In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 392: Avengers Adventure! (1)

Chapter 392: Avengers Adventure! (1)

"After I opened that door, I found my body had changed. I became very small, and everything seemed to become very big. My hand became a 'C' shape, and my head became a cylinder, just like those common building blocks..."

Steve took a deep breath as his memories gradually returned to the moment when he pushed open the door.

When Steve first walked in, he felt a moment of confusion, and then he realized that his field of vision had lowered, and when he looked down, he saw that his body had turned into a block.

At this point, he remembered the shape of the door handle he had twisted, shrugged and said, "Okay, block man, I've played with you before."

When the fuzzy light in front of him dissipated, he found himself in a bright store. Steve walked around the store with interest, looking at the shelves made up of small building blocks and the products displayed on them.

It was a very novel experience, he had never seen the world as a block person, but the happy time quickly passed. Suddenly, Steve heard a loud scream.

He reflexively rolled and hid behind a large shelf, then heard a gunshot followed by a voice with an exaggerated tone saying, "Take out all your money. You don't want to get shot, do you?"

Steve peeked out and saw a robber pointing a gun at the convenience store owner. He wanted to rush out to stop him, but when he looked down at his hand, which was completely fingerless and shaped like a 'C', he looked around and saw a mop in the corner of the store.

In front of the convenience store counter, the robber pointed his gun at the store owner and said, "I'm from Texas, and you better not mess with me. I have an 800-acre farm there, and two rams that can impregnate 74 ewes!"

"Do you know that if I pull the trigger and fire this shot, according to Texas law, I have to fill out a declaration form for a farm owner's active defense agreement? Do you know how many regulations there are on it? There are 172 in total! But I don't plan to follow any of them, hahaha!"

"Okay, now I'm going to shoot. What? You've already taken out the money? No! It's useless! Do you know where you are?!"

"Bang!" The mop hit him directly against the wall, and as it slowly fell, Steve's face was revealed.

At that moment, there was a "crash" sound of broken glass from the window above Steve's head. A black block person dressed as Batman landed in the room and said, "Stop! You evil robber! I am Batman and I will make all criminals pay the price!"

"...Wait, how did he fall to the ground? Is this a new type of robbery?" The black block person who claimed to be Batman looked down at the robber on the ground. Steve raised the mop and sighed, "Thank him for reciting such a long line like you before taking action, otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance to knock him down."

"Oh, who are you? Wait...wait... I smell a familiar odor, that annoying smell of preaching. Is your last name Kent?"

"...No, my name is Rogers, who are you? You're called Batman? That's a strange name."

"Yes, that's me, Batman." The black block person walked forward, squinting and showing a suspicious expression, then said, "From the speed and strength you used to swing the mop just now, you should not be an ordinary person. Who are you? What's your purpose here?"

"Um, I'm really not an ordinary person, but I came here to find something. Have you seen a key?"

"A key? Are you referring to a real key, a key in conceptual learning, or a key in philosophical terms?"

Steve felt the current scene was comical because he was trying to explain his purpose to a block person, but the atmosphere made him have to treat the block person seriously because the whole world was made up of blocks, and he himself had become a block.

Steve and Batman walked out together, and as they walked, Steve said, "This is a madman's thinking palace, and now we are trapped here. We must find the key to get out. I just randomly opened a door and came here..."

"Thinking palace, key, and door?" Batman quickly grasped the key points. "I don't know what these concepts you mentioned are, but I will investigate them. As you can see, this is Gotham..."

At that moment, a sudden beam of light made Steve unable to open his eyes. He used his arm to shield his eyes, and when he lowered it, he saw a bat-shaped light projection on the dark sky.

He heard the nearby block say, "Oh, damn it. It looks like another Joker gang causing trouble in the city! I have to stop them!"

"Joker gang? Who are they?" Steve asked, puzzled.

"They're a group of maniacs who specialize in making bombs and kidnapping people, and their goal is to make me appear."

"Can I go with you? I can help you deal with them."

"" Batman shook his head, and Steve could see a hint of depth and mystery from his cylindrical head.

"I am destined to be Joker's opponent. Wherever he appears, I will be there, and wherever I am, he will appear. This is a battle that belongs to the two of us only!"

Steve looked at the serious expression on the cylindrical head and could only nod and say, "Okay, do you mind having an audience?"

Two minutes later, Steve arrived at the rooftop of a building. He saw a small figure with green hair and wearing a purple suit standing in front of a group of tightly bound small figures on the opposite building.

Due to the distance, Steve couldn't hear clearly what Batman and the block named Joker were saying, but they talked for almost an hour on the rooftop.

Steve thought to himself that luckily, the bound figures were all block figures without blood vessels, otherwise their limbs might have been amputated due to lack of blood for such a long time...

As he was thinking this, he heard a loud explosion. The entire building across from him was demolished, and Steve watched as countless pieces flew out with the sound of the explosion.

The shockwave also hit him. To be precise, Steve was hit by a small block that had been disintegrated and flew away for over a kilometer, like an exaggerated animated scene.

Steve felt dizzy again, and when he woke up, he blinked hard. When he stood up, he suddenly found that his body's center of gravity was a bit uncoordinated. He looked down and saw that his entire left arm was gone.

He thought to himself that luckily he was also a block figure, otherwise he might have gone into shock due to excessive blood loss by now.

