from his heart.

After all, it is not easy to protect such a long river for a long time.

Just as Lu Heng finished sighing, the red haired woman at the stern of the boat sneered and said.

"Gu Zhou? Merciful? That's just a tall tale."

"What is Gu Zhou in the Pangjiang river? Do you really think that she is a water god with noble nature and a merciful heart? Her nature is vicious, her mind is narrow, her temperament is jealous, and her personality is low. Even among demons, she is a rare bitch."

"Before it became a cultivator, it was an evil beast that liked to eat living people. It lived in the river and attacked ships on the river all the year round and occasionally killed the living people on the river. The heads of the living people it ate were enough to be piled up to be a temple."

"Three hundred years ago, it was the beginning of its Taoist cultivation. After that, it was even eviler in its mind and wanted to bring chaos to the Youzhi City, leading the demons in the river to rush to the shore."

"If the previous emperor hadn't happened to meet friends in the Youji city at that time, and repelled this vicious monster in time, the Youji city would have become a dead city."

The red haired woman, while swinging the boat leisurely, spoke with disdain about the old secret. "What is most ridiculous is that after Gu Zhou was seriously injured by the previous emperor, it not only didn't have resentment, but also fell in love, and kept pestering the previous emperor."

"Such despicable behavior is really eye-opening."

"In order to pester the previous emperor, it threatened the emperor of the lives of the people on both sides of the Pangjiang River, forcing the previous emperor to build a temple, set up incense for it, and help it to become a River God."

"After that, she was even more aggressive and wanted to marry the emperor. She even made trouble in the capital of the country, causing the previous emperor's wife to lose face."

"Her brazenness is unparalleled in the world."

On the Pangjiang River, the woman at the helm scoffed at the water god in the river.

The unbridled appearance made Huo Feng's face turn pale. He was afraid that the river would burst and capsize the boat in the river in the next second.

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