In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 16: Dean's father

Chapter 16: Dean's father

In the next few days, Neville enjoyed the company of his family. He would spend the morning with Nan and discuss many business plans and then have a meeting with several managers of stores and set business targets and goals for them. Then he would spend the afternoon with his parents who love to spend time in the garden area and then spend his evening with his house-elves who are brewing the potion.

"How is the progress, Silvi?" Neville asked his house-elf who was working today on the potion.

"Master, Silvi is brewing potions in 8 crucibles here. Silvi can only control eight crucibles but Silvi is very attentive. Silvi has not found the right order of ingredients but Silvi will succeed soon master."

"Good. You are very good Silvi. Keep doing like this and if you get any good results, don't forget to inform me. Okay?"

"Silvi will never forget master. Silvi will do that!"


Neville looked at the potions which were boiling in different crucibles and then left. The work has just started and it is too early to achieve any success. The art of potion-making is a long process and unlike magic spells, there are hundreds of variables to manage properly.

Tomorrow the invited guests will come. He had invited families of his two friends and he wants to give them a good show. In order to have a strong loyal team, he must get the full support of their families. Maybe these half-blood families appear weak to other wizards but for him, this is a huge number of supporters who have been oppressed by pureblood families in wizard communities.

They have the biggest number and no leader. How can he leave such a huge opportunity? Give them enough benefits and support, they will return 10 times the amount.

The next day families of Dean and Seamus came one after the another. Neville had already sent two carriages for them to make their journey easier.

<><><><>Dean POV<><><><>

"Woah!" When I saw the Longbottom manor, I felt how deep are the pockets of wizard families. I mean we do live in a good house but it is like a 3 room house but here, even the garden is bigger than their entire house. How rich Neville is! Thankfully he does not act like those Slytherins and never shows off his wealth.

"Your friend's family is really rich Dean! You never told us about this." Dean's mom complained to his son looking at the manor when they entered the gates. At first, she thought Neville is living in a big villa or something but this is simply beyond anything she thought.

"I only know he is a rich mom but not this rich! Besides, this is also my first time here!" Dean replied and he looked at his step-father. His step-father was silent and didn't say anything. He just smiled at Dean and gave him the invisible confidence.

Dean doesn't know anything about his biological father and his mother told him when he was young that he left them soon after he was born. Anyway, his stepfather was nice man and he loved his family.

"Welcome dear guests. My name is Silvi. Silvi will take you inside. Please follow Silvi."

[Silvi was instructed to bring the guests into the manor. Today she was wearing a proper white dress with floral patterns so she does not look shabby or tortured in the family.

Neville had instructed all his house-elves to do this today. The first impression of any house-elf was like a beggar or a prisoner and not something to show off to any guests.]

"You are a house-elf!" Dean exclaimed. He had heard about house-elves and Neville had told him that they were the real cooks in Hogwarts but this is the first time he saw one.

"Yes, Yes Silvi is a young house-elf of Longbottom family. Please come."

I followed Silvi and then crossed the garden area, I saw Neville and his grandma, I assumed, waiting for us.

"Welcome to my home, Mr and Mrs Thomas. This is my sweet grandma or my Nan as I call her, Lady Augusta Longbottom." Neville introduced us to his Nan and my parents exchanged pleasantries and then they went towards the inner area where there was already tea and snacks were presented.

I followed Neville and we walked inside the manor. I wanted to tour this manor. After all, this is the first time I visited a wizard's house.

"Neville show me the secret rooms and your magical tools. You know I can't use my wand outside like you. Tell me what are the secrets you are hiding in the manor!" I asked him excitedly.

"Secrets? HA HA HA..." Dean this ain't Hogwarts. This is my home. But yeah, I do think there are rooms which you will love. Follow me."

I followed Neville and we came towards a big room in which I could see many mannequins.

"What room is this?" I asked him looking at this strange empty room which somehow looked like a gym of sorts or training room.

"This is my duel practice room. Here you can fight these mannequins and practice your charms and test their powers. Also, these are some of the training equipment that I use generally."

I now carefully checked this duel room and now it made sense. Why so many Slytherins will be better at charms than their Gryffindors. These wizard families have such training rooms for their kids while kids from normal families can only practice charms inside Hogwarts.

"Wow! I wish I could use my wand now. That is so unfair!" I complained to my friend. How can he understand the feeling when you use your wand and use magic for months and then suddenly, it becomes forbidden to do so when they go back from school.

"Who said you can't? The magic trace will only reveal that you used magic inside our manor and no matter what the ministry says, they won't care as long as you do inside wizard families' manor or their family ground. Just feel free to go crazy Dean!"

"Shit!" I cursed myself. I left my wand locked inside my suitcase in my home. I mean it is forbidden to use magic so it is better to keep the wand safe and locked in the suitcase. Shit!

"Next time. I will remember this Neville. I will bring my wand next time. Shit man! Anyway, can you show me the rest of the manor!"

