Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 711: How Does Slaughter Sound For Date Night?

Chapter 711: How Does Slaughter Sound For Date Night?

Watching the five-colored spirit thunder pillars strike towards them, the Dragon Tiger Sovereign, the Northstar Sword Devil, and others were startled into a panic, hastily signaling the assembled celestial officials to retreat back to safety.

Kick someone while they're down? At this moment, Yun Xiao, having fallen into the water, transformed into a great white shark, summoning storms and wreaking havoc in a chaotic slaughter.

Whoever wished to take advantage of a fallen foe found themselves instead turning into prey the moment they touched the water!

Even the Northstar Sword Devil and the other celestial officials felt their hearts twitch with shock, their minds blank, their common sense so shattered they could hardly speak.

Faced with such an unreasonable monster, their eyes could only see the refuge of the Taiwei Imperial Palace.

"Back to the palace! Let the White Emperor deal with him using the Immortal Asylum!"

Shouts rose from the mouths of tens of thousands of core celestial officials gathered here, fighting shoulder to shoulder with the imperial family members. They were the staunch supporters and beneficiaries of the incense offerings.

BANG! BANG! BANG! A massive crowd surged towards the Taiwei Imperial Palace.

Emerging only to hide again was truly a sight of disarray!

However, as these officials neared the Taiwei Imperial Palace, thunder suddenly surged in the sky above. The multicolored tribulation clouds violently condensed into a world-splitting five-colored thunder orb, which abruptly fell from the heavens, striking the sanguine barrier of the Taiwei Imperial Palace!

BOOM! A thunderous explosion shook the heavens and earth.

The blinding five-colored lightning momentarily obscured everyone’s vision, the intense explosion causing the grounds of the Heavenly Palace to tremble, even throwing Jian Chi and Zhao Yuanbao to the ground, their blood energies in turmoil.

RUMBLE! The aftershocks of the explosion lasted a long time.

It was scare after scare! One by one, the celestial officials climbed to their feet, and as the red glow and colorful flashes dissipated, they were stunned to see that the sanguine barrier over the Taiwei Imperial Palace had vanished!

This meant their last safeguard was gone, and the White Emperor was still unconscious…

“We’re in big trouble,” the Northstar Sword Devil murmured with a deep frown.

“Fortunately!” The Dragon Tiger Sovereign pointed towards the sky, gritting his teeth. “The tribulation clouds have dispersed, their power exhausted!”

Perhaps this was the only piece of good news.

"Yun Xiao is still in the sky!"

The celestial officials looked up to see the youth, who unknown to them, had seated himself cross-legged in the sky, his eyes closed, seemingly nurturing his spirit, making final adjustments after successfully crossing the tribulation.

"He might have broken through five stages in one go, rapidly replenishing his celestial power." The Northstar Sword Devil frowned again.

"It's no matter... At his core, he's still within the Anima Tribulation Realm; this kid, devoid of some special trump card, lacks the intrinsic combat strength. Not to mention the White Emperor and Crown Prince, even our cultivation surpasses his..."

Yet, the Dragon Tiger Sovereign appeared to be among the quickest to rush back toward the Taiwei Imperial Palace.

All the celestial officials cowered under the pretext of protecting the White Emperor.

As for the Constellation Army and 18 Department Legions, the corpses of imperials and nobles were everywhere, decimated in the recent destructive assault. Even those who remained seemed too terrified to move, squatting on the ground, sweating profusely, with no one left to command them.

Today's double massacres by the Great Mother and Yun Xiao had decimated the Constellation Army, the most elite force of the Heavenly Palace, their millenia-old imperial lineage almost completely wiped out.

Even so, the remaining soldiers of the Constellation Army and 18 Department Legions shockingly discovered that their peril was not yet over.

Out of nowhere, a vast blue sea appeared on the battlefield, dragging each disabled and dying soldier beneath its waves. With a sizzling sound, these Immortals ceased to move.

This blue expanse was executing a thorough eradication of these imperials and nobles.

"It's the corpse-demon nurtured by Yun Xiao!"

Heart-rending screams filled the air again, sporadic but reflecting the dire straits of the imperial family and nobility of the Heavenly Palace. They weren't just killed but annihilated in spirit. Now, they wouldn't just be annihilated in spirit, not even their corpses would be spared!

This was the most feared karmic retribution deep within their hearts, now horrifyingly realized.


Tens of thousands of celestial officials, drenched in sweat, had lost the courage to resist. They were truly frightened. Only by returning to the side of the White Emperor might they feel safe...

Among these figures, those who had once watched Yun Xiao ascend to the top of the Immortal Tournament at the Divine Gateway and had attended the Divine Peach Banquet were present. Now, they were intimidated by Yun Xiao, retreating again and again.

BOOM! Just as the Taiwei Imperial Palace came into view, suddenly, a graceful white figure descended from the sky, its accompanying two massive snow-white orbs smashing into the ground.

