Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 203: where is blue star

The fans who had gradually calmed down because Mu Yan was concentrating on cooking and Jiang Xuexi chose to turn a blind eye, but in the next moment, they immediately boiled up again, just because of a sentence that appeared on the barrage.

Boundless: Little Master, I'm finally connected to your live broadcast room, that's great.

"Who is this person? Is this master called the host Da Da? Could this person be the anchor Da Da's apprentice?"

"Impossible, the host just announced that he has an apprentice, and the apprentice showed up? It's too coincidental."

"Wouldn't it be some fan who made a prank, it's enough, don't think that just because you are called Master, you can fool around, and you have to be shameless."

"That's right, fans who are troublesome by black fans, get out of here, you are not welcome here."

Open and aboveboard: Idiot, I told you not to leave a message on the public screen, it's embarrassing.

Boundless: You are the idiot, didn't you also leave a message on the public screen?

Open and aboveboard: I am here to remind you, otherwise you will choose not to see it!

"Are these two insane? The administrator please remove the two who are arguing. The anchor is still broadcasting live. Why are there so many troublemakers?"

"Call the administrator, Da, hurry up and ban the person."

Jiang Xuexi was staring at the fair barrage area of ​​the live broadcast room all the time, and naturally saw this scene, but she didn't act rashly, but asked Mu Yan beside her: "Sister-in-law, do you know these two people? "

Jiang Xuexi knew about the backward planet, no, the Blue Star network had already connected to the Jiang family, so these people might really be the apprentices of the third sister-in-law, so in order not to wrong the good people, she could only ask once.

Mu Yan looked at the few messages Jiang Xuexi was pointing at, and called out uncertainly, "Zhao Hanyuan? Zhang Mingfei?"

Boundless: Little Master, it's me, I'm here, I'm here to find you.

Open and aboveboard: Little Master, good afternoon.

"What's the situation? These two people are really Yan Yanda's disciples?"

"I'm going, it turned out to be my husband's apprentice, what should I do, I just wanted the administrator to fork out my husband's apprentice, do you think they will have a bad impression of me and deny me as a master Already."

"Tch, if you want to daydream upstairs, please go out and turn left, so you don't have to leave, do what you like, don't pollute the screen here, okay?"

"The two apprentices are begging to hook up. Is there any shortage of girlfriends, who have gone to college and can eat and drink."

"Is there any shortage of male friends, the kind with strong body and strong skills, if you don't like this one, you can also be delicate and soft and easy to push down."

"I'll go, serious upstairs? Could it be the kind of self-inflicted?"

"Haha, go upstairs +1, self-sufficiency is good, even if you don't have a significant other, you don't have to worry about your body's hunger and thirst."

"Hey, hey, don't change the subject, please, don't make it so dirty, be careful, the major general will come over to check the water meter!"

"Probably not, the major general said that he is so busy every day."

"You guys don't understand this. No matter how busy the Major General male **** is every day, every time the anchor live broadcasts, the Major General will always stay in front of the screen, but most of them don't show up."

"Really or not, I want to confess my love to the male god, to the host Da Da, and I beg the two of you to live broadcast together."

"Bronze Ball +1"

"Bronze Ball +2"

After Mu Yan revealed the identities of the two, Zhao Hanyuan and Zhang Mingfei wanted to talk to Mu Yan more, but unfortunately the bullet screens from the fans were too powerful, and they didn't give them a chance to talk, so they all posted up.

In addition, Mu Yan had already reached the critical moment, and he didn't even bother to watch the barrage, so the two stopped, planning to chat privately with the little master after the little master finished.

So, the two began to watch the little master cook seriously, wishing to keep every step firmly in their hearts.

They didn't expect that the little master's live broadcast turned out to be a live broadcast of cooking, so wouldn't everyone who saw it be able to learn it?

When they were in Taohua Village, they were able to learn from the two masters hand in hand, so they thought they were the happiest people in the world. They didn't expect that there are so many people who are as happy as them now.

However, there was no jealousy or gap between the two of them. As long as it was the decision of the two masters, they would fully support it. What's more, they were the first batch of students taught by the two masters, weren't they? And he also paid homage to the master, didn't he?

No one else has such a privilege.

Moreover, with the communication with those fans, everyone came to know that although those fans were fortunate enough to see the little master cooking by himself, they did not have any raw materials for practice. Buy these finished products online.

So, they are the only ones who can learn to make it by themselves, and the two masters often provide them with amazing ingredients. In comparison, they are indeed the luckiest

"Okay, that's the end of today's live broadcast, and Xiaoxue will open the online store ordering function later." Mu Yan said to the fans after completing the last process.

"Big words, you haven't told everyone where the blue star is. I just searched the federal map and found that there is no blue star."

