Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

108. Unblocking the Ren and Du Meridians, Promoting to Innate!

108. Unblocking the Ren and Du Meridians, Promoting to Innate!


Lin Fei's inner power was like a vast ocean, stirring up tremendous waves. It was also like a restless volcano, erupting violently.

It was mighty and unstoppable and rushed towards the Ren and Du meridians in an instant. These two meridians were like two iron chains, separating the human body from the outside world, completely "locking" the martial artist.

A human body had its limits, even if one's physical condition was excellent and one's foundation was solid. But it could only generate so much inner power and only accommodate so much inner power.

Therefore, to advance further, one must transform certain forces from heaven and earth into one's own power. Only in this way can a martial artist become even stronger.

The Ren and Du meridians were challenging to break through. However, in the face of Lin Fei's overwhelming inner power, the Ren and Du meridians were as fragile as paper.


Two faint sounds came from Lin Fei's body. After that, Lin Fei's inner power flowed unimpeded through the Ren and Du meridians.

He broke through!

The Ren and Du meridians were easily broken through by Lin Fei's inner power. There was no earth-shattering scene. In fact, it seemed quite easy. It made Lin Fei feel that all the preparations he had made before were in vain.

In reality, breaking through to the innate realm was just like this. Those who could succeed would truly succeed with no difficulties or obstacles. But those who cannot succeed would truly fail.

The Ren and Du meridians were like an insurmountable chasm that was difficult to cross.

"I've finally become an innate martial artist!"

Lin Fei's heart was very calm as if it were a matter of course. He had made so many preparations. It wasn't all in vain. Instead, it all turned into Lin Fei's driving force. That's why Lin Fei's breakthrough of the Ren and Du meridians went so smoothly.

However, unblocking the Ren and Du meridians was not the end. It was just the beginning! As the Ren and Du meridians were unblocked, it was equivalent to Lin Fei's bridge between heaven and earth was completely unimpeded. Lin Fei's inner power could circulate a complete cycle.

However, just as Lin Fei's inner power began to circulate, he encountered a problem. Because, with the opening of the bridge between heaven and earth, a vast force surged in from the outside world, directly from the bridge between heaven and earth, it forcefully "poured" into Lin Fei's body, colliding with Lin Fei's inner power.


It seemed as if there was a roar inside Lin Fei's body.

Heaven and Earth's spiritual Qi! A massive amount of spiritual Qi from heaven and earth poured into Lin Fei's body.

This spiritual Qi collided with the inner power. The two forces astonishingly became entangled with each other, continuously consuming, entangling, and canceling each other out.

"Your Three Vitality Technique is determined to resist the impact of the spiritual Qi from heaven and earth."

"Your Three Vitality Technique is frantically running, converting a large amount of inner power from within your body, attempting to suppress the spiritual Qi from heaven and earth."

"Your Three Vitality Technique has failed. The spiritual Qi from heaven and earth are too vast, and the inner power of the Three Vitality Technique cannot suppress it."

"Your Three Vitality Technique has completely collapsed, and the inner power begins to dissipate..."

Lin Fei's mind echoed with the system's voice.

Lin Fei had just felt that inner power in his body suddenly soared. It was as if his whole body was vibrating. Immediately afterward, a large amount of inner power surged up, rushing towards the spiritual Qi from heaven and earth. It was as if trying to completely drive away the spiritual Qi.

However, they failed. Three Vitality Technique had failed. It was even directly crushed by the spiritual Qi from heaven and earth.

The reason was simple.


At this moment, a continuous stream of spiritual Qi from heaven and earth was pouring in from the bridge between heaven and earth. It was simply endless. No matter how much inner power there was, it couldn't compete with such an amount of spiritual Qi from heaven and earth. Thus, it was quickly overwhelmed by the spiritual Qi from heaven and earth.

Gradually, within Lin Fei's body, there seemed to be an additional, very peculiar force. It was in a gaseous state. Different from the spiritual Qi from heaven and earth, it seemed to be a new power born from the fusion of the spiritual Qi from heaven and earth circulating the Great Circulation within Lin Fei's meridians and certain forces within his body.

"Innate True Qi!"

At this moment, Lin Fei was overjoyed. Without a reminder, he already knew - this was the Innate True Qi!

Innate True Qi was what martial artists absorb through the Bridge of Heaven and Earth, taking in the spiritual Qi of the world, then combined with the internal forces of one's qi, blood, muscles, bones, and skin. Ultimately, it formed a unique power.

Although it was on the same level as a Qi cultivator's spiritual power, it was entirely different. As Lin Fei gave birth to a trace of Innate True Qi, this trace of Innate True Qi began rapidly absorbing a vast amount of spiritual Qi from the world.

