Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 098

Rely on, Gu Mo's achievement is so demanding!

Xiao Yan is annoyed, but he still arranges to beat Mu Jinyu with his own hands. He specially orders people to beat Mu Jinyu's face. Don't forget to break his hands by the way.

Gu Mocheng drives over and sees Mu Jinyu staring at su'an angrily.

"Get in the car." He drove to Suan's side and rolled down the window.

Suan immediately went to the passenger seat and sat in.

"Suan, you will regret it!"

Su An'an not only beat himself, but also left himself and left with this man. Mu Jinyu was angry and threatened.

He put down his dignity and didn't mind running to her with so many men. Suan left in front of him and other men.

She will regret it. She will.

Gu didn't immediately start the car and leave. He looked at Mu Jinyu coldly and said, "what does she regret?"

Su'an, the co pilot, was sure that she would not regret it.

Marry Mu Jinyu, and you will regret all your life.

Gu Mocheng is so good. She likes it very much.

"Regret not having eaten your piece of grass?" Gu Mocheng said in a cold voice, "it's too dregs to turn around the grass. It's better not to eat it."

Su An'an has never heard Gu Mocheng scold her. Listening to him scold Mu Jinyu, she is very happy.

Mu Jinyu's face was ugly when she was scolded by a girl. He felt the back hurt by suan'an's fall, then looked at Gu Fucheng with a cold face, and sneered, "this gentleman, is very fond of picking up second-hand goods that others have slept in?"

Hearing this, Su An'an turned her head and looked at him in shock.

I didn't expect that Mu Jinyu would be disgusted to this extent. I said that in front of Gu Mocheng.

"Second hand?" Gu Mocheng's eyes are cold, glancing at Mu Jinyu and saying.

Let Xiao Yan find someone to break Mu Jinyu's hand. It seems that the punishment is too light.

"She had an old man with her for money." Mujinyu has told Gu Mocheng about su'an. He wants to see if this man will protect su'an after hearing about her.

Mujinyu did not know that the old man in his mouth was Gu Mocheng.

"Old man?" Listen to Mu Jinyu say that he is an "old man", his eyes are colder, even his voice is a little chilly, hear Su an shrink his body.

From being with Suan, he didn't like to be called "old man".

"Yes, Suan is very shameful. I think she has more than one man besides you. Don't be cheated by her, sir."

"Just now, she said she wanted to be with me." Mu Jinyu smiles and confuses right and wrong in front of Gu Mocheng.

"I didn't agree, so she called me. For such a woman, sir, you have to polish your eyes. "

Mu Jinyu is annoyed by su'an. If Gu Mocheng is not sitting beside him, su'an must get off the bus and kick Mu Jinyu hard.

Kick him to death, make his mouth cheap, make him scum.

Mujinyu didn't think that he had said too much. He said all the ugly things about su'an. He wanted to see who else wanted such a terrible su'an.

I don't care about Suan and other men.

She didn't know how to be grateful!

Gu Mocheng listened to Mu Jinyu's Hua with a calm face and sneered, "I was cheated by her. What's the relationship with you?"

"It doesn't matter whether I wipe my eyes or not. ANN can do it."

There's something in this saying, turning around and saying that su'an has polished his eyes, so he doesn't want Mu Jinyu.

Finish saying, Gu Mocheng rolled up the window, don't bother to talk to Mu Jinyu again.

An'an is OK. He knows that he was really angry after hearing what mujinyu said. He was so angry that he just let people break his hands.

"Mushou, let's go first. Good luck."

Su An'an followed her, waving to Mu Jinyu, "goodbye.".

Never see mujinyu again! Say that to Gu Mocheng!

Next time, if you don't meet Mu Jinyu, she will have to throw her shoulder to him again!

In the car, Su an looks at Gu Mocheng, who has a cold face. She sees that Gu Mocheng is in a bad mood. Is it because she kicked Mu Jinyu or because of her words?

"Honey, I'm sorry."

"I'm usually good." Suan turned and said.

Gu Mocheng drove the car and said lightly, "next time I see him, I will kick more feet."

Yeah? As soon as su'an heard Gu Mocheng's words, she was not angry about her beating people.

"How far is this kind of man?" For this kind of man, he only felt that Suan didn't play hard enough.

"Mm-hmm." Seeing that Gu Mocheng is not angry with her, su'an nodded her head, and Mu Jinyu rolled her away. It's better not to appear in her sight。 She felt like explaining her self-defense.

"Xiao Xin and I used to learn a few lessons in Taekwondo Hall." In addition, she and Fu Xin fight a lot in groups. It's very powerful whether they fall over their shoulders or kick people.

Of course, su'an won't tell Gu about the fight.

