Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 96: accident

"It just so happens that you are here, so I won't have to look for you again. What kind of decoration style do you like? Let's make a decision together today, so that the decoration team can start work as soon as possible." He Jingwen suddenly took out a handheld computer, Then call out the decoration renderings of about ten Laifu stores, and let Mu Chen and Mu Yan choose.

"Mu Mu, which one do you like?" Mu Chen asked Mu Yan directly.

He Jingwen was very used to Mu Chen's wife-loving attribute, and he didn't mind, so he directly put the renderings in front of Mu Yan.

There are warm style, dreamy style, and Barot style, which cover almost all decoration styles. Every picture looks very beautiful and individual, and it is difficult to make a choice for a while.

"Ah Chen, which one do you like?" Mu Yan asked.

"What you like is what I like." Mu Chen said directly without thinking, and his love talk skills became brighter and brighter.

Mu Yan's face was flushed, and he quickly put his eyes on the rendering in front of him, and lowered his head, lest he be seen by others.

The longer you spend with them, the more He Jingwen feels how sad it is to be a single dog, because no one will accompany you to bear the critical blows of other people's love, and you can't fight back, you can only bear it passively.

However, fortunately, after getting along so many times, his endurance has been greatly improved.

In the end, the decoration style was decided by Mu Yan, who chose a warm style.

"Don't worry, after one month, I will definitely give you an exactly the same perfect snack bar." He Jingwen said with great emotion, as if he was doing something very, very great.

"By the way, what do you plan to call the snack bar?" He Jingwen asked.

Because of Mu Chen and Mu Yan's laziness, the name of the snack bar in Taohua Village is simply three words "snack bar".

"It's called a snack bar." Mu Yan returned, looking at He Jingwen puzzled, not understanding why he said that.

The corner of He Jingwen's mouth twitched involuntarily, and he said, "Don't you think the word "snack shop" is too simple?"

Of course, this is nothing in the countryside, but in the city, this name is too simple, so you have to think of a tall name, after all, this is the first snack bar in the city.

"I don't think so." Mu Yan blinked and said honestly.

He Jingwen looked directly at Mu Chen, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, your wife doesn't know how to name her, and you won't play around with him, right? Then you come and give her a name.

However, He Jingwen still underestimated how much Mu Chen doted on his wife.

"The snack bar is very image, very good, no need to modify." Mu Chen said


A small smile appeared on Mu Yan's face immediately, and he also felt that these three words were very good, as he could tell what store it was at a glance.

He Jingwen has convinced them, and he no longer struggles with this issue. Fortunately, there is only this snack bar in the world, and no one will misunderstand him by calling him by his name.

But what He Jingwen didn't expect was that even after decades, other snack bars opened one after another, with various names emerging one after another, but when someone said, "Let's go to the snack bar", they still couldn't believe it. Some people will have doubts and misunderstandings, and the first thing everyone thinks of is still the snack bar founded by Mu Yan.

At that time, the word "snack shop" was already synonymous with the small shop opened by Mu Yan. When it comes to other people's shops, it must be "XXX snack shop", but when only the word "snack shop" is mentioned , which means that what you want to go must be Mu Yanming's snacks.

Of course, these are things for later.

"That's the end of this problem. There is one more thing I want to discuss with you. On the day the snack bar opens, I hope that the two of you will come to cook. You also know that the word-of-mouth on the first day of opening is very important. I have never had a snack bar, but there are better ones, which will naturally attract more people to come, and it is also possible to let your apprentices come to cook in the future." He Jingwen said.

"En." Mu Chen replied lightly.

Although there is no other words, He Jingwen is relieved

When the family of three came here, they took the bus, and when they went back, they drove their own car. This day, for Mu Yan, was very magical. I saw many things that I had never seen before, and I was very open. eyesight.

The snack bar is open as usual on this day.

"Little boss..." A customer hesitated to speak to Mu Yan. "What's wrong?" Mu Yan asked puzzled.

The customers who come to the snack bar are basically familiar customers, and everyone is familiar with each other, and they often chat with each other. Suddenly, they find that these customers are awkward, hesitant to speak, and Mu Yan is very uncomfortable.

And there is more than one like this, and the wooden words made are even more confused.

"Did you also hear that rumor? Let me tell you, it's not credible at all, okay? Don't you know what kind of person the little boss is? It's not the first time you've come to eat in the store up.

"A customer finally couldn't stand it anymore, and said to those hesitant customers.

One person opened his mouth, and other people gradually began to discuss it, obviously everyone knew about it.

"That's right, the little boss and the big boss are so kind, they make such delicious things, and they sell them so cheaply, what's your dissatisfaction?"

