In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 333: S:Glorious Big Event (XIII)

Chapter 333: S:Glorious Big Event (XIII)

In the underground base of SHIELD, a man with brown hair and green eyes walked up to Schiller and shook his hand, saying, "Long time no see, Schiller. Since you left the University of California, I haven't heard from you. I didn't expect us to meet here."

"It has been a long time indeed. After I transferred to Harvard, I thought you would leave the University of California soon, but you ended up staying for so long. How have you been, Bruce?" Schiller smiled and shook Bruce Banner's hand.

Schiller used to teach at the University of California in his Marvel identity, and he and Banner were colleagues at the time. However, Schiller left after a short time, while Bruce Banner is still a professor at the University of California.

"Not bad, but ever since you left, I've had to pay for my therapy sessions," Banner joked and pushed his glasses up.

Stark was also in the room, but he was busy with his own tasks, and Schiller and Banner acted as if he didn't exist.

When Schiller stepped aside and let Banner enter the laboratory, Banner glanced at Stark with his eyes and rolled them slightly before turning to the lab table.

Schiller walked up to him and looked back at Stark, asking, "Do you two have a bad relationship?"

"You should be asking who has a good relationship with Stark. At the last global forum, he talked relentlessly for three and a half hours and belittled all existing theories of physics... "Banner pushed his glasses up again, speaking loud enough for Stark to hear.

Stark made a short snort through his nose and walked out of the laboratory with a stack of materials. Banner, however, looked puzzled and watched Stark's back as he said, "What's wrong with him? In the past, he would have come up to me and argued for hours."

"People grow up," Schiller shrugged. He then asked, "Did SHIELD bring you here? Who else did they bring?"

"For now, I'm the only one. They had contacted Reed Richards, but his third phase of near-earth research has not been completed yet, and his ship is still in orbit. He probably won't be back for at least another half month."

Banner glanced at Schiller and asked him, "You were the first one of us to arrive. Do you know any insider information? SHIELD is making a big move this time, and it seems like they want to bring in physicists from all over the world..."

"I didn't arrive earlier than you. I'm now a psychological consultant for SHIELD, and all I can tell you is that this is indeed a big move. If I'm not mistaken, someone is currently giving a speech at the World Security Council..."

"In summary, the fact that humanity is not alone in the universe has been confirmed. However, unfortunately, what awaits us next is not friendly third-party contact, but an alien race with highly advanced science and technology that is beyond human imagination, and their intentions are unknown..."

Steve stood on the podium in the center of the semi-circular seating of the Security Council. As he spoke, a picture of the Kreestar warship taken by Eddie appeared behind him.

Eddie was a well-known journalist, and his basic skills were impeccable. The picture he took was excellent, showing an unparalleled giant star warship in the vast universe with a faint glow in the center and the top of the picture. At the bottom of the picture were the universe agents who appeared very small. On both sides of the picture, there were countless frigates...

Although it was unclear how Eddie managed to capture a photo filled with the remnants of Kree frigates, it was clear that this fleet did not look like a defeated army that had just escaped from a battle, lost most of its frigates, and couldn't even return home. Instead, it looked like a magnificent army that was about to invade other civilizations and was eager to do so.

Steve also looked back at the picture and silently praised Eddie's professional level in his heart. He continued to speak in a calm tone, "This is a highly developed civilization that is unimaginable for humanity. Next, I will introduce the Kree and their star warship to everyone..."

Nick sat in the audience and saw that as Steve spoke, the council members' faces became increasingly solemn, even turning somewhat pale. Even Pierce, who usually managed his emotions well and didn't show his feelings, had a very serious expression, almost writing shock on his face.

As Steve just said, the World Security Council has long known of the existence of aliens and has some understanding of Asgard, but their imagination of aliens is still relatively limited. After all, for so many years, humanity has been closed off and has no intuitive understanding of how far extraterrestrial science and technology can develop. But now, the evidence is in front of them.

How developed is the civilization that can turn a planet the size of Earth into a star warship?

Before seeing the real evidence, the council members may have thought that aliens were similar to humans, just from a different planet. However, the Kree's appearance shattered this illusion. Their technology and power are far beyond anything humanity has ever seen or imagined.

As Steve continued his presentation, Nick couldn't help but think about what this meant for SHIELD and the world. The Kree's intentions are unknown, and they may pose a significant threat to humanity. It was clear that SHIELD's role in protecting the world had just become much more critical.

Nick made a mental note to convene a meeting with his top agents and scientists to discuss strategies for dealing with the Kree threat. This was a new era for humanity, and SHIELD had to be at the forefront of the fight to protect the planet.

According to the script, he spoke for over two hours. Even Steve felt a bit dry-mouthed and dizzy. He didn't really understand the professional terms summarized by Stark, so most of the time he just memorized and repeated them. He also had to deal with all kinds of strange questions from the audience below. If he hadn't received professional training, he would have collapsed by now.

