Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 100: Fried dough sticks and porridge

"Yesterday, the little boss taught everyone to use nutrition powder to make buns and scallion pancakes. Do you think no one will come to the store today?" Zhao Hanyuan asked worriedly.

He never thought that one day he would worry about having no customers in the store.

You know, in the past, they never worried about no customers in their store, only worried about too many customers.

"Should... no?" Zhang Mingfei obviously lacked confidence in what he said.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Li Hao said with his head down, feeling extremely guilty.

"The matter has not been investigated clearly, and it may not be Yang Ping who said it. Don't always blame yourself." Zhang Mingfei comforted his friend.

Although the facts have not been clarified now, Yang Ping's suspicion is probably the biggest. After all, except for Li Hao who told Yang Ping, no one else has ever told anyone about it.

"Since the boss has figured out this method to solve it, what we have to do is not to feel guilty, but to work harder to repay the boss." Tao Qingran said coldly, his voice was like jade beads falling on a plate, clear and sweet.

"Yes, it's useless to blame yourself now, we must find a way to make up for the lost customers." Zhang Mingfei also said.

"I'm a stupid person, and I can't think of any good methods, but if you think about it, I will definitely work hard to do it." Liu Hu scratched his head and said naively.

It was almost time for the store to open, and the five of them looked at the empty store entrance, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Why are you standing here?" When Mu Yan came over, he happened to see Tao Qingran and the other five standing at the door, as if they were welcoming guests.

"Little boss, good morning." Everyone greeted Mu Yan.

"Good morning." Mu Yan also replied with a smile, and then took the lead to enter the shop, as if he didn't notice that the shop was empty.

Several people looked at me and I looked at you, all hesitating and not knowing how to comfort the little boss.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet, let me make it for you, a new breakfast.

"Mu Yan said with a playful smile, and then walked into the back kitchen.

"Did the little boss talk about a new breakfast just now? Did the little boss come up with a new breakfast?" Zhang Mingfei asked hastily.

"I heard it just now. I don't know what the new breakfast is like. The new food that the little boss comes up with is always very delicious, and it refreshes my knowledge every time." Zhao Hanyuan also said.

"If there is a new breakfast, the previous customers will definitely come to taste it if they know about it. Even if they know how to make buns and scallion pancakes, they will definitely want to try the new food."

As soon as Zhang Mingfei said these words, the eyes of the others lit up immediately, and the expressions of worry all morning finally cleared up.

"I said, why does the little boss suddenly want to disclose the matter of nutrition powder? It turns out that he has planned it for a long time. The little boss is really awesome!" Zhao Hanyuan couldn't help but admire.

Tao Qingran couldn't help but gave him a big roll of eyes.

Here, the atmosphere among the five people became more and more lively, while in the kitchen, Mu Yan clicked on the system page, and then called up a new food recipe, counting the ingredients according to the above.

Just when Mu Yan decided to disclose the methods of making steamed stuffed buns and scallion pancakes, system upgrade reminders and rewards followed. The new recipes made him very excited, and he became more determined to disclose the methods of using the nutrition powder.

"Yanyan, let's make it with flour today, and make sure to surprise those customers and let them know that flour is still the most authentic way to make steamed stuffed buns and scallion pancakes." No. 5 said passionately. A little brooding.

Although it is a matter of time before these recipes are published, it is very uncomfortable to be forced to publish them for other reasons!

"The amount of flour is limited. Use it after the next wheat harvest. The remaining flour will be made for you to eat." Mu Yan comforted with a smile.

No. 5 was really happy when he heard the words, and kept circling around Mu Yan

After Mu Yan prepared the ingredients, he took a look at the recipe and was ready to start cooking.

"Add yeast powder to the milk first, and stir well." No. 5's tender voice sounded, helping Mu Yan read the steps in the recipe.

There is no milk for the time being, but Mu Yan asked Mu Chen to catch a creature similar to a cow, and then squeezed out its milk to use as milk

Heat the milk until lukewarm, then add the yeast powder and stir.

"In the second step, add the milk to the flour, stir as you add it, and knead the dough by hand."

This step should not be too proficient for Mu Yan, it will be done in minutes, because milk is added to the dough, there is a faint milky smell, and the dough is also milky white, which makes people unable to help but move their index fingers.

Looking at the dough, No. 5 swallowed quietly, and tried to turn his eyes back to the recipe, "Step 3, cover the dough with a damp cloth and ferment until it doubles in size."

"Let it ferment first, let's do other things." Mu Yan put the dough aside, then opened the bag he brought, and inside was the familiar white rice.

"Yanyan, what shall we do next?" No. 5 looked at Rice and asked curiously.

It knows that this is obtained after planting the rice they discovered before, but it doesn't know what delicious food it can make, and now it is very much looking forward to it.

"It's morning, let's make porridge." Mu Yan said.

Because the amount of rice is limited and there are many people, it is the most cost-effective to make porridge to drink.