"Of course we know that the bosses are very good, and we didn't believe the rumors, it's just..." the customer who was hesitant to speak before retorted, his face flushed.

"What happened, can you tell me?" Mu Yan stood aside and listened to their quarrel, but he couldn't understand what happened.

"Little boss, to tell you the truth, there are rumors outside that the steamed stuffed buns and scallion pancakes you sell are all made of nutrition powder, and you deliberately use cheap nutrition powder to make money from everyone. Regarding this rumor, I have always been concerned about it." I never believed it." A young man hurriedly expressed his opinion, and the others immediately echoed.

Only then did Mu Yan understand what happened.

It turned out that there have been rumors about the snack bar in the past few days, and the most common rumors are probably that the snack bar is making black-hearted money.

When the rumors started, no one can tell, but when they heard it, many people already knew it.

Everyone says that the snacks made by Mu Yan are made with the cheapest nutritional powder, and then sold at high prices to people who don’t know, and get huge profits from it

Nutrition powder is available in every family. It used to be a necessity for everyone’s life, so the price is very cheap. Relatively speaking, the price of a steamed stuffed bun is not high, but compared with the cost of nutrition powder, it is still much higher. The families of ordinary people cannot eat every day.

That's why everyone is so excited when rumors become popular.

"The raw material of steamed stuffed bun scallion pancake is indeed nutrition powder." Mu Yan said very sincerely.

In his opinion, these are all things to be taught to everyone in the future, and there is nothing to hide, but he doesn't know how much shock his words caused in the hearts of the people present.

"Little, little boss, what are you talking about?" Some customers didn't want to believe the rumor and struggled to confirm it again.

"Look, the little boss has admitted it. What else do you have to say? Selling the cheapest nutrition powder to us at a high price is simply a black-hearted businessman." Some customers took the opportunity to make trouble.

Before the matter was confirmed, these people didn't dare to say anything. After all, there were still many loyal customers in the snack bar, but now that Mu Yan had admitted it himself, these people started to jump up and down as if fueling the flames.

"I really didn't expect that the delicious buns and scallion pancakes we ate were made of nutrition powder. How could this be possible? I have used various methods to make nutrition powder before, but I can't make such a taste at all. "Some customers were purely surprised that the tasteless nutritional powder could make such delicious buns.

"Little boss, how can you do this, even use the most inferior nutrition powder to make steamed stuffed buns, you are simply lying, liar!"

"A store like this shouldn't exist at all. Who doesn't have nutrition powder at home, and even used nutrition powder to fool us. Unfortunately, I really thought these were some delicious things before."

Some customers were more excited, and their words became more and more ugly. Even some other customers couldn't help frowning.

"Even if it's made with nutrition powder, can you say that the buns made by the little boss are not delicious? Can you make them yourself? Since you can't make them, don't compare them here."

"That's right, since your family has nutrition powder, why haven't I seen you make buns or scallion pancakes before? Since you are so good, don't come to the snack bar in the future."

"These people are so unfamiliar. I haven't seen them before. Could it be that they came here on purpose to find fault?" A customer said suddenly, and others noticed that these people were indeed relatively unfamiliar.

Everyone is from the same village, and they often come to the snack bar to eat. The regular customers are very familiar with each other. Looking at these unfamiliar faces, the more I look at them, the more I feel that they are here to find fault.

"Don't let people tell you if you have done something wrong? This small shop is a black-hearted shop. I will never come here again, and I will let those who are deceived see clearly!" The face-to-face customer choked. arrive.

Mu Yan was caught in the middle, a little at a loss, he rarely encountered such a scene, and didn't know how to react for a while.

Suddenly, Mu Yan felt a hand push him suddenly, he was still in a daze, he didn't notice at all, and he fell straight to the side.

In a daze, he seemed to hear Ah Chen's cry, but the chattering voices around him gradually quieted down.

The customers looked at the little boss who fell on the ground, but they didn't react for a while. Qiuqiu yelled anxiously beside him, and then Mu Chen came striding from the back kitchen, throwing the The collapsed Mu Yan hugged him, and looked around with that icy gaze. The customer who wanted to find fault with him suddenly became quiet, his body was shivering from the cold, and he didn't even dare to take a breath.

Mu Chen didn't pause at all, and left the snack bar directly with Mu Yan in his arms. Zhang Mingfei and others hurriedly comforted the customers present, apologized to everyone, and sent them out. After all, the boss had left. He hasn't graduated yet, so naturally he can't entertain these customers.

Most of the regular customers could understand and be considerate, and they walked out of the shop very consciously, and by the way, they also pulled out those who didn't know what they were interested in, just in time to settle the accounts just now!

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