In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 422: Metropolis Doubts (6)

Chapter 422: Metropolis Doubts (6)

It was late at night, but the lights were still on in the mayor's mansion in Metropolis. The bloodstains in the hall had not been completely cleaned up, and the agents patrolling the yard and various floors were using high-powered flashlights, illuminating everything as bright as day.

No one in any of the rooms was sleeping. The situation had developed too quickly, and many people had not yet reacted. They had been herded into various guest rooms like ducks, but now that they had calmed down, they had discovered many things that were not right.

Everything that had happened was too coincidental. Mayor White had summoned all the East Coast celebrities to hold a charity banquet, and coincidentally, the agents were responsible for the security of the banquet. And just as the preparations for the banquet were about to begin, Mayor White died in front of everyone.

Coincidentally, the Philby list was brought up again, with murder and espionage added to it, giving the agents more reason to control everyone.

Many people had realized that this might be a conspiracy by the Agent institution.

Under normal circumstances, the agents would not be able to go door-to-door to investigate them. Once such an action was taken, the people being investigated would definitely notify each other and unite. The spy could also receive the news and hide even deeper.

But now, everyone had been controlled on the spot. At least for tonight, they could not leave.

Their external industry and relationship networks were being investigated, and they were in a state of disconnection. They could not arrange or prepare anything. In this situation, if anyone had left any traces that they had not had time to cover up, they were likely to be discovered.

Perhaps Mayor White's death was also staged by the agents themselves, just to have an excuse to lock everyone up and facilitate their investigation.

Thinking of this, everyone felt a chill down their spine. They thought that the so-called Philby list and the mysterious agent must be very important, worth sacrificing a mayor of Metropolis to set up a trap and lock them up here.

Many of them couldn't help but weigh whether they were more important than the mayor of Metropolis. If not, it would be better to stay in their own rooms and not go out.

In Schiller's room, he was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, talking to himself: "Cambridge Five..."

He pressed his middle finger against his forehead and recalled the exciting but somewhat ridiculous story he had once understood.

The Cambridge Five referred to five legendary spies who graduated from Cambridge University. They were all born and raised in the UK, or at least born in British territories and spent most of their childhood in the UK.

Their family backgrounds were also very good. Some were nobles, some were wealthy businessmen, and they had never lacked for food or clothing since childhood. Their lives were comfortable and they had nothing to do with the working class.

But after they entered Cambridge University and joined MI6, they all without exception turned to the embrace of communism, relying solely on their ideals and refusing to take money.

All five of them had held high positions in the UK intelligence department and had been passing information to the Soviet Union for many years.

And the most outstanding and well-known of these five was Harold Harry Philby...

In Philby's legendary career, he had served as the highest leader of MI6's counter-espionage department, which meant something that didn't need to be said.

But in the real history that Schiller understood, there was never any mention of the existence of a "Philby list." He didn't know if this was a change in the DC world or some conspiracy he didn't know about.

And what worried Schiller the most was the insidious conspiracy that had forced him to leave Metropolis and flee to Gotham.

Just as Schiller was thinking, he heard a knock on the door. The knocking was a bit dull, and he could tell that the visitor was not too familiar with him.

Schiller put on his glasses, walked out of the bathroom, and came to the door. He asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Professor Rodriguez. I'm Lionel," came Lionel's voice from outside the door. Schiller twisted the doorknob and opened the door. Lionel, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, was standing outside the door.

Schiller lifted his glasses and spoke before Lionel could say anything: "You're here to invite me to the reception room to meet Mr. Luthor, right?"

"Correct. Lex has been waiting in the reception room. Originally, if the banquet had gone smoothly, I would have brought him down during the opening and introduced him to the mayor, and then the mayor would have introduced him to the celebrities."

"I know. This is the scene that most children enter the social circle. Unfortunately, his luck is not very good. The banquet did not go smoothly today."

Lionel nodded and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his finger, saying, "This is my fault as a father. I thought it would be a good occasion. East Coast celebrities gathered together, and many of them had seen him at parties I hosted."

