In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 419: Mystery in Metropolis (3)

Chapter 419: Mystery in Metropolis (3)

The relentless snowstorm had disrupted the transportation systems of all the cities, causing most companies to shut down and people to stay at home.

Even in cities where it didn't snow, the cold air made the locals uncomfortable. It was more comfortable to stay at home and watch TV than to venture out into the freezing streets in the middle of the night.

However, there was one exception, and that was outside the Metropolis Mayor's Mansion. The wide street was bustling with traffic, and various luxury cars were parked there.

On the nearby rooftop helicopter pad of a high-rise building, it was even more crowded. In this kind of weather, coming by car was actually more convenient than flying, so the host of the charity banquet, the mayor, and the entrepreneur known as Luthor were all welcoming guests on the helipad.

If among all the helicopters, there was one that was an absolute star, it would be the one with the Wayne Family emblem.

Bruce, dressed in a suit, stepped down from the helicopter. The cold wind on the rooftop blew his hair, and he turned around to help Selena down.

A middle-aged man with slightly graying temples but still full of vitality walked up to them. He warmly patted Bruce's shoulder and said, "Long time no see, Mr. Wayne. The last time we met was at the celebrity performance, right?"

Bruce smiled and hugged him, saying, "Yes, Mr. Luthor. I remember at that charity performance, you made a generous donation..."

"Just call me Lionel."

Lionel, the middle-aged businessman, took Bruce's arm and walked forward. As they walked, he said, "Don't say that. It's what I should do. As socially responsible entrepreneurs, we wouldn't just stand by in the face of a disaster, would we?"

The two of them walked into the entrance of the building on the rooftop, and Bruce looked around at the interior. He said, "So now this building is also yours? I remember the last time I was here, it was... called something... I forgot."

Lionel still modestly smiled and said, "Oh, yes. This place used to be a base for a cruise ship merchant, but his business hasn't been doing well lately, so I bought it."

As they spoke, they took an elevator down and walked through a small garden in the lobby, arriving at the neighboring mayor's mansion. Lionel continued to smile and said, "The biggest advantage is that it's close enough to our esteemed mayor, isn't it?"

"Yes, if you have a party in this building, the mayor could even spray champagne from the bedroom into your room."

Bruce continued to joke skillfully, while Selena silently held his arm and followed him. Bruce's cheerful demeanor made Selena's hair stand on end.

"The incident with the previous mayoral election..." Bruce lowered his voice and spoke in a deep tone. Lionel looked around and also lowered his voice, saying, "It's best not to bring that up. It wasn't a glorious affair."

"In the last mayoral election, it turned out that seven of the candidates were spies sent by various countries..." Lionel continued to look around, turning his head left and right, and lowered his voice even more, saying, "If it weren't for the assassinations of several candidates during the election, and the investigation revealing their true identities, we would still be in the dark."

"And what about the current mayor..."

Lionel shook his head, sighed, and said, "Who knows? They seem to be infiltrating everywhere."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you that there might be some security checks at the entrance of the banquet later. You know, those annoying security agents..."

"Ever since the incident in the previous election, the FBI has been keeping an eye on this place, as if everyone here is a spy."

Bruce showed an extremely disgusted expression, but quickly composed himself. However, Lionel still caught a glimpse of that fleeting expression.

He patted Bruce's back and said, "I feel the same way. I don't like being searched either. Later, I'll talk to the mayor's staff. They will only perform routine checks, nothing too thorough."

With that, the two of them arrived at the entrance of the mayor's mansion. Lionel approached one of the people there and exchanged a few words. Several agents stood with their hands on their hips, scrutinizing the group. Finally, a female agent approached and symbolically checked their clothing before letting them pass.

"Who are they?" Bruce turned to Lionel and asked.

"They claim to be from the FBI, but I don't think they are. They're probably from the CIA, as they don't have jurisdiction within the federal government and have to rely on others' authority."

Entering the central conference room, it was adorned with gold and splendor. The table was covered with a luxurious tablecloth, and fringes swayed gently underneath. The glass cups were arranged in a high tower, with champagne flowing down from the top. Silver candle holders were placed at both ends of the long table, and there was an abundance of delicious food. Celebrities and wealthy people in various formal attire held their glasses and engaged in conversations.

