Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 075

"Mom." See Jiang Mei, Su Zihan wronged to shed tears even worse.

The conversation between Su Zihan and Jiang Mei brings back Mu Jinyu's thoughts.

Last night, he watched Su an go away with a strange man. Mu Jinyu's heart was full of that scene. He hated and was unwilling.

"Zihan, you wake up." He bowed his head and said to Su Zihan on the hospital bed. Seeing Su Zihan's pale and frail face, he couldn't help but feel hurt.

"Brother Jinyu, I'm sorry, I didn't protect our children. "Su Zihan, according to the previous agreement with Jiang Mei, pushed down su'an's body without keeping the baby in her stomach.

Mujinyu sees Su Zihan crying and tears fall down one by one. She loves her even more.

"Zihan, it's OK. We will have children in the future."

The child in Su Zihan's stomach is very important to Mu's family. They haven't been happy for a second. They are really sad to hear that the child has been lost. They hate Su an, the culprit. Also because of this child, Mu Fu and Mu madam feel that Su Zihan and Jin Yu get married quickly, and they have another child.

As for suan'an, just like that, they are disgusted.

"Well." Hearing this, Su Zihan chuckles and pours into her arms.

"Brother Jinyu, I love you."

Su Zihan thought of the children's things perfectly planted on su'an's head, not satisfied.

It's still the mother who is fierce. Using this method, she can not only let herself have no children, but also let the Mu family hate su'an.

Listen to Su Zihan's sweet words, and then think of Su An'an's malice, "water-based flowers", Mu Jinyu feels that she must marry Su Zihan, making Su an regret for her whole life.

"Jin Yu, you buy some porridge for Zihan. She must be hungry after the operation." Jiang Mei said to Mu Jinyu.

Mujinyu released Su Zihan and said, "OK."

With that, he took his coat and turned away from the ward.

Su Zihan and Jiang Mei are left in the ward. As soon as Mu Jinyu leaves, Su Zihan can't wait to ask Jiang Mei, "Mom, how about Su an? "

" have you been caught in the police station? "

Su An'an killed her to wrestle and lost her child. She must be sent to the police station for a few days. No, it's better to go to jail. She has spent the rest of her life in prison.

"Already called the police." Jiang Mei said.

After su'an left, Madame Mu told Mu Jinyu to report to the police.

In front of Madame mu, Su an admits that she has hurt Su Zihan's small fortune. She leaves with a strange man again. Mufu is so popular that she can't let Su an be punished. She can't get angry in her heart.

To be honest, Jiang Mei didn't want things to go to the police station.

Su An'an will admit to harming the small production of Zihan. That's because she took Su ruocheu as a threat, and no one has proved that Su an pushed Zihan.

"Really!" A listen to the police to deal with, Su Zihan showed a smile, she knew there was a mother in, Su an an can't bear to go. "Mom, try to get her to jail."

Su Zihan is happy to think that su'an will go to prison.

Jiang Mei is not as optimistic as Su Zihong. There is no witness. There is also the man who picked up Su An'an last night.

That man is not a simple role at first sight. When did Suan meet?

"Zihan, last time you saw the car of a strange man on su'an outside, do you know who that man is?"

Su Zihan doesn't understand that Jiang Mei suddenly asks herself about it. She shakes her head.

She saw the back of the man, not even the face.

"I don't know." She said, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Last night, the man came and took Suan away."

So far, the police have not found out where Suan is.

"What!" Su Zihan is excited. Her white face is red with anger. "Mom, you mean that su'an is not in the police station now. "

" find her quickly. "

Jiang Mei also wants to find out the people, but su'an and the man don't know. Gu's side, there is no substantial evidence, the police dare not come to disturb Gu Mocheng.

"Zihan, did Ann push you?"

"Well?" Su Zihan is stunned. Unexpectedly, Jiang Mei suddenly asks herself about it.

Suan didn't push her. She went up to fight Suan herself and fell down accidentally. In this way, su'an is also responsible for his fall.

See Su Zihan didn't answer oneself immediately, Jiang Mei knows in the heart.

They put their children's affairs on su'an, but su'an didn't push Zihan at all. If someone saw and told the truth, Su Zihan's reputation would be damaged.

"Mom, it was suan'an who hurt me." Su Zihan sat up and held out Jiang Mei's clothes.

Jiang Mei even let Su Zihan lie down, "don't worry, Ann pushed you, it won't go so far. "Listen to Jiang Mei so, Su Zihan's lips raised a smile and knew that her mother would help her.

"Su an an admits that she pushed you in front of Mu Jinyu and his wife." Jiang Mei said that she threatened suan'an with Su ruocheu, but she could not deny it.

"Really?" Su Zihan said happily, "then she can't escape."

