In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 339: S:Glorious Big Event (XIX)

Chapter 339: S:Glorious Big Event (XIX)

In front of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters in reality, Polaris dragged Havok reluctantly towards the school gate. Havok struggled and broke free from Polaris' grip on his arm. He stood at the school gate and said, "Don't drag me in. I don't want to see that annoying Scott!"

"Isn't he your brother?" Polaris asked.

"Quicksilver is your brother too. Don't you hate him?" Havok retorted.

"Fine, but you have to come in with me." Polaris turned around and looked at Havok.

Havok sighed and scratched his head. "Lorna, what's going on with you? You complained to me a few days ago about how boring the classes were, and now you want to come to this school?"

Polaris looked at Havok seriously and said, "Didn't you hear what Professor X said? That group of new mutants who are almost ten years younger than us actually brought back an alien spaceship!"

Polaris sighed and said, "In my memory, we haven't known each other for long, but it's been a few years already. You, me, Iceman, Sprite, and Shadowcat, we are no longer the newest generation of mutants."

"So what?" Havok asked.

Polaris tilted her head and lowered her head, her face devoid of any humor. Havok also sighed and said, "Lorna, I know you've always felt like the leader of the new mutants, the most powerful among our generation of mutants..."

"Even if you didn't say it, I could feel it. Your identity as Magneto's daughter puts a lot of pressure on you, and you've always felt responsible for the future of mutants."

"But now, mutants are going to be none of my business." Polaris stepped on a stone under her foot, but the next second, she straightened her body, put her hands on her hips, took a deep breath, and said, "Let's go, Alexander. We can't be left behind by them. Let's go to class now."

After speaking, she pulled Havok into the school gate. As soon as they entered, they ran into Colossus, who was walking out. Colossus looked at them in confusion and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Can't you tell? We're here to study," Polaris replied.

Colossus was even more confused by her words. He looked at Polaris up and down, focusing on her green hair, smoky makeup, and lip piercing, and said, "...I really can't tell."

Polaris put her green hair behind her ears and said, "Don't mind that. Don't you recruit students here? Alexander and I want to enroll."

Colossus had a good temper and didn't say anything about how members of the Brotherhood of Mutants were not allowed inside. He and Polaris and Havok were all members of the new mutants, but he was slightly older than them, and he preferred to live a normal life, so he didn't often play with these second-generation mutants.

He scratched his head and said, "I know Charles teaches you in your dreams, but in reality... never mind, go inside and ask him, but remember not to use your powers casually. There are young children in this school, and you have to..."

"Okay, okay, I got it." Polaris waved her hand and pulled Havok inside. After they left, Colossus took out his phone and called Charles to explain the situation...

So Polaris and Havok were warmly welcomed in Charles' office.

When it came to the enrollment of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Charles had countless grievances to vent. The enrollment process of this school was not like other schools, where they could just set up a website and issue a notice.

In addition to their teaching tasks, all the teachers in the school had a major task, which was to search all over the world for oppressed mutant children, help them solve their current problems, persuade their parents, modify the memories of ordinary humans affected by mutants, and then bring them to the school.

Several famous new mutants came to this school in this way, but if we were to say who put in the most effort, it was definitely Charles. He had to deal with the troubles caused by these little mutants all year round.

Moreover, so far, no mutant has come to him and said they want to come to school. Even Angel, who comes from a very wealthy family and whose mutant ability is not very harmful, was sent to school by his father after he found Charles.

Seeing Polaris and Havok come to him, Charles was almost moved to tears. What did this represent? This represented a new era for Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

What made Charles even more delighted was that Polaris was Magneto's daughter and his favorite daughter. Although Magneto's emotions were very restrained, Charles knew that he was very optimistic about Polaris taking over his business. After all, they were almost identical in terms of abilities and personalities.

If the new generation of mutants could become classmates and work together, many things would be much easier. For example, there were mutants involved in Project Insight, but when Charles negotiated with representatives of ordinary people, he always lacked confidence because mutants were divided into two halves. He could only represent half of the mutants.

If it weren't for the fact that the mutants on his side had brought back an alien warship, which gave him face, the position of mutants would be very passive. The negotiating table didn't care about any feelings. Whoever had more chips had the advantage.

Looking at Polaris' face, Charles remembered himself and Erik when they were young. At that time, Magneto was a silent young man, powerful, silent, serious, and stubborn.

Now, he saw more vitality and happiness in Polaris' face. Perhaps this was also the reason why Magneto didn't stop her from coming to find Charles. He wanted to give his children what he didn't have.

