In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 361: The Strange Plot Twist

Chapter 361: The Strange Plot Twist

Steve stood in front of Erik, dressed in his uniform and holding his shield. He knocked on his shield with his hand and said, "You should know who I am. What's your code name? Which area are you responsible for? Who is your superior? How long have you been with Hydra? Who recommended you?"

Erik was severely shaken by the magic of the Panther God, and his arms and ribs seemed to be broken, so he couldn't get up. But he was very stubborn and kept insulting T'Challa in Wakandan.

Steve hit his shin bone with his shield, and Erik let out a scream of agony, rolling on the ground. Peter saw this scene and silently took two steps back. He had never seen Captain America so brutal.

Seeing his reaction, Steve said to Peter, "Remember, the first rule when dealing with Hydra is not to be soft on them."

"Don't be fooled by his loud screams. He might have a bomb inside him. I have several comrades who died from this despicable tactic."

When Peter heard the possibility of a bomb, he became anxious. There were many people in the Wakanda building, and if the bomb was too powerful, it could bring down the entire building.

He walked up and said, "Why don't we open his chest? That's the only place where a bomb could be hidden."

"Isn't Doctor Strange here? He claims to have been bestowed with the gift of medicine by God. He should be able to open his chest perfectly without killing him, right?"

When Erik heard this, he tried to escape even though his arms were broken.

"Uh..." Steve hesitated for a moment. According to what Strange had just said, when he went to pick up Peter, Peter was doing experiments in the biology lab. Peter always had a unique aura when he came out of the biology lab, as if he looked like a lab rat to everyone.

Just then, Stark walked out of the portal and ran towards Erik with a murderous look. Steve, holding his shield, was pushed back two steps by him.

Steve was about to speak, but Stark turned his head and raised his face mask with a click. He stared at Steve and said, "Don't mess with me. You only need to think about one thing now, and that is how to do your job well and send these damn Hydras to hell."

Steve also stared at Stark, very unhappy with his provocative attitude. He said, "When it comes to this matter, I have more experience than you. I have sent more Hydras to hell than your age multiplied by hundreds."

"Is that so? That's perfect." Strange walked in from outside the room and said, "Mephisto has been working from home recently, and his hell loves souls that are unforgivable. If you can bring more of them, maybe you can get some good things in return."

In an instant, the tense atmosphere between Iron Man and Captain America was broken.

It was like two masters having a sword fight in a bamboo forest. One said, "Flying flowers and falling leaves can all be used as blades," and the other said, "Riding the wind and treading on water, only I am extraordinary."

At this moment, another person rushed out and said, "Remember to cut more bamboo when you're fighting with swords, and you can sell them for 2.5 yuan per kilogram in the market..."

Steve and Stark both turned to look at Strange. Strange lowered his head to adjust the red ribbon and said, "A few of this guy's subordinates tried to rush over just now, but I took care of them."

After speaking, he looked up and found that both of them were staring at him. Strange touched his face and said, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Steve stood with his arms crossed and turned to Stark, saying, "No one in the world is more professional than me when it comes to dealing with Hydra."

"Yes, you just deal with these little bugs and put yourself to sleep under the ice for more than 70 years."

"Little bugs??" Steve was obviously angry. He said, "Those who have not experienced war will never be able to imagine that kind of cruelty. What do you think of the countless sacrifices made?!"

"The weak like to talk about sacrifice. I only like to talk about efficiency."

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Peter hurriedly rushed to the middle to stop them. He first said to Steve, "Captain, calm down. We can't fight each other now. The enemy is at the gate!"

Then he turned to Stark and said, "Mr. Stark, shouldn't we find out the cause first?"

At this point, Strange had already walked to the spear that Erik had dropped on the side. He said, "I saw that the Panther God was very interested in this thing just now. There's a very special energy on it, a power I've never seen before. What is it?"

Stark glared at Steve and walked to Strange's side, taking the spear and saying, "The material at the top must be Vibranium, but why is the sharp part changing color?"

Stark continued to analyze, "Vibranium is a metal with excellent properties in all aspects, and it is relatively stable even in extreme environments. It won't change shape. What caused this discoloration? I need more precise equipment to analyze it..."

At this point, Steve knocked on his shield and said, "There's a living Hydra member here. We should interrogate him first before considering other options."

"You completely missed the point."

"You're the one who's missing the point."

Peter shook his head helplessly. He didn't know why everyone was so angry today.

"It's actually quite normal. Upgraded Stark saw the whole truth and naturally knew that the car accident that killed his parents was actually caused by Hydra manipulating Captain America's friend, the Winter Soldier.

But later, he saw more tragic endings in different timelines, and the impact of hearing and seeing was thousands of times stronger than before. Stark couldn't accept that this kind of thing could happen.

