Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 100

As she said this, Mrs. Gu thought that she would stew soup for her daughter-in-law every day. She would make her daughter-in-law's white and fat so that she could have a big grandson.

Thinking of her grandson, old lady Gu narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Su'an doesn't know what old lady Gu thinks. Now she just feels dizzy and her nose seems to have something coming out.

Why does she feel something coming out of her nose?

Su'an was wondering. Seeing the panic on Mrs. Gu's face, she pointed to su'an and said, "blood."

Su'an's nose bleeds. Old lady Gu sees su'an's nose bleeds and faints in front of her eyes.

Old lady Gu has serious dizziness. Last time she saw Su Zihan's blood flowing after falling down on the birthday of Mu Laozi, she fainted to the ground.

It's the same this time. After a word of "blood", she fainted.

Su An'an looks at old lady Gu and faints inexplicably. The whole person is also upset. The blood flow in her nose is faster.

When the servants saw that the old lady was dizzy, Su an began to cry out with nosebleed on her face.

Gu Mocheng followed Gu Zhen upstairs. Gu Zhen's face was ugly. He felt that Gu Mocheng should not marry su'an.

"Is that girl 18 years old? "Gu Zhen said directly.

Gu Mocheng found a seat in the study and sat down. In a low voice, he replied, "No."

When the two father and son are cold, their faces are very similar.

"Before you are 18 years old, you will sleep. Gu Mocheng is more and more powerful. "Gu Zhen slaps the table angrily and says in an angry voice.

"I'm asleep. "Gu Mocheng took Gu Zhen's words lightly and asked," do you think I've dumped someone? "

He asked in reply. Gu Zhen was stunned. Obviously he didn't mean that.

Gu family members are traditional in nature. Since they sleep, they should be responsible to the end, or they should not touch others at that time.

"Hum!" Gu Zhen said that he couldn't speak of his son, and snorted angrily.

He couldn't ask his son to get rid of the little girl, but Gu didn't listen to him. "Gu Mocheng added," it's no different from me. "

Gu Zhen asked him to marry Su Zihan. How could he not think that Su Zihan was young.

"It's not the same. "Gu Zhen took over and said.

Gu Mocheng knows why Gu Zhen wants him to marry Su Zihan because of the relationship between Jiang's family and her.

"Dad, when Ann is twenty years old, I will get married with her."

"Mo Cheng, are you serious?" Gu Zhen asked in surprise after hearing Gu Mocheng's words.

"Yes." Gu Mocheng replied.

There is nothing more serious.

At first, I slept in suan'an and felt that as a man, I should be responsible for what I did. Later, slowly contact down, he is reluctant to be bullied by others, want to care for her, pet her for life.

Gu Zhen didn't speak. He was surprised to see a smile on Gu Mocheng's lips.

I haven't seen my son smile for many years.

Ten years ago, that woman almost let his son down. In these years, his son is focused on his career and has no time to fall in love.

He and his wife are worried about Gu's death.

He found many women for Gu Mocheng. He either refused to see them or came back to say he didn't like them.

This suan'an, though a little younger, is in the eyes of Gu Mocheng.

Originally, Gu Zhen wanted to ask Gu Mocheng, do you love that girl? If you don't love others, don't ruin their lives.

However, after talking about these words, Gu Zhen has a clear idea.

Since Gu Mocheng has definitely said that he wants her, he brings others home, defends the little girl in front of him, and asks for a license.

This is definitely a thought to others.

As for love not falling in love, after a long time, Gu Mocheng should have an answer in his heart.

"Mo Cheng." Gu Zhen asked. He asked tentatively, "what would you do if that person came back to you?"

First love and current choice?

Many men encounter this matter, do not know how to choose.

The first love is unforgettable, and because he didn't get it, he can't let it go. When the first love comes back, he will recall the past beauty of the two people, which is inseparable.

For his wife, the man still cares for his family because of his sense of responsibility.

But, if the first love some means, the indefinite man abandoned the wife, and the old lover together.

"What would you do?" Gu Mocheng asked.

Gu Zhen sneers, "my first love and wife are the same person."

He loves his wife from the beginning to the end.

Gu Mocheng goes back to Gu Zhen, "I'll do what you do."

Gu Zhen is stunned. He taught Gu Mo to be responsible for his feelings. As a man, once he falls in love with a woman, he should not dump people at will.It's the same indoctrination. Gu Mocheng was hurt by that woman ten years ago.

He forgot to tell Gu Mocheng that some women are in such a bad mood that you have to see clearly before you decide to be infatuated with others.

"Mo Cheng, marriage is not a joke." Gu Zhen was not at ease, he added.

"I'm serious," Gu said

"As for the former."

"Dad, all I know is that Ann is my wife." Said Gu Mocheng.

