In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 330: S:Glorious Big Event (X)

Chapter 330: S:Glorious Big Event (X)

"What did you say? The alien fleet lost a frigate in a dimensionality reduction jump? Peter, even if you have a driving license now, you can't drink so much during the daytime..."

"Okay, but I'm an adult, you know? And I didn't drink too much... J.A.R.V.I.S said I was drunk all day? J.A.R.V.I.S! J.A.R.V.I.S! You traitor! I've only had one bottle this month..."

"Okay, where did the fleet come from? Of course... I know that aliens exist, but what are they doing here?"

While talking on the telephone, Stark suddenly heard a "click" behind him. He turned around and saw a portal appearing in the air above the laboratory, and Strange and Nick fell out of it.

Nick fell heavily to the ground, and Strange landed on top of him. The SHIELD director screamed in pain, holding his waist and staggering to his feet. He loudly said to Strange, "You incompetent rotten sorcerer! Can't you open the portal on the ground next time?"

"Oh, damn it, my arm..." Strange held his arm and said, "I've only been learning magic for a few months, you can't expect too much from me!"

Then the two of them stood up, and Stark walked over to them. The three of them looked up at the portal, waiting for the next unlucky person to fall out.

Schiller poked half of his body out of the portal, looked down at the three people below him, and then turned into a cloud of mist and floated down, landing smoothly. The three of them made a "tsk" sound in unison.

Then Loki flew out of the portal. Stark widened his eyes, looked around, and before he could ask any questions, Loki spoke first: "Don't be surprised, I'm Loki. Do you have any objections?"

"I..." Stark made a gesture of thinking with his hand and then said, "No, you're quite beautiful, really."

Strange and Nick both glanced at Stark and made a "tsk" sound.

"Okay, now that the morally questionable people are all here, did Peter call you on the phone?"

"Hey, Mr. Schiller, I'm right here!" Peter's voice came from the telephone. "Did you hear what I just said? The Kree's fleet!!!"

"I know, your telephone communication goes through the Sanctum Sanctorum, and Strange has already heard the contents of your conversation."

"Is there really an alien fleet?" Stark said with some surprise. "Are the Kree like the Asgardians?"

"I thought you wouldn't be surprised, after all, a fleet of aliens, compared to the 'Gods' of Asgard, the former should be more in line with your imagination of aliens, right?"

Stark indeed nodded. He said, "My surprise is that why would an alien fleet come here? Did they make an appointment? Either they don't come for tens of thousands of years, or they all come together?"

"Of course, this is related to the recent major events in the universe. Didn't you already know about it? The universe is in fighting, and the group of aliens with the fleet should have been affected."

As he spoke, Strange turned his head to look at Loki and said, "Tell us about the Kree. Who are they?"

Loki shook his head and said, "I don't really understand their history, I only know that they are a huge empire in the universe, and their supreme leader is called the Supreme Wisdom. They are similar to Asgard, a militaristic country where everyone is a soldier."

"Their series of temple-like spaceships are very famous in the universe, also known as star warships, because these spaceships are made by transforming an entire planet, and even in a society with advanced science and technology, this kind of science and technology is very advanced."

Stark rubbed his chin and asked a more professional question, "Do they belong to a certain race? Science and technology or magic?"

Loki sighed and said, "You still don't understand that there is no difference between science and technology and magic."

"Let's say that if you traveled back to prehistoric times and demonstrated the power of electricity to humanity who were still using stone tools, wouldn't they think that the electricity you use is a form of magic?"

"Asgard is like that. In your eyes, we use magic energy, but in reality, there are many manifestations of energy in the universe's origin. It's just that at the level of humanity's life, we cannot directly extract and use this power."

"All-Father Odin's power of thunder is one of the fundamental powers of the universe. Because his life level is high enough, he can directly use this power. Wind and fire are the same. Humanity is actually using this energy too, but you cannot reach the origin level, so it seems like you need to use various tools, which you call 'science and technology'."

"So, in fact, using methods that directly point to the source is more advanced?" Stark asked Loki.

"No, it's not that simple. Asgardians also use tools. We also have a fleet in the universe, teleportation devices, air conditioning, elevators, and life appliances that function similarly to yours."

"We can divide this into two parts. On the one hand, by improving our own life level, we can have stronger physical qualities and control more powerful forces."

"On the other hand, we use this power to produce more efficient tools. For example, our elevator doesn't use 'electricity,' nor does it need the pulley tools and ropes you use. All we need is the magic of levitation, which comes from the fundamental power of wind..."

"I understand. Asgardians have a higher life level than science and technology, so you can use more advanced energy to nourish your own technology, right?" Stark looked at Loki and asked.