"But." Jiang Mei said in a slow voice, "we need a personal card to prove that Su an pushed you and killed you. "

looking back at the scene, Su Zihan can't remember who was around her. At that time, she fell down and her abdomen suddenly hurt. She didn't have time to see who was around.

After half a meeting, Jiang Mei thought of something and said in a low voice, "Su ya!"

Yes, it's Suya. At that time, Su Ya ran to the banquet hall and told her that she had an accident with Mu Jinyu and Su Zihan.

"She should have seen it."

Listen to someone to see, Su Zihan flurried way, "Mom, she will tell the truth."

"Can she? "Jiang Mei sneers and smiles. Su Ya is a person who can look at his face and act. He followed Su Zihan in and out of the aristocratic banquet these years. He just wanted to climb up and get married at a high gate.

Suya is not a stupid person. She will not offend herself and suzihan for the sake of suan'an, and let her lose the chance to climb the top rank.

"She must have seen Suan push you." Jiang Mei said firmly,

Ningcheng has entered the winter. As soon as it leaves the hospital gate, the wind outside pours into su'an's clothes.

She was still in the dress of the party, and could not help but get cold from the wind.

However, su'an didn't feel very cold. She looked at Gu Mocheng, who was walking in front of her, and felt that the warmth came to her hands and then broke into her heart.

One month after I met Gu Mocheng, their communication began in bed. She was tossed by him.

Later, when she waited for the bus, he sent Uncle Chen to pick up her.

Su's family that time, he specially took out anger for her, hit Su Zihan ten palms.

His moments played clearly in suan'an's mind, making her feel that there was no way to forget them in her life.

At this moment, su'an stared at Gu Mocheng's back and heard the sound of his heart blooming. She lowered her head and stepped on the ground to look at the shadow of Mo Cheng, following him step by step.

Someone is so happy to protect her, but Su an's eyes are moist.

When her mother died early, she didn't feel any maternal love. As for the father's love, it was Suhua who sold her daughter to seek honor and made use of her daughter to seek benefits for him. Where could there be any love for her. The love she got was from her sister.

But seven years ago, my sister went crazy and left her alone at the Su's house to face those poisonous snakes and beasts. Every day I think of ways to fight against Jiang Mei and Su Zihan.

In those years, what she wanted most was to marry Mu Jinyu and go to Mu's house. Who can think of Mu Jinyu and Su Zihan colluding together, betraying her.

"Crying for a man like that?" Gu turned around and saw the tears in suan'an's eyes. He said in a cold voice.

Gu Mocheng has checked su'an and knows that Mu Jinyu and su'an have a engagement for more than ten years. He is not surprised that su'an has given up the engagement with Mu's family to marry him. He knew that it was not su an's idea to give up marriage to Mu Jinyu, it should be su Hua's business.

It can be seen that a girl in su'an has no place in Su's family. She has a stepmother like Jiang Mei. Her life is not so good.

Such a clever girl must have been bullied in the Su family.

Su'an looks up at Gu Mocheng in the moonlight. He looks good, but she hasn't seen him smile.

A man who doesn't like to laugh must have been hurt before.

"No! "Su An'an replied that she would not be unable to get along with herself for a scum man. "I won't cry for him."

Sad for mu Jinyu? There is no gene for abuse in her body. Who is good to her, she is double good to that person, who is bad to her, she doesn't like it.

"I'm glad you're here." As she spoke, she put out her hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes and smiled.

Light light words, hear Gu Mocheng's heart move, he asked her, she is his person.

Gu Mocheng's bone is very conservative. His parents love him till now, and Gu doesn't flirt with others outside. He always wants to have everlasting love. But I didn't get it, so I married a woman, and I will stay together until I get old, even if I won't love again.

"You are my wife. "Gu Mocheng replied.

Finish saying, the smile of the corner of Su an an's mouth is stronger, she cannot help but say, "husband, you are very good!"

"I'll try to be your wife."

Gu Mocheng's good, let su'an feel that he has to be more obedient in the future, to be a good wife he likes.

What bars, playing cards, racing cars, she will go less.

Su'an's easy satisfaction made Gu Mocheng sigh, and he reached out to touch her cheek.

The heat of her fingers fell on her cheek and burned her face. She became shy and stared at Gu Mocheng with bright eyes.It's true that she did so many good deeds in her last life. She could find such a good man for Su Zihan's marriage.

With a smile, she did not know where the courage came from. She stood on tiptoe and went to Gu Mocheng's parents.

At the moment when his soft lips touched him, Gu Mocheng's whole body was tense. He looked at the magnified beautiful face in front of him, and wanted to put his hand around her very much. Then he thought that su'an was only 19 years old and didn't kiss back.

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