I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1106: If you’re going to mess things up for your father, you might as well go all the way

Chapter 1106: If you're going to mess things up for your father, you might as well go all the way

The number of wild Pokémon deceived by the Murkrow was enormous. Those running on the ground and flying in the sky surrounded the ranch tightly.

When Mayor Ishida arrived, the son of his old friend was still trying to solve the problem with violence. It was precisely this behavior that completely enraged the wild Pokémon, leading some of them to launch an attack on the workers in the ranch.

Originally, the son of the person in charge was the primary target, but seeing his son in danger, the person in charge took the blow for him. By the time Mayor Ishida arrived at the scene, his old friend was already lying on the ground, covered in blood, unable to move.

Mayor Ishida, with his years of experience, had seen it all. One look at the situation, and he immediately understood what had happened. At first, he thought his old friend had done something unethical, but after pulling aside a worker and asking a few questions, he learned that it was all due to the actions of his old friend's son.

Luckily, Mayor Ishida had brought Masato Shirai along with him before coming. With Masato Shirai and Saskia leading the police force to block the wild Pokémon's attack, Mayor Ishida was able to even make it into the ranch.

However, there were just too many wild Pokémon surrounding the ranch. Masato Shirai and the police officers had to fight while protecting the workers inside, making the battle increasingly difficult.

Moreover, since the humans were clearly at fault, Mayor Ishida and Masato Shirai feared that acting too harshly would completely offend the wild Pokémon and push the situation to an irreparable point, so the police fought cautiously, holding back.

But despite Masato Shirai and the police's restraint, their resistance still enraged the wild Pokémon, who believed the humans intended to exterminate them. All the wild Pokémon began launching a full-scale attack on the people in the ranch.

Mayor Ishida tried to calm the enraged wild Pokémon, but the scene was so chaotic that the wild Pokémon couldn't hear a word the humans were saying.

As the situation spiraled further out of control, with more people getting injured, Mayor Ishida, seeing no other option, decisively ordered one of the officers to escort the secretary back to seek help from Yuga.

By the time Yuga and the secretary arrived at the scene, most of the officers led by Masato Shirai and Saskia had already been defeated, and the few remaining were barely holding on.

Verdanturf Town had always been peaceful, with few major incidents happening over the years. This was the first time Saskia had ever encountered such a dangerous mission during her tenure in the town. After being surrounded and attacked by so many wild Pokémon, both she and her Arcanine were utterly exhausted.

At that moment, Saskia was being attacked by four Linoone. Her Arcanine, exhausted from the relentless fighting, let one of the Linoone slip through. That Linoone bypassed Arcanine and directly launched a surprise attack on Saskia.

Saskia was so terrified that her mind went blank. She froze in place, watching in shock as the Linoone charged straight at her.

At that moment, Saskia noticed green vines suddenly sprouting from the grass field beneath her feet. The Linoone charging at her was immediately ensnared by the vines. The other three Linoone still attacking Arcanine weren't spared either.

Once she realized what had happened, Saskia looked around and saw that it wasn't just her area—the entire grass field of the ranch was glowing. Vines were rising from the ground, binding all the wild Pokémon attacking the ranch, rendering them unable to move.

Bathed in the green light from the grass, she felt her exhaustion vanish, and the fresh scent of nature washed over her.

This miraculous sight left Saskia utterly astonished. She couldn't fathom what kind of powerful Pokémon could achieve such a feat, controlling hundreds of wild Pokémon in an instant.

"We're saved! Gym Leader Shimizu is here!" someone shouted.

Following the voice, Saskia noticed that, at some point, a young man had appeared in the center of the ranch. By his side was a Florges, its arms outstretched as beams of green light radiated from its body. The vines growing from the grass danced in sync with the green glow.

Only now did she truly understand why, when they first came to Verdanturf Town, her family had suggested her uncle to use high-potential Growlithe to try and win over a local Gym Leader.

This person was just too powerful—so powerful that it was beyond her imagination.

This was the first time Saskia had witnessed Yuga in action. She had always heard that Yuga was strong, but only now did she grasp what that strength truly meant.

Saskia suspected that even the head of the Jenny family might not be a match for this young man, who was barely in his twenties.

