Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 102: Yang Ping is nothing

In the end, everyone was ruthless and made up their minds. It's better to have fried dough sticks than nothing.

However, it was impossible to make deep-fried dough sticks on this day. Mu Chen took Mu Yan away directly on the grounds that Mu Yan had just been frightened and needed to rest, leaving only Zhang Mingfei and others to entertain customers.

As a result, the customers who came to the store today found that the five people who usually greeted each other with smiles, today seemed to be possessed by Mu Chen, with expressionless faces, and the eyes that looked at them were always filled with sadness. .

"I said Xiao Yuan, what are you doing with your face drooping? Are we offending you?" A customer who was more familiar with Zhao Hanyuan couldn't help asking.

He really couldn't stand Zhao Hanyuan's sad little eyes poking at him. In just a few minutes, the other party looked at him no less than a dozen times, as if he was a scumbag, and abandoned him severely.

The customer couldn't help being frightened by his brain supply, shivered violently, and asked directly.

"The snack bar opens at nine o'clock, why did you come so late?" Zhao Hanyuan suddenly asked inappropriately.

The customer couldn't help but froze, and said with a smile, "Isn't it late? Hehe..."

"Is this what you guys agreed to get up late?" Zhang Mingfei couldn't help asking.

"Why, how come? I'm not late because I helped my wife in the morning." Another customer also said, with a slightly guilty tone, and couldn't help but look away.

"Is that really a coincidence?" Li Hao also joined the "crusade" army

"Uh... so what, I have something to do at home, so I'll leave first, and I'll come over tomorrow." Finally, some customers couldn't take it anymore, and immediately found an excuse to escape.

"I also suddenly remembered that there is still something to do, so I will go first."

"Ah, I seem to have something to do too, haha..."

It was like a signal, other customers started to go out one after another, and those who hadn't finished eating also accelerated, and soon the whole store was empty, if it wasn't for the mess left on the table, everyone I thought it was just an illusion.

"This group of damned guys slipped away after eating. I really don't know why they left early." Li Hao complained while putting away the bowls and chopsticks.

"I was really surprised that they would come today. I thought that there were basically no customers today." Zhang Mingfei said.

"I think so too." Liu Hu grinned.

"I guess they must come to the store to eat again because their own cooking is not as delicious as the little boss's. Zhao Hanyuan said casually, but he didn't expect that he had unintentionally revealed the truth.

The others paused, with expressions of sudden realization on their faces.

"It must be so. Although the little boss taught them the method, it looks quite simple, but it is not so easy to make buns and scallion pancakes. They must not be able to make them, so they come to the store. "The more Li Hao thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

"Hmph, you're so frustrated now. Do you think you can do it at home if you have a method? These people are really naive." Zhang Mingfei said proudly, completely forgetting that he thought so at the beginning.

"It looks like we don't have to worry about the store anymore." The corners of Tao Qingran's mouth rose slightly, evoking a faint smile.

"That's good, that's good." Liu Hu smiled innocently, and continued to wipe every table, making it clean and bright.

From this day on, the number of customers in the snack bar has not decreased, but has increased. Especially after the fried dough sticks were launched, everyone can't wait to eat every meal.

Some customers with more active minds will take home research after buying something in the snack bar, hoping to find out how to make these by themselves

Before Mu Yan taught how to use nutrition powder, everyone never thought that these could be made with nutrition powder.

But now, every time you see a new food, you always think subconsciously, is this also made of nutrition powder? Then it will be tested.

Although the deep-fried dough sticks are fluffy and crispy, the innermost part is still soft, and the taste is similar to that of the bun skin, so everyone guessed that this is probably made of nutritional powder.

Moreover, regarding the oil, Mu Yan also mentioned a few words before, so everyone knows that these oils are made by Mu Chen hunting in the forest and boiling them out of the fat of wild animals.

Someone did the same thing, and actually got animal oil. Although it didn't look as clear as Mu Yan used, and the taste wasn't as good, it was enough to make everyone excited.

With oil, and knowing that fried dough sticks are fried with nutritional powder, many people began to try to make fried dough sticks by themselves, but none of them could make fried dough sticks as fluffy and soft as snack bars, even if they repeatedly tore fried dough sticks After researching, what was finally fried was either a black piece or a hard pimple, which was completely inedible.

Housewives with more ingenuity may make thin crispy noodles as snacks for children, but deep-fried dough sticks cannot be made no matter what.

Everyone was embarrassed to ask Mu Yan again. After all, it was invented by him. He was willing to tell them such important information as steamed buns and scallion pancakes before, which made them very moved and grateful. It can't be done anyway.

However, most of the simple villagers can't make it, but there are still some people who can make it. Yang Quan's mother is one of them.

"They told you how to make steamed stuffed buns and scallion pancakes before, so you should be content. How can you ask how to make deep-fried dough sticks?" Some people couldn't stand it anymore and accused them.

Yang Quan's mother, Liu Qingli, didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, she took it for granted and replied, "I'm asking what's wrong? You also said that he was able to tell everyone how to make steamed buns before, so why not tell everyone how to make fried dough sticks?" It won't affect the business of their shop, besides, don't you want to know?"