"Sure!" Neville offered and I went through their huge library, then he showed me his magical garden. This was an area where they would plant many herbs and plants that we generally saw in our herbology class. I could see how Neville was good at herbology from this.

Then I saw a couple. An odd-looking man and woman sitting on rocking chairs and enjoying the sun.

"Neville, who are they?" I asked him and I could see his face changing from the goofy smile to the serious side.

"My Parents. They were part of the British wizard army which fought with the dark lord 'Voldemort'. They were captured and then tortured by one Bellatrix Lestrange, a follower of the dark lord. They are not 'well'. Come, let me show you other areas."

Neville ended the topic hastily and I was still processing this information. He never ever told us about his parents to us. Never. He would speak about his Nan and his house but he never spoke about his parents. Now it made sense.

"Ah...well... I at least have your biological parents. My father, I mean my real, biological father, abandoned me and my mom when I was young. My mom woke up one day and found he left with everything except a locket which she kept somewhere. Anyway, I mean....don't be too sad..okay!"

"Okay...Wait...You mean that man is not your real father?"

<><><>Neville POV<><><>

I thought Dean was from a pure muggle family!

"When? I mean which year did he leave you and your mom? Do you think he can be a wizard?" I asked him.

"Not sure. My dad left my mum when I was a kid. I've got no proof he was a wizard, though. I think it was 10-11 years back." Dean told me and this made me think more. Maybe, his father was a wizard and someone who fought in the war and died.

"Well, what if I can help you find something about him? I mean do you want to know about him?" I asked him. I know this is not a simple decision but this is his decision. Not mine.

"How? Can we do that? Tell me Neville is that possible?" Dean looked at me and I could see some worry and excitement on his face. No matter what, everyone wants to know who their real parents are.

"Come with me. We need to take a short tour to our Gringotts." I took him and we used our floo network and soon entered the Gringotts bank. It is just within walking distance from our nearby shop.

"Welcome, Lord Longbottom. What services do you require?" Our manager Mr Kauff asked me after I requested a personal meeting with him.

"Well, Mr Kauff, my friend here wishes to have a simple genealogy test. Just hurry please." I told our fund manager and Mr Kauff came ten minutes later with a bowl filled with water and then pricked Dean's finger. He took a drop of blood in the bowl and then he went to do the necessary test.

Me and Dean were waiting while talking and I was telling Dean about all the famous wizard families I could think of. I mean Dean had no idea about the wizard side of the world and I was trying to present him with as much knowledge I can in short words.

After nearly 15 minutes, Mr Kuaff came back. He presented us a parchment that recorded a family tree for Dean.

"Well, here are the results Mr Longbottom. We also matched the genealogy and one of the vaults present in Gringotts belong to your friend here, Mr Thomas."

When I watched Dean opening the parchment, I was surprised to see that his father was a Shacklebolt. Yes, one of the sacred 28 pureblood families, the Shacklebolt family.


His father was one Leeu Shacklebolt. The younger brother of the Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt and this Kingsley would later become Minister for Magic. Jesus! I think Dean has no idea what kind of lottery prize he got.

"Thanks, Mr Kauff. Is there any vault or belongings that are supposed to be handover to Dean here from his father or shacklebolt family?" I asked one last question.

"Well, yes there is one letter and a locket. I have asked the manager of the shacklebolt family to bring that here. However, the access to the family's vault was removed and he has a small personal vault here. Also, Mr Dean Thomas, if you wish to inherit the name of Shacklebolt, Gringotts can provide you assistance in that apart from many other services." Gauff now started pleasing Dean and tried to show his smile. Okay, fake and creepy smile. Goblins!

Half an hour later, I bought Dean back to our manor and he decided to speak to his mother. I don't know what was in the letter or the significance of the locket but it is probably the final words from him to his family and a parting gift to his son. Who knows but considering the sacrifices they made in the last war, Shacklebolt is a good ally for the future. Oh! What a great day!!

I followed Dean as we headed towards the tea area and my Nan was listening to muggle stories from Thomas's family. They were chatting happily and when Dean whispered something in his mother's ear I could see the shocked expressions on her face.

By lunchtime, My Nan had told dean and his family about the Shacklebolt family and told them about their past and present status in the British wizard world. It was during this time that Seamus's family also came and we had to cut short our discussion on this.

Anyway, Seamus's family was also a normal happy family. His mother was a witch and had attended Hogwarts in her time. His father was a normal muggle and nothing special but yes, their family had everything I wanted. A loving and caring mother and father and knowledge of magic. This was the family I had wanted when I knew about magic in this world. Sadly, I am not Seamus but Neville.

Anyway, I was not 'that' jealous and hosted both families perfectly.

Anyway, the topic regarding Dean's father was not discussed again and I think it is something Dean will handle later. But for now, I had build a good reputation among my friend's families. In future, I will have direct contact with the ministers of magic. First a Kingsley and then a bushy head. I might have very few connections but yes these connections were too good for the future.

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