Outside the Taiwei Imperial Palace, the surrounding celestial palaces were pulverized into dust, the ground cracking open with thousands of fissures stretching before the celestial officials!

These officials, at least Rank 4 or higher, looked up in terror. Out of the mists, a small figure, fierce as a tiger, stood atop one of the Primordial Doom Stars, blocking the entrance to the Taiwei Imperial Palace alone!

She was the embodiment of a certain idiom—"A lone figure guards the door, ten thousand can't advance anymore."

"Seventh Princess..."

As these officials gazed at the petite, indifferent girl in white, they recalled the deaths of the Longevity Immortal, Tai Sui Sage, and Sixth Prince, instilling a deep fear within them.

An imperial princess had become the greatest rebel in the Celestial Court!

Even death could not claim her—she returned only more formidable!

When she stood before the white dragon steps of the Taiwei Imperial Palace, even Rank 1 Heavenly Officers like the Dragon Tiger Sovereign dared not advance.

"Lil Xi! I am your uncle..."

The Dragon Tiger Sovereign took a deep breath, attempting to appeal to kinship, but as soon as he spoke, the girl in white chillingly responded, "The ones I wish to kill the most upon my return are my parents and brothers. Why would I spare you, Uncle?"

"Enough," the Northstar Sword Devil said, his gaze somber as he fixed it upon Divine Dawn. "Seventh Princess, do not boast on your own. If you do not step aside, do not blame us for being ruthless."

He also reminded the Dragon Tiger Sovereign and the others that Divine Dawn could be used to threaten Yun Xiao, a rumor floating that this pair were somehow involved with each other.

"Who says I'm alone? I have someone with me!" Divine Dawn's icy face warmed slightly as she spoke these words.

As she looked up at the gathered celestial officials, a chill ran down their spines!

They turned sharply, only to see behind them, a youth in the Rank 9 Arbiter armor, floating in midair. His attire was platinum white, his black hair billowing, his eyes misty with a golden haze, and his body wrapped in a blood mist like dragons. One hand held a violet umbrella, the other a three-foot azure blade!

His golden eyes, full of compassion,stared down at the assembled officials.


Seeing this heaven-defying freak of nature, these supreme Immortals, despite their reluctance to admit it, involuntarily inhaled sharply in fear.

Having commanded the wind and rain in the Great Dao Celestial Realm for so long, standing at the pinnacle among Immortals, these celestial officials had their own pride.

Yes, they feared the Great Mother. But Yun Xiao and Divine Dawn? These two make-believe heroes were supposed to be puppets dancing to their tune—easily threatened and manipulated, hardly a threat.

Yet, now, with Divine Dawn blocking the white dragon steps and Yun Xiao behind them, these lofty figures of the Celestial Court found themselves in a humiliating position.

The Northstar Sword Devil, ever the volatile Sword Immortal, could bear it no longer. He proclaimed loudly, "Fellow Immortals, these mere children have gone too far. Why not join forces to eliminate them, to clear away these rebels against heaven and purify the righteous path?"

His call ignited the pent-up fury in the hearts of the Stellar Margraves, Supreme Generals, Treasure Deities, Sages, Sword Monarchs, and various other celestial officials.

Indeed, the thought struck all of them.

We might be afraid of the Great Mother, but we're not afraid of you two!

The recent upheaval by the tribulation clouds was but an external force; true power lay in one's cultivation. How could 10,000 officials of the Heavenly Palace fear just two youngsters?

"We shall act as heaven's agents!"

"I follow!"

"An old man like me is willing to throw away my life and shed blood for the heavenly way!"

Suddenly, the Immortals were inflamed, erupting into action. Swords Souls, Life Sigils, and Magic Treasures were brandished. They were all shrewd, having kept a low profile to save their skins, unlike the Three Great Constellations who had met their doom.

Now, their patience was spent; there was no more holding back! Angered, they stormed into battle!

The Northstar Sword Devil furiously unleashed his Sword Soul, containing 89 Sword Prisons, pointing it at Yun Xiao as he thundered, "Kil—UKH!"

The word had barely left his lips when a streak of azure light, too fast for the eye to catch, passed over his mouth.

SPLURT! The Northstar Sword Devil’s head burst with blood, pointing at Yun Xiao, he fell dead, motionless.

Seeing this, the other Immortals felt their boiling blood suddenly freeze.

Their necks stiff, they turned to look at Yun Xiao, who casually caught the azure light, licked it off his lips, and sneered, "What a piece of trash, daring to sneak attack me at the Gate of Death using his spirit."

The Immortals were thoroughly shaken.





Ten thousand top celestial officials emitted various cries, scattering in different directions.

Seeing this chaos, Yun Xiao and Divine Dawn exchanged glances.

Even without words, it was clear they were competing over who could kill more…

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