In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 282: The First Encounter of the Youth Pi (1)

Chapter 282: The First Encounter of the Youth Pi (1)

Sinestro has been very unhappy lately.

There are many reasons for his unhappiness, but the most important one is that their Lantern Corps' Parallax creature has gone missing.

The Lantern Corps' Parallax is crucial to the Corps, not only because it possesses a part of the emotional spectrum's power but also because it represents the Corps of that particular color. The disappearance of the Parallax creature is like losing a storefront sign, and naturally, Sinestro is quite upset.

But that's not the only thing bothering him. Unlike other Lantern Corps, who use their creatures as symbols and mascots, Sinestro has always wanted to control the Parallax creature of the Yellow Lantern Corps for his own purposes.

The creatures can choose to possess a Lantern, but when they do, it's mostly the will of the creature that dominates, while the Lantern's will is secondary. The Lanterns cannot resist the strong power that comes from the creature within their bodies.

Sinestro is unwilling to become a Lantern controlled by the creature, but he is also greedy for the creature's immense power. So, he has been searching for a way to have the creature possess him while still being able to control his own body.

Initially, he had made some breakthroughs in his research. By utilizing the power of the yellow Lantern Ring through the Lantern Forge, he could merge himself with Parallax through the power of the Yellow Lantern, unlike a simple possession. In this deep fusion, he would have complete control over the immense power of the creature without any interference in his thoughts.

However, just as he was about to attempt this method, the creature that had been obediently residing in the Forge suddenly disappeared.

The Parallax creature, from which the Yellow Lantern Corps was born, came into existence long ago. The Parallax creature is an ancient chaotic being with a chaotic mass inside its brain, making it almost impossible for orderly life to comprehend it.

But even chaotic beings have their instincts. These chaotic creatures naturally prefer to dwell in an environment that is surrounded by the power they control, simply put, they enjoy being enveloped by the power of fear.

Sinestro, as the former greatest Green Lantern who betrayed the Green Lantern Corps to create the Yellow Lantern Corps, had done well in his position as the leader of the Corps. However, he still couldn't meet the requirements of the Parallax creature. The instinct of this ancient chaotic creature told him that following the Yellow Lanterns would lead to hunger for three days.

So, when a terrifying dark tide, closer to the source of the universe, descended, the chaotic mass in the brain of the Parallax creature suddenly became excited. If its thoughts at that time were to be summarized in human words, it would be nothing more than a single word: "Food!"

Sensing the arrival of that unparalleled powerful force of fear, the Parallax creature didn't even spare a glance at Sinestro, and without looking back, it rushed into Batman's embrace.

Sinestro was dumbfounded when he returned home. Where had his large Parallax creature gone? It was just here a moment ago!

Losing the creature is no small matter, and Sinestro is determined to find it. Fortunately, during his research on fusing with the creature, he had modified the Lantern Forge of the Yellow Lanterns. The Forge would guide him to the location of the Yellow Lantern creature, which is Earth.

And now, in the attic of an old apartment building in Gotham City's East District on Earth, Maggy stared with her mouth wide open as she looked at the little girl Selina was holding in her arms.

"Oh my god!! Selina!! What have you done? You actually! Actually..."

Selina stared at her good friend's face and said, "Actually

what? You don't think that I gave birth to a child in the three weeks we were apart, do you?"

"But... but..." Maggy, sitting in a wheelchair and looking frail, was blushing with frustration. She pointed at the little girl's face and said, "But she looks exactly like your boyfriend Wayne!"

"That's right, because she is his daughter, but she's not mine."

Maggy's eyes were about to pop out, and she said incredulously, "You mean, this is Wayne's illegitimate child? Oh my god! Selina! When did you become so generous? You're actually raising an illegitimate child for that Bruce?"

"This matter is quite complicated. Aisha doesn't have a mother, or rather..."

"Oh, I understand. Her mother 'passed away,' right?"

Selina shrugged and said, "Well, that's one way to put it."

Maggy covered her forehead with her hand and said, "You can't possibly believe that man's nonsense, can you? 'Passed away'? I hope she really did pass away; otherwise, one day you might 'pass away' in the same way..."

Maggy frowned, growing more serious. She said to Selina, "Selina, I've never had much to say about your love life, but this time I have to warn you, it's not a wise decision..."

"Today you accept an illegitimate child, but tomorrow will you accept a whole bunch of illegitimate children? You're not even his wife, yet you're raising his child?"

"Alright, Maggy, I know you care about me, but this matter is indeed quite complicated. Just know that I won't come out at a loss."

"Everyone thinks the same way," Maggie turned her wheelchair towards the bed and said in a low voice, "Do you remember that beautiful Catherine from East District Swordfish Street?"

"Catherine? Oh, I remember, her golden hair was truly enviable. What happened to her?"

"She's in the same situation as you think..."

