Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

110. True Intention Scroll

110. True Intention Scroll


Lin Fei's saber intent and fist intent involuntarily burst out. They faintly confronted the Martial Dao True Intent within the large characters on the wall.

"Indeed, it's a martial arts technique left by the founder of the Nine Profound Sect!"

Lin Fei retracted his Martial Dao True Intent. He was naturally more than familiar with the Martial Dao True Intent of the founder of the Nine Profound Sect. At Ancestral Master Peak, Lin Fei would hone his fist intent and saber intent daily using the founder's Martial Dao True Intent. He could feel that the Martial Dao True Intent in these large characters on the wall was exactly the same as the Martial Dao True Intent in the steles at the founder's peak.

"This martial arts technique is called 'True Intention Scroll'! It is an innate technique that combines Martial Dao True Intent with innate True Qi. That is to say, only innate martial artists can cultivate it. Moreover, one must comprehend Martial Dao True Intent. It's too difficult to comprehend Martial Dao True Intent right after reaching the innate realm.

So, over the years, not a single innate martial artist in the royal family has practiced this martial arts technique. If they wait until they comprehend true intent before attempting to cultivate it, they must first disperse their cultivation.

Most innate martial artists are probably unwilling to disperse their cultivation. Therefore, over time, this martial arts technique has been shelved, with no one able to master it. Perhaps, this is an innate technique created by the founder of the Nine Profound Sect in a moment of inspiration, but the conditions are too stringent, making it difficult for anyone to meet them. Therefore, the founder of the Nine Profound Sect did not leave this True Intention Scroll martial arts technique within the Nine Profound Sect."

Lin Fei nodded. Regardless of why the founder of the Nine Profound Sect created this martial arts technique or why he didn't leave it in the Nine Profound Sect, it was unimportant to Lin Fei. What was important was that he was attracted to this martial arts technique.

Upon closer inspection, Lin Fei realized that this martial arts technique was indeed a cultivation method, not a combat technique. Cultivation methods were used for cultivation and realm improvement.

All innate martial artists basically absorb the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth and then transform it into innate True Qi. However, the True Intention Scroll was different. It took an unconventional approach.

Although it also transforms the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth into innate True Qi, the True Intention Scroll adds an extra step. That was to integrate one's Martial Dao True Intent. It allowed Martial Dao True Intent to fuse with innate True Qi. Then, the two complement each other. Then, a very unique power would be born, that was the innate True Qi containing Martial Dao True Intent!

It might sound a bit convoluted, but this was the essence of the True Intention Scroll. If innate True Qi fused with sword intent, it was called Sword Qi. If it fused with saber intent, it was called Saber Qi.

The True Intention Scroll also stated that the stronger the Martial Dao True Intent fused, the stronger the power produced. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is fused with sword intent or saber intent. Fusing with fist intent was also possible, but it was slightly inferior.

Martial Dao True Intent regarded sword intent and saber intent as supreme. This was not just self-praise from swordsmen or saber users but proven in countless real battles.

The "Sword Qi" or "Saber Qi" cultivated with the True Intention Scroll far surpasses innate True Qi in quality. If one could cultivate it all the way to the peak, even reaching grand perfection and achieving the status of a grandmaster, it would be virtually invincible below the Foundation Establishment realm!

Moreover, Lin Fei faintly felt that with the founder of the Nine Profound Sect's extraordinary talent, creating this cultivation method might not only be for the sake of achieving great power in combat. It might also be related to building the foundation of martial arts and becoming a Martial Saint!

As for being invincible below the Foundation Establishment realm, the founder of the Nine Profound Sect did not need this technique to achieve that.

The sword qi or saber qi cultivated with the True Intention Scroll, when combined with a powerful combat martial arts technique, might not only be invincible below the Foundation Establishment realm but could even surpass it.

Lin Fei even felt that the founder of the Nine Profound Sect's vision might be able to counter-kill the Foundation Establishment cultivators!

This was somewhat insane.

After all, the Foundation Establishment was transcendental, a metamorphosis. It was an entirely different level of life. Yet the founder of the Nine Profound Sect had created a cultivation method that could potentially defy the Foundation Establishment!

From this cultivation method, Lin Fei seemed to understand the founder of the Nine Profound Sect more clearly. What an unparalleled elegance, dominating the world!

"True Intention Scroll, I have decided to give it a try. I'll be cultivating the True Intention Scroll in the Yi Room, which doesn't require the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth. So, please, seniors, there's no need to activate the formation; just allow me to practice in the Yi Room for some time."