"Florges, Aromatherapy!"

Yuga's voice echoed in everyone's ears. Soon after, they were enveloped by a rich fragrance scent, and their fear and panic melted away.

It wasn't just the humans in the ranch who were affected; the wild Pokémon, too, calmed down as soon as they smelled the aroma. The Grass-type Pokémon, in particular, instinctively felt both a sense of closeness and awe toward Florges.

The soothing effect of Grass-type Pokémon's Aromatherapy already had a mild calming influence, but with Florges, the effect was greatly amplified. The wild Pokémon, who had been blinded by anger, quickly regained their composure.

Mayor Ishida let out a long sigh of relief at Yuga's arrival. Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he hurried over to Yuga and said, "Thank goodness you arrived in time! I wouldn't have known how to deal with this otherwise!"

Yuga responded, "This is what I should do. Let's resolve the issue first."

Mayor Ishida nodded his head quickly, saying, "Yes, yes, let's resolve the issue first..."

"Florges, let them go now," Yuga said to Florges, seeing that the wild Pokémon had calmed down.


Florges nodded, waving its hands, and the vines that had bound the wild Pokémon quickly retreated back into the ground, as if they had never appeared.

However, the Grassy Terrain was not withdrawn; the injured officers and workers, including the critically wounded foreman, still needed healing.

The now-freed wild Pokémon cautiously eyed Yuga and Florges, no longer daring to act rashly. The aura emanating from Yuga and Florges made the wild Pokémon feel both a natural closeness and a sense of awe.

"This situation was mishandled on our part. I apologize on behalf of the humans," Yuga's voice echoed in the ears of the wild Pokémon. "To express our regret, we will compensate you."

"Murkrow, Murkrow, Murkrow!"

Suddenly, a voice called out from somewhere, expressing distrust towards Yuga and the humans.

Yuga continued, "We have no reason to deceive you. You've seen my strength just now. If I intended to harm you, I could have captured all of you easily without wasting words."

Yuga's words made the wild Pokémon exchange uncertain glances. It was true—there was no reason for him to lie.


After some discussion, the wild Pokémon selected a Zangoose to be their representative to negotiate with Yuga.

"Murkrow, Murkrow, Murkrow!"

Just as it seemed the wild Pokémon were ready to make peace with the humans, the same voice that had previously questioned Yuga spoke up again, warning the wild Pokémon not to trust him, claiming that everything he said was a lie.

The wild Pokémon, naturally more trusting of their own kind than of humans, began to hesitate once again.

At that moment, with a subtle signal from Yuga, Florges suddenly lashed out with a vine whip, pulling a Murkrow out from behind a small bush.

"Murkrow, Murkrow!"

Tangled in Florges's vine, Murkrow struggled desperately, but no matter how hard it fought, it couldn't break free from the seemingly fragile vine.

Florges pulled the Murkrow in front of Yuga, who firmly grasped its wing base and said, "So it was you stirring up trouble, huh? You've got some nerve."


Murkrow looked at Yuga with an expression of confusion, clearly denying it had made any noise earlier.

Seeing that it wouldn't admit to anything, Yuga merely smiled and didn't press further, continuing to negotiate with the wild Pokémon while still holding its wing. Realizing escape was futile, Murkrow hung its head, refraining from causing any more mischief.

Without Murkrow's instigation, both sides quickly reached a reconciliation.

Yuga assured them that he would not disturb the lives of the wild Pokémon living outside the ranch and promised to provide them with a batch of berries as compensation.

As for the wild Pokémon originally residing on the ranch, Yuga guaranteed that he would arrange for them a habitat with more abundant food resources.

The wild Pokémon's willingness to cooperate was partly due to Florges's display of strength and partly influenced by the Celebi Blessing.

Celebi was held in high regard among the wild Pokémon.

Once the negotiations with the wild Pokémon concluded, Masato Shirai approached Yuga to express his gratitude.

"Thank you, Mr. Shimizu. If you hadn't arrived in time, Saskia would have certainly faced trouble."

Yuga waved his hand dismissively, saying, "No problem at all; we're all on the same side, it's the least I could do!"

"Regardless, I must thank you!" Masato Shirai said sincerely, motioning for Saskia to come over. "Saskia, come over and thank Mr. Shimizu."