As he walked from the podium to the backstage, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had wanted to find Nick, but he saw that Nick was talking to a black-haired man in uniform. Steve knew him; he was Zheng Xian, the director of the Spear Bureau. Every time he came to the Security Council for a meeting, Nick would always be with him.

Steve could guess what they were talking about, so he didn't plan to walk over and join the conversation. Instead, he walked alone through the backstage. At this moment, Pierce, whose temples were turning white, stopped him. He approached Steve and shook his hand, saying, "Long time no see, Captain America. How have you been?"

"Okay, just a bit busy," Steve replied.

"Really? Busy with something about the alien invasion?" Pierce asked.

"No, actually it's about Nick's Superhero team plan. Although we've found a lot of people, we don't even have a decent base, so I still have to run around looking for a place," Steve explained.

"In addition, logistics supply is also a problem. If we rely solely on SHIELD, Nick will worry about the budget for the next quarter again."

Pierce was very familiar with this tone, so he immediately grasped Steve's hand and said, "Superhero team plan? I actually really like this plan. When Nick first proposed the initial idea to me, I said I would strongly support him."

"Captain, are you free later? I've arranged for a few Congress members to play golf together with their families. They are all your fans, and they would be thrilled to meet you in person," Pierce added.

"Oh, come on, Chief Alexander. We all rely on these Heroes behind the scenes..." Steve said.

"They will be very happy to talk to you about this topic. Nick should still be waiting for a while, so let's go first," Pierce interrupted.

Pierce and Steve walked quickly through the backstage, leaving Nick and Zheng Xian sitting at the coffee table by the window. As they walked further away, Nick picked up his cup and said, "...Then let's go with what we just agreed on. As for the surface matters, we still have to wait for official negotiations."

Zheng Xian raised his cup and clinked it with Nick's, saying, "So be it. If there are any changes during official discussions, we will contact you at any time."

Saying that, he got up and left. Nick took out his mobile phone and called Strange, asking, "How are the sorcerers arranged? How many people can we mobilize? Our scientists have basically gathered and are ready to start working at any time..."

"Listen to me, there has been a change in the plan." On the staircase in front of the Karma Taj grand hall, Strange was walking down while holding a telephone and said, "Originally, we planned to gather 20 sorcerers to open individual portals. But just now, Wong told me that the great sorcerers of Karma Taj have developed a large-scale portal..."

"A large-scale portal? How big is it?"

"At the moment, if we combine the power of all the sorcerers at Karma Taj, along with the power of Earth Magic's defense system, it can open a portal slightly larger than the Moon."

"That big?!" Nick exclaimed in surprise.

"Correct, I was also surprised. But Karma Taj is, after all, the sacred land of Earth's magic. The individuals who become great sorcerers here are knowledgeable scholars. They are not inferior to humanity's scientists in any way, except that their research is focused on magic."

Strange sighed and said, "But we need to start with the Sanctum Sanctorum..."

Originally, Karma Taj, as an ancient magical sanctuary, had not changed its magical techniques for thousands of years. It was the most practical and stable method of controlling magic discovered by generations of sorcerers, and it was sufficient to protect Earth.

However, recently, the times have been progressing too quickly. First, there was the change in the position of the Sorcerer Supreme. The Ancient One now rarely returns to Karma Taj, and most of the affairs are overseen by Strange.

Although they saw potential in Strange, his current level of magic is not commendable. Without the protection of the powerful Ancient One, these great sorcerers also felt a sense of crisis...

Furthermore, with the development of the Sanctum Sanctorum, the number of clients has increased, and the business has expanded. The sorcerers are almost rubbing portals to the point of creating Mars.

With the help of the Temple Guardian and the magical rings, opening portals became easier. But for other sorcerers, it became more challenging. Yet, the daily workload remained significant, and Karma Taj transformed overnight from a magical sanctuary into a place where the sorcerers were exhausted.

Demand always drives the progress of productivity. During the opening period of the Sanctum Sanctorum, Magic Portals have undergone several generations of updates, becoming more energy-efficient and stable.

However, individual portals are not as useful as fixed large-scale portals. So the great sorcerers of Karma Taj worked overtime to research a large-scale portal that could be fixed in the universe.

Originally, sorcerers had to be extremely cautious when using their powers because Marvel Magic is essentially borrowing and lending. If they borrow too much and can't repay, it will cause major troubles.

But due to the previous incident involving Knull, the Ancient One treated all the sorcerers of Karma Taj to a feast, leaving them not only well-fed but also with a surplus of energy stored in the central hub of Karma Taj. The sorcerers used this energy to research better magical techniques, and the results were outstanding.

In addition to having sufficient power, they also received technical support from demonic deities. If there were issues with energy utilization, they would directly call Mephisto on the telephone. If the stability of the space was insufficient, they would call Mordo and ask Dormammu. If the teleportation process was unstable and prone to freezing, they would ask Cyttorak while holding a deep red ribbon...

While Stark was climbing the tree of science and technology, Karma Taj was busy enhancing its magical skills, and both sides were progressing at a fast pace, even showing a hint of competition.

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