Maggie continued to maneuver her wheelchair closer to Selina and said, "A few months ago, a wealthy man arrived on Swordfish Street. Rumor has it that he came from Imperial City and had a lot of money. He once squandered a fortune in the largest casino in Imperial City and caused a sensation overnight."

"The nightclub where Catherine works often engages in such activities. They deliberately spill drinks on Catherine, making her go to the restroom to clean up, and then they arrange for her to coincidentally meet that wealthy man. That's how they met..."

"Catherine is beautiful enough and somewhat clever, but that wealthy man showered her with sweet words and lavish gifts, which clouded her judgment. She believed the wealthy man's promise to take her away from this cursed place called Gotham."

"During that time, this man's other mistresses from different parts of Gotham came knocking on her door, nearly scratching Catherine's face. She wasn't in a favorable position because she was just a poor girl from East District, while the man's other mistresses were socialites from West District and the South."

"This made her feel resentful and filled with negative emotions..."

"To secure her position, Catherine came up with a foolish idea. She heard that the wealthy man had over a dozen children, and their mothers received hefty child support payments and even got to live in his mansion..."

"So, she found a way to get pregnant, but..."

Seeing Maggie's gloomy expression, Selina already guessed the outcome, but she still asked, "What happened to her in the end?"

"That wealthy man obviously didn't want the child. He claimed it was a bastard from Catherine's affairs outside. In reality, we all know that he just looked down on Catherine's background..."

"He persuaded her to have an abortion, but the doctor he found was completely unprofessional. It almost took her life. If it weren't for Catherine's good health, she wouldn't have survived."

"But it caused serious damage to Catherine. She was left with numerous complications, making her body even weaker than mine. She can hardly do any work, but..." Maggie shook her head and said, "She doesn't have someone like you, a good friend who runs around taking care of me. Now she's probably doing some shady business in the backstreets of Swordfish, under the control of the most malicious Madame Fat Mama..."

Just mentioning that name made Selina shudder. Madame Fat Mama was one of the most wicked pimps in East District, and most of the girls under her control didn't survive a year.

"Catherine won't live much longer," Maggie looked into Selina's eyes and said, "You can't even imagine the cruelty of these rich people. They see us, ordinary people, no different from roadside trash..."

"Selina, I know you're in a fiery relationship with your boyfriend, that wealthy Wayne. Yes, he's different from most wealthy men, handsome, wealthy, and even willing to travel with you. But it's all temporary..."

"Perhaps he's infatuated with your beauty for a while, but it won't last a lifetime. The wealthy man who hurt Catherine once promised her a beautiful future, deceived this smart girl completely. I'm really afraid you might end up the same way..."

"In East District, there are countless stories like this. Many girls here have beautiful faces but lack the ability to protect themselves. Catherine's father used to be a whaler and had great combat skills, so no one dared to touch her before this incident. But there are many girls who are even worse off than her..."

"Selina, I really don't want to discourage you while you're pursuing happiness, but most of the time, love with such a huge class difference has no future..."

Selina lowered her gaze and sat on the bed, holding Aisha. Aisha was babbling in her mouth. Selina stroked her hair and said, "I know you're looking out for me, but everyone is like this. When listening to someone else's story, they think they understand everything, but when it happens to themselves, it's a different story."

Before Maggie could continue persuading her, Selina stood up and placed Aisha in Maggie's arms. Maggie looked at the cute little girl in her arms, staring at her with big blue eyes, and exclaimed, "Oh! My goodness, she's so adorable..."

Maggie wasn't exaggerating. As long as Aisha didn't show her sharp fangs, she looked extremely beautiful and cute. She could easily become a child star in Hollywood, playing all the cute little girl roles in the coming years. After all, Bruce's genes had left her with no room for imperfection.

Selina spread her hands and said, "See? Initially, you didn't have this attitude..."

Maggie kissed Aisha's cheek, and Selina felt a strange sense of relief seeing Aisha so calm.

"You've really come at a good time. If it had been the first day, both of us would have gone crazy."

Thinking about her own terrible experiences, Selina sighed and said, "These days, I've come to understand one thing: I truly love Bruce. I couldn't have endured all these days if my love for him were a little less..."

"What? Are you saying she's mischievous?" Maggie gently touched Aisha's face. Selina was about to share her frustrations with her, but Aisha let out a scream and jumped out of Maggie's arms. With an incredibly fast speed that ordinary people couldn't perceive, she rushed towards the window and leaped out.

"Oh no!" Maggie exclaimed.

She forcefully spun her wheelchair to reach the window, and Selina followed her. Maggie watched Aisha's tiny figure jump from the second-floor awning, covering her mouth and saying, "What's happening? How can she be so fast??"

Then her expression turned panicked, and she anxiously said, "Catch up with her quickly, Selina! This is East District, and it's dangerous if she attracts the attention of the nearby gangs!"

Selina looked at Maggie's genuine and anxious gaze but kept the thought, "The danger might not be Aisha," silently to herself.

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