He was just thinking of looking for his arm when he saw a block figure wearing a strange samurai outfit and holding a fluorescent stick walking towards him. He looked at Steve's appearance and said, "You were hit by the explosion just now, right?"

"Where am I?" Steve looked at the fluorescent stick in his hand and asked, "What are you holding?"

"This is a lightsaber. Don't you know it? Where are you from?"

"I just came from a strange city. I came here to find a key. Have you seen anything that looks like a key?"

"No, but I'm going to Master Yoda's residence. He's a knowledgeable person. If you're looking for something, he might know."

"Okay, can I go with you?"

"Well, that's possible, but you're missing a hand..." The strange warrior turned his head and looked around before saying, "Oh, here it is."

He walked to a pile of small block debris next to the rubble, found an arm, and then walked to Steve's side. He attached the part to the side of his body and pressed it hard. "Click," Steve found that his arm had regained sensation.

"But having just an arm won't do. You're missing one more hand. Come on, let's look around here. We might find some useful parts."

Steve looked at his arm and was sure that it wasn't the one he lost, but then again, all block figures' arms looked the same, and they were all rectangular. It wouldn't hurt to use it for a while. So he followed the warrior to the debris pile and started searching. They not only found a hand part but also a lightsaber that had been dropped here.

Steve held the unlit lightsaber in his hand and looked around, asking, "Is this a weapon? How do I activate it?"

"Calm your mind and feel the Force within you..."

"Force? What's that?"

"Ah, if you don't have the Force, you can just press the button on the handle. As long as it lights up..."

Steve squeezed the handle and with a "hum," a bright beam of light appeared at the end of the bare handle. Steve looked at the sword in front of him and smiled, "This is too convenient, isn't it? During battles, all you need is a handle, press the button, and it becomes a melee weapon. How powerful is this thing?"

"Are you interested in the lightsaber too? We can go find Master Yoda together. He will explain everything to you..."

Steve turned off the lightsaber and said, "Let's go. I'm actually quite interested."

As they walked, Steve explained, "I used to fight with a shield. It was a very useful weapon. It could be used for both defense and offense."

"But I also considered some sharper melee weapons. However, weapons with long attack distances and high attack power often have a large size and are inconvenient to carry. But if I want it to be lightweight, the attack distance will definitely become shorter, so I might as well use a shield."

He looked at the lightsaber in his hand, which only had one handle left, and said, "Although I have tried some expandable weapons, they are limited by materials and are mostly not very useful. But this sword looks interesting."

He used his newly attached hand to touch the part of the beam of light close to the laser and said, "It's different from a laser. You don't have to worry about hurting yourself with an energy weapon. It's interesting..."

Just as they were passing through a bombed-out ruin, a group of small white armored Lego people suddenly appeared in front of them. The warrior immediately took out his lightsaber and made a fighting posture. He said, "Be careful! They are the enemy! They kidnapped Princess Leia!"

Steve took out his lightsaber and made a defensive posture, learning from the previous warrior. He turned and asked, "I'm Steve, what's your name?"

"I'm Luke."

As they swung their lightsabers, Steve felt a wonderful feeling. Although the wooden Lego people were made of plastic, the lightsaber had a good feel. The beam of light seemed to have no weight, but when he swung it, he could feel a significant impact.

Just as he was getting into it, more and more people surrounded them, and Steve and Luke had to back to back, holding their lightsabers, facing the overwhelming enemy.

Just then, they suddenly felt the ground shake, and a "rumble" sound came from far away, getting closer and closer.

Amidst countless pieces flying around, Steve saw a huge wooden dinosaur running over, crushing all the white armored little people underfoot.

Steve thought it was reinforcements, but when he saw the wooden dwarf riding on the back of the dinosaur, who looked like Schiller, he had a bad feeling.

Unfortunately, this feeling became reality.

"So, you were crushed by a dinosaur?" Stark said, holding back his laughter.

Steve covered his forehead and said, "How was I supposed to know that a place that looked like a science fiction movie would suddenly have a dinosaur running out of nowhere??"

"And Schiller was riding on the back of the dinosaur. I was distracted for a moment, so I couldn't dodge..."

"By the way, what did the room you went to look like, Professor?" Steve looked at Charles and asked.

Charles shook his head and said, "I can't even describe it to you because I don't know much about this. It looked like a room with all kinds of games."

"I met a little boy who gave me a ball and asked me to catch some creatures. I could understand what he said, but I didn't really understand what he meant. I looked around and couldn't figure it out, so I came out."

Stark sighed and said, "I think Schiller did it on purpose. Choosing rooms at random, he must have deliberately found rooms that we're not good at so that he could trap us here."

"We have to think of a way. We can't stay here forever, can we?" Steve covered his forehead. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and turned to Charles and said, "Professor, can you bring more people here?"

"In theory, entering and exiting the process is the same. I have to make a hole in the wall... Well, if Schiller agrees, he might also be able to come in through the side door."

Stark looked at Steve and asked, "What do you want to do? Don't tell me you want to trap more people here?"

"Don't you see? The problems we can't solve, our friends can. For example, Strange is good at magic, Peter is good at games, and as for the dinosaur, I think Connor, the biologist, should have a wayto deal with it."

"I want to bring more people here to help us solve these problems." Steve explained.

Charles nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's a good idea. We need to work together to get out of here. I'll try to create a portal to bring more people in."

Steve smiled and said, "Great! Let's get started then."

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