In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 366: New and Good (2)

Chapter 366: New and Good (2)

In a Hydra base located at the bottom of Lake Michigan, Peter was busy in front of a computer. The cold light shone on his mask, and through it, one could see his serious and focused expression. He had just discovered a lot of data on human experimentation plans here.

However, after experiencing many things, Peter had learned to control his emotions and focus on the task at hand. He had been working on the computer for a while when Steve walked in with his shield and asked, "Did you find anything? Where did the researchers go?"

Peter shook his head and said as he looked at the screen, "They destroyed most of the data before they left. The data I recovered is only a small part, and it's impossible to leave any clues on the computer."

"What about the monitoring equipment?"

"The data has already been destroyed. I'm trying to recover it." Peter stared at the screen as the data flowed before his eyes. After a while, the screen flickered, and Steve asked, "What's the situation?"

"I only recovered a very small part. It's all up to luck to find any clues." Peter finally typed a key, and an image appeared on the screen.

It looked like a camera in a cleaning room, but the door was slightly open, so it could capture the outside situation. Perhaps because of this, the monitoring footage was not cleaned up but preserved. There was a faint conversation coming from there, as if someone was on the phone.

Steve walked up to Peter and said, "Pause and repeat this sentence."

Peter pressed a button and set the audio to play repeatedly. They listened for a long time and barely recognized a few words from the vague voices, "Evacuation... security plan... and 'Doctor'?" Steve squinted and said, "It seems that they contacted another group of Hydra before we attacked here and then transferred to other bases."

"But we've already destroyed several bases around here. Where else can they hide?" Peter asked with some confusion.

Steve explained, "Hydra is a secretive organization. They often set up many secure bases to deal with various forces' searches."

"These bases are nested layer by layer, and no one knows where all the secure bases are. Although we and Stark have destroyed almost all the bases, there may still be more hidden bases lurking underwater..."

Peter took a deep breath and said, "So, we've been busy for so long, and they still got away?"

"You have to learn to accept that most of the combat missions are useless, but they are all laying the foundation for the final victory." Steve walked up and hugged Peter's shoulder, looking into his eyes and saying, "Cunning enemies can only be fierce for a while, and only we will achieve the final success."

The next day, they found another laboratory, still underground. Hydra had hidden many secret bases below ground, and Captain America led the Avengers to pull them out like pulling potatoes.

With a "boom," Spider-Man pushed open the last door, revealing the control room commonly found in Hydra bases, but it was already empty.

Peter took a deep breath and raised his shoulders. Steve, who was following closely behind him, said in a low voice, "This is not right. One or two bases and strongholds can be explained as them hearing the wind and moving early, but all the important personnel in several consecutive bases have disappeared..."

Matt walked in and said, "If everything goes as expected, there should be a hidden and very deep secure base where all the escaped important personnel have gathered. We must find its location."

"Do you remember the name we heard last time?" Steve looked at Peter and rubbed his chin. "The person who arranged their evacuation seems to be called 'Doctor' or 'Professor.'"

"With all due respect, Steve, you've been fixated on this lately." Matt walked up to Steve and said, "As long as we can strike the criminals, we can cooperate with anyone, including Stark. Even if we have differences in methods, the road is the same. We should have joined hands long ago."

Peter also advised, "Actually, you two don't have any fundamental conflicts. Captain, even if you don't get along well, it may be because you don't know each other well. I always believe that people who have a sense of justice will always become friends."

Steve shook his head and said, "I don't hate Stark. I just feel that it's my duty to strike Hydra, but I won't force anyone to take on this responsibility for me."

"Similarly, I don't know why he suddenly wants to do this, but I have to tell him that this is not child's play. It's not something he can accomplish in a burst of enthusiasm."

"But..." Steve changed the subject, "His recent actions have also proved to me that he does want to strike Hydra."

"In the previous period of time, he has achieved considerable success. I think it's time to gather all our strength and completely eliminate him."

"You've come to your senses." Matt nodded. He had to admit that Captain America was indeed a noble person and also a good friend. He was calm, open-minded, and good at listening to others' opinions.

"I'll check the computer here and see if there's any information. Then we'll go back to Mr. Stark and ask him if he can find a way to uncover the hidden safe house and where it is."

As Peter turned and walked to the console, he looked puzzled and said, "Huh? Why does this system seem a little different from the others?"

Steve turned his head from checking the paper documents and asked him, "What's different? Is there anything special?"

"It seems to have a unique encryption system with a special password lock to open it. It's complicated, so they didn't have time to destroy it before they left. Let me see..."

"Oh my god, it's another damn human experiment. What is this?... The Winter Soldier program? My goodness! How could they..."

