I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C138 Comforting Carol

C138 Comforting Carol

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



With the Project Insight revelation out of the way, Peter turned to Professor Xavier, his expression serious. "Are you finished with Pierce? Do you have all the information we need?"

Xavier nodded, a look of exhaustion on his face. "Yes, I know everything that he knows, which is much more disturbing than you can imagine. But, at least we have what we need..."

Peter's eyes narrowed slightly. "So, what can you tell us about Hydra? Who are their members? Is there a list of known operatives that we can use against them?"

Xavier took a deep breath before answering. "I have a comprehensive understanding of Hydra, or at least everything Pierce knew. And yes, there are lists of known members, but it’s not just one list. It's multiple lists, split between each Hydra Head." He rolled over to Pierce’s unconscious body on the bed and reached into his breast pocket, pulling out a small drive hidden in the fabric of his suit. 

Rolling back to Peter, Xavier handed the drive over. "This is the complete list of all Hydra members inside Alexander Pierce’s cell. But if we want a complete list of every cell, we'll have to hunt down each Hydra Head and retrieve their lists. Only then will you have a full accounting of their operatives."

Peggy, her brow furrowed, asked, "And you know each of these Heads?"

Xavier nodded and began listing them off. "Aside from Pierce, there's Arnim Zola, Baron Strucker, Octavian Bloom, the Banker, the Sheikh, the Baroness, Doctor List, Daniel Whitehall, who appears to be the leader of the group, and finally, Gideon Malick."

Peggy's eyes widened at the mention of Gideon Malick. "Malick? He's on the World Security Council, just like Pierce. That means Hydra has two members on the Council overseeing Shield." She shook her head in disbelief. "I never suspected..."

Peter noticed the look on Peggy’s face and asked, "I take it you know the rest of them as well?"

Peggy nodded. "I know all of them except the Banker, the Sheikh, and the Baroness. Those aren't actual names I can identify."

"One moment," Xavier said. "Let me show you what they look like." He closed his eyes, concentrating for a moment, then transmitted the memories of their appearances to Peggy’s mind.

Peggy’s eyes widened as she recognized each of them. "The Sheikh is Muhammed Vaziri. He's a real Sheikh with close ties to Shield. He and his family have funded our operations for many years. The Banker is Bernard Garrett, an accountant at Shield who manages much of our funds. As the Director of Shield, I've had to endure his constant monetary scrutiny over the years, though I never would have guessed he was a member of Hydra. And lastly, the Baroness is Heike Zemo, another ‘benefactor’ of Shield similar to the Sheikh."

Peter nodded, absorbing the information. "So you know all of them, right?"

Peggy nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Good," Peter said, his tone decisive. "We need to find each of their locations. Once we know exactly where all of them are, we can strike them all at once. Then we can use their membership lists to completely uproot Hydra without leaving a single operative behind."

Everyone in the room seemed to agree with this plan. Peggy nodded firmly, her determination clear. "I’ll get some trusted agents on it. We’ll have their locations by tomorrow at the latest." With that, she rushed out of the room, ready to set their plan into motion.

As Peggy left, Peter turned to Xavier, his expression serious. "You don’t need Pierce anymore, do you?"

Xavier shook his head. "No, I've gathered all the information we need from him."

Peter nodded. "Alright then, I’ll lock him up. But before that, we have a request." He glanced over at Yoda and Windu, who exchanged knowing looks.

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "What can I help you with?"

Peter took a deep breath. "Would you be willing to use your powers to gather information from the Sith we captured?"

“I don’t know…” Xavier's expression immediately darkened. "I agreed to help against Hydra because of the immediate threat they pose. The idea of delving into another mind is not something I’m eager to do."

Windu stepped forward, his voice calm yet insistent. "Professor, the Sith are far more dangerous than you can possibly imagine. To you, Hydra may seem like a significant threat, but compared to the Sith, they are nothing more than children playing at being villains. The Sith are the real threat. And the information you could gather from this Sith could be crucial in stopping whatever they have planned."

Xavier looked confused. "They can’t be that bad, can they?" He asked in disbelief. 

Peter sighed, realizing they needed to explain more. "The Sith have no care for anything or anyone but themselves. They would slaughter, cook, and eat their own families if it meant gaining even the tiniest bit of power. "

Yoda nodded, his wise eyes fixed on Xavier. “A darkness, unlike any other, the Sith are. Remember, I do, when my master told me the tale of Darth Nihilus. Powerful in the dark side, he became. A hunger, insatiable, he possessed. Entire planets, he could drain the life from, leaving nothing but emptiness behind. Not just life, but the very Force itself, he consumed.”

Peter’s eyes widened as he heard this, realizing he still had Darth Nihilus’s mask back in Knowhere. ‘I definitely shouldn’t tell Master Yoda about that…’ he thought.

“…” Xavier turned quiet, his former resistance beginning to waver. 

Seeing this, Yoda added, "But warn you, I must. The mind of a Sith, full of hate and darkness, it is. Dangerous it would be to enter. Unlike anything you have faced, it is."

Xavier’s face showed a mix of concern and curiosity. "So, you’re saying that entering his mind could harm me?”

Peter nodded hesitantly. "Yes. It could be through intense negative emotions, overwhelming you with pain and anger, or perhaps contact with the Dark Side of the Force itself, which has a range of effects. Either way, it's a significant risk." He paused before adding, "But of course, we'll take every precaution to keep you safe. We just want you to understand what you’re agreeing to."

Xavier sighed, clearly torn. "I don’t know if I can do this… I’ve already been using my powers in ways I’m not comfortable with."

Peter stepped closer, his tone earnest. "I understand your hesitation, Professor. That's why we're giving you the choice and making it clear just how dangerous this is. If you feel you can't do it, then simply refuse, and we won't hold it against you. But if you can, then please help us." He bowed to the Professor in the same respectful manner he reserved for his masters.