Lin Fei respectfully addressed the three royal elders.

"Hahaha, this True Intention Scroll is something only young friend Lin Fei can cultivate. After all, Lin Fei had comprehended Martial Dao True Intent even in the Acquired Realm."

"Lin Fei, rest assured and practice in the Yi Room. No one shall disturb you! As long as the formation is not activated, there's no problem with how long you practices."

The three royal elders agreed readily. Lin Fei had become an innate martial artist. Having comprehended Martial Dao True Intent, his future prospects were immeasurable! The elders naturally wanted to befriend Lin Fei. They had already formed a good relationship before. Now, they were allowing Lin Fei to cultivate the True Intention Scroll. It was all to befriend Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei thanks the three seniors!"

"Alright, young friend Lin Fei, you practice in the Yi Room, and we won't disturb you."

Thus, the three elders took the initiative to leave the Yi Room. Then, the Yi Room slowly closed. The three elders looked at the closed Yi Room with mixed emotions.

"The True Intention Scroll, according to the Grand Elder, is extraordinary. Even among all the martial arts left behind by the founding emperor, none could compare to this True Intention Scroll. Especially its lofty intentions, even a Foundation Establishment expert would find it difficult to fathom. The founder of the Nine Profound Sect was truly astonishing. Had he become a Martial Saint, he might have surpassed the founding emperor. However, the path of martial arts is difficult, as hard as ascending to the sky. It's truly a pity for the founder of the Nine Profound Sect. I wonder, does Lin Fei have the potential to become a Martial Saint?"

A glint of sharpness flickered in the eyes of the three elders. However, their "good intentions" had already been extended. No one could predict how far Lin Fei could go in the future, which would depend on him.

At this moment, inside the secret chamber of the Yi Room. Lin Fei slowly walked over. He reached out and touched each character on the wall. Images seemed to emerge in Lin Fei's mind as if he had witnessed the founder of the Nine Profound Sect carving these large characters on the wall.

These characters were not carved with innate True Qi, nor with a saber or sword, and not with a finger, but with Sword Intent! The founder of the Nine Profound Sect had used pure Sword Intent to carve these characters.

"The Sword Intent at the perfection realm is so formidable that it can inscribe characters on the wall out of thin air..." Lin Fei murmured softly.

This refreshed his understanding of Martial Dao True Intent. It seemed that once Martial Dao True Intent reached perfection, it might undergo some special changes. At least, Lin Fei was sure that transcendent Martial Dao True Intent would not be able to inscribe characters on the wall.

Lin Fei felt along the wall for a while. After sensing the Martial Dao True Intent of each character, Lin Fei sat down cross-legged.

"I have basically comprehended the True Intention Scroll. If I cultivate it, I will definitely choose to integrate Saber Intent. However, it's not easy to begin cultivating the True Intention Scroll; it requires some contemplation..." Lin Fei muttered softly.

How difficult was it to cultivate such a peerless martial art? Even knowing the specific content, it takes a lot of effort to begin.

"Let's begin."

Lin Fei closed his eyes. Following the steps in the True Intention Scroll, he began to integrate strands of Saber Intent into his innate True Qi.

One hour, three hours, six hours...

Lin Fei cultivated for several hours. However, he still couldn't find the way in. Compared to the Three Vitality Technique, the True Intention Scroll was indeed too difficult. The difficulty increased tenfold or even a hundredfold!

Lin Fei had been attempting for so long, yet, he still couldn't begin.

"Ding, the peerless martial art True Intention Scroll despises your comprehension and voluntarily becomes your martial art."

"Your True Intention Scroll martial art has been waiting in the Yi Room for hundreds of years and has finally been fulfilled today by your cultivation."

"Your True Intention Scroll martial art is excited, increasing its cultivation speed by 50% and progress by 10%."

"Your True Intention Scroll martial art attempts to suppress your Saber Intent, making it subordinate to the True Intention Scroll."

"Your Saber Intent fights back."

"Your True Intention Scroll and your Saber Intent have begun a tug-of-war..."

The system's voice rang in Lin Fei's mind again. However, this time, there were more system voices. One after another. Moreover, the content revealed in the system's voice made Lin Fei's eyes widen, showing a strange expression.

This peerless martial art was a bit too "enthusiastic and proactive." There was actually a martial that stuck to him and begged him to cultivate it?

More than 40 chapters on my and fewer cliffhangers.

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