I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 714: Peace in Amegakure

Chapter 714: Peace in Amegakure

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As the rain continued to fall softly over Amegakure, the tension between Peter and the trio—Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato—was peculiar. Peter had just promised something that seemed impossible: to bring peace to their war-torn village and their country.

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato stood there, still processing the monumental request they had made. They had assumed it would take months, maybe even years, to accomplish. Surely, such a task required careful planning, diplomacy, and time. Lots of time. So when Peter suddenly turned to Madara, Kurama, and his students, Itachi and Shisui, with a casual grin on his face and said, "Okay, let's get this done now so we can get Madara's eyes and get home in time for dinner," the three of them were stunned.

Yahiko blinked in confusion, his mind struggling to keep up. "Wait… now?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief. "You're going to bring peace to Amegakure today?"

Nagato and Konan shared equally baffled expressions. How could Peter possibly think he could accomplish such a massive task in such a short time? It seemed outlandish, even for someone who had displayed as much power as he had. They began to wonder if this had all been a trick, a way to scam them out of Nagato's Rinnegan.

Before Yahiko or Nagato could voice their doubts, the question was asked for them. It was Itachi, Peter's youngest student, who spoke up, his voice filled not with skepticism, but with pure excitement. "How are you going to do it, Sensei?"

Shisui stood beside him, his eyes gleaming with the same anticipation, clearly eager to see what Peter had in store.

Their expressions confused Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato even more. How could these children look so excited? How could they possibly believe that this man could bring peace to Amegakure so quickly?

Peter, unfazed by the confusion of the Akatsuki trio, grinned down at his students. "Just watch," he said confidently. "I'll explain later."

With that, Peter raised his hands, the air around him crackling with energy. A glowing, golden spell circle materialized in front of him, hovering in midair. The circle was large, intricately detailed with strange symbols and lines that seemed to pulse with a soft, radiant light. It radiated power—so much so that even Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato could feel it from where they stood.

Itachi and Shisui's eyes widened with awe, their gazes locked onto the spell circle. As Peter moved his hands, drawing new lines and symbols within the circle, the two children watched intently, their Sharingan spinning as they tried to memorize every detail of the spell.

Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato, though skeptical, couldn't tear their eyes away from the sight. There was something about the energy Peter was conjuring—something that felt… real. Tangible. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before. Yahiko and Nagato exchanged a glance, their earlier doubts still present, but now mixed with a flicker of hope. Could Peter actually pull this off?

Peter's movements were fluid, almost like he was conducting some grand symphony. The lines and symbols he traced in the air began to glow brighter, their light reflecting off the rain-soaked ground. Slowly, the golden spell circle expanded, growing larger and larger until it towered over the group.

The villagers of Amegakure, who had been going about their daily lives in the rain, began to notice the strange phenomenon happening in the sky above them. They looked up, their faces reflecting curiosity and confusion as they saw the giant golden circle forming in the clouds.

"Hey, what's going on?" one villager asked, shading their eyes against the rain as they stared up at the glowing light.

"I don't know," another responded, a sense of unease creeping into their voice. "But whatever it is… it's big."

Even from the hospital, where Hanzo and his ninja were being treated for the injuries they had sustained during their battle with Peter, the golden light was impossible to miss. One of Hanzo's elite ninja glanced out the window, his eyes widening in shock. "Lord Hanzo… something's happening in the sky."

Hanzo, still weakened from the fight, struggled to sit up, his eyes narrowing as he saw the golden light shining above his village. "What… is that?"

Meanwhile, Peter continued to work, his hands moving deftly as he completed the spell. The giant golden circle was now fully formed, stretching across the entire village like a massive dome of light. It hummed with energy, the symbols within it shifting and swirling like they were alive.

Konan took a step forward, her breath catching in her throat. "What… what is this?" she whispered, her eyes wide with wonder.

Peter, hearing her question, turned his head slightly, a small, satisfied smile on his face. "It's a barrier," he explained simply, his voice calm yet commanding. "One that will protect this village from any outside threat. No more invasions, no more attacks. As long as this barrier stands, Amegakure will have peace."

Yahiko's eyes widened, his heart pounding as he realized what Peter was doing. "You're… you're protecting the village?"

Peter nodded. "That's right. This barrier will ensure that Amegakure won't be caught in the crossfire of the Great Shinobi Nations anymore. No one will be able to enter this village with hostile intent. As of today, Amegakure is untouchable."

Nagato, still staring up at the golden light in the sky, felt a wave of emotion wash over him. Could it really be this simple? Could peace truly come to Amegakure with just a wave of Peter's hand?

"I don't believe it…" Yahiko whispered, his voice barely audible. "Is it really… possible?"

Peter turned to face Yahiko and Nagato, his expression softening. "Believe it," he said. "I gave you my word, didn't I?"

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato could only watch in silence as the barrier settled into place, its glow illuminating their faces. They had spent their entire lives fighting for peace, and yet here it was, given to them in a matter of moments.

Peter dusted his hands off as if the monumental task he had just completed was nothing more than an everyday chore. "Alright," he said with a grin. "Now that the barrier is done… let's evict all the people with hostile intent who are already inside."

The three leaders of the Akatsuki turned to Peter, confused by what he meant, but before they could ask, Peter casually snapped his fingers.