Beside him, both Yoda and Windu lowered their heads, bowing alongside their former Padawan. “…”

Xavier looked between Peter, Yoda, and Windu, his expression conflicted. "You’re asking me to do something incredibly dangerous..."

“…” None of them refuted him, keeping their heads bowed. 

Xavier swallowed nervously, clearly second-guessing himself. But after a moment, he straightened his shoulders and nodded. "Alright, stand up. I’ll do it. If these Sith are truly as dangerous as you say, then it’s my duty to help get rid of them for good. But I need to prepare myself first..."

Peter smiled, relieved. "Thank you, Professor. Your help will make a huge difference."

Xavier nodded, his resolve firming. "Just promise me that you’ll be ready to help me out if anything goes wrong."

Yoda and Windu nodded in agreement, their expressions serious. "Promise, we do. Protect you, we will," Yoda assured him.


After getting Professor Xavier's agreement to help plunder the mind of Darth Maul and gather all the information they could about his master and their plans, Peter left his master's with Xavier to come up with a game plan. He then turned his attention to the unconscious Alexander Pierce.

With a casual wave of his hand, Peter lifted Pierce off the bed and levitated him down to the prison floor of the Red Room. The hallways were lined with cells, each one housing the surviving Kree soldiers. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with the sense of confinement and desperation.

As Peter approached an empty cell, he unceremoniously tossed Pierce inside. “Ugh!” The impact jolted Pierce awake, his eyes wide with confusion. "Where am I?" he muttered, disoriented.

Peter smirked, leaning against the doorframe. "Welcome to your new home, Pierce."

Pierce’s eyes widened in recognition and fear as he saw Peter. He scrambled to his feet and rushed towards the cell door, but Peter slammed it shut in his face with a resounding clang.

Pierce banged on the door, his voice rising in panic. "Let me out! You can’t do this! I demand to be set free this instant!"

Peter chuckled, his voice echoing in the dimly lit corridor. "Enjoy your stay," he said, turning on his heel and walking away. “Don’t worry! The rest of Hydra will be joining you soon!”

Pierce’s screams and demands followed him, growing fainter with each step Peter took. The sound of Pierce's voice faded into the distance, replaced by the eerie silence of the prison floor.

Satisfied with his work, Peter made his way out of the prison, his thoughts occupied with the upcoming challenges. As he neared the observation deck, he noticed Carol Danvers sitting alone, staring out at the sunset through the giant window. 

The golden hues of the setting sun cast a warm glow over the room, but the melancholy air around Carol was unmistakable.

Silently, Peter took a seat beside her, "What's wrong?" He asked gently. "The view not to your liking?"

His presence startled Carol, causing her to turn to him, her gaze sharp but tinged with a hint of vulnerability. Instantly, the memory of his fight against Darth Maul flashed in her mind, a gruesome scene that left a lasting mark on her.

Carol stuttered for a moment before replying, "N-No, it's beautiful. Just... lost in thought, I guess."

Peter nodded, sensing there was more. "Then why did you seem so sad?"

She sighed, her eyes drifting back to the horizon. "It's just, I still can’t remember anything. I was hoping to remember something. Like my parents or my friends or where I lived. But it’s like my mind is blocked."

Peter remained quiet for a moment before speaking. "Maybe you don’t want to remember?"

Carol’s frustration flared, her voice rising. "Of course, I want to remember! It’s all I can ever think about..."

Peter held her gaze steadily. "Are you sure? What about that memory from the night we first met? I’m sure it wasn’t pleasant for you… If you remember everything else, there may be even more memories like that one."

Carol’s eyes widened, shock evident on her face. "How do you know about that? I haven’t told anyone…"

Peter smiled gently. "When you were screaming in pain, I tried to comfort you. And when we touched, I got a vision, showing me what you were seeing."

Carol raised a curious brow. "How?"

"It’s a Jedi thing," Peter explained. "It’s rather common actually."

Carol frowned, a wave of sadness washing over her. "I’m sorry you had to see that. I wish I hadn’t seen it myself."

A shiver ran down Carol’s spine as the memory resurfaced, her body beginning to involuntarily shake with fear. Seeing this, Peter reached over and pulled her into a comforting hug.

"Hey, it's okay," Peter whispered. "You’re safe now. No one’s going to hurt you anymore, I promise..."

Carol began to break down into tears, clinging to Peter. "You’re right, I’m scared. I don’t want to remember if there are more memories like that. Memories filled with torture and pain. And that horrible man!"

Peter held her tighter. "You don’t have to remember if you don’t want to. You can choose to start anew. Build a new life without the burden of your old memories."

Carol sniffled, looking up at Peter with teary eyes. "But what about my family or friends? I must have people out there who are worried about me."

Peter smiled reassuringly. "That’s easy. We can find out where you used to live and reconnect you with the people who knew you. They’ll be happy to see you, memories or not."

"But what if they don’t want the me that can’t remember them?" Carol asked, her voice small.

Peter shook his head. "If they’re your real friends or family, they’ll be thrilled to have you back, no matter what. Whether you remember them or not, you’re still you, aren’t you?"

"I guess you’re right…” Carol muttered, hope filling her voice. “I’m still me."

They both fell silent, the intimacy of the moment settling over them. Suddenly, Carol began to realize just how close they were, her face flushing with embarrassment. Quickly, she broke away from Peter, turning her blushing face away as she stammered, "Uhh… thank you. I… I need to go."

Before Peter could respond, Carol got up and hurried away, leaving him behind in the observation deck, a thoughtful expression on his face. ‘She’s pretty cute when she’s flustered…’

A/N: 2243 words :)🚨🚨

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