"It's necessary for girls to learn some self-defense." Gu Mocheng has no opinion. If su'an doesn't know how to fight today, she will be bullied if she is entangled by Mu Jinyu and doesn't come here.

After hearing Gu Mocheng's words, su'an relaxed a lot. She then thought of a question and asked tentatively, "husband, what would you do if I really followed a man younger and better looking than you?"

This sentence reminds Gu Mocheng that Uncle Chen once said that his wife was young and beautiful. In the future, we will meet all kinds of men. Sir, we should pay close attention to them.

"When you enter the gate, you are the one who cares for your family." Gu Mocheng said in a light voice.

Su'an is understanding Gu Mocheng's words. Gu Mocheng turns around and asks her, "do you want to be a man or a ghost?"

Looking at his calm face, Suan knew that he was more angry and did not dare to ask anything.

She then turned to look at the back seat, a pile of gift boxes. She was surprised. Gu Mocheng called yesterday and said that she would pick up her in the afternoon. She thought that she was coming to take her out for dinner, but looking at the gift boxes in the back seat was more like taking her out for a guest.

She asked with a smile, "husband, where shall we eat?"

"Take care of your family." The driver Gu murmured back.

"At home?" She looks at Gu Mocheng with doubts? Do retrospectives need to bring so many things?

"The old house?" Su'an responds and looks at Gu Mocheng in surprise.

Gu Mocheng nodded, "yes."

"My parents want to see you."

Gu Zhen and old lady Gu have long wanted to see suan'an, especially old lady Gu.

Last time su'an mistakenly received the call from old lady Gu to Gu Mocheng, old lady Gu urged Gu Mocheng to take people back.

Gu Mocheng arranged Gu's affairs. He took advantage of su'an's rest at the weekend the day after tomorrow. When he was free, he spoke to them and took su'an back.

"Ah." Su'an was immediately nervous. She didn't prepare for anything. She thought Gu Mocheng would take her out to dinner and casually wear short jeans sleeves.

"I'm not ready for anything."

Su'an thought of last time she had a phone call with Mrs. Gu. On the phone, Mrs. Gu's unhappy tone made her a little worried. She was afraid that Mrs. Gu was not satisfied with herself.

"It's good for people to go. There's no need to prepare anything." Gu said, adding, "I'll buy everything I need."

Suan thought of the gift box in the back seat. Gu Mocheng prepared those things for her. When she thought about it, she looked at Gu Mocheng's side face. It was very bright in the car. Su an looked at his face and couldn't help chuckling. She said softly, "thank you, husband."

"Yes." Gu Mocheng responded.

Gu's old house is not in Ningcheng. Old lady Gu likes to be quiet, so Gu Zhen moved her home to the suburbs. After knowing that she was going to the old house, su'an kept her heart on her head.

She and Mrs. Gu have already met, and "Mom" has also called. But this time, she obviously felt that she was nervous and her palms were sweating.

What if Gu's parents don't like her? I dislike her as the daughter of the Su family. I think she is too young to be elegant.

Su An'an worries that, in her opinion, Gu's original preference is Su Zihan, who replaced Su Zihan in the past, and whether Gu's parents will dislike him or not.

Her heart went all the way to the old house, looking at the quiet yard in front of her, and she could not walk at her feet.

"Let's go." Gu Mocheng took something and said to suan'an.

Suan followed him closely, like a little daughter-in-law.

She must be more clever and obedient today. If Gu Mocheng's parents don't like her, she must be obedient and can't answer back.

Gu Mocheng takes Su an to Gu's old house.

The villas in different urban areas of Gu's old house cover a large area, and the houses built are not high, just two or three floors high, but the greening inside is well done, and the quiet air is particularly fresh.

"Wrong way, wrong way." Walking into the garden, I heard Mrs. Gu's voice.

Su'an looks at it with her voice, and Gu Zhen accompanies her to play chess in the pavilion.

"Well, take it back then." Gu Zhen said with a good-natured smile.

Old lady Gu took back the chess pieces and found that she had lost all the time. She simply dropped the pieces and said angrily, "no more playing, I lost every time. It's boring. "

all blocked her way. She lost everywhere and didn't know what to do.

Gu Zhen smiled and was used to his wife's playing tricks.

"You're not good at chess."

"Stupid people!"Gu Zhen said to old lady Gu in disgust, not forgetting to make fun of old woman's stupidity.

When Gu Zhen said that she was "stupid", the old lady didn't like it.

"Don't be complacent. When my son comes back, ask him to destroy you. "Gu Laofu said angrily. Just after she finished, she turned around and saw Gu Mocheng appear in front of her. Her face suddenly showed a smile.

"Success. "She said, she stood up and walked quickly to Gu Mocheng.

Gu Mocheng also passed by. Old lady Gu watched him open his hand and pounce on him.

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