Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 137: Small Infiltration

Chapter 137: Small Infiltration

The bubble shook, and the shaking intensified by the minute. Soon, the face of an Akko soldier came out of the bubble. Following behind the face was his body. An opening had opened in the bubble. The water in the room madly poured through the opening.

"Enter quickly," I shouted.

The three of us rushed through the bubble gate, entering the underground palace proper. The moment we entered, Old Du and Zhang Bao'er dragged the Akko soldier from the bubble, allowing the opening to instantly close and stopping the flow of water.

Only after the Akko soldier was dragged back did he get a clear look at our faces. He seemed surprised to see us. I noted with astonishment that the gate's armed guards were nowhere to be seen.

"What happened here? Tell us. We tried very hard to return. Tell us everything," roared Zhang Bao'er.

"You're soldiers of the league. We're beneath the sea. How did you get here?" asked the soldier as he looked at Zhang Bao'er fearfully.

"That doesn't matter. Tell me. What happened here?" I asked.

"You're Li Canyue. I know you. The prince ordered me to come check the situation. When I arrived, I saw some light shining outside the gate. I was about to investigate when I lost consciousness," said the soldier.

I knew that Bulu was the reason the soldier had gone unconscious.

"For some reason, my mind went blank," said the soldier.

"Enough about that. We only want to know where the people here have gone to," Zhang Bao'er interrupted impatiently.

"They're all in the inner city's command center," said the trembling soldier.

"Is everyone safe?" I asked.

"Yes. The water can't reach us," said the soldier.

I was relieved to hear that.

"Take us to the command center. We need to see Prince Toruse and the others," said Zhang Bao'er fiercely.

Fear was plastered all over the soldier's face at the demand.

"Don't force him, Bao'er. Let me talk to him," said Old Du, stopping Zhang Bao'er's boorish actions.

Zhang Bao'er continued to grumble, but he stopped pushing the soldier.

"Soldier, I'm Old Du. May I know your name?" asked Old Du politely as he crouched down.

"I'm Baobao," replied the soldier, who calmed slightly.

"What happened here? Why have the guards retreated? What are the prince and the others doing in the command center?" asked Old Du with his previous amiable tone.

"A mutiny happened. Prince Toruse took Principal Sosse, Zhang Xingxing, and the others hostage," replied Baobao.

"What? Mutiny? Aren't we allies? Why did he turn against us?" I asked impatiently.

"I don't know the exact reason, but I heard that it is related to the prince and the throne. I'm only a normal soldier among the royal guards. We are only following our orders," said Baobao.

"All the soldiers are in the command center?" asked Old Du.

"Yes. The prince shortened our defensive perimeter and retreated to the inner city. Everyone else is locked there as well," said Baobao.

"Why didn't they escape instead of staying here? They should have been able to escape when the rain first started falling," I muttered to myself.

"Canyue, the prince has Zhang Xingxing under arrest. We can't go in rashly, or it will only bring them more danger," said Old Du.

I gave it some thought and asked Baobao, "Is there any other path connected to the command center?"

"I know a smaller path leading to the back door. There is only a group of five guarding there," said Baobao.

I nodded at the other two before rubbing Bulu's feeler. I said in my mind, 'Bulu, we'll rely on you.'

"Show us the way. Remember, don't try anything stupid, or we will be forced to do something you don't like," I said to Baobao.

Our prisoner nodded frantically as he stood up and led the way. Soon, we arrived at a street near the inner city. Hiding behind a building, I saw the Akko soldiers around the command center. Instead of having their guns pointed outward, all their guns were pointed inward to prevent the prisoners from escaping.

'Looks like Prince Toruse has taken control over the entire underground army,' I thought.

Baobao brought us along the small path. After going around three groups of armed guards, he pointed at a building ahead of us and said, "There is a group of five armed guards in that building. They're keeping watch over the back door leading to the command center's rest rooms."

Since I had visited the command center before, I was able to recognize the building with one glance. When I recalled that Zhang Xingxing was inside, my blood started churning.

"Brother, you'll have to suffer a bit," said Zhang Bao'er from behind me.