Even some residual inner power was completely shattered by the Innate True Qi, transforming into Innate True Qi. However, the conversion of inner power to Innate True Qi was too scarce, far inferior to the spiritual Qi of the world.

As for the Three Vitality Technique being crushed, Lin Fei didn't mind. After all, the Three Vitality Technique was an acquired cultivation technique. Once Lin Fei advanced to the innate realm, the Three Vitality Technique would be useless.

After all, without inner power, what use would the Three Vitality Technique have? Therefore, being overwhelmed by the vast spiritual Qi was a good thing, saving Lin Fei from the effort of slowly converting his inner power into Innate True Qi.

With the birth of Innate True Qi, Lin Fei could finally "see" the spiritual Qi of the world. He looked up. In the secret chamber where he resided—the Heaven Room, spiritual Qi continuously flocked in from all directions.

Inside the secret chamber, there were intricate runes. Lin Fei couldn't see them before. But now, having given birth to Innate True Qi, Lin Fei could see these mysterious runes. Clearly, this was a formation and a profoundly complex one at that.

An ordinary Qi cultivator might not even be able to set it up. It was because of these formations that a constant stream of spiritual Qi flowed into Lin Fei's body, helping Lin Fei rapidly transform it into Innate True Qi.


Lin Fei immediately accessed the system to check his martial arts status.

Host: Lin Fei

Martial Arts Realm: Innate Martial Artist

Master: Early Stage (1% Progress)

Saber Intent: Mastery (11% Progress)

Fist Intent: Mastery (45% Progress)

Leaping Technique: Perfection (0% Progress)

Flowing Clothes Skill: Transcendence (0% Progress)

Lin Fei took a closer look.

The Three Vitality Technique had disappeared. With no inner power, the Three Vitality Technique naturally vanished. But currently, Lin Fei had no innate cultivation method. Thus, the system panel didn't display any innate cultivation method.

However, his martial arts realm had indeed become innate. Moreover, an additional title "Master" appeared.

Innate Realm Martial Artist was also known as Master. Furthermore, there weren't many stages within the Innate Martial Artist realm. Only the early, middle, late, peak, and even perfection stages!

However, a perfection stage Innate Martial Artist was called a Grand Master! That was another level altogether.

The founder of the Nine Profound Sect was a Grand Master and the Nine Profound Sect had never produced another Grand Master aside from the founder.

Lin Fei also noticed that as time passed, a vast amount of spiritual Qi poured into his body, transforming into innate True Qi.

Lin Fei's innate True Qi grew from a trace to a strand and finally turned into a gentle stream. It had clearly grown much stronger. The progress behind the Master title also increased from 1%, it jumped directly to 10% before gradually slowing down. At this moment, Lin Fei's realm had completely stabilized.

"So, this is the purpose of the 'Ascending Dragon Chamber,' to rapidly help newly initiated innate martial artists stabilize their realm and transform innate True Qi. In just a few hours, I've accomplished what would take other innate martial artists months of hard work!"

A glint flickered in Lin Fei's eyes. The Ascending Dragon Chamber indeed offered numerous benefits. The royal family's "good fortune" was truly significant, genuinely assisting Lin Fei.

"It's about time. My realm is stable, and I've accumulated a lot of innate True Qi. Next, I should find a suitable innate cultivation method and slowly practice."

Lin Fei was well aware the foundation of an Innate Martial Artist was innate True Qi. Without an innate cultivation method, Lin Fei's innate True Qi had not yet taken shape. Even so, Lin Fei was now far beyond the reach of acquired martial artists.

"Innate True Qi..." Lin Fei struck out with a palm.


Lin Fei's palm hadn't touched the wall, yet a powerful force had already slammed into it. It was as if Lin Fei's palm had struck the wall directly.

"True Qi leaving the body!"

Lin Fei understood in his heart. An Innate Martial Artist's innate True Qi could break free from the body's constraints, launching an attack through the air! And its power far exceeded that of an acquired martial artist's inner power.

Moreover, Innate Martial Artists could cover themselves with innate True Qi, forming a protective shield. If one couldn't break through the innate True Qi, they wouldn't be able to harm the Innate Martial Artist. It was somewhat similar to some defensive spells used by Qi Condensation cultivators.

In short, with innate True Qi, the gap between martial artists and Qi cultivators was dramatically narrowed, almost making them appear on the same level.

"Lin Fei, my young friend, since you've stabilized your realm, come out."

Suddenly, the voice of the royal family's elder entered from outside the secret chamber.

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