In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 180: Before going to the island

Chapter 180: Before going to the island

Nick estimated the time accurately.

One morning in early November, after getting up early in the morning, some students who came to the deck to relax found that the entire Hogwarts ship has been shrouded in a grey haze.

No one could see the scene in front of them, but Hogwarts was unmanned, and no one needed to specifically control the course.

After seeing the grey fog, Nick concluded that they are not far from Azkaban Island, at most by the end of the morning, they will be able to reach the coast of the prison island.

So, the morning classes were temporarily cancelled and Jon gathered everyone together to start making plans for the upcoming arrival on Azkaban Island.

The vast majority of students were definitely still going to stay on the ship.

The wagon turned into a sea ship, but it still has very strong protection magic enchantments.

Dumbledore told him before he left, the age line magic spell has been in effect on the ship, and any wizard who does not meet the conditions simply has no possibility of boarding the ship, unless he/she is an extremely powerful wizard who can be compared to Dumbledore used Confundus Charm.

As for whether the dementors can break into Hogwarts, no one knows for sure, but staying on the ship must certainly be safer than going to the island.

After all, if anything happens, Hogwarts can start early and move away from Azkaban Island to continue the voyage to the next target point.

So Jon started with the intention of just one person and Nick to get off the ship and land on the island, and among all of them only he can somehow cast a Patronus charm, although he can't summon a real Patronus yet, he can already exert an influence on the Dementors.

As long as he is not surrounded by a large number of dementors, then under normal circumstances after landing on the island, there will be little to no danger.

It's just that he received strong opposition from most of the other people for such an idea.

"We know that none of us has learned the Patronus Charm, and there is no way to help you in fighting those dementors, but Nick also said that there is no way for anyone to guarantee how many wizards will remain on the island."

Neville said seriously.

"The escape of the members of the Order of the Phoenix did not involve all the prisoners held here, there must be other prisoners in Azkaban, which means that there is a high probability that the Ministry of Magic has also assigned a part of the Aurors to be stationed here. If you encounter these people then we can help you out."

Regarding what Neville said, many people agreed.

Hermione pursed her lips.

"We believe in your strength, but one more person can still prevent emergencies, we will not drag your feet, and will not be a burden to you."

Jon rubbed his forehead with some headache.

"Well, what you guys said does make sense. I also believe in your abilities, but I can only take one more person at most off the ship, and if there are any more, then there is no way to guarantee that the range of my Patronus charm will protect us. We always have to consider the possibility of Dementors still remaining on this island in the largest numbers, don't we?"

The students, especially those in the same year as Jon, Neville, Ron, Hermione and them, had a look of resignation on their faces.

They are obviously discontent, only this discontent is not against anyone else, but against themselves.

Obviously, they and Jon are in the same year in the school, but now it is clear that they were unable to catch up with his progress.

The key is that they usually haven't half relaxed, especially Hermione, in the case of delayed learning time for a full year and a half, she worked very hard to catch up with Jon and others' progress, while Neville, Ron and those students who learned wand casting from the beginning, there was no difference in the standard of magic spells they were taught from Jon.

But still, there is an insurmountable gulf between Jon and them.

The last students who descended from the ship with Jon naturally could only be chosen from the fifth-year students, who had basically learned all the basic magic spells and had been exposed to the more advanced spells, and some outstanding students were even comparable to adult wizards who had just graduated from school.

A lottery was held for the top few achievers in the fifth year, and eventually, Fred, one of the Weasley twins, was chosen for this position.

In contrast to the original story, which required Mrs Weasley to worry about whether they would pass their wizard-level exams, they now consistently performed at the top of their year in school.

The Weasleys are not dumb, George and Fred just don't put their minds to their studies a lot of the time in the story, but in this period of exile, they are well aware that they are no longer in a position to research other things they are interested when they are under the protection of this many people who are sacrificing their lives for them, they forced themselves to put most of their energy into their studies.

After determining the person who will step off the ship, Jon gave the command to Neville and George to stay on board and take care of the students next.

After all the other students left the room, he especially kept the two of them alone and exhorted them with unparalleled seriousness.

"After we reach the island, you must arrange for people to keep a constant watch on the island's movement. If you find any signs of a Dementor massively storming Hogwarts, be sure not to hesitate and immediately have the ship leave the island immediately."

Neville frowned.

"After leaving the island, what will you do?"

"The Hogwarts ship's course is not completely out of our control, the big deal is you guys just have to wander around the nearby waters for a while, and then we will look for an opportunity to return to the ship." Jon said.

To this Neville and George nodded together, only Nick showed a look of wanting to say something, but after seeing Jon quietly wink at him, he did not try to say what he originally wanted to say.

"Azkaban Island is not big, it's just that it's filled with grey fog all year round, but as long as the distance between us is not so far apart that we are separated by two extremes, then the sparks can still be seen."

Jon continued.

"When you see me release the sparks, you guys control the Hogwarts to determine the subsequent action. Green sparks will represent our need to evacuate, then you can drive the ship to the coast close to the sparks, red sparks represent the situation has deteriorated to a certain extent, you should at once sail away from the coast of Azkaban Island, leaving the range of this grey fog, before discussing what would happen afterwards."

He explained everything that could happen to Neville and George, even if Azkaban is now lacking guards, this most horrible prison in the magical world is still a dragon's den for them, so they must be prepared for all the worst.

Soon, Jon and Fred two have prepared all the preparations, and geared up for the time of departure.

The Hogwarts suddenly swayed a little, and then the whole ship apparently stopped.

They arrived ashore.


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