I turned back and saw Zhang Bao'er preparing to tie Baobao up with a rope.

"Wait, listen to me. I can help you," Baobao hurriedly said with his hands raised.

"Bao'er, let him finish his words," I said.

"Sirs, for bringing you here, I should be executed according to the law of the kingdom. I want to help you with your rescue operation, but I also want to leave with you afterward," said Baobao.

I gave it some thought before agreeing. The moment I agreed, Baobao got to work. He took the lead and entered a small building behind the command center. The three of us entered as well and saw him crouched behind a window, waving at us.

Old Du and I immediately bent down and approached the window, leaving Zhang Bao'er in charge of watching the door. Through the window, we could see that the command center's back door was roughly 20 meters away. The door was protected by a small defensive fortification.

"Canyue, we're 20 meters away. Will this be too far for Bulu?" asked Old Du in a low voice.

I looked at Bulu, who was completely still, then nodded to Old Du.

"The moment a shot is fired, everyone will hear it. We must take them down without a sound," said Old Du.

"I can help lure them over," offered Baobao.

I hesitated at his offer, but soon after, I made a decision.

"We don't have much time. This is the best option. I intend to let Baobao try," I said to Old Du.

"Canyue, have you gone mad? How long have you known this fellow? What should we do if he betrays us?" asked Zhang Bao'er, who became worried when he heard my plan.

"My intuition tells me that we can trust Baobao. Let's do it. We don't have much time," I said firmly.

Zhang Bao'er did not insist when he saw how determined I was.

"Baobao, don't bother luring them over. That's too troublesome. Just walk up to them with this backpack," I said.

Baobao had a look of hesitation as he looked at the backpack, to the point even I felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Brother, don't worry. This is merely a mind controller. It's not a bomb," explained Old Du.

Baobao was visibly relieved upon hearing his explanation.

'Why did he think of us as such evil people?' I thought helplessly.

And thus, Baobao carried the backpack with Bulu and walked up to the guards according to our plan. Soon, one of them noticed him and immediately pointed a gun at him. I saw Baobao frantically gesture and talk to the guard. Before long, Baobao was invited into the bunker. He entered, vanishing from view. Time passed, and even after three minutes, Baobao was still nowhere to be seen.

"Canyue, can we trust that guy? I feel like your intuition is wrong this time," said Zhang Bao'er.

Our hearts were beating madly, especially mine. Despite the rich combat experience I had, I still couldn't help but feel nervous. Another three minutes passed, and there was still no response from the bunker and Baobao.

"That fellow must have escaped. We need to move away. This spot is already exposed. All three of us are in danger," said Zhang Bao'er urgently.

"Calm down. I think something odd is going on. I'll go take a look," I said.

"How can you go alone? I'll go with you," said Zhang Bao'er.

"No You two wait here as a precaution. In case something bad happens, not all of us will be captured," I said.

The two agreed to keep watch for me. I opened the door, turned my shield to maximum capacity, and rushed through the street toward the bunker. In front of the bunker, I crouched down and listened. I heard nothing. That was odd, so I stealthily raised my head to take a look inside.

A comical scene entered my vision. The five Akko soldiers and Baobao were all sitting on the ground, hugging each other. The backpack with Bulu in it was left on the ground. I jumped into the bunker and opened the backpack. I could see that some indistinct red stripes had appeared on Bulu's body.

"Bulu must have taken control over all six of them. Release Baobao. He's one of us," I said as I rubbed Bulu's feeler.

I then stood up and signaled Zhang Bao'er and Old Du to come to me. When I crouched down again, Baobao was already awake.

"Was I controlled again just now? My mind was completely blank. I only remember about lunch," said Baobao awkwardly.

"My apologies. It was a misunderstanding. Let's make haste and enter," I said.

Old Du and Zhang Bao'er worked together to tie up the guards and cover their mouths. After everything was done, I rushed forth and tried to open the back door. However, the door was locked. Just as I was thinking of a way to break in, Baobao stepped forth and opened it after the lock identified his palm print. I nodded at Baobao with gratitude as we walked through the door.

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