As Peter exclaimed in surprise, Steve and Matt walked over. Peter introduced them, "This is an ancient encryption system that has been sealed here. Because the way to open it is complicated and not noticeable, those evacuated agents may not have had time to deal with it..."

"But I think this should be important. So I just unlocked some of the information and found that it mentioned a human experiment plan called the Winter Soldier program..."

"They wanted to create perfect emotionless soldiers, so they implanted brainwashing modules in people's brains and modified their bodies. After implanting some machinery into their bodies, they sent them to assassinate important figures."

"I've said it before, Hydra's evil is like an iceberg below the surface of the water. What we see is always just a small corner." Steve sighed and said, "Seal up this information."

"By the way, is there a list of subjects? If we can find the families of these poor victims, we can also send them some compensation. I'll pay for it."

Peter lowered his head and fiddled with the computer, then said, "List... list... found it! Oh my god, it's a bit damaged! Only the first half is left, up to surnames starting with the letter G. Do you want to come and take a look, Captain?"

Steve didn't want to go at first, but he remembered his comrades who had been cruelly killed by Hydra. Regardless, they were all victims. Steve wanted to pray for them for a few words.

So he walked over and just glanced at the list. He drew a cross on his chest. At this moment, he suddenly saw the first part of the list, the surname starting with the letter B.

"Barnes?" Steve squinted in confusion. Peter asked, "What? What's wrong with him?"

"...Nothing, just a friend of mine with the same surname. By the way, can you see their names?"

"Oh, the names are folded up." Peter said, walking up and clicking on the screen. Everyone's names were displayed, and at this moment, Steve stared at the screen tightly. He said, "James Buchanan Barnes?! Bucky..."

"Do you have information on this person?!" Steve suddenly grabbed Peter's shoulder, causing him some pain. He saw Steve's excited expression and asked, "Are you okay, Captain?"

Steve suddenly came to his senses, put his arm down, and his fingers trembled. He said, "...It's okay. Can you help me find information on this person? He may be my former comrade-in-arms..."

"Okay, let me see... James Buchanan Barnes, the source is not specified, but it shows that he participated in the Winter Soldier transformation program and had a mechanical arm installed on his severed arm..."

Steve suddenly showed a surprised expression and said, "Yes! Bucky's arm should be broken! It's him! It must be him!"

But soon, some disappointment crawled onto his face, and he said, "These victims are probably already... damn Hydra. Bucky must have suffered a lot. I will eradicate them!"

"You mean this person named Barnes might be your former comrade?" Peter asked him, and then he started operating the computer, saying, "He may not have died, Captain. The data shows that they injected a special drug into this group of people who participated in human experiments to increase their cell activity and lifespan."

"And they mentioned a weapon storage principle, as if these people were sealed in a certain base and would only be activated when necessary."

Steve turned his head and stared at Peter intently, asking, "Really? Can he really live that long?"

"You see, here is the detailed report on that drug. Based on the molecular formula of its components, I think this drug should be very effective. It should be able to increase the cell activity and lifespan of the human body several times. If he didn't die in battle, he should still be alive..."

Steve immediately picked up his shield and walked out. Peter chased after him and said, "Captain! Captain! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find that base. I'm going to save my friend!"

Matt walked up and stopped him, saying, "Steve, calm down. Have you forgotten our previous experiences?"

"Several bases were all empty. If we can't find out where the secure base is, the researchers who participated in this plan may still transfer with important information, and you will never find your friend!"

Steve hammered his shield fiercely. His chest rose and fell violently for a few moments. After a few minutes, he finally regained his composure and said, "Let's go. We're going to find Stark."

About an hour later, the members of the Avengers appeared in Stark's laboratory. Steve could clearly see that Stark's brow furrowed when he heard Barnes' name. Steve squinted and asked, "Have you heard any news about him?"

Stark denied it, saying, "No, I haven't. I have no interest in you or your friends."

"Mr. Stark, can you help us find clues to that secure base? Although I can invade their control system, most of the data has been destroyed. Only a small part can be recovered..."

Peter shook his head and sighed, saying, "It seems that I still need to improve my skills."

Stark walked over, pulled Peter over, hugged his shoulder, and said, "I've been saying that you should come to my side and not hang out with these incompetent people. Come on, let's study their control system..."

Peter was pulled away by Stark, and Steve was still stunned in place. He was anxious but dissatisfied with Stark's attitude.

Steve couldn't read minds, and he didn't know that Stark was deliberately giving him a hard time. It was because of Barnes. If Steve didn't mention this name, Stark would have accepted his cooperation request.

There was no other reason. Stark's recent actions to eliminate Hydra were also not going well.

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