"Same as above, I also searched, but I didn't find anything. Is Blue Star really a planet of our Federation? Or is it a newly developed planet discovered by Jiang Jiaxin? Please clarify."

"If it's newly developed, how long will it take to complete the development? It won't take three or four years."

"By the way, Da Da said that the gourmet restaurant that will open at that time will be headed by his apprentices, so the two apprentices must know where Blue Star is located."

The vastness is boundless @光明正大, the two of you are so cool, tell us the exact location of Blue Star, I really want to go see it now

-Look. "

Boundless: Blue Star, I always feel that this name is a bit familiar, but I really don’t know where it is, Ah Fei, do you know

Open and aboveboard: I don’t remember, let me ask when I go back.

When Mu Yan saw these fans' messages, especially the words of Zhao Hanyuan and Zhang Mingfei, he was stunned, and then turned to look at Jiang Xue.


Jiang Xuexi immediately zoomed in on the map opened by the terminal to Mu Yan knowingly, then pointed to one of the marginal planets and said: "This is the blue star, probably because it has been isolated from the world for too long, even the one marked on the federal map They are all backward planets.” The federal map is updated every few years, and the backward planet has been isolated from the world for so long that many people have forgotten the name of this planet, and even many people on the backward planet People may not know what the original real name of their planet is, so the markings on the map have become backward planets.

If you told everyone it was a backward planet, they might still be able to find it on the federal map, but if it was a blue star, it's no wonder they couldn't find it.

"Blue Star is the backward planet marked on the map. Its original name was Blue Star." Mu Yan explained to everyone


"I'm going, is it true or not, Blue Star is actually a backward planet. I heard that there is no internet there, and the economy and technology are very backward. Why do you want to open a gourmet restaurant there?"

"I don't understand. There are so many wealthy planets in the Federation. Why do you want to go to such a backward and remote planet? It was said that there were no spacecraft passing by here before."

Boundless and Boundless: Let me go, so our planet is called Blue Star, it's all because of everyone calling "backward planet" and "backward planet", so I don't even remember the original name of our planet, besides, little The master will come here to develop, of course, because this is the hometown of the little master, why go to other planets if you don't come to your hometown.

Open and aboveboard: We are the place where the food originated.

After all, Zhao Hanyuan and Zhang Mingfei were still young men with fresh blood. When they heard everyone talking about their hometown in such a contemptuous tone, they immediately choked on everyone with righteous indignation. gas.

"I remembered. I once went to the backward planet. The snack bar in Peach Blossom Village was the first gourmet restaurant in the Federation. Wasn't the owner of the shop at that time our major general male **** and major general wife?"

"Really, did you really go upstairs? I also met the major general and his wife. I couldn't be more lucky. I really want to go to Blue Star."

"That is to say, the backward planet actually has a gourmet restaurant at this moment? The people there are too happy, I really hope that Da Da was born on our planet."

"Although Bluestar's economy and technology are relatively backward, the environment is very beautiful. I feel better when I go there. I plan to go there again in a while."

"Please take one with me, I'm going too."

"Don't even think about it. After the Jiang family bought Blue Star, the previous spaceships will no longer go to Blue Star. In other words, unless there is a private spaceship, there is no way to go to Blue Star. And even if Those with private spaceships may not be able to stop at Blue Star without the permission of the Jiang family."

As soon as this news came out, the fans were immediately discouraged^

Jiang Xuexi hastily issued another announcement: Don't worry everyone, the construction speed of Blue Star will be very fast, and the flight will continue to operate in the future. When you set foot on Blue Star again, you will find that there will definitely happen earth-shakingly changing

With Jiang Xuexi's words, the fans felt a little relieved, and they were full of expectations for the future. They started to search for information about Blue Star on the Internet one after another.

Although there are only a few words, every time I find it, it can make the fans happy for a long time, and the fans in the fan group will exchange information with each other, and they have a vague idea of ​​Blue Star.

In fact, it’s not that the fans didn’t want to go to Zhao Hanyuan and Zhang Mingfei, two natives, to get to know Blue Star better, but for some reason, they can still see the messages of these two on the public screen of the live broadcast room, but once the anchor shuts down After the live broadcast, they went to privately contact those two again, and the prompts were always the words "no authority".

This frustrates many fans, and they can only look forward to the next time Da Da is live broadcasting, these two people will also be there, so that they can learn more about Blue Star.

And what are Zhao Hanyuan and Zhang Mingfei who are looking for by everyone doing now?

They are in the small live broadcast room opened by Mu Yan, and Mu Yan is learning how to cook with a small stove.

And this kind of live broadcast room is mutual, that is, the person on the opposite side can see Mu Yan, and Mu Yan can also see the actions of the person on the opposite side, so it is best to use it for face-to-face teaching.

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