In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 195: Escape

Chapter 195: Escape

Jon closed the diary and said gruffly.

"This diary is very important. Our trip to Azkaban was not in vain."

The contents recorded in the notebook, especially the last three pages of the diary, at least from the most subtle points can let Jon determine.

In this world, Voldemort's Horcruxes are no longer available.

The "1/5" written down on the back of the book cover, he was recording his return to the original integrity.

The diary is the beginning of Horcruxes' creation, but also the beginning of the change back to his self.

And the four relics that Jon saw in the Hogwarts Headmaster's office, it is estimated that, like the diary, the remnants of the soul attached to it have returned to Voldemort's body, completing his soul.

That's why the current "Great Sir" is in such a sane state, as well as his achievements today.

Of course, the return of the soul will let him be more clear-headed and more thoughtful, but will not bring any enhancement to his own strength.

Even because that crazy emotion is no longer there, his dark magic has likely regressed.

The reason why Voldemort can achieve today's status is partly because of gaining sanity by recalling the soul slices from Horcruxes, but most importantly, the reason why he got strong like that without the Horcruxes is what makes people puzzled.

Jon could associate a lot with the power of the soul recorded in the diary.

For example, he himself.

In the first year, on the Slughorn individual lesson, the fat walrus also once said that his 'will' is far beyond that of a normal person, in layman's terms, it can also be translated to describe that his soul is stronger than the normal wizard.

As for why his own soul is particularly stronger than the rest, Jon naturally knows it by heart.

This is most likely related to him crossing over to this world, after all, his soul is not native to this world.

And what is the reason behind the dark lord?

He was also possessed by a transmigrator?

This possibility is slim, because the current Voldemort does not seem to understand the plot of the original story at all, otherwise he would not have left the Marauder's Map behind, not to mention let Sirius be arrested inside Azkaban which allowed him to join forces with Lupin to carry out a large-scale prison break.

Of course, even if the novel is famous, there must be many people who have not read the book or watched the film and did not realize they had entered the body of Voldemort, who is a villain in a famous novel.

But if someone who has received a modern education based on muggle ideas and concepts, not to mention that he/she will not engage in this extremely low slavery rule, even if he/she is a great evil, he/she will consider taking control over the entire British muggle society first, after all, muggles are most familiar with muggles.

The most crucial point is that the last three pages of the diary were obviously written by Voldemort just after successfully killing Harry Potter, during the first few days of his disappearance that month.

If there really is a soul travelled over to compete with him for the body ownership, then there should be only a few words left in this diary, not to mention leaving it behind at the end, directly destroying it is the safest and most secure way.

Those remarks addressed, obviously are from the first perspective of Voldemort himself, which further denies the existence of two different souls in his body.

Compared to the transmigrator speculation, Jon believes that Voldemort may truly be schizophrenic.

Some accidents that should not have occurred when killing Harry Potter may cause this problem to him.

As for the powerful soul, and exactly how it originated, the voyage of Hogwarts has not yet reached the key point, perhaps the next journey can bring Jon the answer.

However, before wanting to move on, he and Fred had to face one of the most difficult issues now.

That is, how the hell are they going to get out?

The diary stowed away, they thoroughly checked the underground chamber one last time to make sure there was nothing else of value, and then Jon and Fred returned to the cellar.

The cobweb-like dark green chains are still there. Blocked the entrance to outside, dozens of dementors also floated outside the corridor, as if they want to wait until the magic of this blockade disappeared, and then rushed in to completely suck Jon and co. dry.

"Waiting like this is not an option."

After strolling through the entire cellar again, finding no other exit, Jon even tried to use the Exploding Charm to blow up the grey-looking wall, which left not even a trace except for a pitch-black colour.

He frowned and looked at the grim monsters outside the entrance.

"George, Neville and the others don't even know we are in here yet, and Nick, he's watching over Scabior, but the stunning spell will only last until this evening at best, he has no way to use magic, so once Scabior wakes up, things will end badly."

"Moreover, we don't know how long this magic that blocks the Dementors will last, we can't put all our hopes on it."

Fred pulled out his wand with a decisive gaze.

"I actually have a solution, you know the Patronus Charm, although you can't summon a Patronus, at least you can make these dementors feel intimidated. Later I can rush out first and hold some of the dementors for you, so you'll be more sure of escaping this prison."

Jon's brow furrowed even tighter.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious." Fred changed his usual playful face, his face was filled with a serious expression, and he said with a relaxed look, "You're the captain, George and the others need you to go back and take them on the next voyage, and that Aurors also need you to control him."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry, even if I don't end up running out, I'm sure I won't die. These dementors will definitely capture me and wait for the Ministry of Magic to interrogate me about my identity, I'll clear my memory before I get caught and won't give them any half-useful clues."

He shrugged and smiled.

"After that, I can just sleep peacefully here and wait for you guys to come to rescue me in the future, easy isn't it."

Jon glared at him grimly.

"You usually like to joke around, and I'm taking what you just said as a joke now, even though it wasn't funny. Remember what I told you before coming here?"

Fred looked confused.


"Don't think about trading lives for lives, each of our lives is precious and not worth whatever exchange we make."

Jon turned to look at the dementors and narrowed his eyes.

"You said I am the captain, so you should listen to me, and I have a plan right now that is almost exactly like what you said, but it doesn't require a life exchange."

He pointed to the dementor leader that was just outside the entrance, floating motionlessly facing them.

"Do you think that it hates me more or you more?"


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