Mu Yan looked at the rice with keen eyes. He hasn't eaten rice for a long time. Even in their world, he rarely had the opportunity to eat white rice. After all, the price of rice is still very expensive. Generally, people in the village eat brown rice, and those who are a little richer will mix some rice.

It is completely fine rice like now, this is definitely the first time Mu Yan has the opportunity to eat it.

Mu Yan carefully scooped out the rice, not wasting a single grain of rice, then put an appropriate amount of water on it, and put it on the stove to boil over low heat.

Afterwards, I took the time to make some porridge-friendly side dishes. At this time, the fermented dough has almost doubled in size.

"Yanyan, the dough is fermented, we can continue." No. 5 looked at the dough and said to Mu Yan, and then continued to read the fourth step of the recipe, "Stir the lye with salt, dip your hands in the lye, Dip it and knead the dough until it is fully kneaded, then cover it with a damp cloth again, and wait for the dough to double in size after the second proofing."

"I have to wake up again, when will I be able to eat it?" No. 5 stared at the recipe resentfully.

"Don't worry, Chen and Qiuqiu haven't come yet, and the porridge isn't ready yet, it will be soon." Mu Yan comforted the other party.

The water in the pot gradually boiled, and the aroma of rice porridge slowly spread out, permeating the entire kitchen, and even wafting into the hall outside

There is nothing added to the porridge, only rice, even so, for those who have never eaten rice, the fragrance of rice is enough to arouse people's appetite.

"It smells so good, what on earth is the little boss doing? How can it be so fragrant?" Zhao Hanyuan stared at the kitchen door eagerly, with an expression of wishing he could get smaller and get in to see what's going on, which made people laugh.

"It smells so good, it must be very delicious." Liu Hu sniffed vigorously intoxicated to capture the faint fragrance.

"The little boss must have discovered new ingredients. This smell has never been smelled before." Zhang Mingfei also said.

"The little boss is really amazing." After so many days, Li Hao finally showed a smile on his face.

Although Tao Qingran said nothing coldly, his softened expression had already betrayed his thoughts at the moment.

Mu Yan didn't know how intoxicated the outsiders were. After the dough woke up for the second time, he could continue with the next steps.

Mu Yan brushed a thin layer of oil on the stove to prevent the dough from sticking to it later, then rolled the dough on the operating table into strips about 5 cm wide, then cut them into pieces about 1 cm long, and then Superimpose the two doses and press the middle with chopsticks.

Pour the oil into the pot, heat it well, turn the heat to medium heat, and when the oil in the pot is 50% hot, twist the agent several times and put it into the pot, turn it over with chopsticks, and deep-fry until golden brown Ready to serve.

The long and fat one is obviously the most popular fried dough stick in the earth age.

Golden in color, oily but not greasy, with a little milky aroma

Just smelling it makes my mouth water.

"Little boss, what are you doing, why is it so fragrant?

"Zhao Hanyuan's slightly eager voice sounded outside the door, even mixed with the sound of swallowing saliva.

Originally, when the faint fragrance wafted in, everyone felt hungry, but the little boss didn't come out, and it was not easy for them to go in. As a result, when the smell of fried dough sticks came out, their stomachs began to growl in protest. The saliva couldn't help swallowing one mouthful after another.

They could barely hold back the fragrance of the porridge, but the deep-fried dough sticks had a unique aroma, which was really hard to hold back.

"It will be ready soon." Mu Yan responded, while frying the fritters quickly and skillfully, even though it was the first time, it was as skillful as if he had done it many times.

Mu Yan found that his current level of cooking has improved a lot compared to the beginning, and he doesn't know whether it is because he has done too much or because of systematic bonuses.

"No, I have to go outside and stay, otherwise I'm really worried that I can't help but rush in." After turning N circles in place, Zhao Hanyuan began to walk towards the outside of the store at an increasingly faster speed, as if there was someone behind him. Something is chasing him.

"I'm going too, wait for me." Zhang Mingfei couldn't control himself anymore, and immediately followed him out, and the others followed one after another.

The five people looked at each other, and they all saw covetousness and excitement in each other's eyes, and they no longer had any worries before.

"Huh? Why are you all outside? Is the snack bar closed today?" Seeing Zhang Mingfei and the others, a middle-aged man asked puzzledly, with a hint of anxiety in his tone.

Before the five people answered, a few more people came over one after another, and all of them were regular customers of the snack bar, and they came in the direction of the snack bar.

"Are the two bosses here today? What are you selling for breakfast today?" A regular customer asked, and the others couldn't help but crane their necks to look inside, only to find that there was no one inside.

"It's not really closed today, is it? I haven't eaten breakfast yet, so I'm waiting to come over to eat." Someone was anxious.

"Me too, the store is closed, so I'm going to be hungry.

"What's the matter? Are the two bosses busy today?"

"..." Everyone talked in a hurry, not giving Zhang Mingfei and others a chance to speak.

Of course, these five people were also a little confused.

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