Immortality Cultivation: I Farm in the System Space

Chapter 217 - 214: Spiritual Plant Acceleration Growth, Cloning the Moon Mulberry Spirit Fruit_2

Chapter 217: Chapter 214: Spiritual Plant Acceleration Growth, Cloning the Moon Mulberry Spirit Fruit_2

If that’s the case…

then wouldn’t he be able to mass-produce Spirit Plants at will with this new function.

Lin Jing was certain that the System would not make such a mistake.

After picking these Spirit Fruits,

Lin Jing remembered…

He had been too anxious after obtaining the seeds of the Moon Mulberry Spirit Fruit and accelerated them to maturity directly.

He even forgot to buy a Spirit-Quelling Box to prevent the loss of Spiritual Power from the Spirit Fruits.

Although Lin Jing had prepared quite a few Pure Jade Boxes, they were meant for storing Elixir Medicines and were useless for Spirit Plants.

To store Spirit Fruits, he still needed a Spirit-Quelling Box of the same wood attribute for the best effect.

Looking at the Spirit Fruits in his hand, Lin Jing then thought,

“It seems…

“I’ll have to go out tomorrow to buy a few Spirit-Quelling Boxes.”

Right after…

Lin Jing stored two of the Moon Mulberry Spirit Fruits.

As for another fruit…

Lin Jing planned to extract its seeds and return them to the Ning Family.

The seed he had previously obtained from the ancestor of the Ning Family had been planted by Lin Jing already.

Naturally, he could no longer return it to the Ning Family ancestor.

All he needed to do was to give a new seed to the Ning Family ancestor.

Since the seeds all looked alike, and any slight differences could be claimed as a result of repairing the seed,

he had nothing to fear from being exposed.

No sooner said than done.

Soon after…

Lin Jing, holding the fruit, circulated his Spiritual Power and probed into it.

Then, he carefully wrapped the pit inside the fruit with Spiritual Power and slowly extracted it.

As he removed the pit, a few droplets of juice fell,

Lin Jing, not wanting to waste them, used his Spiritual Power to condense the drops and directly sent them into his mouth.

Upon entering his mouth, the juice transformed into pure Spiritual Power and entered his body.

It truly lives up to being the fruit of a Third Rank Spirit Plant.

Even just these few droplets contained Spiritual Power that was almost comparable to a Second Rank Elixir Medicine.

In the end, after extracting the pit, Lin Jing wrapped the remaining fruit flesh with Spiritual Power.

Though the seed had been removed,

the remaining fruit flesh, after simple processing, could become an auxiliary ingredient for making Cultivation True Elixir.

After completing all these tasks, Lin Jing condensed Spiritual Power and cracked open the pit, causing the seed inside to fall out.

Lin Jing reached out and caught it.


He dug a hole in the Spirit Field and planted the seed.

After planting the seed, Lin Jing spoke up and summoned the System.

“System, activate the Spiritual Plant Acceleration function.”

As Lin Jing’s voice fell,

the System panel appeared once again, just like last time.

This time, Lin Jing didn’t plan to accelerate the growth to full maturity.


when he had obtained this seed, it had already had a growth period of one year.

This time, Lin Jing’s acceleration was to compensate for this one year of growth.


even if the seed was intact, there was less than one year left from the time of their bet,

which wouldn’t be enough time, and he wouldn’t be able to cultivate it.

In that case, the Ning Family would still lose in the end.

Of course,

this time, Lin Jing would have to keep a close eye on the process to be ready to stop the acceleration at any moment.

As time gradually passed, an hour soon flew by…

And on the panel…

the accelerated growth time had already surpassed one year.

At that point, Lin Jing hastily stopped the acceleration.

Just when Lin Jing stopped the acceleration, the System prompt sounded again.

“System notification: Spiritual Plant Acceleration growth has ended; total accelerated time, one year and two months, Acceleration Cost 6 Harvest Points.”

“Current Harvest Points remaining: 1835.”

“A little over a year’s time, just right,” Lin Jing muttered to himself.

Once the light screen dispersed, Lin Jing dug out the seed.

Upon examining the seed, Lin Jing saw that though it wasn’t exactly identical to the one obtained from the Ning Family ancestor, the difference was minimal.

The outer shell on its surface had been slightly cracked open, revealing a hint of green inside.


Lin Jing had stopped the acceleration.


this seed would have really started to sprout.


he could clearly feel the abundant Spiritual Power within this seed.

This is indeed a normal Third Rank Spirit Plant seed.

Following that…

Lin Jing cleaned the dirt from the seed and placed it back into the exquisite wooden box.

This seed was not so delicate; although it was growing, extracting it from the soil and placing it in the wooden box wouldn’t be a problem.

Seeing that everything had been taken care of, Lin Jing then left the System Space.

The next day.

Lin Jing left his courtyard early in the morning.

After leaving, he found a secluded place to disguise himself.

Then he headed toward Yuebaolou.

After much deliberation about purchasing the Spirit-Quelling Box, Lin Jing decided to go to Yuebaolou.


the Spirit-Quelling Box was not like the Pure Jade Box.

Pure Jade Boxes are very common and also very cheap.

No matter how many one buys, they wouldn’t raise suspicions.

But the Spirit-Quelling Box was different…

Apart from a few rare Second Rank Spirit Plants, and Third Rank or higher Spirit Plants…

other Spirit Plants wouldn’t need it.


the Spirit-Quelling Box is not cheap; buying it from Yuebaolou wouldn’t attract attention.

Upon arriving at Yuebaolou,

Lin Jing was led by a maidservant straight to the second floor.

“What would you like, Daoist friend?”

Lin Jing approached the counter, where an attendant spoke to him.

This attendant had only been seen by Lin Jing a few times; they had no interactions, so he wasn’t very familiar with him.

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