In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 288: Unlucky Sinestro

Chapter 288: Unlucky Sinestro

In the dim afternoon light, the faint sunlight of Gotham seeped through the cracks in the curtains and shone into the office. Schiller was lying on the office chair, taking a nap. Victor, sitting at the nearby desk, was reading a paper, but he too was dozing off, supporting his head with his hand. Anna from the Department of Mathematics had already fallen asleep, resting her head on the table.

Working as faculty at Gotham University was quite relaxed. Almost all the teachers had a habit of taking an afternoon nap. Some teachers in the neighboring office even bought reclining chairs. After gradually adapting to this slow-paced lifestyle, Schiller would also choose to take a nap after finishing his lunch.

Just as he furrowed his brows and was about to turn over, a sudden, intense scream echoed through the skies of Gotham like boiling water. Victor woke up abruptly, and Schiller, still a bit dazed, opened his eyes. He glanced at Victor, covering his eyes, and asked, "...What is she shouting?... Dad?"

In an instant, Schiller snapped back to full consciousness. He paused on the chair for a moment, then stood up, supporting himself on the armrest. He walked to the window, adjusted his hair, and looked in the direction of Wayne Manor. He said to Victor, "Please request leave for me. I have something to attend to."

"Don't you remember? We don't have a principal now, not even an acting principal, so there's no need to request leave," Victor stretched lazily and said, "You can go. It just so happens that your afternoon class has been changed to my chemistry class, and I still have two experiments left to do."

Schiller walked out of Gotham University. Initially, he wanted to fly directly to Wayne Manor in the form of a gray mist to see what was happening. However, the gray ring he wore on his hand suddenly became warm. Schiller followed the ring's guidance and arrived in the skies above Earth in the form of gray mist, where he discovered a golden lantern floating.

Schiller circled around the lantern twice, then stroked his chin and muttered to himself, "...As expected, but it's quite surprising that the lantern was also brought along. A pleasant unexpected surprise."

In no time, his figure vanished. After a few minutes, Schiller reappeared beside the yellow lantern above Earth. This time, he held another yellow creature in his arms.

Pikachu, awakened from his nap, rubbed his sleepy eyes and dangled his four short legs. He flapped around in Schiller's arms, saying, "What are you up to? Why did you bring me to this dreadful world again?!"

Schiller held Pikachu's armpits with both hands, positioning him to face the glowing yellow lantern. He said, "Don't you always complain about being hungry? I've found you a great place to eat. Do you see that thing in front of you?"

Pikachu rubbed his eyes with his small hands and fixed his mismatched gaze on the shining yellow lantern. Then, he let out a sigh with all his might and said, "I won't ask what that thing is anymore because I know it surely has a convoluted background that will keep you talking for hours. I only have one question: why are you so convinced that I can eat there?"

"Because you're yellow."

"...And then?"

"It's also yellow."

Pikachu crossed his short arms like a human and wore a puzzled expression. Before he could question Schiller's illogical theory, Schiller explained, "It might sound absurd, but I believe that colors hold significant symbolic meanings in the mysterious realm. Similarly colored mysterious objects must have some kind of connection..."

Pikachu opened his mouth to respond, but couldn't find a way to refute Schiller's explanation. Schiller turned Pikachu to face him, still gripping his armpits, and looked into his eyes as he continued, "If you're satisfied with your meal, can you please stop sabotaging my cakes, soda crackers, and coffee powder? Eating over ten pounds of cake every week—is that fair?"

Pikachu waved his hand dismissively and said, "It's not just me. Peter has eaten quite a lot too..."

"Well, it is true that I can absorb energy from the outside world and convert it into my own, and then use it to unleash abilities, but I have never seen anything like this that looks like a fire hydrant and the bottom half of a toilet. I'm not sure what I will become after absorbing the energy inside it..."

"It's alright, don't you know me yet? I steal electricity not for my own use, but to render others powerless..."

"Oh, if you had said that earlier, it would have saved us time. I'm familiar with this. Come on, throw me in."

Following his words, Schiller threw Pikachu into the opening above the lamp stove. Perhaps due to Sinestro's modifications, this lamp stove floating in the cosmos was larger than the one depicted in Schiller's comic memories, standing about half the height of a person. The upper opening was just wide enough for Pikachu to squeeze through.

After Pikachu entered, it was as if he had been tossed into a fish tank, blending with the almost identical shade of yellow. Before long, the glow surrounding the lamp stove began to slowly converge inwards, gradually intensifying until it completely receded into the inner walls of the lamp stove. At the center of the lamp stove, a brilliant yellow dot resembling a miniature sun absorbed all the surrounding energy.