Loki nodded. He found it really effortless to talk to intelligent people like Stark, so he continued to explain, "And now, humanity's science and technology power serves life level. Your bodies are too weak, so you need to develop medical technology to extend your lifespan, and your power is too weak, so you need to use various engineering machinery to manufacture buildings..."

"Wait, is there a possibility that because humanity relies too much on tools, it has resulted in our physical strength evolving slowly?" Stark turned around and sat behind the lab table and said, "No, at least in my opinion, the slow evolution of your physical strength may also be related to the environment of Earth. As far as I know, even in the boundless universe, Earth's habitability is among the best."

"So, are we all buds in a greenhouse?" Nick shrugged.

"But aren't the Nordic gods also from Earth?" Strange raised an objection.

"Well... this involves a very complex history of mysticism. Even I don't fully understand the truth. I'm afraid only All-Father knows..."

"Okay, let's get back to the topic." Nick reminded, "You haven't finished talking about the Kree."

"There is a popular saying in the universe that if you see someone with blue skin, you know they are a member of a powerful empire because, in addition to the Kree, there is another race called the Skrulls who are also strong and have blue skin."

"But at the same time, we also hate those blue-skinned people. We call all the races with blue skin in the universe 'universe locusts' because they are really annoying."

"They wander around the universe, disrespect local cultures, and start wars at the slightest provocation. After they have destroyed everything, they don't clean up after themselves. When our fleet goes over, we have to clear the way on the spot..." Loki's tone was very impatient, obviously with some unpleasant memories.

"Of course, in the eyes of Asgardians and other powerful empires, they are just a bit annoying. But for civilizations that are a little more backward, their annoying behavior is a disaster."

"We'll talk about their history later. Now, let's talk about what they can bring us in terms of interest."

"Hmm..." Loki pondered for a moment and said, "If Earth had the strength of Asgard now, you could completely swallow this injured and stranded fleet. But now you are too far behind, and I think it will be difficult..."

"Do the Asgardians have no interest in them?"

Loki shook his head and said, "As I said before, Asgard is a civilization with a life level higher than science and technology, but the Kree are the opposite. They are more like Humanity, and their level of science and technology is higher than their life level."

"So, the technologies they are best at are not very useful to Asgard."

"I'll give you an example. They are very good at extracting energy. There is an energy production device in the center of their capital star system, which was transformed from a supermassive black hole. If I had to compare it to something, it would be like wind turbines for your Humanity, just many times larger."

"Just this one device can supply the energy needs of their entire civilization."

"How about cleanliness?"

"Completely pollution-free, completely controllable, no danger at all. Everything is fully automated and sustainable."

"Unimaginable," Nick commented.

"Indeed, for Humanity, it may seem unattainable to develop to this level, but it is actually a standard for an imperial civilization in the universe. Any civilization that can have a say in interstellar society has infinite energy as a standard."

"Like the Rainbow Bridge, although it may overheat, the energy is infinite, and no matter who is the master of Asgard, it will continue forever."

Stark said, "Can we try to get some of their technology?"

Nick turned his head to look at him, and Stark said seriously, "Among the major challenges facing Humanity's development, besides energy, is materials science, which is very important to us."

"Oh, yes, the Kree are also very strong in materials science. They can transform planets into warships. There's not much else to explain, is there?"

Nick pondered for a moment, and everyone looked at him. After all, he was the leader of the official forces and, to some extent, could represent the entire Humanity civilization.

He looked at Loki and asked him, "Aren't you Asgardians going to get involved in this?"

"Can you see that we have the time to get involved?" Loki said helplessly.

"Why don't you have the time to get involved? Whose fault is that?" Strange glanced at Loki.

Nick ignored the two of them and turned his head to look at Stark. "Your state last time..."

"Forget it, it's not that easy," Schiller interrupted Nick's next words.

Of course, he knew that Nick wanted Stark to become a demonic deity again, but he explained, "Enough energy can indeed push Stark to a higher level, but if he cannot fully accept this state and solidify it into eternity, then he will not be able to achieve maximum output. Otherwise, he would not have just created a mechanical army last time."

"Another issue is that even if he really incarnates as a universedemonic deity, do you plan to let them fight directly in the Milky Way Galaxy? Are you sure that won't affect Earth?"

Nick thought about it and felt that Schiller had a point. Schiller continued, "If we use this method, perhaps we can win, but we are actually overdrawing the possibility of future development."

"Once Stark solidifies into a demonic deity, he must go and establish and build his own dimension, and it is impossible for him to return to Earth in a short time. And once they start fighting in the Milky Way Galaxy, it may destroy many resources that we may need in the future."

"If the Kree are already invading with a large army, then we have no choice but to overdraft the future to save the present. But now, there is only one Kree fleet wandering nearby in the Milky Way Galaxy..."

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