Instantly, the golden barrier glowed brighter for a brief moment before a pulse of light shot out from it, spreading rapidly across the entire village like a wave of energy. It moved swiftly through the streets, illuminating every corner and alleyway as it passed, scanning the entire population of Amegakure.

The villagers, already startled by the barrier's sudden appearance, now found themselves bathed in this strange light, unsure of what to make of it.

"What's happening?" Yahiko muttered, his eyes wide as he watched the light sweep across the village.

Nagato and Konan exchanged anxious glances, their hearts pounding in their chests. Was this part of Peter's plan? The light didn't seem to be harming anyone, but the sheer scale of it left them feeling uneasy. Konan's hands tightened into fists as she watched the spectacle unfold.

The villagers, too, were growing more anxious by the second. Some looked up at the sky, shielding their eyes from the radiant glow, while others hurried indoors, seeking shelter from whatever mysterious force was now moving through their village.

"Is it dangerous?" one villager asked nervously, his eyes darting around as the light passed over him.

"I don't know," another responded, her voice trembling slightly. "But it's not hurting us… so maybe it's not an attack?"

The light continued to scan the entire village, moving over every building, every street, and every individual within Amegakure. And just as suddenly as it had appeared, the pulse of light vanished, leaving behind nothing but the faint glow of the barrier overhead.

For a brief moment, everything was still. The villagers looked around, confused and uncertain, their hearts pounding in their chests as they tried to make sense of what had just happened.

But then, something strange began to occur.

All around the village, seemingly out of nowhere, dozens of people began to vanish in flashes of light. One by one, they disappeared—some from within their homes, others from the streets, and a few even from the shadows where they had been hiding.

The sudden disappearances sent shockwaves through the village, with those nearby staring in confusion and fear. "What's happening? Where did they go?" one villager cried out, his voice filled with panic as he saw his neighbor vanish before his very eyes.

"They just… disappeared!" another exclaimed, backing away in shock as the people around her began to blink out of existence.

It didn't take long for the village to descend into chaos. People rushed through the streets, calling out for answers, unsure if they would be next. Mothers clutched their children close, and friends huddled together, their eyes darting around in fear.

"What is this?" Konan whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. Her heart raced as she watched more and more people vanish in the distance. "Are they… dying?"

Peter, sensing the fear in the air, turned to Konan with a calm smile. "Don't worry," he said reassuringly. "They're not dying. The barrier isn't harming anyone."

Nagato stepped forward, his voice filled with urgency. "Then… where are they going? What's happening to them?"

Peter turned his gaze to the horizon, where beyond the village walls, a group of people began to materialize in flashes of light. "Take a look for yourselves," he said, pointing toward the group outside the barrier.

Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan followed Peter's gesture, their eyes widening in disbelief as they saw the scene beyond the village. Outside the protective barrier, a large group of individuals had appeared, standing in confusion and panic as they tried—and failed—to re-enter Amegakure.

Yahiko's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was happening. "Those people… they're outside the village…"

Nagato's Rinnegan flared, his eyes focusing on the figures beyond the barrier. "But why?"

Peter chuckled softly, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Those people you're seeing?" he began, folding his arms casually over his chest. "They're spies, assassins, criminals—all of them here in Amegakure with ill intent. The barrier found them, scanned their minds, and then ejected them from the village."

Konan's eyes widened in realization. "You mean… the barrier can detect hostile intent?"

Peter nodded. "Exactly. It's not just a wall of protection. It's smart. It can sense anyone inside the village with malicious intent, and if they don't belong here… well, they're evicted."

Yahiko, still trying to process what was happening, turned to Peter in disbelief. "You're telling me that all of those people… were enemies of Amegakure?"

Peter's expression darkened slightly, his eyes locking onto the group of individuals outside the barrier. "That's right. Spies from other villages, hired assassins, wanted criminals… You'd be surprised how many people were hiding within your borders, waiting for the right moment to strike."

Nagato clenched his fists, a wave of anger washing over him as he realized how deeply his village had been infiltrated. "All this time… they were here, plotting against us."

Peter's gaze remained fixed on the group outside the barrier, watching as they frantically tried to find a way back into the village. But no matter how hard they tried, the golden barrier remained impenetrable, keeping them locked out.

The group of ejected individuals looked around in confusion, their panic growing with each passing second. Some of them tried to attack the barrier, launching jutsu and weapons at it, but their efforts were in vain. The barrier remained untouched, shimmering softly as it repelled every attack.

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato stood silently, watching the scene unfold. The sheer scale of what Peter had done—creating a barrier that not only protected Amegakure but also purged it of its enemies—was beyond anything they could have imagined.

Konan's voice was quiet as she spoke, her eyes still locked on the group outside the barrier. "You… you really did it," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and disbelief. "You've brought peace to Amegakure."

Peter turned to her with a small, satisfied smile. "I told you I would."

The trio of Akatsuki leaders exchanged glances, their hearts heavy with gratitude. For the first time in years, the constant threat of war and violence hanging over their village had been lifted. Peter had done what they had spent their entire lives fighting for—and he had done it in a single day.

Peter clapped his hands together, breaking the moment of silence. "Alright," he said with a grin, "now that we've cleaned house, it's time to settle the other matter." He turned to Madara, his expression growing more serious. "Let's get your eyes back."

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato stood quietly, still trying to process everything that had just happened. But one thing was clear: their village was safe, and the future they had dreamed of was finally within reach.

A/N: 2207 words :)



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