Subsequently, the energy clinging to the outer walls of the lamp stove began to gradually dissipate, causing the entire lamp stove to fade slowly. The highly concentrated yellow light energy gathered into a small mass, growing denser at the center until it was fully absorbed by the figure in the middle of the lamp stove, complete with a tail and long ears.

Suddenly, Pikachu flickered and reappeared outside the lamp stove. Observing his current state, Schiller squinted and remarked, "It seems there have been some changes..."

Pikachu examined his own body, which had become semi-transparent, with faint star-like dots connecting together in the middle, as if he had transformed into a celestial being.

Under Schiller's gaze, Pikachu began to grow larger and larger, expanding into a colossal Pokémon standing tens of meters tall. Radiating intense yellow energy throughout its entire body.

A slender strand of energy connected him to the lamp, much like when Parallax became a lamp beast for the Yellow Lantern Corps. Pikachu had formed a special link with the lamp and the ring.

After Parallax emerged and underwent a transformation into a creature of order, Pikachu, having absorbed nearly all the energy from the Yellow Lantern Furnace, filled the vacant position on the Yellow Lantern Corps, becoming the new lantern beast.

The origin of cosmic fear, the Yellow Lantern Beast, the giant Pikachu, was born!

Shortly after, Pikachu's form began to shrink again, gradually transforming into a solid body. However, faint yellow energy still faintly surrounded its fur. Pikachu now possessed the ability to freely traverse the universe. He flew in front of Schiller and said, "This energy is quite potent, but when I compress it all within myself, I feel a peculiar connection being established. What is it?"

Schiller, who had witnessed the entire process, understood that Pikachu had seemingly become the new lantern beast of the Yellow Lantern Corps. He briefly introduced the concepts of the lantern ring and the lantern corps in the DC world to Pikachu. Pikachu rubbed his cheek with his small paw and said, "Will those people who possess the yellow light rings come looking for me, wanting me to return with them as a mascot?"

"What are you afraid of? If they come, I'll take you somewhere else." Schiller lifted Pikachu, gazing at him, and added, "Rather than searching for you to go back, I think they might... not want you to appear in the Yellow Lantern Corps."


Schiller paused in his mind, recalling the distinct art style of Parallax and the depiction of other Lantern Corps in comics. Then, he glanced at the Pikachu in front of him, nearly spherical from overeating cake, and said, "Because the art styles are different, they can't be forcefully merged."

Schiller held Pikachu and prepared to return to Earth. Before leaving, he cast a glance at the drained yellow power battery, its vibrant hue completely dissipated. The lantern now appeared dull and worn, indicating it wouldn't restore its radiance for a long time.

Meanwhile, in Wayne Manor, as Sinestro witnessed Batman suddenly materializing behind Aisha, he swiftly launched a yellow beam of light.

Batman intended to evade it entirely, but with Aisha still beside him, he swiftly grabbed her and tossed her to Dick before attempting to dodge. Consequently, his movements were slightly delayed, allowing the yellow beam to strike his arm.

And then... nothing happened.

Batman turned his head to examine his arm, then glanced at Sinestro. Similarly, Sinestro eyed Batman's arm and then observed the ring in his own hand. Both stood frozen in surprise.

Refusing to accept this, Sinestro unleashed another yellow beam at Batman, who remained unresponsive. Undeterred, Sinestro relentlessly channeled the power of the yellow light, generating an enormous energy sphere that hurtled toward Batman.

Batman, inherently distrustful, did not let his guard down despite Sinestro's previous ineffective attack. He rolled and dodged, barely avoiding the sphere's impact. However, just before the sphere hit the ground, it abruptly halted and changed course, hurtling directly at Batman.

Sinestro extended his hand and exclaimed, "Wait!! Come back!!"

Moving at an astonishing speed, the yellow energy sphere swiftly merged into Batman's body. Suddenly, one of his arms radiated a brilliant yellow light. In the meantime, Sinestro caught up, but before he could react, Batman instinctively swung a punch...

Sinestro was sent flying, propelled at least ten meters away.

Batman glanced at his glowing yellow fist, then at Sinestro, who lay on the ground, unable to rise for quite some time. It dawned on Batman, an understanding taking hold.

Sinestro, after struggling to regain his footing, couldn't bear such humiliation. Upon rising, he glanced at the ring on his hand and noticed its light had dimmed. The earlier skirmish with Hal had nearly depleted the energy of his yellow power ring.

Nonetheless, Sinestro remained unfazed. With foresight, he had brought the lantern power battery to Earth. Currently, the yellow power battery should be floating above the planet.

Sinestro extended his hand toward the sky and loudly proclaimed, "Fear is the source, Sinestro's authority!"

"... Fear is the source, Sinestro's authority!"

"Sinestro's Authority!"

"Authority! Authority! ... Authority???"