Others blushed at what he said. Of course they wanted to know, but they knew better than to cheat other children like this. After all, it was their property.

The villagers of Taohua Village are relatively simple, so this kind of naturalism cannot be done for granted.

"When I ask, I will definitely let you know. If there is something good, everyone should share it together." Seeing that everyone was speechless, Liu Qingli immediately raised her neck, looking extremely proud.

It just so happened that at this time, everyone had also reached the door of the snack bar. Mu Yan was coming out of the store with Qiuqiu in his arms, and was immediately blocked by Liu Qingli.

"Xiaoyan, you see we all live in Taohua Village, we belong to the same village, do we need to help each other if we have something to do?" Liu Qingli said with a smile on her face.

Mu Yan looked at the stranger who blocked him, and after looking for a long time, he didn't remember who the other party was, but seeing some acquaintances behind him, he thought that he must be from the village, so he nodded honestly.

Seeing this, Liu Qingli smiled brighter, and said: "Auntie recently encountered a troublesome matter, but this matter is very simple for you. Didn't your store newly launch fried dough sticks? I know that is also the case. It is made of nutrition powder, and my aunt tried to make it several times at home, but every time it is not fluffy, can you tell my aunt what to do to make the fried dough sticks fluffy?"

Liu Qingli looked straight at Mu Yan, waiting for the other party's answer. Seeing this, the other villagers were extremely conflicted. They wanted to know the answer, but they couldn't bear to see Mu Yan embarrassed.

Mu Yan obviously didn't expect Liu Qingli to ask this, and he didn't react for a while, so he didn't open his mouth.

But Mu Yan didn't speak, but in Liu Qingli's eyes, the other party didn't want to tell her, the smiling face suddenly sank, and he said in a bad tone: "Xiaoyan, we are all from the same village, what should we do? It's good to share with each other, but everyone has never asked about the fresh food in your store, and they also take good care of your business. They come to buy it every day, and now they are just asking about how to make deep-fried dough sticks. Xiaoyan can't be so stingy and hide it Tuck in."

"I..." Mu Yan didn't know what to say, it was the first time he met such a person, and he wasn't very good at dealing with it.

Fortunately, at this moment, Zhao Hanyuan and Zhang Mingfei came out of the store, and they just heard what Liu Qingli said behind, and they were immediately laughed angrily.

"Aunt Liu, I remember you also have a good thing at home, do you want to take it out and share it with everyone?" Zhang Mingfei said sarcastically.

When they saw the little boss being stopped by someone in the store, they thought everyone was talking to the little boss at first, but then they saw that the face of the person on the other side was not very good, and they spoke with contempt and arrogance. Their little boss is being bullied.

Is this worth it? That was their little boss, how could anyone bully him, so Zhao Hanyuan and Zhang Mingfei hurried out.

"What good things can my house have? Don't talk nonsense." Liu Qingli gave Zhang Mingfei a look.

"Why not, no one in the whole village knows that your Yang Ping is so beautiful, she is the prettiest girl in the whole village." Zhang Mingfei said with a smile.

When Liu Qingli heard that the other party was praising her daughter, she immediately smiled even more proudly, and said, "That's right, not to mention Taohua Village, even in the nearby villages, there is no girl more beautiful than Ping'er."

"In this case, then Aunt Liu should let her out and share it with everyone. Didn't Aunt Liu just say something good to share?" Zhao Hanyuan immediately got to Zhang Mingfei's point, and then said, laughing on purpose With a wretched look.

Such a handsome boy was instantly pulled down by this expression.

Liu Qingli's complexion suddenly changed when she heard the words, she took a sip, and cursed: "You don't want to be ashamed, how can my daughter share it?"

"Just now you admitted that good things need to be shared. Could it be that she is not a thing?" Zhao Hanyuan said suddenly.

The exaggerated expression instantly caused the people around him to burst into laughter.

Seeing this, Liu Qingli was even more furious. Just as she was about to yell, Zhang Mingfei immediately took the conversation away. He didn't give her any chance to speak, and continued: "The snack bar and those food recipes are like the little boss's children. Your child can't share it, so why should you share it with the little boss's child, how can there be such a rude and rascal reason in the world?"

"When did you figure it out and want to share Yang Ping? Let's ask the little boss about it. The little boss is very busy and I don't have time now." After Zhao Hanyuan finished speaking, he dragged the little boss into the shop again. , Liu Qingli was left there to stomp her feet fiercely, wanting to yell at her, but she had no one to turn to, which made her even more aggrieved.

The other onlookers also laughed, watched the excitement, and then dispersed, and those unreasonable thoughts that had occasionally arisen were all suppressed at this moment.

After all, they don't want to be the second Liu Qingli.

I have to say that although these waiters in the snack bar are young, their eloquence is not weak, and they can silence people in minutes. The most important thing is that they are also extremely defensive.

Anyway, as long as Mu Yan is still in the village for a day, they can come here to eat breakfast for a day, the price is not very expensive, and the food is ten thousand times better than their own.

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