He knew that the Civil War was like adding insult to injury for humanity. In order to prevent possible tragedies and change the situation where humans were at the mercy of others, he could temporarily put aside his hatred and stand on the side of justice.

But this didn't mean that he would feel good, especially when he ran into the mastermind behind the scenes.

Steve used to have a good temper, at least much stronger than Stark, but his lifelong pursuit, almost became an obsession, was Hydra.

Nick had hinted to him before that Hydra still existed, but he was not willing to accept it from the bottom of his heart. But when Strange found him, he immediately set off. Until he saw Erik with his own eyes, he realized that his nightmare had really come back.

Countless comrades fell under the butcher's knife of this evil organization, and humanity was in chaos, fear, and war erupted. Countless innocent lives were lost, and this organization never repented and was never completely eliminated.

Steve's mood couldn't be good. Anyone who experienced such a thing would feel exhausted. Unfortunately, Stark was like a powder keg, and they would argue at the slightest provocation.

Peter's head was buzzing, and finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. He shouted loudly, "Listen to me!"

The two arguing people stopped and turned to look at him. Peter was a little scared and said stutteringly, "Uh, I mean, don't argue... How about each of you taking responsibility for a part? Mr. Stark can research the spear, and Captain can interrogate the killer. Isn't that okay?"

The two looked at each other and saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes. Stark raised a finger and said, "I will tell you that all your efforts over the years have been in vain. You have ignored the most important part, so you cannot completely eradicate them. Now, Stark will demonstrate the correct method for you..."

Steve also said coldly, "People who have not experienced the war years will always be ignorant. You will not understand the cruelty of this war, and you will pay for your arrogance."

After speaking, the two snorted at the same time and went their separate ways.

But anyone could see that a competition had begun between the two, and soon, the scale became larger and larger.

Stark quickly gathered all his scientist friends, including Banner, Connors, Charles, Strange, Schiller... etc. Did a strange person sneak in here?

Anyway, Stark contacted all the high-educated talents he knew, gathered them together, and invited them to his laboratory, and even made a huge operational analysis chart.

"War alone cannot solve the fundamental problem. Technical means are essential to remove this cancer from human society."

"Surveillance, monitoring, summarizing, and analyzing are the modern way of warfare."

Stark's voice echoed in the room, and the others sat on the sofa, watching him point to the content on the projection and saying, "I will establish a complete surveillance network to monitor all possible places where Hydra may be active. At the same time, all behavioral data will be analyzed by the mainframe Jarvis."

"Of course, the analysis of the intelligent mainframe may have flaws. At this time, you two famous psychologists need to help artificial intelligence establish analytical logic..."

"Wait a minute." Schiller interrupted him and looked at Charles. He looked at Stark and said, "Did you invite Professor Charles and me here to perfect your behavioral analysis system?"

"Do you think there is something extra in this step?"

"Are you saying that you two are unnecessary? Actually, I think that as long as there is enough time..."

"I mean, you are unnecessary."

Stark stared at Schiller and said, "What do you mean? I am the creator and leader of this plan. Do you want to kick me out?"

"He means that Charles is sitting here, and you still want to rely on robots to monitor others?" Strange added.

"No, no." Stark shook his head and said, "You didn't understand my meaning. This is a competition, you know? It's a competition between me and Steve. He thinks that empiricism is useful, but I must stop him from going down the wrong path."

"He has been fighting Hydra for so many years, and in the end? This damn organization is still alive."

"Listen, I am not denying the achievements of those veterans, but holding onto past glory without making progress is not the way. The problem is there, and it must be completely solved, right?"

"So, you take the lead, and we assist, is that what you mean?" Banner asked.

Stark nodded, pointing to Banner and said, "Geniuses always resonate with each other, right?"

Banner sighed and said, "Is it possible that you two working together would be more efficient?"

"Why don't you understand?" Stark put his hands on his hips, seeming a little angry. He said, "I have to beat him first before I can convince him!... Forget it, I can do it without you. You can do whatever you want."

Stark waved his hand and showed an expression that he couldn't communicate with these people. Charles's tone was still gentle, and he said, "I don't know if I understood it, but in short, Captain America thinks that the methods he used to deal with Hydra before can still be used. As long as he fights them firmly, he will definitely win."

"But you think this method is a bit old-fashioned and inefficient, and neither of you can convince the other."

"So. You plan to launch a competition. Whoever has better results is the winner, right?"

"That's right." Stark covered his forehead and said helplessly, "That kid Peter actually stood on his side! It's really useless for me to usually..."

"It's useless for you to keep him in the lab doing experiments until midnight, and his aunt almost took Stark Industries to the newspaper for exploiting child labor." Connors mocked, "And, playboy Stark and Captain America Steve, as long as their brains are not broken, they both know who to choose, right?"