Saskia obediently walked to the two and earnestly said to Yuga, "Thank you, Mr. Shimizu."

Seeing his niece's sincere attitude, Masato Shirai nodded in satisfaction, thinking, "Looks like grassroots experiences really do build character!"

He had always felt that Saskia had become a bit spoiled and arrogant due to the indulgence of his wife and sister-in-law. He remembered when they first arrived in Verdanturf Town; she had been quite dismissive about the family's efforts to get along with Mr. Shimizu.

However, it was clear that Masato Shirai had underestimated his niece. Saskia was an elite cultivated by the Jenny family; while she might be proud, she wasn't foolish. Anyone who witnessed Florges's earlier display wouldn't be feeling too proud at the moment!

"Director Shirai, what exactly happened here?"

Although Yuga had heard from the town mayor's secretary that the wild Pokémon attacked the ranch due to someone not following the rules, he hadn't yet gathered the specific details.

In response, Masato Shirai recounted everything he knew to Yuga.

At this time, the injured workers and officers were waking up under the healing effects of Florges's Grassy Terrain, including the mayor's old friend.

"Shirashi, it's all my fault! I was selfish; otherwise, this wouldn't have happened! I'm so sorry!"

The foreman was sobbing profusely, and for a moment, Mayor Shirai didn't know whether to comfort him or scold him.

While the foreman's injuries had eased under the Grassy Terrain's treatment, he had originally been quite severely hurt and was still unable to get up while lying on the stretcher.

"I will definitely teach him a lesson later and make sure he never meddles in ranch affairs again!"

Hearing his friend's lament, Mayor Ishida felt extremely uncomfortable: Did he think this matter could be easily brushed aside?

"Dad, you can't say that! I'm doing this to expedite the ranch's construction work! Although I made a mistake, it's understandable!"

The foreman's son was very dissatisfied with his father placing all the blame on him.

Hearing his son's words nearly made the foreman furious: "I'm saying this for your own good! If I don't address this now, do you think this matter can just be swept under the rug?"

While he was angry at his son's foolishness, he could only hope that his friend would let his son off the hook for his sake.

Mayor Ishida was also furious at the foreman's son's remarks, feeling as if his insides were being crushed. "Oh, how generous of you to say it was for the sake of completing the ranch's construction work!"

He had dedicated his entire life to the development of Verdanturf Town, and everything else had to take a backseat! Besides, he himself bore some responsibility for not keeping a closer eye on things!

Just then, while Mayor Ishida was grappling with the situation, Yuga approached with Masato Shirai and two police officers. Masato Shirai nodded at the two officers, who promptly took out handcuffs and cuffed the foreman's son.

"What are you doing! Let me go! Let me go! On what grounds are you arresting me?"

The foreman's son struggled, but one of the officers grabbed his arm and scolded, "Calm down!"

The two officers were furious at the instigator of the incident; if it weren't for this person, they wouldn't have had so many comrades injured.

"Ishida..." The foreman immediately looked at Mayor Ishida with a pleading expression upon seeing his son being arrested.

"Uncle Kai, just leave everything to me from here on out. You've been through quite a shock today; go home and rest." (Mayor Ishida's full name is Ishida Kai.)

After Yuga finished speaking, he gestured to the town mayor's secretary, indicating he should escort his superior away.

"Alright, then I'll leave it to you!" Mayor Ishida didn't want to deal with his friend's pleas any longer; after a few brief words with Yuga, he left with the secretary.

The subsequent handling of the situation was straightforward. The foreman's son would serve at least twenty years in prison, and with the evidence being irrefutable, there was no way he could escape the consequences.

The League had always placed great importance on Pokémon-related disasters, and the penalties for related crimes were traditionally strict. Although this incident didn't reach the scale of a full-blown Pokémon disaster, the nature of the offense was the same.

The foreman lost his job with the League as a result of this incident. His evaluations at work had always been excellent, but he never expected to tarnish his reputation at the very end.

Mayor Ishida also faced repercussions; as the main responsible party for the ranch, he couldn't escape blame even though he had been unaware of the situation. Thus, he received a serious reprimand from the League for his negligence.

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