In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 200: Escape and Resistance

Chapter 200: Escape and Resistance

"Have something first, Tom."

A haggard-looking Sara carried an omelette and grilled sausage and placed it in front of her husband.

Tom was reading the newspaper, but all he saw in the newspaper was that the man who was hated and feared by countless French muggle wizards was smiling icily in the front page article.

[Seventy percent of the mudbloods have had their wands seized, and Mr Minister announced the establishment of temporary re-educational camps]

Looking at the two lines of bolded and enlarged news headlines, the two hands of Tom gripping the newspaper unconsciously clenched up.

Sara held his hand, her face was full of pain and bleakness.

"Why don't we just go, honey, escape from here and go somewhere else."

"That's what those British muggles thought when they fled to this land of ours." Tom's voice was agitated, "Where can we escape now? North to Belgium or Holland? South to Spain or Portugal? England and France have fallen into his hands, do you think the Ministry of Magic of these countries can stop him? Where can we escape to when the time comes!"

Sara shed silent tears as she clutched her husband's hand, filled with trepidation and anxiety at the changes that had already turned her whole world upside down in just under a month.

They were originally a happy and promising family of wizards.

Both husband and wife were muggle wizards who graduated from Beauxbatons. Tom was recruited into the French Ministry of Magic right after graduation due to his excellent grades, and with his outstanding ability, even without any political background, he was already the head of the office at the age of just over thirty.

The wife, Sara, worked as a tailor in a magic robe store, working quite leisurely and taking care of the children who had not yet reached school age.

However, such a life was shattered just three weeks ago.

No one knows what happened at that impromptu council meeting, but overnight, the dark lord who ruled Britain and was notorious in the hearts of muggle wizards all over the world suddenly became the Minister of Magic in France.

The whole Ministry of Magic from top to bottom became his loyal followers, and all the original muggle employees were searched and imprisoned.

On the night of the meeting, Tom sensed that the atmosphere inside the Ministry was not quite right, and escaped from it in time to avoid a disaster.

Now he has taken his wife and daughter to hide in the countryside in Rouen, avoiding the search for those Aurors who seized the wand.

After more than a decade in politics, Tom knew very well what would happen to the muggle wizards under the bloodline policy after the wands were taken away, and they would all become fish for the slaughter and turn into slaves under the Dark Lord's government!

But even though they are far from Paris, Tom's current situation is still extremely dangerous.

The Aurors, who had more than doubled their manpower, were searching for muggle wizards all over France, and as long as they didn't escape, it is just a matter of time before they are discovered.

"Is Julie still not up?" Tom put down the newspaper in his hand and wiped the tears from his wife's eyes.

Sara sniffled and gathered her emotions.

"She wasn't awake when I went to check on her, so I didn't call out to her."

"Then let her sleep a little longer, she's been frightened these days."

Just as they were talking and getting ready to start breakfast, Tom suddenly looked up keenly.

Outside the window, a few dark shadows suddenly flashed by!

His entire nerves were instantly tightened, but his hands moved slightly and unmistakably to put down his knife and fork, and then grabbed Sara's arm.

Sara looked at him, both did not speak, but the tacit understanding cultivated over the years together long ago allowed them to know exactly what was happening just by looking at each other's eyes.

With a look of horror on her face, she rose from her chair in some panic and turned around and walked towards the stairs leading to the first-floor bedroom at a fast pace.

Tom restrained his trembling hand, pulled out his wand, which was always in his coat pocket, and then moved extremely carefully to approach the wall where the front door is located.

He pressed himself against the wall and waved his wand over himself as he recited the spell in a very soft voice.


An invisible layer of shield formed on the surface of his body, and the closer he got to the door, the more he could hear the movement outside the door, and even vaguely heard an intermittent exchange of voices.

"-He is hiding here ."

"Exactly. I used Legilimency on that muggle woman to look through her memory just now."

Tom's palms were sweating as he gripped his wand, but this time his otherwise trembling hands stabilized instead.

He turned his head to look at his daughter who had already called up and Sara who was clutching her hand and looking at him from the stairway to the first floor with tears on her face which filled with fear and worry.

He opened his mouth and suppressed his voice to shout.

"Go immediately!"

Julie, who had just been called up from bed, seemed to have guessed her father's next fate, and she was about to cry out with red eyes, but Sara covered her mouth.

Both mother and daughter were in tears, and Sara raised her wand.

The knock on the door and the sound of her saying the spell name sounded almost at the same time!


She took Julie with her, and their bodies twisted together for an instant, yet in the next second, with a sound like a whip striking the air, the two of them appeared abruptly in the same place again!

The Apparition charm is blocked!

Sara and Tom's faces were completely filled with despair, and such a violent movement naturally made the people outside the house notice that something was wrong.

"Damn it! They've found us and are trying to escape!"

Tom raised his wand at the door with a determined look, but before he could even recite the incantation, the deafening sound of an explosion came crashing down on him!


The main door was instantly blown to smithereens, and along with it, a large portion of the surrounding walls collapsed.

Sara and Julie on the stairs leading to the first floor let out a piercing scream, but Tom did not hesitate to cast a spell on that puff of smoke in front of him over and over!


A red light flashed, piercing the smoke, but as if it was swallowed up, it did not set off half a ripple.

Just in the next second, a voice of three reciting incantations simultaneously sounded from behind the smoke.

"Avada Kedavra!" *3

The ghastly green light that was countless times more blinding than the red light completely dispelled the grey smog, and Sara, who was heading for the flying broom while escorting her daughter to the first floor, screamed out!

She abandoned the idea of escaping and ran down the stairs like a maniac.

The good thing is that the long office life did not wear out Tom's vigilance and reaction, at the moment he heard the sound of the incantation, he rolled over to hide behind the sofa.

The three killing curse landed on the cushions of the sofa, directly exploding it to pieces, and countless feathers fluttered in the air.

Sara rushed to her husband's side, she grabbed Tom's arm with one hand, accompanied by her daughter who ran along with her and was crying out, full of anger and deadly hater, she raised her wand together with her husband.

If you can't escape, you can only resist!


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