On the other side, Batman, Dick, and Aisha stood in a row from highest to lowest, watching the middle-aged man in a yellow jumpsuit on the opposite side striking a strange pose with one hand on his hip and the other pointing to the sky, repeatedly uttering a phrase.

Batman opened his mouth, but before he could call out Alfred's name, the old butler had already appeared behind Batman. Batman hesitated and said to him, "Perhaps... let's make a call to Arkham Asylum. I think he seems... no, it's not just seeming, he must be mentally ill..."

Sinestro, unable to summon the power of the yellow lantern for a while, was also bewildered. He withdrew his hand and looked at the ring in his hand. The emblem of the Yellow Lantern Corps on it kept flickering, but he couldn't establish a connection to the power battery.

Although Sinestro was an alien, not every alien was a Kryptonian capable of taking off from a standstill. All of Sinestro's superpowers came from the yellow lantern ring. Without the yellow lantern energy, he had no means to escape Earth's gravitational pull.

Just then, Aisha, with her short legs in motion, ran between Sinestro and Batman, and then pointed a finger at Sinestro while looking back at Batman. She shouted, "Daddy!! Wow! Wow!!"

Batman moved his wrist, and Sinestro took a step back, saying, "Wait! You can't... I'm..."

Before he could finish his sentence, accompanied by Aisha's excited clapping and screaming, a fist the size of a sandbag, glowing with yellow light, appeared in his line of sight.

Ten minutes later, Schiller landed on the lawn of Wayne Manor with a yellow-furred rat. He looked at Sinestro, who was lying on the lawn of Wayne Manor, beaten and bruised like a pile of rotten mud, and said to him, "Sinestro, right? I've heard of your name. Now, we can have a talk..."

A few minutes later, in the basement of Wayne Manor, Batman was tying Sinestro to a chair, while Schiller pulled Pikachu's tail out of Aisha's mouth. He instructed Aisha to spit out the mouse fur and said, "When I was in the dream world, the reason I let the Parallax Monster trapped in the eggshell of laughter come in was to use it as bait."

Hearing this, Batman glanced at Sinestro and said, "So, you tricked him into coming here?"

"That's right, Parallax is a lantern creature of the Yellow Lantern Corps. If he disappears, the Corps' leader will surely come looking for him."

After finally separating Aisha and Pikachu, Schiller walked over and sat across from Sinestro. He said to Batman, "Aren't you curious about these so-called Lantern Heroes and Lantern Corps?"

Batman didn't say a word, but his attitude implied consent. What Schiller didn't reveal was that he had another reason for tricking Sinestro into coming here.

Before. Schiller made a mistake in predicting the Laughing Egg because he didn't expect the Yellow Lantern Corps to appear so early. To understand why he thought the Yellow Lantern Corps hadn't appeared, we need to start with Sinestro, the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps.

In the comics, Sinestro was originally the most powerful Green Lantern and was hailed as the strongest Lantern ever. However, he was discovered by Hal when he used the power of the Green Lantern to control his homeland without authorization. This led to a rift between Sinestro and Hal, and Sinestro eventually left the Green Lantern Corps. He sought out the weapons master to create a Yellow Lantern Power Battery and a Yellow Lantern Ring, becoming the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps.

A crucial moment in this story is the rift between Sinestro and Hal, which happened before Sinestro went solo.

But now Hal has recently become a Green Lantern and is just a newcomer without much reputation in the Green Lantern Corps. He has no connection with Sinestro and knows nothing about him. However, the Yellow Lantern Corps appeared early.

After making this prediction mistake, Schiller has been contemplating the reason behind it.

If we consider the butterfly effect, it doesn't make sense. Currently, Schiller's influence from traveling is limited to Gotham. Even if we expand it, it only affects the East Coast. At most, it impacts Earth, but it has no connection whatsoever with outer space, the universe, or the Green Lantern Corps.

Even if Schiller's actions were the butterfly flapping its wings, the storm couldn't have reached the Green Lantern Corps so quickly. This means there must be another reason behind Sinestro's early defection.

Faced with this uncertainty, Schiller's initial reaction was to nip it in the bud. But before that, he needed to understand why Sinestro became the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps ahead of time.

So, when he saw Parallax lurking near the entrance of his Mind Tower, an idea struck him. As long as he could capture Parallax, he wouldn't have to worry about Sinestro not showing up. Coincidentally, Parallax was also trying to distance itself from Sinestro, who it found to be cheap and stingy. It sought Batman's help.

With Schiller and Parallax joining forces, Parallax found a new father, Schiller caught his desired target, and Batman gained a new daughter. It was a win-win situation.

The only loser in this scenario was Sinestro, who was currently struggling in his chair. When he shifted his gaze from Batman to the front, he saw Schiller sitting behind the table and Aisha standing on the table, both wearing chilling smiles.

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