He said to Polaris very seriously, "I think you should know me by now, Lorna. Learning is not a fun thing, at least compared to your original carefree life, it's quite boring."

"Even when I was studying psychology, education, and society engineering, I was very annoyed by it. Those rather difficult knowledge cannot be learned overnight. If you want to immerse yourself in the ocean of knowledge, then this is a never-ending road."

Polaris hugged her arms, stared into Charles' eyes, and said, "I thought you would boast about the conditions of the school or talk about the importance of learning..."

Charles shook his head and said, "Lorna, you're not a child anymore. You should understand all the reasons I'm going to tell you. What I can't tell you, your father should have taught you."

"I didn't come here just because I'm worried about being surpassed by the next generation of mutants," Polaris looked at Charles in the eye and continued, "That day on Mercury, the way that billionaire named Stark looked at us made me very uncomfortable."

"I know what he's thinking. He thinks we have unique advantages but don't use them. He thinks we're wasting our talents and lives, but he never considers that society won't give mutants too many opportunities..."

"How am I supposed to go to school? If I live in a dormitory, I'll mess up all the steel with a single dream. If I tell my classmates that I'm a mutant, will they pour water on my head? If I dare to resist and use my abilities to teach them a lesson, they will shout loudly that mutants are pests of society, and then you, the so-called righteous people, will stop me when I teach them a lesson?"

"Well, Lorna, I know you were bullied in community school before, but..."

"I'm not here to talk about the past." Polaris interrupted him directly. Charles was stunned for a moment because no one had interrupted him in a long time. All the new generation of mutants, no matter what their stance was, respected Professor X very much because of his strength and kindness.

Polaris' expression was a bit stubborn, and her every move made Charles see the shadow of Erik.

"I want to prove to those ordinary people that mutants are not inferior to them in their field or any field. We are a naturally superior race in every aspect." Polaris raised her head and said.

Charles opened his mouth, and in his eyes, the person in front of him was not out of place with Erik when he was young. Erik had said almost the same thing to him.

"Um, so can we enroll?" Havok felt the atmosphere was a bit tense and took the initiative to speak up. "Well, although I don't think I'm good at studying, I don't have anything else to do anyway..."

"Of course." Charles came back to his senses and took out two forms from the drawer. Polaris glanced at the form and said, "Can you give me a few more?"

Havok turned his head to look at her and asked, "Why do you need so many?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

The next morning, Iceman stood at the door of the classroom and was stunned when he saw a group of black-clothed people outside the door. He took a step back, his body tense, and said, "Polaris! What are you doing? Do you want to start a war between mutants?"

"Why are you nervous? I'm here to study."

Iceman widened his eyes and looked at the people behind Polaris. Among them was Blink, whom he was more familiar with, and several mutants he didn't know well, but their ages were similar to Polaris. They looked like new mutants in the Brotherhood of Mutants.

At this moment, they were standing at the school gate, with Polaris in front and the rest forming a triangular formation. This was the most commonly used formation of the Brotherhood of Mutants, but in the past, Magneto was always the one leading the charge...

Whenever they appeared in this formation, it meant that a bitter battle was about to begin. Iceman almost reflexively created an ice surface under their feet. The mutants behind Polaris were a bit wary, but Polaris remained calm and said, "What's wrong? Are all the students at Xavier's School so easily frightened?"

"Or are you afraid that you won't be able to pass the exam compared to me and embarrass your school?"

"How is that possible! I'm one of the top students in my class. You... wait, I've already graduated."

"You haven't yet, Bobby. Because the dream mutant education school was a great success, we plan to offer university courses in reality as well. You only graduated from high school before, but now you have to go to college." Charles pushed his wheelchair and appeared at the door of the classroom.

Cyclops and Colossus followed him. Colossus shrugged and said, "Don't just talk about you guys. We also have to go to class, but we're a grade higher than you guys, and we're not studying mathematics and physics, but education..."

Iceman noticed that everyone around him was staring at him, and he sighed and said, "Okay, it looks like I have to go back to being a student again, but fortunately, this will make me look younger."

After everyone entered the classroom, Charles pushed his wheelchair in. He looked at the full classroom below and was very pleased.

Most of the desks on the left were occupied by the original Xavier's School students, such as Iceman, Sprite, and so on. On the right were a group of black-clothed people, most of whom were members of the Brotherhood of Mutants and the good seedlings that Magneto had collected from all over the country in recent years.

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