Gu Zhen looks at his eyes and wants to see the truth of his words from Gu Mocheng's eyes. Knowing that his son was serious, he didn't say much.

But he has a lot of opinions about Suan's age.

"Little girl is too young, how can you pick her?"

"Being young makes me feel young." Gu Mocheng retorted. Too many people told him about the age gap between him and suan'an. Gu Mocheng didn't want to hear any more.

Gu Zhen also wants to say that su'an is not. Suddenly, he hears the news downstairs.

They looked at each other. The daughter-in-law downstairs could not fight.

Gu Zhen immediately stood up and said to Gu Mocheng, "I said that I am too young to speak properly and sensible."

"When you get old, you'll be wayward." Gu Mocheng points back to Gu Zhen.

This obviously said that old lady Gu was spoiled by Gu Zhen to act willfully and recklessly, and she began to do things according to her own temperament in a large age.

Gu Zhen groaned and hurried to the door.

"What's the matter? "When they got to the stairway, the servant panted and ran to Gu Zhen," my Lord and my wife fainted. "

hearing that old lady Gu fainted, Gu Zhen's face sank. As he walked, he scolded the servant:" what's the matter? Well, why are you dizzy? "

they walked downstairs quickly, and Gu Mocheng, who was behind them, thought that Gu Laozi was making a fuss.

His mother faints at the sight of blood. She must have fainted at the sight of blood.

They went to the living room, and when they left, the servant and Gu Zhen said, "the lady is sick of blood. "

as she spoke, she secretly looked at Gu Mocheng behind her eyes," the young lady had nosebleeds, and she fainted when she saw it. After that, they have come to the sofa in the living room.

Gu Mocheng, who had been walking behind Gu Zhen, looked up at su'an, who was looking up. He quickly surpassed Gu Zhen and came to su'an.

"Why do you have so much nosebleed? "

he looked at the bloody tissue in the garbage can on the ground and asked anxiously.

Su an an looks at Gu Mocheng and smiles, "I'm ok. "My mother fainted. "She said, pointing her head up to Mrs. Gu, who was lying on the sofa.

Old lady Gu is slowly opening her eyes. When she sees Su an's nose bleeding, she faints again in the dark.

Looking at old lady Gu fainting, Gu Zhen roared at su'an angrily, "what kind of nosebleed do you give me? "

su'an was scolded so innocently that Gu Mocheng saw that the two big bowls on the table were the tonic soup that Gu had just asked him to drink.

He didn't drink, so his mother forced Suan to drink.

"She doesn't give Ann such a tonic soup. Does Ann have nosebleed? "Gu Mocheng said to Gu Zhen in a cold voice.

The two men were defending their wives, and no one allowed them to do anything.

"Hum. "Gu Zhen snorted to Gu Mocheng and stared at Su an.

"When the elder asked her to drink, she had to. "Gu Zhen said in a bad way. "What's her opinion?"

In front of anyone, the first thing he defends is his wife, whether he is a son or a grandson.

That is to say, I spoiled Mrs. Gu and made him invisible in Chengdu.

"Mom fainted, Guan an what's up? "Gu Mocheng said in a light voice. He took the towel from the servant's hand and put it on su'an's forehead.

Their father and son often quarrel over trifles. The servants in the old house are more than enough. But the first time they saw two people quarreling over their wives, they thought it was funny and both chuckled.

"I'm sorry. "Seeing the quarrel between the father and the son, Suan said crossly.

Gu Zhen stared at Su An'an and said, "don't give me any more nosebleed. "

GU Mocheng thinks that Gu Zhen is a little vexatious. Su an's nosebleed was caused by his mother's soup. Gu Zhen didn't blame Gu for half a word, but what nosebleed did Su an an have?

Old lady Gu woke up in the noise of their father and son. She looked at Suan on the sofa and felt a little guilty.

Listen to Gu Zhen's reproach to Su An'an again. She tore at his clothes and said unhappily, "enough, don't scold my daughter-in-law. "

" otherwise, I can't finish with you. "

Gu said angrily that Gu Zhen suddenly had a feeling of being nice and disliked. His position in Gu's heart dropped another, and his eyes were colder when he looked at Su An'an."Ann, are you ok. "Old lady Gu felt better and sat up and said.

Su An'an looks up on the sofa for fear of nosebleed.

"You go back to your room. "Said Gu Mocheng to old lady Gu.

Old lady Gu doesn't want to leave. She hasn't chatted with su'an enough yet. "Well, mom will cook soup for you in a few days. "Hearing Mrs. Gu say to cook soup for her, Su an feels that the blood in her nose is coming out again.

"Mom! "Gu Mocheng said displeased," Ann looked up and was very tired. "

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