"Yes, Tony, you have to cherish us." Schiller leaned on the armrest on the side and smiled, "We abandoned Captain America and chose you. You should know that if I chose Steve, he might give me the last hidden version of that action figure..."

"What???" Banner widened his eyes and looked at Schiller, "Did Captain America really say that? That action figure is the only one I'm missing!"

"Hey! Bruce, you can't leave. Damn it, did a toy buy you?" Stark shouted.

Seeing that the others were getting up and looked like they were leaving, Stark stretched out his hands and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, after the great Stark has completed 99% of the effort, he still needs your 1% help. Is that okay?"

"No sincerity." Strange shook his head. Schiller had already left the sofa area. He shrugged and said, "Well, if we only worth 1% together, I'm willing to give the other 0.9% to others..."

"Okay! Okay!" Stark rolled his eyes and raised his hand, "Do you want to join my team and work with me on this plan to deal with Hydra? I admit that your level is almost the same as mine, so I want to cooperate with you. As for the other side..."

Stark sneered and said, "They don't even have a doctoral degree when combined."

"We don't even have a doctoral degree when combined." In the new base of the Superhero Squad, Peter said a little discouraged, "The other side has at least a dozen doctoral degrees combined. Dr. Banner alone has seven doctoral degrees..."

"In this world, it's not just about education." Steve patted Peter's shoulder, looked into his eyes, and said, "Like you, Peter, you are just a high school student, but you have done better than many adults."

Peter smiled and said, "Captain, you are always so good at comforting people."

"You know, I am an honest person. Only sincerity can make people feel comforted."

"Forget about that. Shouldn't our team have a name?" Matt was mixing drinks next to the bar, and Erica handed him a glass of ice, apparently, they both joined the Superhero Squad.

Matt had just finished mixing a drink, and Eddie at the end of the bar picked up the entire glass and threw it into his mouth. Matt stared at him, and Eddie looked quite innocent and said, "You know, it's not me."

At the same time, the shadow of Venom flashed, and he said with his hoarse voice, "That's right, it's me. Do you have any objections?"

Mark used his cane to hit Eddie, and Eddie screamed in pain, saying, "He ate it, why are you hitting me?"

"Don't play this game with me."

Erik, who was sitting on a chair next to him, wiping the blade of his weapon, turned his head and said to Steve, "Aren't you going to manage him? We have changed two sets of cups in these few days."

"Okay, Venom, even if you have good teeth, you can't eat everything."

"And you, Eddie, since he wants to eat chocolate balls, let him eat. I heard from Blue Spirit before that Venom is still a child in their race."

"Although it's not good for kids to eat too many snacks, it's a bit too harsh to not let them eat at all. This is not a good educational method..." Steve said with emphasis.

"Kid? Damn it!" Eddie widened his eyes and said, "Have you ever seen a kid weighing three tons?"

"I'm not that heavy. Shut up, you coward!" Venom shouted.

"Why aren't you that heavy? Don't you think you've gained a lot of weight recently? Your mucus has at least tripled. How much have you eaten?"

"Friends. Let's talk about business." Steve said helplessly. He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention and said, "I think it's necessary to discuss the previous issue. We need to give this team an official name."

"The previous code name has always been the Superhero Squad plan, but now the team has expanded."

"Barton and Natasha couldn't come because of work reasons, and three mutant students are still in other galaxies temporarily because of their symbiote relationship. But they all promised to join. We already have a lot of members, it's time to have a name..."

"You're the captain, you decide." Matt said indifferently, "I don't have any ideas for naming, especially to satisfy so many people."

Steve sighed, his low voice echoing in the somewhat dim underground base, "When I learned that the evil organization had not yet been destroyed, I immediately thought of my comrades."

"They once left their safe homeland to go to the front line to fight against these evils and sacrificed their lives in the war."

"If this is the destiny of all those who have a sense of justice, then we will use our unique power to avenge these ordinary people who know the danger but still have no regrets..."

Eddie said in his heart, "No, don't..."

"Revenge!!" Venom stood up and shouted, "I am Venom, I am revenge!!!"

The others came over, Steve reached out his hand, and Matt was the first to shake hands. He said, "Revenge against criminals is my creed. Hydra has done too much evil, and they should pay the price. I don't mind being the executor and judge to make them pay for it."

Erica also shook hands and said, "Count me in."

After Peter shook hands, he said, "Well, although I don't have many enemies, you guys are my friends, and my friends' enemies are my enemies. I will do my best."

"Well, then..." Steve picked up his shield from the side, raised it, and said firmly:

"Avengers, assemble!"

"I can't believe I managed to bring it back on track. Victory!"

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