After exchanging pleasantries with Bruce for a while, Lionel left. Bruce took Selena's arm and spoke to her in a low voice, mainly warning her not to stare at other people's jewelry.

Bruce took a glass of wine from a waiter's tray and surveyed the conference room. His gaze fell on Lionel, who was walking confidently towards another figure. As Bruce's eyes landed on that figure, he squinted.

"Oh, you must be Professor Rodriguez," Lionel approached and shook hands with Schiller, who had just entered the conference room. Schiller nodded and said, "Mr. Luthor, I've heard of your name for a long time."

"Just call me Lionel." Lionel's face always seemed to wear a polite and likable smile, typical of a businessman.

Before Schiller could speak, Lionel continued, "Your recent paper on dreams and consciousness fascinated me. I never thought dreams could be explained from that perspective."

"Professor, your research has opened a new world for me and my son, especially my son, little Lex. He is very interested in this theory and is eager to learn..."

"Actually, according to etiquette, I should have corresponded with you for a few months before inviting you to my dinner. But recently, Lex has been obsessed with this theory, so I took the liberty of sending you an invitation, hoping you could grace us with your presence..."

Lionel used many common polite phrases that made him appear very courteous and sincere. However, there was still a hint of pride in his smile. It was evident that the Luthor family was no less than any other super family in the world, and anyone favored by this family should feel proud.

Schiller nodded and smiled, saying, "I'm happy to find like-minded people here. Under normal circumstances, I would be happy to stay here for a few days and engage in discussions with people who share my interests. However, what worries me is..."

As he spoke, Schiller glanced back at the agents near the door. He rubbed his hand and lowered his head, saying, "When I entered just now, their presence was quite intimidating. I almost thought I was entering some secret base. Mr. Luthor, what's going on?"

Lionel heard a hint of dissatisfaction in Schiller's tone and quickly explained, "I'm sorry, did those people have a bad attitude towards you?"

With a helpless shake of his head, he put on an indignant expression and said, "I heard that you previously worked in Metropolis for a while and even gave lectures at Metropolis University. So, you must have heard about the scandal that happened during the last election..."

"In response to the unsolved murders of the candidates, we had no choice but to contact the FBI. However, this investigation revealed a series of spies, and public trust plummeted. The entire city government system fell into trouble..."

Lionel sighed deeply and said, "At that time, my business was also affected, but fortunately, we managed to get through it."

He turned his head to look at the group of agents and continued, "Since then, these people have had a legitimate reason to stay here, checking every person they come across, treating everyone as a suspected spy."

"Yes... I've heard about that," Schiller's tone became somber. He said, "I was also involuntarily involved. The vice president of Metropolis University was taken away for investigation, and over 20 professors at the school were listed as suspects. The implications were too widespread..."

Lionel glanced around with his eyes and made eye contact with Schiller, signaling him to follow him inside. The two of them went to a more central area of the banquet hall, farther away from the group of agents. Lionel lowered his voice and said, "I don't know if you're aware, but this matter is actually quite complex and involves a distant major power. It's the result of a struggle between multiple countries, and we are all victims..."

"Let's not talk about this matter," Schiller seemed reluctant to discuss it. Seeing Schiller's attitude, Lionel changed the topic and said, "Thanks to the successful transition of the mayor, many talented individuals have returned to Metropolis. This dinner, I have also invited them."

"Of course, I won't hide it from you. I hope more talented people can come back to this city. The dark times are over, and I believe the future will only get better."

Lionel's words carried a hint of reserved implication. Schiller understood his meaning and responded, "To be honest, before that incident happened, Metropolis was indeed a great city."

"Although I don't like to say it, if we compare it to Gotham, anywhere else would seem like paradise. The weather and transportation system in that city are simply terrible."

The two of them discussed this topic at length. As they talked, they also touched upon Bruce. Learning that Bruce was now Schiller's student, Lionel's smile became even more genuine.

At this point, as if suddenly remembering something, Schiller said, "Oh, by the way, I heard on the radio this morning that there have been a series of serial murders here. What's going on?"

Lionel hesitated for a moment and replied, "Indeed, there is a serial killer, but..."


A loud noise interrupted them, followed by chaotic screams. Schiller turned his head, and a figure descended from above, landing in the center of the banquet hall.

It was the mayor of Metropolis.

Or rather, it was the corpse of the mayor.

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