"So when he talks to them, it won't be too awkward. At the same time, the mayor's eldest daughter and the deputy mayor's son are also here. Mr. Wayne and he are of the same generation. They can chat together and have common topics."

"You have considered it very carefully, Mr. Luthor. But unexpected things can happen, and no one can predict everything."

Lionel smiled again and said, "Fortunately, there is always a silver lining. Originally, I planned to introduce him to you after the banquet, but now he can meet you, this knowledgeable Professor, earlier."

Schiller understood what Lionel was implying. The conversation between the two was full of various hints, and the adjectives and particles that were somewhat difficult for ordinary people to understand contained different meanings.

Like the previous sentence, Lionel used the same wording as when he helped Schiller out in front of Benjamin to remind Schiller that he had helped him out, so he should do something for his son.

And Schiller's clear statement was telling Lionel that he knew he was doing this on purpose.

The two millennium-old foxes were testing each other back and forth. Soon, they walked through the second-floor corridor and arrived at the door of the reception room.

After the door was pushed open, Schiller saw a tall and straight young man standing in front of the French window. When he heard someone coming in, he turned around, and Schiller saw a handsome young face...

Although he was almost an adult, his appearance seemed somewhat immature. He had curly red hair, which was different from Clinell's hair color, but their eye colors were the same.

Clinell walked up and patted Lex's back, saying, "Come on, this is the Professor you've been wanting to meet. I had to put in a lot of effort to invite him over."

What made Schiller feel strange was that Lex seemed a bit shy. He hesitated in place and only walked up to Schiller and shook his hand when Clinell stared at him. But he quickly let go.

"Sorry, Professor. Lex is a bit like his mother, introverted, and because he had autism when he was young, he is also a bit... lacking in interpersonal communication."

"No problem. I have met many children like him. I think I can communicate with them. Come on, Lex. I heard that you are very interested in consciousness and dream research..."

Lex had been bowing his head, and Schiller couldn't see his expression clearly. When he heard this, Lex nodded, and then followed Schiller to sit on the sofa in the reception room.

What made Schiller even more strange was that in the subsequent conversation, he was the one talking, and Lex was listening. He didn't ask a few questions and seemed aloof and shy. On the contrary, his father Lionel asked one question after another.

After the conversation ended, Lionel sent Lex back to his room. When he returned to the reception room again, Lionel sighed helplessly and said, "Sorry to have embarrassed you. Lex has been like this since he was a child."

Lionel frowned deeply and said, "To be honest with you, I saw in that paper of yours that you mentioned that by influencing people's deep consciousness, you can shape or change their personality. In fact, I hope you can use this method to treat Lex."

"This child's life experience has been a bit bumpy. His mother had some mental problems when she was pregnant, but she still gave birth to him in the end."

"He is my only son, and I love him very much. I have invited many famous doctors to treat him, but his introverted personality has not improved much."

"If he were just an ordinary child, I wouldn't ask this of you. But he is the heir of the Luthor Group. Even if he becomes a playboy like young Wayne, he should at least be good at socializing. But now, he is in no position to inherit the group."

Lionel held Schiller's hand full of hope and said, "Professor Rodriguez, you are the top expert in this field. I think only you can deal with the problem of the future heir of the Luthor Group."

"I promise you that I will give you a satisfactory price, and you will always be a friend of the Luthor family..."

Schiller slowly narrowed his eyes. He was silent for a while and then asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Lionel looked at his expression and asked tentatively, "What can you do?"

"Everything you can imagine, or everything beyond your imagination."

Schiller looked into Lionel's eyes and said seriously, "I can erase his current personality and establish a new one. You can have any kind of personality you want."

"Or, I can create more personalities for him and set different trigger conditions for them, so that they can emerge in different scenarios and complete some special tasks."

Lionel gradually widened his eyes, as if he had heard some incredible story. Schiller's expression slowly returned to calm, and then he smiled and said:

"Most importantly, I can rewrite a person's personality and put it into another person's body."

Lionel's expression stiffened, and Schiller lowered his eyelids and asked as if talking to himself:

"If a person's entire memory and personality are put into another person's mind, does that mean he is reborn?"

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