Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 81 Dungeon Beater

One Week Later-

Bang! Boom!

"Die!" Lina yelled and beat another Demonic Spider to death.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Nice... You have improved since last time." Alan walked in front clapping his hands.

"Not as much as you..." Lina said and looked beside Alan. She saw more than 10 demonic spiders dead on the ground.

"Let's go..." Alan walked in front and Lina followed him.

Alan and Lina are now in the C-rank dungeon. C-rank dungeon has spiders. The spiders are long in size, their legs are sharper than a leg and their webs are poisonous that can kill D-rank hunters to death in some second.

In one week, they have defeated every lower-level dungeon.


"So, are we going to the boss room?" Lina asked looking at the huge door in front of her.

"Yup..." Alan answered without batting an eye at Lina.


Alan kicked the door and the door flew.


And hit the wall.


A loud hissing sound echoed in the room. Alan carefree walked inside but Lina slowly and carefully walked.

"Whattt....? Isn't that thing huge!!!" Lina shouted looking up.

"It is normal for the boss to be bigger than their subordinates." Alan took a fighting stance wielding his dual blade.

In front of them is a huge spider which is 10 times bigger than them. Its red eyes looked at them with rage and jumped over them.

"Dodge." Alan moved in an instant.


But Lina barely managed to dodge.

"Tell me in advanced!" Lina pouted and raise her gauntlet.

"Double Attack!!!" She punched the air and the air flowed at the spider with triple speed.


The air hit the head and the spider leaned sideways barely managing its balance.

"Rage...Double Jump...Fiery Sword." Alan calmly cast his skill and jumped at the spider. His double-jump skill helped him reached the spider's head.

He swung his flaming sword.


The spider instantly blocked Alan's attack with its legs but the sword cut through the leg making the spider fall.


The spider again let out a loud hissing sound. Its legs grew and it stood. It shoots a large amount of web from its mouth.

"Dodge it.." Alan shout at Lina and dodged the web. Lina also jumped sideways dodging the attack.

"Quick speed, Charge." Alan rushed to spider and jumped again. This time, he didn't attack and just land on its back.

"Fireball..." A ball of fire appeared in Alan's hand. He poured more mana into the ball making it bigger and bigger.

The fireball become bigger to the amount that it touched the ceiling. He stopped pouring mana and jumped from the spider's back, throwing the fireball at the spider's face.

Alan instantly reached toward Lina and hugged her.

"Hyaa..." She let out a shriek.

"Energy Barrier... Physical barrier... Guard..." Alan cast his skill instantly and many layers of barriers covered them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fireball blasted, burning the spider to ashes. The impact of the blast affect the room and started to get destroyed.

The stones fell one by one hitting Alan's barrier.

After some minutes-

The destruction stopped and Alan deactivated his barrier.

"Ha!" Lina took a long breath and stretched her hand.

Alan didn't care about her and walked toward the teleportation room.

"Wait for me geez!" Lina followed Alan with a cheerful smile.

In one week, Lina's personality has taken a 180-degree turn. She has become more relaxed and carefree in front of Alan.

They got transported to the outside of the dungeon. The moment they got outside, they saw many people standing outside wielding their swords. There were at least 20 people.

Lina stare at them while Alan raised his brow.

"Welcome." A young man in his twenties walked in front of them

"Who are you?" Alan asked. His voice was rough and cold.

"Who I am? It doesn't matter." The man smiled at them.

"What do you want?" Alan knitted his brow and raised his voice.

"No need to be on guard. We are here on business." The man's voice was cheerful. The men beside him were staring at them with a grin on their faces.

"Ok... I understand what you want." Alan smiled evilly.

The men in front of them were robbers. The group of robbers who robbed every player that has beat many dungeons.

And Alan's party has beat more than 10 dungeons in a week making them their target. The man in front of them who is talking to them is an A-rank player.

Alan stare at them coldly and raised his weapon. Alan and Lina weren't wearing any armor in their dungeon hunting.

So, the robbers probably realized them as poor hunters who can't afford to buy armors.

The man smiled again and said. "So, why don't you hand over all of your items to us?"

"Ohh... Why do we hand our items to you guys." Alan said with a calm voice.

"Ohh... you don't want us to resort to violence." The man frowned and said coldly.

Slice! Puk!

But before anyone did anything, Alan rushed to the hoard of people and instantly killed 4 people.

"Wh...What?!" The man blinked in surprise. He stared at Alan.

Slice Puk! Boom! Slash! Puk!

Alan cast his all offensive skills and instantly killed 10 players within a minute.

The man stares at Alan with despair. His hands shook and his legs trembled. In the hoard, many players were up to B-rank. The man looked at Lina who was the nearest to him and rushed toward her.

Boom! Slice!


"Help me..."

"Please don't kill me.."

'I'm sorr-"

Alan finished killing everyone. He ignored their screams and finished them. He looked at the last man who rushed toward Lina.

He sprinted toward him.

"Stop!" The man shouted. "If you walked a single step then I will kill this girl!"

The man was holding Lina with a sword pointing at her neck. Alan instantly stopped hearing the voice.

The man grinned. He started to relax.

Alan was staring at the man. He was totally calm and didn't care about him.

On the other hand... Lina was dumbfounded. She got held as a hostage. But she was also calm. She held the man's arm with a little force.


"Huh...?"  The man heard the sound of bone breaking. He looked at his arm dumbfounded and saw his hand being flattened.

"Arrgggggg!!!!" The man screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

Lina looked at him and punched his face with more force.

Bang! Crack!

His face got covered in blood. His head bleed and his skull broke. The man died instantly without getting to know what happened.

Lina walked toward Alan without caring about the man she just killed.

"Did I do a good job?" Lina sked Alan.

"Yes..." Alan said with an emotionless face and patted her head.

They both head to the hotel leaving 20 corpses at the entrance of the dungeon.

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