Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 90: Chapter 90: Outbreak

"Good choice!" Alex said with a smile. "I'll take care of everything you need, including clothes. You can rest assured we'll handle it all. This time, you can rely on us, Seojun."

Seojun, who was savoring a slice of cake, looked at Alex and quickly swallowed. "Thanks, Alex," he said with gratitude. Alex chuckled again.

"You're going to let us help you this time, right? Well, you don't really have a choice," Alex said, his tone light but firm.

Seojun nodded in agreement, though he couldn't speak because he was busy enjoying his cake. Just then, Ben, the waiter, brought over another serving of ice cream.

But suddenly, the whole building trembled as a massive explosion happened outside. Alex stood up immediately, his expression turning serious.

Seojun stayed calm as the building trembled. Around him, a white notification screen appeared above everyone's heads, except his. The alert read:

[System Notification: Outbreak Dungeon Alert!]

A Rank C dungeon has appeared near your location. Monsters are beginning to emerge. Please prepare for potential danger.

Alex quickly pulled out his phone and instructed Seojun, "Stay here and don't leave." He then sprinted outside to handle the situation.

"There's an Outbreak!"

'Outbreak?' Seojun thought, As Alex disappeared through the doors. His system spoke,

[There are two primary types of dungeons currently identified, Host.]

Outbreak Dungeons:

Description: These dungeons appear suddenly and release monsters into the world. The creatures escape and attack humans, causing chaos. These dungeons are extremely dangerous and must be dealt with quickly.


Unpredictable Appearance: Can emerge anywhere, at any time.

Unrestricted Monster Movement: Monsters are not bound by the dungeon and can freely enter the outside world.

High Risk: Often result in widespread chaos and loss of life if not contained quickly.

Restricted Dungeons:

Description: These dungeons are stable and found in specific areas. Monsters inside cannot leave, making them safer. Awakeners use these dungeons to train and level up.


Confined Monsters: All creatures remain within the dungeon's boundaries.

Used for Training: Popular among awakeners for leveling up and obtaining loot.

Relatively Stable: Less likely to cause harm to the outside world unless disturbed internally.

Monitored: Often overseen by governing bodies to ensure safety and proper usage.

As Seojun and Huno remained in the now-deserted building, enjoying their food, another explosion jolted the area. A charred, dead monster flew through the air and crashed onto the floor near them.

Seojun, still holding his ice cream, stood up and walked cautiously toward the source of the explosion. Huno followed close behind. As he approached, he saw numerous monsters emerging from the dungeon entrance, chasing after fleeing people.

The system activated Appraisal. A blue hologram appeared, detailing the nearest monster:

[Appraisal Activated]

Name: Lizardman

Rank C (300)

Description: A reptilian creature with scaly skin and a fierce appearance. Known for its agility and combat skills. Typically found in dungeons.

Threat Level: Moderate to High

Seojun noted that these monsters were different from those he had encountered in the Abyss. The Lizardmen, while formidable, had a different fighting style and level of power.

Holding his ice cream, Seojun observed the chaos, realizing that the challenges here were distinct from what he was used to. Huno, his rottweiler, suddenly let out a low, menacing growl, eyes narrowing as it stared at something ahead.

Seojun glanced over and saw a Lizardman emerging from the dungeon, its scaly skin glistening under the sun. The creature was armed with a crude spear, and its eyes locked onto Seojun.

[You have been targeted by a Lizardman. Prepare for combat.]

The Lizardman snarled, raising its spear to strike. Seojun simply tilted his head slightly to the left, effortlessly dodging the spear that whizzed past his ear.

Seojun's gaze remained calm as he watched the Lizardman prepare for another assault. But then, loud shouts erupted from nearby, distracting both Seojun and the monster.

"I'll make it to the top! Aaaahhh!" a man's voice screamed.

"They're mine!" another voice, just as desperate, yelled out.

"Hey! Over here!" a third voice called out, frantically waving his arms.

Seojun turned to see a group of people rushing toward the Lizardman, weapons drawn, their eyes wild with determination. They attacked the creature as if it were a prize, each trying to land the killing blow.

"What are they doing?" Seojun thought, puzzled. The group's chaotic approach seemed less like teamwork and more like a frenzied scramble for a reward. They attacked the Lizardman like it was some sort of food, arguing amongst themselves for dominance.

The Lizardman, though outnumbered, was far from defenseless. With a powerful swing of its tail, it sent the attackers flying through the air, crashing into walls and the ground with bone-rattling force.

[These individuals are called Awakeners. Defeating monsters like the Lizardman allows them to increase their ranks and climb the leaderboard. Inshort they are after Rankings.]

Seojun's eyes narrowed as he watched the fallen Awakeners struggle to get back on their feet, their previous bravado replaced with groans of pain.

As he took another bite of his ice cream, he quietly asked, "Rankings?"

Before the system could answer, his attention was drawn to a sudden commotion. A little girl, carried by her terrified mother, tripped and fell. The Lizardman, noticing them, started to advance, ready to strike.

Without thinking, Seojun's instincts kicked in. The system sensed his intent and activated a barrier to protect him from the impact of jumping. At the same moment, Seojun jumped down from the third floor, moving with a speed that was fast for anyone else but felt normal to him. In a flash, he was standing in front of the mother and daughter, shielding them from the Lizardman.

The Lizardman thrust its spear forward, aiming to attack, but it collided with the barrier. The force of the impact sent the creature stumbling backward, surprised by the sudden defense.

Seojun quickly grabbed the mother and child, carrying them to a safe corner away from the danger. But as he set them down, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He coughed violently, and to his shock, blood spurted from his mouth.

"What's happening?" Seojun wondered, panic creeping in. Just then, a system notification appeared in front of him:


You've used a skill that's beyond your current level. The backlash will cause physical harm.

Seojun's eyes widened in disbelief. "Beyond current level? What are you talking about?!" he thought, confused and frustrated. He couldn't believe that using the barrier had taken such a toll on him.

Desperate for answers, Seojun quickly opened his stats, only to be hit with another shock—


Name: Han Seojun Age: 23

Title: Returnee Level: 1

Class: Error

Strength: D

Stamina: D

Agility: D

Mana: Infinite

His level reset to 1, His heart sank. Everything he had worked for, all the power he once had, was gone in an instant.

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