Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

93. Seeking Immortality Atop Ancestral Master Peak

93. Seeking Immortality Atop Ancestral Master Peak

"Thank you, Master and Sect Master!"

Lin Fei said respectfully. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as the Nine Profound Sect could help him bear the pressure from He Mountain Dao, that would be enough.

"Lin Fei, although our Nine Profound Sect does not fear He Mountain Dao, those cultivation sects are arrogant, and if they become furious, we don't know what they might do. So for the time being, don't leave the Nine Profound Sect. Wait until this matter is completely resolved, then it won't be too late to go down the mountain." The Sect Master said after pondering for a while.

This was also for Lin Fei's safety. At this time, staying in the Nine Profound Sect was the safest option.

Lin Fei was not arrogant enough to think that just because he had comprehended saber intent, he could be fearless against Qi cultivators.

Those high-level Qi Condensation cultivators, with their powerful divine sense and strong will, would not be afraid of Lin Fei's saber intent. After all, Lin Fei had just comprehended saber intent and was still in the beginner stage.

It might be effective against low-level Qi cultivators. But if he were to face some high-level Qi cultivators with a strong will, Lin Fei's saber intent might not have much effect.

"Thank you for the reminder, Sect Master. I won't leave the sect in the near future."

Lin Fei paused, then continued, "Sect Master, the matter with He Mountain Dao ultimately started because of me. I have written a letter to Senior Sister Ling Yao, asking her to use the power of the imperial court to put pressure on He Mountain Dao. I hope this will make He Mountain Dao cautious and not cause any more trouble."

The Sect Master nodded in satisfaction, "Well done, Lin Fei. It's good that you're making preparations beforehand. Although the imperial court is weak now, it still rules the world. With Ling Yao intervening as the princess, He Mountain Dao should not pursue the matter further. But as I said, don't go down the mountain yet. Wait until everything has settled down."

"Yes, Sect Master."

Having said that, Lin Fei prepared to leave.

"Follow me to a place, disciple." Master Zhao Kongming floated away.

Lin Fei also performed the Leaping Technique and followed closely behind.

This time, Zhao Kongming moved very quickly. But Lin Fei didn't fall behind. With each leap Lin Fei made, he covered a distance of more than thirty meters. Soon, the two arrived at a towering mountain peak.

Zhao Kongming stopped. He glanced at Lin Fei, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Leaping Technique? And if I'm not mistaken, it should be the perfection realm Leaping Technique. Otherwise, the speed wouldn't be so fast."

Zhao Kongming spoke slowly.

"Master's discerning eyes are indeed sharp; I have indeed cultivated the Leaping Technique. Furthermore, by sheer luck, I have managed to cultivate the Leaping Technique to the perfection realm."

Zhao Kongming nodded and didn't ask how Lin Fei had cultivated the Leaping Technique.

For any martial art, reaching perfection could only be achieved through fortuitous encounters and coincidences. Following the routine cultivation process was impossible to reach perfection. So, there was no point in asking.

The wind on the mountain peak was strong. It was even a bit chilly.

The whole mountain peak seemed quite empty. In the center stood a huge stone tablet.

The stone tablet seemed to have been there for many years.

It had been weathered by the wind and sun, with some parts even eroded away.

"My disciple, do you know what this place is?" Zhao Kongming asked.

"I don't know," Lin Fei shook his head.

He had only just been promoted to the inner sect a short while ago. At most, it had only been a few months. He didn't even know many places within the inner sect, let alone this desolate mountain peak.

Zhao Kongming's expression became serious, and he spoke solemnly, "This is Ancestral Master Peak. As the name implies, this is the mountain peak where the founder of our Nine Profound Sect once lived.

After the founder's death, he was also buried on this mountain peak. The founder was extraordinarily talented and stepped into the martial path with a very ordinary basic martial art. Overcoming all obstacles along the way, he ultimately achieved the status of an innate grandmaster!

An innate martial artist must reach the true limit of great perfection in order to be called a grandmaster! Since the founder of our Nine Profound Sect, there has been no other martial arts grandmaster.

How extraordinary was our founder's talent? He excelled in fist, sword, and saber techniques, comprehending fist intent, sword intent, and saber intent, and even reached perfection in all three martial arts!

With his unparalleled martial arts, the founder dominated the world. From Foundation Establishment cultivators and below, he was unmatched. Even those Qi cultivators, no matter how strong their magical artifacts or how profound their spiritual power, were all insignificant and easily defeated in front of the founder!

At that time, the Nine Profound Sect was at its most prosperous! All disciples of the Nine Profound Sect took pride in this, and no one thought that martial arts were inferior.

Qi cultivators didn't dare to provoke the disciples of the Nine Profound Sect. Hahaha, that was the glory of our Nine Profound Sect and the martial arts world!"

Lin Fei listened with surging emotions. He seemed to envision the founder of the Nine Profound Sect.

Striding across the world, displaying his unparalleled style. Whether it was martial artists or Qi cultivators, whether it was magical artifacts or spells, all were insignificant.

No martial artist could rival an Immortal Master. In front of the Nine Profound Sect's founder, it was a completely different situation. Martial arts practice to the extreme was also terrifying!

Lin Fei had comprehended the saber intent. Therefore, he knew how difficult it was to comprehend it. Moreover, the founder of the Nine Profound Sect excelled in saber, sword, and fist techniques and had comprehended three intents.

Such a person was truly unparalleled in his time. Anyone in front of the founder of the Nine Profound Sect would pale in comparison.

"Our founder was unparalleled, and no one could match him! With the body of a mere martial artist, he dominated the world. Without Foundation Establishment cultivators, the founder was invincible!

Unfortunately, even though the founder dominated the world and had profound martial arts cultivation, he still died. In the end, he couldn't resist the passage of time.

Finally, the founder only left behind a stone tablet. On the stone tablet, there were no martial arts techniques. Instead, it contained Martial Dao True Intent left by the founder. Sword intent, saber intent, and fist intent were all left within the stone tablet.

Whenever someone in the Nine Profound Sect comprehends Martial Dao True Intent, they can come to the founder's stone tablet and sharpen their own Intent with the help of the founder's Martial Dao True Intent."

Lin Fei understood.

His master had brought him here to let Lin Fei refine his saber intent.

Gazing at the towering stone tablet before him, Lin Fei's saber intent erupted instantaneously.


The next moment, as if stimulated by Lin Fei's saber intent, terrifying fist intent, sword intent, and saber intent erupted from the stone tablet.

These three Martial Dao True Intents were too powerful. Far surpassing Lin Fei's saber intent.

The mere fact that they had remained in the stone tablet for so many years without dispersing was something that the current Lin Fei couldn't achieve.

These three Martial Dao True Intents seemed to let Lin Fei "see" the unparalleled founder of the Nine Profound Sect.

A fist that could shake mountains and rivers.

A sword that could cleave opens a great river.

A saber that could shatter the void.

However, such an extraordinary person still died. He died an old man atop this desolate mountain.

Lin Fei felt a trace of sadness in his heart.


Lin Fei withdrew his saber intent.

He looked at Zhao Kongming and asked solemnly, "Master, you once told me that martial arts could grant eternal life! Why couldn't such an extraordinary and peerless figure like the founder achieve immortality?"

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